Revision 65d5762485dfdc3d57f8463ba1852d6526019c70 authored by Jameson Nash on 20 April 2017, 18:42:56 UTC, committed by Jameson Nash on 22 April 2017, 18:58:09 UTC
previously we couldn't reliably tell the difference between a failure to context switch
and an explicitly scheduled error

in the former case, we often need to undo some prior action
by moving the code for the later into Julia,
we can reliably run the necessary undo action when required

fix #21442
1 parent 45092ff
Raw File
// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

// This is in implementation of the Julia intrinsic functions against boxed types
// excluding the native function call interface (ccall, llvmcall)
// this file assumes a little-endian processor, although that isn't too hard to fix
// it also assumes two's complement negative numbers, which might be a bit harder to fix
// TODO: add half-float support

#include "julia.h"
#include "julia_internal.h"
#include "APInt-C.h"

const unsigned int host_char_bit = 8;

// run time version of bitcast intrinsic
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_bitcast(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *v)
    JL_TYPECHK(bitcast, datatype, ty);
    if (!jl_is_leaf_type(ty) || !jl_is_primitivetype(ty))
        jl_error("bitcast: target type not a leaf primitive type");
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(jl_typeof(v)))
        jl_error("bitcast: value not a primitive type");
    if (jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(v)) != jl_datatype_size(ty))
        jl_error("bitcast: argument size does not match size of target type");
    if (ty == jl_typeof(v))
        return v;
    if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type)
        return *(uint8_t*)jl_data_ptr(v) & 1 ? jl_true : jl_false;
    return jl_new_bits(ty, jl_data_ptr(v));

// run time version of pointerref intrinsic (warning: i is not rooted)
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pointerref(jl_value_t *p, jl_value_t *i, jl_value_t *align)
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerref, pointer, p);
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerref, long, i)
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerref, long, align);
    // TODO: alignment
    jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(p));
    if (ety == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) {
        jl_value_t **pp = (jl_value_t**)(jl_unbox_long(p) + (jl_unbox_long(i)-1)*sizeof(void*));
        return *pp;
    else {
        if (!jl_is_datatype(ety))
            jl_error("pointerref: invalid pointer");
        size_t nb = LLT_ALIGN(jl_datatype_size(ety), ((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout->alignment);
        char *pp = (char*)jl_unbox_long(p) + (jl_unbox_long(i)-1)*nb;
        return jl_new_bits(ety, pp);

// run time version of pointerset intrinsic (warning: x is not gc-rooted)
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pointerset(jl_value_t *p, jl_value_t *x, jl_value_t *i, jl_value_t *align)
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerset, pointer, p);
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerset, long, i);
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerref, long, align);
    // TODO: alignment
    jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(p));
    if (ety == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) {
        jl_value_t **pp = (jl_value_t**)(jl_unbox_long(p) + (jl_unbox_long(i)-1)*sizeof(void*));
        *pp = x;
    else {
        if (!jl_is_datatype(ety))
            jl_error("pointerset: invalid pointer");
        size_t nb = LLT_ALIGN(jl_datatype_size(ety), ((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout->alignment);
        char *pp = (char*)jl_unbox_long(p) + (jl_unbox_long(i)-1)*nb;
        if (jl_typeof(x) != ety)
            jl_error("pointerset: type mismatch in assign");
        jl_assign_bits(pp, x);
    return p;

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_cglobal(jl_value_t *v, jl_value_t *ty)
    JL_TYPECHK(cglobal, type, ty);
    jl_value_t *rt =
        v == (jl_value_t*)jl_void_type ? (jl_value_t*)jl_voidpointer_type : // a common case
            (jl_value_t*)jl_apply_type1((jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type, ty);

    if (!jl_is_leaf_type(rt))
        jl_error("cglobal: type argument not a leaftype");

    if (jl_is_tuple(v) && jl_nfields(v) == 1)
        v = jl_fieldref(v, 0);

    if (jl_is_pointer(v))
        return jl_bitcast(rt, v);

    char *f_lib = NULL;
    if (jl_is_tuple(v) && jl_nfields(v) > 1) {
        jl_value_t *t1 = jl_fieldref(v, 1);
        v = jl_fieldref(v, 0);
        if (jl_is_symbol(t1))
            f_lib = jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)t1);
        else if (jl_is_string(t1))
            f_lib = jl_string_data(t1);
            JL_TYPECHK(cglobal, symbol, t1)

    char *f_name = NULL;
    if (jl_is_symbol(v))
        f_name = jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)v);
    else if (jl_is_string(v))
        f_name = jl_string_data(v);
        JL_TYPECHK(cglobal, symbol, v)

