Revision 65d5762485dfdc3d57f8463ba1852d6526019c70 authored by Jameson Nash on 20 April 2017, 18:42:56 UTC, committed by Jameson Nash on 22 April 2017, 18:58:09 UTC
previously we couldn't reliably tell the difference between a failure to context switch
and an explicitly scheduled error

in the former case, we often need to undo some prior action
by moving the code for the later into Julia,
we can reliably run the necessary undo action when required

fix #21442
1 parent 45092ff
Raw File
// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

  interface to front-end, obtains and translates syntax trees
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef _OS_WINDOWS_
#include <malloc.h>
#include "julia.h"
#include "julia_internal.h"
#include "flisp.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// MSVC complains about " : error C4335: Mac file format
// detected: please convert the source file to either DOS or UNIX format"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4335)

// head symbols for each expression type
jl_sym_t *call_sym;    jl_sym_t *invoke_sym;
jl_sym_t *dots_sym;    jl_sym_t *empty_sym;
jl_sym_t *module_sym;  jl_sym_t *slot_sym;
jl_sym_t *export_sym;  jl_sym_t *import_sym;
jl_sym_t *importall_sym; jl_sym_t *toplevel_sym;
jl_sym_t *quote_sym;   jl_sym_t *amp_sym;
jl_sym_t *top_sym;     jl_sym_t *colons_sym;
jl_sym_t *line_sym;    jl_sym_t *jl_incomplete_sym;
jl_sym_t *goto_sym;    jl_sym_t *goto_ifnot_sym;
jl_sym_t *label_sym;   jl_sym_t *return_sym;
jl_sym_t *lambda_sym;  jl_sym_t *assign_sym;
jl_sym_t *body_sym;    jl_sym_t *globalref_sym;
jl_sym_t *method_sym;  jl_sym_t *core_sym;
jl_sym_t *enter_sym;   jl_sym_t *leave_sym;
jl_sym_t *exc_sym;     jl_sym_t *error_sym;
jl_sym_t *new_sym;     jl_sym_t *using_sym;
jl_sym_t *const_sym;   jl_sym_t *thunk_sym;
jl_sym_t *anonymous_sym;  jl_sym_t *underscore_sym;
jl_sym_t *abstracttype_sym; jl_sym_t *bitstype_sym;
jl_sym_t *compositetype_sym; jl_sym_t *foreigncall_sym;
jl_sym_t *global_sym; jl_sym_t *list_sym;
jl_sym_t *dot_sym;    jl_sym_t *newvar_sym;
jl_sym_t *boundscheck_sym; jl_sym_t *inbounds_sym;
jl_sym_t *copyast_sym; jl_sym_t *fastmath_sym;
jl_sym_t *pure_sym; jl_sym_t *simdloop_sym;
jl_sym_t *meta_sym; jl_sym_t *compiler_temp_sym;
jl_sym_t *inert_sym; jl_sym_t *vararg_sym;
jl_sym_t *unused_sym; jl_sym_t *static_parameter_sym;
jl_sym_t *polly_sym; jl_sym_t *inline_sym;
jl_sym_t *propagate_inbounds_sym;

static uint8_t flisp_system_image[] = {
#include <>

typedef struct _jl_ast_context_list_t {
    struct _jl_ast_context_list_t *next;
    struct _jl_ast_context_list_t **prev;
} jl_ast_context_list_t;

STATIC_INLINE void jl_ast_context_list_insert(jl_ast_context_list_t **head,
                                              jl_ast_context_list_t *node)
    jl_ast_context_list_t *next = *head;
    if (next)
        next->prev = &node->next;
    node->next = next;
    node->prev = head;
    *head = node;

STATIC_INLINE void jl_ast_context_list_delete(jl_ast_context_list_t *node)
    if (node->next)
        node->next->prev = node->prev;
    *node->prev = node->next;

typedef struct _jl_ast_context_t {
    fl_context_t fl;
    fltype_t *jvtype;

    value_t true_sym;
    value_t false_sym;
    value_t error_sym;
    value_t null_sym;
    value_t ssavalue_sym;
    value_t slot_sym;
    jl_ast_context_list_t list;
    int ref;
    jl_task_t *task;
    // use a pointer to a stack slot so that we can detect if
    // `jl_ast_preserve` is called in the wrong context.
    // If `roots` is not NULL, it always points to a rooted stack slot.
    jl_array_t **roots;
} jl_ast_context_t;

static jl_ast_context_t jl_ast_main_ctx;