#ifdef _OS_WINDOWS_
    if (!f_lib)
        f_lib = (char*)jl_dlfind_win32(f_name);

    void *ptr = jl_dlsym(jl_get_library(f_lib), f_name);
    jl_value_t *jv = jl_gc_alloc_1w();
    jl_set_typeof(jv, rt);
    *(void**)jl_data_ptr(jv) = ptr;
    return jv;

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_cglobal_auto(jl_value_t *v) {
    return jl_cglobal(v, (jl_value_t*)jl_void_type);

static inline char signbitbyte(void *a, unsigned bytes)
    // sign bit of an signed number of n bytes, as a byte
    return (((signed char*)a)[bytes - 1] < 0) ? ~0 : 0;

static inline char usignbitbyte(void *a, unsigned bytes)
    // sign bit of an unsigned number
    return 0;

static inline unsigned select_by_size(unsigned sz)
    /* choose the right sized function specialization */
    switch (sz) {
    default: return 0;
    case  1: return 1;
    case  2: return 2;
    case  4: return 3;
    case  8: return 4;
    case 16: return 5;

#define SELECTOR_FUNC(intrinsic) \
    typedef intrinsic##_t select_##intrinsic##_t[6]; \
    static inline intrinsic##_t select_##intrinsic(unsigned sz, const select_##intrinsic##_t list) \
    { \
        intrinsic##_t thunk = list[select_by_size(sz)]; \
        if (!thunk) thunk = list[0]; \
        return thunk; \

#define fp_select(a, func) \
    sizeof(a) == sizeof(float) ? func##f((float)a) : func(a)
#define fp_select2(a, b, func) \
    sizeof(a) == sizeof(float) ? func##f(a, b) : func(a, b)

// fast-function generators //

// integer input
// OP::Function macro(input)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define un_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, nbits, c_type) \
static inline void jl_##name##nbits(unsigned runtime_nbits, void *pa, void *pr) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    *(c_type*)pr = OP(a); \

// integer input, unsigned output
// OP::Function macro(input)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define uu_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, nbits, c_type) \
static inline unsigned jl_##name##nbits(unsigned runtime_nbits, void *pa) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    return OP(a); \

// floating point
// OP::Function macro(output pointer, input)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits in the *input*
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define un_fintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, c_type) \
static inline void name(unsigned osize, void *pa, void *pr) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    OP((c_type*)pr, a); \

// float or integer inputs
// OP::Function macro(inputa, inputb)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, nbits, c_type) \
static void jl_##name##nbits(unsigned runtime_nbits, void *pa, void *pb, void *pr) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    c_type b = *(c_type*)pb; \
    *(c_type*)pr = (c_type)OP(a, b); \

// float or integer inputs, bool output
// OP::Function macro(inputa, inputb)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, nbits, c_type) \
static int jl_##name##nbits(unsigned runtime_nbits, void *pa, void *pb) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    c_type b = *(c_type*)pb; \
    return OP(a, b); \

// integer inputs, with precondition test
// OP::Function macro(inputa, inputb)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define checked_intrinsic_ctype(CHECK_OP, OP, name, nbits, c_type) \
static int jl_##name##nbits(unsigned runtime_nbits, void *pa, void *pb, void *pr) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    c_type b = *(c_type*)pb; \
    if (CHECK_OP(a, b)) \
        return 1; \
    *(c_type*)pr = (c_type)OP(a, b); \
    return 0; \

// float inputs
// OP::Function macro(inputa, inputb, inputc)
// name::unique string
// nbits::number of bits
// c_type::c_type corresponding to nbits
#define ter_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, nbits, c_type) \
static void jl_##name##nbits(unsigned runtime_nbits, void *pa, void *pb, void *pc, void *pr) \
{ \
    c_type a = *(c_type*)pa; \
    c_type b = *(c_type*)pb; \
    c_type c = *(c_type*)pc; \
    *(c_type*)pr = (c_type)OP(a, b, c); \