#define jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx) container_of(fl_ctx, jl_ast_context_t, fl)
#define jl_ast_context_list_item(node)          \
    container_of(node, jl_ast_context_t, list)

#define JL_AST_PRESERVE_PUSH(ctx, _roots, old_roots)    \
    jl_array_t *_roots = NULL;                          \
    jl_array_t **old_roots = ctx->roots;                \
    ctx->roots = &_roots;                               \
#define JL_AST_PRESERVE_POP(ctx, old_roots)     \
    JL_GC_POP();                                \
    ctx->roots = old_roots

static void jl_ast_preserve(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *obj)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx);
    jl_array_t *roots = *ctx->roots;
    if (!roots) {
        roots = *ctx->roots = jl_alloc_vec_any(1);
        jl_array_ptr_set(roots, 0, obj);
    else {
        jl_array_ptr_1d_push(roots, obj);

static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, int expronly);
static value_t julia_to_scm(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *v);

value_t fl_defined_julia_global(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    // tells whether a var is defined in and *by* the current module
    argcount(fl_ctx, "defined-julia-global", nargs, 1);
    jl_module_t *mod = ptls->current_module;
    jl_sym_t *sym = (jl_sym_t*)scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, args[0], 0);
    if (jl_is_globalref(sym)) {
        mod = jl_globalref_mod(sym);
        sym = jl_globalref_name(sym);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(sym))
        type_error(fl_ctx, "defined-julia-global", "symbol", args[0]);
    if (!mod)
        return fl_ctx->F;
    jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)ptrhash_get(&mod->bindings, sym);
    return (b != HT_NOTFOUND && b->owner == mod) ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;

value_t fl_current_julia_module(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    value_t opaque = cvalue(fl_ctx, jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype, sizeof(void*));
    *(jl_value_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(opaque)) = (jl_value_t*)ptls->current_module;
    return opaque;

value_t fl_current_module_counter(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    static uint32_t fallback_counter = 0;
    if (ptls->current_module == NULL)
        return fixnum(++fallback_counter);
        return fixnum(jl_module_next_counter(ptls->current_module));

value_t fl_invoke_julia_macro(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    if (nargs < 1)
        argcount(fl_ctx, "invoke-julia-macro", nargs, 1);
    jl_method_instance_t *mfunc = NULL;
    jl_value_t **margs;
    // Reserve one more slot for the result
    JL_GC_PUSHARGS(margs, nargs + 1);
    int i;
    for(i=1; i < nargs; i++) margs[i] = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, args[i], 1);
    jl_value_t *result = NULL;
    size_t world = jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age;

    JL_TRY {
        margs[0] = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, args[0], 1);
        margs[0] = jl_toplevel_eval(margs[0]);
        mfunc = jl_method_lookup(jl_gf_mtable(margs[0]), margs, nargs, 1, world);
        if (mfunc == NULL) {
            jl_method_error((jl_function_t*)margs[0], margs, nargs, world);
            // unreachable
        margs[nargs] = result = jl_call_method_internal(mfunc, margs, nargs);
    JL_CATCH {
        value_t opaque = cvalue(fl_ctx, jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype, sizeof(void*));
        *(jl_value_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(opaque)) = ptls->exception_in_transit;
        return fl_list2(fl_ctx, jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->error_sym, opaque);
    // protect result from GC, otherwise it could be freed during future
    // macro expansions, since it will be referenced only from scheme and
    // not julia.
    // all calls to invoke-julia-macro happen under `jl_macroexpand`,
    // `jl_expand` or `jl_parse_eval_all` so the preserved array is rooted there.
    assert(result != NULL);
    jl_ast_preserve(fl_ctx, result);
    value_t scm = julia_to_scm(fl_ctx, result);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &scm);
    value_t scmresult;
    jl_module_t *defmod = mfunc->def->module;
    /* if (defmod == NULL || defmod == ptls->current_module) { */
    /*     scmresult = fl_cons(fl_ctx, scm, fl_ctx->F); */
    /* } */
    /* else { */
    value_t opaque = cvalue(fl_ctx, jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype, sizeof(void*));
    *(jl_value_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(opaque)) = (jl_value_t*)defmod;
    scmresult = fl_cons(fl_ctx, scm, opaque);
    /* } */
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);

    return scmresult;

// Check whether v is a scalar for purposes of inlining fused-broadcast
// arguments when lowering; should agree with broadcast.jl on what is a
// scalar.  When in doubt, return false, since this is only an optimization.
value_t fl_julia_scalar(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    argcount(fl_ctx, "julia-scalar?", nargs, 1);
    if (fl_isnumber(fl_ctx, args[0]) || fl_isstring(fl_ctx, args[0]))
        return fl_ctx->T;
    else if (iscvalue(args[0]) && fl_ctx->jl_sym == cv_type((cvalue_t*)ptr(args[0]))) {
        jl_value_t *v = *(jl_value_t**)cptr(args[0]);
        if (jl_isa(v,(jl_value_t*)jl_number_type) || jl_is_string(v))
            return fl_ctx->T;
    return fl_ctx->F;

static const builtinspec_t julia_flisp_ast_ext[] = {
    { "defined-julia-global", fl_defined_julia_global },
    { "invoke-julia-macro", fl_invoke_julia_macro },
    { "current-julia-module", fl_current_julia_module },
    { "current-julia-module-counter", fl_current_module_counter },
    { "julia-scalar?", fl_julia_scalar },
    { NULL, NULL }

static int jl_parse_deperror(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, int err);
static int jl_parse_depwarn_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, int warn);

static void jl_init_ast_ctx(jl_ast_context_t *ast_ctx)
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ast_ctx->fl;
    fl_init(fl_ctx, 4*1024*1024);

    if (fl_load_system_image_str(fl_ctx, (char*)flisp_system_image,
                                 sizeof(flisp_system_image))) {
        jl_error("fatal error loading system image");

    fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 0, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "__init_globals")));

    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype = define_opaque_type(fl_ctx->jl_sym, sizeof(void*), NULL, NULL);
    assign_global_builtins(fl_ctx, julia_flisp_ast_ext);
    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->true_sym = symbol(fl_ctx, "true");
    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->false_sym = symbol(fl_ctx, "false");
    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->error_sym = symbol(fl_ctx, "error");
    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->null_sym = symbol(fl_ctx, "null");
    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->ssavalue_sym = symbol(fl_ctx, "ssavalue");
    jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->slot_sym = symbol(fl_ctx, "slot");

    // Enable / disable syntax deprecation warnings
    if (jl_options.depwarn == JL_OPTIONS_DEPWARN_ERROR)
        jl_parse_deperror(fl_ctx, 1);
        jl_parse_depwarn_(fl_ctx, (int)jl_options.depwarn);

// There should be no GC allocation while holding this lock
static jl_mutex_t flisp_lock;
static jl_ast_context_list_t *jl_ast_ctx_using = NULL;
static jl_ast_context_list_t *jl_ast_ctx_freed = NULL;

static jl_ast_context_t *jl_ast_ctx_enter(void)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_ast_context_list_t *node;
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx;
    // First check if the current task is using one of the contexts
    for (node = jl_ast_ctx_using;node;(node = node->next)) {
        ctx = jl_ast_context_list_item(node);
        if (ctx->task == ptls->current_task) {
            return ctx;
    // If not, grab one from the free list
    if ((node = jl_ast_ctx_freed)) {
        jl_ast_context_list_insert(&jl_ast_ctx_using, node);
        ctx = jl_ast_context_list_item(node);
        ctx->ref = 1;
        ctx->task = ptls->current_task;
        ctx->roots = NULL;
        return ctx;
    // Construct a new one if we can't find any
    ctx = (jl_ast_context_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(jl_ast_context_t));
    // ctx->roots is NULL already due to calloc.
    ctx->ref = 1;
    ctx->task = ptls->current_task;
    node = &ctx->list;
    jl_ast_context_list_insert(&jl_ast_ctx_using, node);
    return ctx;

static void jl_ast_ctx_leave(jl_ast_context_t *ctx)
    if (--ctx->ref)
    ctx->task = NULL;
    jl_ast_context_list_t *node = &ctx->list;
    jl_ast_context_list_insert(&jl_ast_ctx_freed, node);