// unary operator generator //

typedef void (*intrinsic_1_t)(unsigned, void*, void*);
#define un_iintrinsic(name, u) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a) \
{ \
    return jl_iintrinsic_1(jl_typeof(a), a, #name, u##signbitbyte, jl_intrinsiclambda_ty1, name##_list); \
#define un_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMOP, OP, name, u) \
un_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 8, u##int##8_t) \
un_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 16, u##int##16_t) \
un_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, u##int##32_t) \
un_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, u##int##64_t) \
static const select_intrinsic_1_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP, \
    jl_##name##8, \
    jl_##name##16, \
    jl_##name##32, \
    jl_##name##64, \
}; \
un_iintrinsic(name, u)
#define un_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMOP, name, u) \
static const select_intrinsic_1_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP \
}; \
un_iintrinsic(name, u)

typedef unsigned (*intrinsic_u1_t)(unsigned, void*);
#define uu_iintrinsic(name, u) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a) \
{ \
    return jl_iintrinsic_1(jl_typeof(a), a, #name, u##signbitbyte, jl_intrinsiclambda_u1, name##_list); \
#define uu_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMOP, OP, name, u) \
uu_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 8, u##int##8_t) \
uu_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 16, u##int##16_t) \
uu_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, u##int##32_t) \
uu_iintrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, u##int##64_t) \
static const select_intrinsic_u1_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP, \
    jl_##name##8, \
    jl_##name##16, \
    jl_##name##32, \
    jl_##name##64, \
}; \
uu_iintrinsic(name, u)
#define uu_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMOP, name, u) \
static const select_intrinsic_u1_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP \
}; \
uu_iintrinsic(name, u)

static inline
jl_value_t *jl_iintrinsic_1(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *a, const char *name,
                            char (*getsign)(void*, unsigned),
                            jl_value_t *(*lambda1)(jl_value_t*, void*, unsigned, unsigned, const void*), const void *list)
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(jl_typeof(a)))
        jl_errorf("%s: value is not a primitive type", name);
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty))
        jl_errorf("%s: type is not a primitive type", name);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a);
    unsigned isize = jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(a));
    unsigned isize2 = next_power_of_two(isize);
    unsigned osize = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    unsigned osize2 = next_power_of_two(osize);
    if (isize2 > osize2)
        osize2 = isize2;
    if (osize2 > isize || isize2 > isize) {
        /* if needed, round type up to a real c-type and set/clear the unused bits */
        void *pa2;
        pa2 = alloca(osize2);
        /* TODO: this memcpy assumes little-endian,
         * for big-endian, need to align the copy to the other end */ \
        memcpy(pa2, pa, isize);
        memset((char*)pa2 + isize, getsign(pa, isize), osize2 - isize);
        pa = pa2;
    jl_value_t *newv = lambda1(ty, pa, osize, osize2, list);
    if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type)
        return *(uint8_t*)jl_data_ptr(newv) & 1 ? jl_true : jl_false;
    return newv;

static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsiclambda_ty1(jl_value_t *ty, void *pa, unsigned osize, unsigned osize2, const void *voidlist)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, jl_datatype_size(ty), ty);
    intrinsic_1_t op = select_intrinsic_1(osize2, (const intrinsic_1_t*)voidlist);
    op(osize * host_char_bit, pa, jl_data_ptr(newv));
    return newv;

static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsiclambda_u1(jl_value_t *ty, void *pa, unsigned osize, unsigned osize2, const void *voidlist)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, jl_datatype_size(ty), ty);
    intrinsic_u1_t op = select_intrinsic_u1(osize2, (const intrinsic_u1_t*)voidlist);
    unsigned cnt = op(osize * host_char_bit, pa);
    // TODO: the following memset/memcpy assumes little-endian
    // for big-endian, need to copy from the other end of cnt
    if (osize > sizeof(unsigned)) {
        // perform zext, if needed
        memset((char*)jl_data_ptr(newv) + sizeof(unsigned), 0, osize - sizeof(unsigned));
        osize = sizeof(unsigned);
    memcpy(jl_data_ptr(newv), &cnt, osize);
    return newv;

// conversion operator

typedef void (*intrinsic_cvt_t)(unsigned, void*, unsigned, void*);
typedef unsigned (*intrinsic_cvt_check_t)(unsigned, unsigned, void*);
#define cvt_iintrinsic_checked(LLVMOP, check_op, name) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *a) \
{ \
    return jl_intrinsic_cvt(ty, a, #name, LLVMOP, check_op); \
#define cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMOP, name) \
    cvt_iintrinsic_checked(LLVMOP, NULL, name) \

static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsic_cvt(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *a, const char *name, intrinsic_cvt_t op, intrinsic_cvt_check_t check_op)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_value_t *aty = jl_typeof(a);
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(aty))
        jl_errorf("%s: value is not a primitive type", name);
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty))
        jl_errorf("%s: type is not a primitive type", name);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a);
    unsigned isize = jl_datatype_size(aty);
    unsigned osize = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    if (check_op && check_op(isize, osize, pa))
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, jl_datatype_size(ty), ty);
    op(aty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type ? 1 : isize * host_char_bit, pa,
            osize * host_char_bit, jl_data_ptr(newv));
    if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type)
        return *(uint8_t*)jl_data_ptr(newv) & 1 ? jl_true : jl_false;
    return newv;

// floating point

#define un_fintrinsic_withtype(OP, name) \
un_fintrinsic_ctype(OP, jl_##name##32, float) \
un_fintrinsic_ctype(OP, jl_##name##64, double) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *a) \
{ \
    return jl_fintrinsic_1(ty, a, #name, jl_##name##32, jl_##name##64); \

#define un_fintrinsic(OP, name) \
un_fintrinsic_withtype(OP, name##_withtype) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a) \
{ \
    return jl_##name##_withtype(jl_typeof(a), a); \

typedef void (fintrinsic_op1)(unsigned, void*, void*);

static inline jl_value_t *jl_fintrinsic_1(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *a, const char *name, fintrinsic_op1 *floatop, fintrinsic_op1 *doubleop)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(jl_typeof(a)))
        jl_errorf("%s: value is not a primitive type", name);
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty))
        jl_errorf("%s: type is not a primitive type", name);
    unsigned sz2 = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, sz2, ty);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pr = jl_data_ptr(newv);
    unsigned sz = jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(a));
    switch (sz) {
    /* choose the right size c-type operation based on the input */
    case 4:
        floatop(sz2 * host_char_bit, pa, pr);
    case 8:
        doubleop(sz2 * host_char_bit, pa, pr);
        jl_errorf("%s: runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64", name);
    return newv;

// binary operator generator //

// integer

typedef void (*intrinsic_2_t)(unsigned, void*, void*, void*);
#define bi_iintrinsic(name, u, cvtb) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b) \
{ \
    return jl_iintrinsic_2(a, b, #name, u##signbitbyte, jl_intrinsiclambda_2, name##_list, cvtb); \
#define bi_iintrinsic_cnvtb_fast(LLVMOP, OP, name, u, cvtb) \
bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 8, u##int##8_t) \
bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 16, u##int##16_t) \
bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, u##int##32_t) \
bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, u##int##64_t) \
static const select_intrinsic_2_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP, \
    jl_##name##8, \
    jl_##name##16, \
    jl_##name##32, \
    jl_##name##64, \
}; \
bi_iintrinsic(name, u, cvtb)
#define bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMOP, OP, name, u) \
    bi_iintrinsic_cnvtb_fast(LLVMOP, OP, name, u, 0)

typedef int (*intrinsic_cmp_t)(unsigned, void*, void*);
#define cmp_iintrinsic(name, u) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b) \
{ \
    return jl_iintrinsic_2(a, b, #name, u##signbitbyte, jl_intrinsiclambda_cmp, name##_list, 0); \
#define bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMOP, OP, name, u) \
bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 8, u##int##8_t) \
bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 16, u##int##16_t) \
bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, u##int##32_t) \
bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, u##int##64_t) \
static const select_intrinsic_cmp_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP, \
    jl_##name##8, \
    jl_##name##16, \
    jl_##name##32, \
    jl_##name##64, \
}; \
cmp_iintrinsic(name, u)