void jl_init_frontend(void)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    if (jl_ast_ctx_using || jl_ast_ctx_freed)
    jl_ast_main_ctx.ref = 1;
    jl_ast_main_ctx.task = ptls->current_task;
    jl_ast_context_list_insert(&jl_ast_ctx_using, &jl_ast_main_ctx.list);
    // To match the one in jl_ast_ctx_leave

    empty_sym = jl_symbol("");
    call_sym = jl_symbol("call");
    invoke_sym = jl_symbol("invoke");
    foreigncall_sym = jl_symbol("foreigncall");
    quote_sym = jl_symbol("quote");
    inert_sym = jl_symbol("inert");
    top_sym = jl_symbol("top");
    core_sym = jl_symbol("core");
    globalref_sym = jl_symbol("globalref");
    line_sym = jl_symbol("line");
    jl_incomplete_sym = jl_symbol("incomplete");
    error_sym = jl_symbol("error");
    goto_sym = jl_symbol("goto");
    goto_ifnot_sym = jl_symbol("gotoifnot");
    label_sym = jl_symbol("label");
    return_sym = jl_symbol("return");
    lambda_sym = jl_symbol("lambda");
    module_sym = jl_symbol("module");
    export_sym = jl_symbol("export");
    import_sym = jl_symbol("import");
    using_sym = jl_symbol("using");
    importall_sym = jl_symbol("importall");
    assign_sym = jl_symbol("=");
    body_sym = jl_symbol("body");
    colons_sym = jl_symbol("::");
    method_sym = jl_symbol("method");
    exc_sym = jl_symbol("the_exception");
    enter_sym = jl_symbol("enter");
    leave_sym = jl_symbol("leave");
    new_sym = jl_symbol("new");
    const_sym = jl_symbol("const");
    global_sym = jl_symbol("global");
    thunk_sym = jl_symbol("thunk");
    anonymous_sym = jl_symbol("anonymous");
    underscore_sym = jl_symbol("_");
    amp_sym = jl_symbol("&");
    abstracttype_sym = jl_symbol("abstract_type");
    bitstype_sym = jl_symbol("bits_type");
    compositetype_sym = jl_symbol("composite_type");
    toplevel_sym = jl_symbol("toplevel");
    dot_sym = jl_symbol(".");
    boundscheck_sym = jl_symbol("boundscheck");
    inbounds_sym = jl_symbol("inbounds");
    fastmath_sym = jl_symbol("fastmath");
    newvar_sym = jl_symbol("newvar");
    copyast_sym = jl_symbol("copyast");
    simdloop_sym = jl_symbol("simdloop");
    pure_sym = jl_symbol("pure");
    meta_sym = jl_symbol("meta");
    dots_sym = jl_symbol("...");
    list_sym = jl_symbol("list");
    unused_sym = jl_symbol("#unused#");
    slot_sym = jl_symbol("slot");
    static_parameter_sym = jl_symbol("static_parameter");
    compiler_temp_sym = jl_symbol("#temp#");
    polly_sym = jl_symbol("polly");
    inline_sym = jl_symbol("inline");
    propagate_inbounds_sym = jl_symbol("propagate_inbounds");

JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_lisp_prompt(void)
    // Make `--lisp` sigatomic in order to avoid triggering the sigint safepoint.
    // We don't have our signal handler registered in that case anyway...
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    JL_AST_PRESERVE_PUSH(ctx, roots, old_roots);
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "__start")), fl_cons(fl_ctx, fl_ctx->NIL,fl_ctx->NIL));
    JL_AST_PRESERVE_POP(ctx, old_roots);

JL_DLLEXPORT void fl_show_profile(void)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 0, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "show-profiles")));

JL_DLLEXPORT void fl_clear_profile(void)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 0, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "clear-profiles")));