typedef int (*intrinsic_checked_t)(unsigned, void*, void*, void*);
#define checked_iintrinsic(name, u, lambda_checked) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b) \
{ \
    return jl_iintrinsic_2(a, b, #name, u##signbitbyte, lambda_checked, name##_list, 0); \
#define checked_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMOP, CHECK_OP, OP, name, u) \
checked_intrinsic_ctype(CHECK_OP, OP, name, 8, u##int##8_t) \
checked_intrinsic_ctype(CHECK_OP, OP, name, 16, u##int##16_t) \
checked_intrinsic_ctype(CHECK_OP, OP, name, 32, u##int##32_t) \
checked_intrinsic_ctype(CHECK_OP, OP, name, 64, u##int##64_t) \
static const select_intrinsic_checked_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP, \
    jl_##name##8, \
    jl_##name##16, \
    jl_##name##32, \
    jl_##name##64, \
}; \
checked_iintrinsic(name, u, jl_intrinsiclambda_checked)
#define checked_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMOP, name, u) \
static const select_intrinsic_checked_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP \
}; \
checked_iintrinsic(name, u, jl_intrinsiclambda_checked)
#define checked_iintrinsic_div(LLVMOP, name, u) \
static const select_intrinsic_checked_t name##_list = { \
    LLVMOP \
}; \
checked_iintrinsic(name, u, jl_intrinsiclambda_checkeddiv)

static inline
jl_value_t *jl_iintrinsic_2(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b, const char *name,
                            char (*getsign)(void*, unsigned),
                            jl_value_t *(*lambda2)(jl_value_t*, void*, void*, unsigned, unsigned, const void*),
                            const void *list, int cvtb)
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a);
    jl_value_t *tyb = jl_typeof(b);
    if (tyb != ty) {
        if (!cvtb)
            jl_errorf("%s: types of a and b must match", name);
        if (!jl_is_primitivetype(tyb))
            jl_errorf("%s: b is not a primitive type", name);
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty))
        jl_errorf("%s: a is not a primitive type", name);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pb = jl_data_ptr(b);
    unsigned sz = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    unsigned sz2 = next_power_of_two(sz);
    unsigned szb = jl_datatype_size(tyb);
    if (sz2 > sz) {
        /* round type up to the appropriate c-type and set/clear the unused bits */
        void *pa2 = alloca(sz2);
        memcpy(pa2, pa, sz);
        memset((char*)pa2 + sz, getsign(pa, sz), sz2 - sz);
        pa = pa2;
    if (sz2 > szb) {
        /* round type up to the appropriate c-type and set/clear/truncate the unused bits */
        void *pb2 = alloca(sz2);
        memcpy(pb2, pb, szb);
        memset((char*)pb2 + szb, getsign(pb, sz), sz2 - szb);
        pb = pb2;
    jl_value_t *newv = lambda2(ty, pa, pb, sz, sz2, list);
    return newv;

static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsiclambda_2(jl_value_t *ty, void *pa, void *pb, unsigned sz, unsigned sz2, const void *voidlist)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, jl_datatype_size(ty), ty);
    intrinsic_2_t op = select_intrinsic_2(sz2, (const intrinsic_2_t*)voidlist);
    op(sz * host_char_bit, pa, pb, jl_data_ptr(newv));
    if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type)
        return *(uint8_t*)jl_data_ptr(newv) & 1 ? jl_true : jl_false;
    return newv;

static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsiclambda_cmp(jl_value_t *ty, void *pa, void *pb, unsigned sz, unsigned sz2, const void *voidlist)
    intrinsic_cmp_t op = select_intrinsic_cmp(sz2, (const intrinsic_cmp_t*)voidlist);
    int cmp = op(sz * host_char_bit, pa, pb);
    return cmp ? jl_true : jl_false;

static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsiclambda_checked(jl_value_t *ty, void *pa, void *pb, unsigned sz, unsigned sz2, const void *voidlist)
    jl_value_t *params[2];
    params[0] = ty;
    params[1] = (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type;
    jl_datatype_t *tuptyp = jl_apply_tuple_type_v(params,2);
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, ((jl_datatype_t*)tuptyp)->size, tuptyp);