JL_DLLEXPORT void fl_profile(const char *fname)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "profile-e")), symbol(fl_ctx, fname));

static jl_sym_t *scmsym_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t s)
    if (fl_isgensym(fl_ctx, s)) {
        char gsname[16];
        char *n = uint2str(&gsname[1], sizeof(gsname)-1,
                           ((gensym_t*)ptr(s))->id, 10);
        *(--n) = '#';
        return jl_symbol(n);
    return jl_symbol(symbol_name(fl_ctx, s));

static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, int expronly);

static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, int expronly)
    jl_value_t *v = NULL;
    JL_TRY {
        v = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx, e, expronly);
    JL_CATCH {
        // if expression cannot be converted, replace with error expr
        jl_expr_t *ex = jl_exprn(error_sym, 1);
        v = (jl_value_t*)ex;
        jl_array_ptr_set(ex->args, 0, jl_cstr_to_string("invalid AST"));
    return v;

extern int64_t conv_to_int64(void *data, numerictype_t tag);

static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, int eo)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    if (fl_isnumber(fl_ctx, e)) {
        int64_t i64;
        if (isfixnum(e)) {
            i64 = numval(e);
        else {
            cprim_t *cp = (cprim_t*)ptr(e);
            numerictype_t nt = cp_numtype(cp);
            switch (nt) {
            case T_DOUBLE:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_float64(*(double*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_FLOAT:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_float32(*(float*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT8:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint8(*(uint8_t*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT16:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint16(*(uint16_t*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT32:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint32(*(uint32_t*)cp_data(cp));
            case T_UINT64:
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_uint64(*(uint64_t*)cp_data(cp));
            i64 = conv_to_int64(cp_data(cp), nt);
#ifdef _P64
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_int64(i64);
        if (i64 > (int64_t)S32_MAX || i64 < (int64_t)S32_MIN)
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_int64(i64);
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_int32((int32_t)i64);
    if (issymbol(e)) {
        if (e == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->true_sym)
            return jl_true;
        else if (e == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->false_sym)
            return jl_false;
        return (jl_value_t*)scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, e);
    if (fl_isstring(fl_ctx, e))
        return jl_pchar_to_string((char*)cvalue_data(e), cvalue_len(e));
    if (iscons(e) || e == fl_ctx->NIL) {
        value_t hd;
        jl_sym_t *sym;
        if (e == fl_ctx->NIL) {
            hd = e;
        else {
            hd = car_(e);
            if (hd == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->ssavalue_sym)
                return jl_box_ssavalue(numval(car_(cdr_(e))));
            else if (hd == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->slot_sym)
                return jl_box_slotnumber(numval(car_(cdr_(e))));
            else if (hd == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->null_sym && llength(e) == 1)
                return jl_nothing;
        if (issymbol(hd))
            sym = scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, hd);
            sym = list_sym;
        size_t n = llength(e)-1;
        if (issymbol(hd))
            e = cdr_(e);
        if (!eo) {
            if (sym == line_sym && n==1) {
                jl_value_t *linenum = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx, car_(e), 0);
                jl_value_t *temp = jl_new_struct(jl_linenumbernode_type, linenum);
                return temp;
            jl_value_t *scmv = NULL, *temp = NULL;
            if (sym == label_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_labelnode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == goto_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_gotonode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == inert_sym || (sym == quote_sym && (!iscons(car_(e))))) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_quotenode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == top_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_module_globalref(jl_base_relative_to(ptls->current_module), (jl_sym_t*)scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == core_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_module_globalref(jl_core_module, (jl_sym_t*)scmv);
                return temp;
            if (sym == globalref_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(cdr_(e)),0);
                temp = jl_module_globalref((jl_module_t*)scmv, (jl_sym_t*)temp);
                return temp;
            if (sym == newvar_sym) {
                scmv = scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx,car_(e),0);
                temp = jl_new_struct(jl_newvarnode_type, scmv);
                return temp;
        else if (sym == inert_sym && !iscons(car_(e))) {
            sym = quote_sym;
        jl_value_t *ex = (jl_value_t*)jl_exprn(sym, n);
        // allocate a fresh args array for empty exprs passed to macros
        if (eo && n == 0) {
            ((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args = jl_alloc_vec_any(0);
            jl_gc_wb(ex, ((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args);
        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
            jl_array_ptr_set(((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args, i, scm_to_julia_(fl_ctx, car_(e), eo));
            e = cdr_(e);
        if (sym == lambda_sym)
            ex = (jl_value_t*)jl_new_code_info_from_ast((jl_expr_t*)ex);
        if (sym == list_sym)
            return (jl_value_t*)((jl_expr_t*)ex)->args;
        return (jl_value_t*)ex;
    if (iscprim(e) && cp_class((cprim_t*)ptr(e)) == fl_ctx->wchartype) {
        return jl_box32(jl_char_type, *(int32_t*)cp_data((cprim_t*)ptr(e)));
    if (iscvalue(e) && cv_class((cvalue_t*)ptr(e)) == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype) {
        return *(jl_value_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(e));
    jl_error("malformed tree");

    return jl_nothing;

static value_t julia_to_scm_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *v);

static value_t julia_to_scm(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *v)
    value_t temp;
    // need try/catch to reset GC handle stack in case of error
    FL_TRY_EXTERN(fl_ctx) {
        temp = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, v);
    FL_CATCH_EXTERN(fl_ctx) {
        temp = fl_ctx->lasterror;
    return temp;

static void array_to_list(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_array_t *a, value_t *pv)
    if (jl_array_len(a) > 300000)
        lerror(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "expression too large");
    value_t temp;
    for(long i=jl_array_len(a)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        *pv = fl_cons(fl_ctx, fl_ctx->NIL, *pv);
        temp = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, jl_array_ptr_ref(a,i));
        // note: must be separate statement
        car_(*pv) = temp;

static value_t julia_to_list2(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b)
    value_t sa = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, a);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &sa);
    value_t sb = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, b);
    value_t l = fl_list2(fl_ctx, sa, sb);
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    return l;

static value_t julia_to_scm_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *v)
    if (v == NULL)
        lerror(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "undefined reference in AST");
    if (jl_is_symbol(v))
        return symbol(fl_ctx, jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)v));
    if (v == jl_true)
        return jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->true_sym;
    if (v == jl_false)
        return jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->false_sym;
    if (v == jl_nothing)
        return fl_cons(fl_ctx, jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->null_sym, fl_ctx->NIL);
    if (jl_is_expr(v)) {
        jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)v;
        value_t args = fl_ctx->NIL;
        fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &args);
        array_to_list(fl_ctx, ex->args, &args);
        value_t hd = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)ex->head);
        if (ex->head == lambda_sym && jl_expr_nargs(ex)>0 && jl_is_array(jl_exprarg(ex,0))) {
            value_t llist = fl_ctx->NIL;
            fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &llist);
            array_to_list(fl_ctx, (jl_array_t*)jl_exprarg(ex,0), &llist);
            car_(args) = llist;
            fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
        value_t scmv = fl_cons(fl_ctx, hd, args);
        fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
        return scmv;
    // GC Note: jl_fieldref(v, 0) allocate for LabelNode, GotoNode
    //          but we don't need a GC root here because julia_to_list2
    //          shouldn't allocate in this case.
    if (jl_typeis(v, jl_labelnode_type))
        return julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)label_sym, jl_fieldref(v,0));
    if (jl_typeis(v, jl_linenumbernode_type))
        return julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)line_sym, jl_fieldref(v,0));
    if (jl_typeis(v, jl_gotonode_type))
        return julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)goto_sym, jl_fieldref(v,0));
    if (jl_typeis(v, jl_quotenode_type))
        return julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)inert_sym, jl_fieldref(v,0));
    if (jl_typeis(v, jl_newvarnode_type))
        return julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)newvar_sym, jl_fieldref(v,0));
    if (jl_typeis(v, jl_globalref_type)) {
        jl_module_t *m = jl_globalref_mod(v);
        jl_sym_t *sym = jl_globalref_name(v);
        if (m == jl_core_module)
            return julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)core_sym,
        value_t args = julia_to_list2(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)m, (jl_value_t*)sym);
        fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &args);
        value_t hd = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, (jl_value_t*)globalref_sym);
        value_t scmv = fl_cons(fl_ctx, hd, args);
        fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
        return scmv;
    if (jl_is_long(v) && fits_fixnum(jl_unbox_long(v)))
        return fixnum(jl_unbox_long(v));
    if (jl_is_ssavalue(v))
        lerror(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "SSAValue objects should not occur in an AST");
    if (jl_is_slot(v))
        lerror(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "Slot objects should not occur in an AST");
    value_t opaque = cvalue(fl_ctx, jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype, sizeof(void*));
    *(jl_value_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(opaque)) = v;
    return opaque;