    intrinsic_checked_t op = select_intrinsic_checked(sz2, (const intrinsic_checked_t*)voidlist);
    int ovflw = op(sz * host_char_bit, pa, pb, jl_data_ptr(newv));

    char *ao = (char*)jl_data_ptr(newv) + sz;
    *ao = (char)ovflw;
    return newv;
static inline jl_value_t *jl_intrinsiclambda_checkeddiv(jl_value_t *ty, void *pa, void *pb, unsigned sz, unsigned sz2, const void *voidlist)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, jl_datatype_size(ty), ty);
    intrinsic_checked_t op = select_intrinsic_checked(sz2, (const intrinsic_checked_t*)voidlist);
    int ovflw = op(sz * host_char_bit, pa, pb, jl_data_ptr(newv));
    if (ovflw)
    if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type)
        return *(uint8_t*)jl_data_ptr(newv) & 1 ? jl_true : jl_false;

    return newv;

// floating point

#define bi_fintrinsic(OP, name) \
    bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, float) \
    bi_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, double) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b) \
{ \
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();\
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a); \
    if (jl_typeof(b) != ty) \
        jl_error(#name ": types of a and b must match"); \
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty)) \
        jl_error(#name ": values are not primitive types"); \
    int sz = jl_datatype_size(ty); \
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, sz, ty);          \
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pb = jl_data_ptr(b), *pr = jl_data_ptr(newv); \
    switch (sz) { \
    /* choose the right size c-type operation */ \
    case 4: \
        jl_##name##32(32, pa, pb, pr); \
        break; \
    case 8: \
        jl_##name##64(64, pa, pb, pr); \
        break; \
    default: \
        jl_error(#name ": runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64"); \
    } \
    return newv; \

#define bool_fintrinsic(OP, name) \
    bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, float) \
    bool_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, double) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b) \
{ \
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a); \
    if (jl_typeof(b) != ty) \
        jl_error(#name ": types of a and b must match"); \
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty)) \
        jl_error(#name ": values are not primitive types"); \
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pb = jl_data_ptr(b); \
    int sz = jl_datatype_size(ty); \
    int cmp; \
    switch (sz) { \
    /* choose the right size c-type operation */ \
    case 4: \
        cmp = jl_##name##32(32, pa, pb); \
        break; \
    case 8: \
        cmp = jl_##name##64(64, pa, pb); \
        break; \
    default: \
        jl_error(#name ": runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64"); \
    } \
    return cmp ? jl_true : jl_false; \

#define ter_fintrinsic(OP, name) \
    ter_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 32, float) \
    ter_intrinsic_ctype(OP, name, 64, double) \
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_##name(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b, jl_value_t *c) \
{ \
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();\
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a); \
    if (jl_typeof(b) != ty || jl_typeof(c) != ty) \
        jl_error(#name ": types of a, b, and c must match"); \
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty)) \
        jl_error(#name ": values are not primitive types"); \
    int sz = jl_datatype_size(ty);                                      \
    jl_value_t *newv = jl_gc_alloc(ptls, sz, ty);                       \
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pb = jl_data_ptr(b), *pc = jl_data_ptr(c), *pr = jl_data_ptr(newv); \
    switch (sz) { \
    /* choose the right size c-type operation */ \
    case 4: \
        jl_##name##32(32, pa, pb, pc, pr); \
        break; \
    case 8: \
        jl_##name##64(64, pa, pb, pc, pr); \
        break; \
    default: \
        jl_error(#name ": runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64"); \
    } \
    return newv; \

// arithmetic
#define neg(a) -a
#define neg_float(pr, a) *pr = -a
un_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMNeg, neg, neg_int, u)
#define add(a,b) a + b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMAdd, add, add_int, u)
#define sub(a,b) a - b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMSub, sub, sub_int, u)
#define mul(a,b) a * b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMMul, mul, mul_int, u)
#define div(a,b) a / b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMSDiv, div, sdiv_int,  )
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMUDiv, div, udiv_int, u)
#define rem(a,b) a % b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMSRem, rem, srem_int,  )
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMURem, rem, urem_int, u)
#define smod(a,b) ((a < 0) == (b < 0)) ? a % b : (b + (a % b)) % b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(jl_LLVMSMod, smod, smod_int,  )
#define frem(a, b) \
    fp_select2(a, b, fmod)


// ternary operators //
#define fma(a, b, c) \
    sizeof(a) == sizeof(float) ? fmaf(a, b, c) : fma(a, b, c)
#define muladd(a, b, c) a * b + c

// same-type comparisons
#define eq(a,b) a == b
bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMICmpEQ, eq, eq_int, u)
#define ne(a,b) a != b
bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMICmpNE, ne, ne_int, u)
#define lt(a,b) a < b
bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMICmpSLT, lt, slt_int,  )
bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMICmpULT, lt, ult_int, u)
#define le(a,b) a <= b
bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMICmpSLE, le, sle_int,  )
bool_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMICmpULE, le, ule_int, u)

typedef union {
    float f;
    int32_t d;
    uint32_t ud;
} bits32;
typedef union {
    double f;
    int64_t d;
    uint64_t ud;
} bits64;

#define fpiseq_n(c_type, nbits) \
static inline int fpiseq##nbits(c_type a, c_type b) { \
    bits##nbits ua, ub; \
    ua.f = a; \
    ub.f = b; \
    return (isnan(a) && isnan(b)) || ua.d == ub.d; \
fpiseq_n(float, 32)
fpiseq_n(double, 64)
#define fpiseq(a,b) \
    sizeof(a) == sizeof(float) ? fpiseq32(a, b) : fpiseq64(a, b)

#define fpislt_n(c_type, nbits) \
static inline int fpislt##nbits(c_type a, c_type b) { \
    bits##nbits ua, ub; \
    ua.f = a; \
    ub.f = b; \
    if (!isnan(a) && isnan(b)) \
        return 1; \
    if (isnan(a) || isnan(b)) \
        return 0; \
    if (ua.d >= 0 && ua.d < ub.d) \
        return 1; \
    if (ua.d < 0 && ua.ud > ub.ud) \
        return 1; \
    return 0; \
fpislt_n(float, 32)
fpislt_n(double, 64)
#define fpislt(a, b) \
    sizeof(a) == sizeof(float) ? fpislt32(a, b) : fpislt64(a, b)


// bitwise operators
#define and_op(a,b) a & b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMAnd, and_op, and_int, u)
#define or_op(a,b) a | b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMOr, or_op, or_int, u)
#define xor_op(a,b) a ^ b
bi_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMXor, xor_op, xor_int, u)
#define shl_op(a,b) b >= 8 * sizeof(a) ? 0 : a << b
bi_iintrinsic_cnvtb_fast(LLVMShl, shl_op, shl_int, u, 1)
#define lshr_op(a,b) (b >= 8 * sizeof(a)) ? 0 : a >> b
bi_iintrinsic_cnvtb_fast(LLVMLShr, lshr_op, lshr_int, u, 1)
#define ashr_op(a,b) \
        /* if ((signed)a > 0) [in two's complement] ? ... : ...) */ \
        (a >> (host_char_bit * sizeof(a) - 1)) ? ~(b >= 8 * sizeof(a) ? 0 : (~a) >> b) : (b >= 8 * sizeof(a) ? 0 : a >> b)
bi_iintrinsic_cnvtb_fast(LLVMAShr, ashr_op, ashr_int, u, 1)
//#define bswap_op(a) __builtin_bswap(a)
//un_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMByteSwap, bswap_op, bswap_int, u)
un_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMByteSwap, bswap_int, u)
//#define ctpop_op(a) __builtin_ctpop(a)
//uu_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMCountPopulation, ctpop_op, ctpop_int, u)
uu_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMCountPopulation, ctpop_int, u)
//#define ctlz_op(a) __builtin_ctlz(a)
//uu_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMCountLeadingZeros, ctlz_op, ctlz_int, u)
uu_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMCountLeadingZeros, ctlz_int, u)
//#define cttz_op(a) __builtin_cttz(a)
//uu_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMCountTrailingZeros, cttz_op, cttz_int, u)
uu_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMCountTrailingZeros, cttz_int, u)
#define not_op(a) ~a
un_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMFlipAllBits, not_op, not_int, u)