// this is used to parse a line of repl input
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_parse_input_line(const char *str, size_t len, const char *filename, size_t filename_len)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    value_t s = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, str, len);
    value_t files = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, filename, filename_len);
    value_t e = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 2, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-string")), s, files);
    jl_value_t *res = e == fl_ctx->FL_EOF ? jl_nothing : scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, e, 0);
    return res;

// this is for parsing one expression out of a string, keeping track of
// the current position.
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_parse_string(const char *str, size_t len,
                                         int pos0, int greedy)
    if (pos0 < 0 || pos0 > len) {
        jl_array_t *buf = jl_pchar_to_array(str, len);
        // jl_bounds_error roots the arguments.
        jl_bounds_error((jl_value_t*)buf, jl_box_long(pos0));
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    value_t s = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, str, len);
    value_t p = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 3, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-one-string")),
                          s, fixnum(pos0), greedy?fl_ctx->T:fl_ctx->F);
    jl_value_t *expr=NULL, *pos1=NULL;
    JL_GC_PUSH2(&expr, &pos1);

    value_t e = car_(p);
    if (e == fl_ctx->FL_EOF)
        expr = jl_nothing;
        expr = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, e, 0);

    pos1 = jl_box_long(tosize(fl_ctx, cdr_(p),"parse"));
    jl_value_t *result = (jl_value_t*)jl_svec2(expr, pos1);
    return result;

// parse and eval a whole file, possibly reading from a string (`content`)
jl_value_t *jl_parse_eval_all(const char *fname,
                              const char *content, size_t contentlen)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    if (ptls->in_pure_callback)
        jl_error("cannot use include inside a generated function");
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    value_t f, ast;
    size_t len = strlen(fname);
    f = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, fname, len);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &f);
    if (content != NULL) {
        value_t t = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, content, contentlen);
        fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &t);
        ast = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 2, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-string-stream")), t, f);
        fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    else {
        assert(memchr(fname, 0, len) == NULL); // was checked already in jl_load
        ast = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-file")), f);
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    if (ast == fl_ctx->F) {
        jl_errorf("could not open file %s", fname);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &ast);

    int last_lineno = jl_lineno;
    const char *last_filename = jl_filename;
    size_t last_age = jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age;
    jl_lineno = 0;
    jl_filename = fname;
    jl_array_t *roots = NULL;
    jl_array_t **old_roots = ctx->roots;
    ctx->roots = &roots;
    jl_value_t *form=NULL, *result=jl_nothing;
    int err = 0;
    JL_GC_PUSH3(&roots, &form, &result);
    JL_TRY {
        assert(iscons(ast) && car_(ast) == symbol(fl_ctx,"toplevel"));
        ast = cdr_(ast);
        while (iscons(ast)) {
            value_t expansion;
                expansion = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-expand-to-thunk")), car_(ast));
            jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter;
            form = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, expansion, 0);
            jl_sym_t *head = NULL;
            if (jl_is_expr(form)) head = ((jl_expr_t*)form)->head;
            jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter;
            if (head == jl_incomplete_sym)
                jl_errorf("syntax: %s", jl_string_data(jl_exprarg(form,0)));
            else if (head == error_sym)
            else if (head == line_sym)
                jl_lineno = jl_unbox_long(jl_exprarg(form,0));
            else if (jl_is_linenode(form))
                jl_lineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
                result = jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 1, 1);
            ast = cdr_(ast);
    JL_CATCH {
        form = jl_pchar_to_string(fname, len);
        result = jl_box_long(jl_lineno);
        err = 1;
    jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = last_age;
    jl_lineno = last_lineno;
    jl_filename = last_filename;
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    ctx->roots = old_roots;
    if (err) {
        if (jl_loaderror_type == NULL)
            jl_rethrow_other(jl_new_struct(jl_loaderror_type, form, result,
    return result;

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_load_file_string(const char *text, size_t len,
                                             char *filename)
    return jl_parse_eval_all(filename, text, len);

JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_parse_depwarn(int warn)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    int res = jl_parse_depwarn_(&ctx->fl, warn);
    return res;

static int jl_parse_depwarn_(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, int warn)
    value_t prev = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parser-depwarn")),
                             warn ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F);
    return prev == fl_ctx->T ? 1 : 0;

static int jl_parse_deperror(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, int err)
    value_t prev = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parser-deperror")),
                             err ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F);
    return prev == fl_ctx->T ? 1 : 0;

// returns either an expression or a thunk
jl_value_t *jl_call_scm_on_ast(const char *funcname, jl_value_t *expr)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    JL_AST_PRESERVE_PUSH(ctx, roots, old_roots);
    value_t arg = julia_to_scm(fl_ctx, expr);
    value_t e = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, funcname)), arg);
    jl_value_t *result = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, e, 0);
    JL_AST_PRESERVE_POP(ctx, old_roots);
    return result;

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_expand(jl_value_t *expr)
    return jl_call_scm_on_ast("jl-expand-to-thunk", expr);

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_macroexpand(jl_value_t *expr)
    return jl_call_scm_on_ast("jl-macroexpand", expr);

// wrap expr in a thunk AST
jl_code_info_t *jl_wrap_expr(jl_value_t *expr)
    // `(lambda () (() () () ()) ,expr)
    jl_expr_t *le=NULL, *bo=NULL; jl_value_t *vi=NULL;
    jl_value_t *mt = jl_an_empty_vec_any;
    jl_code_info_t *src = NULL;
    JL_GC_PUSH4(&le, &vi, &bo, &src);
    le = jl_exprn(lambda_sym, 3);
    jl_array_ptr_set(le->args, 0, mt);
    vi = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_vec_any(4);
    jl_array_ptr_set(vi, 0, mt);
    jl_array_ptr_set(vi, 1, mt);
    // front end always wraps toplevel exprs with ssavalues in (thunk (lambda () ...))
    jl_array_ptr_set(vi, 2, jl_box_long(0));
    jl_array_ptr_set(vi, 3, mt);
    jl_array_ptr_set(le->args, 1, vi);
    if (!jl_is_expr(expr) || ((jl_expr_t*)expr)->head != body_sym) {
        bo = jl_exprn(body_sym, 1);
        jl_array_ptr_set(bo->args, 0, (jl_value_t*)jl_exprn(return_sym, 1));
        jl_array_ptr_set(((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(bo,0))->args, 0, expr);
        expr = (jl_value_t*)bo;
    jl_array_ptr_set(le->args, 2, expr);
    src = jl_new_code_info_from_ast(le);
    return src;

// syntax tree accessors

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_copy_ast(jl_value_t *expr)
    if (expr == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    else if (jl_is_expr(expr)) {
        jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)expr;
        size_t i, l = jl_array_len(e->args);
        jl_expr_t *ne = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&ne, &expr);
        ne = jl_exprn(e->head, l);
        if (l == 0) {
            ne->args = jl_alloc_vec_any(0);
            jl_gc_wb(ne, ne->args);
        else {
            for(i=0; i < l; i++) {
                jl_exprargset(ne, i, jl_copy_ast(jl_exprarg(e,i)));
        return (jl_value_t*)ne;
    else if (jl_typeis(expr,jl_array_any_type)) {
        jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)expr;
        size_t i, l = jl_array_len(a);
        jl_array_t *na = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&na, &expr);
        na = jl_alloc_vec_any(l);
        for(i=0; i < l; i++)
            jl_array_ptr_set(na, i, jl_copy_ast(jl_array_ptr_ref(a,i)));
        return (jl_value_t*)na;
    return expr;

JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_is_operator(char *sym)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    int res = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "operator?")), symbol(fl_ctx, sym)) == fl_ctx->T;
    return res;

JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_operator_precedence(char *sym)
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    int res = numval(fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "operator-precedence")), symbol(fl_ctx, sym)));
    return res;

int jl_has_meta(jl_array_t *body, jl_sym_t *sym)
    size_t i, l = jl_array_len(body);
    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        jl_expr_t *stmt = (jl_expr_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(body, i);
        if (jl_is_expr((jl_value_t*)stmt) && stmt->head == meta_sym) {
            size_t i, l = jl_array_len(stmt->args);
            for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
                if (jl_array_ptr_ref(stmt->args, i) == (jl_value_t*)sym)
                    return 1;
    return 0;

#ifdef __cplusplus
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