// conversions
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMTrunc, trunc_int)
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMSExt, sext_int)
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMZExt, zext_int)
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMSItoFP, sitofp)
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMUItoFP, uitofp)
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMFPtoSI, fptosi)
cvt_iintrinsic(LLVMFPtoUI, fptoui)

#define fpcvt(pr, a) \
        if (osize == 32) \
            *(float*)pr = a; \
        else if (osize == 64) \
            *(double*)pr = a; \
        else \
            jl_error("fptrunc/fpext: runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64");

// checked conversion
static inline int all_eq(char *p, char n, char v)
    // computes p[0:n] == v
    while (n--)
        if (*p++ != v)
            return 0;
    return 1;
static unsigned check_trunc_sint(unsigned isize, unsigned osize, void *pa)
    return !all_eq((char*)pa + osize, isize - osize, signbitbyte(pa, isize)); // TODO: assumes little-endian
cvt_iintrinsic_checked(LLVMTrunc, check_trunc_sint, checked_trunc_sint)
static unsigned check_trunc_uint(unsigned isize, unsigned osize, void *pa)
    return !all_eq((char*)pa + osize, isize - osize, 0); // TODO: assumes little-endian
cvt_iintrinsic_checked(LLVMTrunc, check_trunc_uint, checked_trunc_uint)

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_check_top_bit(jl_value_t *a)
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a);
    if (!jl_is_primitivetype(ty))
        jl_error("check_top_bit: value is not a primitive type");
    if (signbitbyte(jl_data_ptr(a), jl_datatype_size(ty)))
    return a;

// checked arithmetic
#define check_sadd_int(a,b) \
        /* this test is a reduction of (b > 0) ? (a + b > typemax(a)) : (a + b < typemin(a)) ==> overflow \
         * where (a - a) == (typeof(a))0 */ \
        (b > 0) ? (a > ~((a - a + 1) << (8 * sizeof(a) - 1)) - b) : (a < ((a - a + 1) << (8 * sizeof(a) - 1)) - b)
checked_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMAdd_sov, check_sadd_int, add, checked_sadd_int,  )
#define check_uadd_int(a,b) \
        /* this test checks for (a + b) > typemax(a) ==> overflow */ \
        a >= -b
checked_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMAdd_uov, check_uadd_int, add, checked_uadd_int, u)
#define check_ssub_int(a,b) check_sadd_int(a,-b)
checked_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMSub_sov, check_ssub_int, sub, checked_ssub_int,  )
#define check_usub_int(a,b) \
        /* this test checks for (a - b) < 0 ==> overflow */ \
        a < b
checked_iintrinsic_fast(LLVMSub_uov, check_usub_int, sub, checked_usub_int, u)
checked_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMMul_sov, checked_smul_int,  )
checked_iintrinsic_slow(LLVMMul_uov, checked_umul_int, u)

checked_iintrinsic_div(LLVMDiv_sov, checked_sdiv_int,  )
checked_iintrinsic_div(LLVMDiv_uov, checked_udiv_int, u)
checked_iintrinsic_div(LLVMRem_sov, checked_srem_int,  )
checked_iintrinsic_div(LLVMRem_uov, checked_urem_int, u)

// functions
#define flipsign(a, b) \
        (b >= 0) ? a : -a
bi_iintrinsic_fast(jl_LLVMFlipSign, flipsign, flipsign_int,  )
#define abs_float(pr, a) *pr = fp_select(a, fabs)
#define ceil_float(pr, a) *pr = fp_select(a, ceil)
#define floor_float(pr, a) *pr = fp_select(a, floor)
#define trunc_float(pr, a) *pr = fp_select(a, trunc)
#define rint_float(pr, a) *pr = fp_select(a, rint)
#define sqrt_float(pr, a) \
        if (a < 0) \
            jl_throw(jl_domain_exception); \
        *pr = fp_select(a, sqrt)
#define copysign_float(a, b) \
        fp_select2(a, b, copysign)


JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_select_value(jl_value_t *isfalse, jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b)
    JL_TYPECHK(isfalse, bool, isfalse);
    return (isfalse == jl_false ? b : a);

JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arraylen(jl_value_t *a)
    JL_TYPECHK(arraylen, array, a);
    return jl_box_long(jl_array_len((jl_array_t*)a));
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