Revision 6812206a8004c21de28965df966dfb82b3160bf3 authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 20:50:50 UTC, committed by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 20:50:50 UTC
1 parent f590bdd
Tip revision: 6812206a8004c21de28965df966dfb82b3160bf3 authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 20:50:50 UTC
modify readme.
modify readme.
Tip revision: 6812206
clear all; close all;
S1 = read_off_shape('');
S2 = read_off_shape('');
S1 = compute_laplacian_basis(S1, 3);
S2 = compute_laplacian_basis(S2, 752);
samp = 17:15:752;
error1 = zeros(length(samp), 1);
error2 = error1;
for k = 1:length(samp)
Phi2 = S2.evecs(:, 1:samp(k));
C = Phi2\S1.evecs;
H = Phi2'*S1.A*Phi2;
[e,v] = eig(diag(S2.evals(1:samp(k))),H);
e = e*diag(1./sqrt(diag(e'*H*e)));
[v, order] = sort(diag(v));
e = e(:,order);
C2 = (Phi2*e)\S1.evecs;
[~, match1] = icp_refine(S1.evecs, Phi2, C, 0);
[~, match2] = icp_refine(S1.evecs, Phi2*e, C2, 0);
% compute overall error with respect to the two recovery methods
error1(k) = sqrt(sum(sum((S1.Pts - S1.Pts(match1, :)).^2, 2)));
error2(k) = sqrt(sum(sum((S1.Pts - S1.Pts(match2, :)).^2, 2)));
plot(samp, error1, '-b','LineWidth',2);
hold on;
plot(samp, error2, '-r', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
scatter(samp, error1, 50, 'filled');
hold on;
scatter(samp, error2, 50, 'filled');
xlabel('Number of eigenfunctions used in the target shape');
ylabel('Recovery error');
legend('Without a change of basis', 'With a change of basis', 'Location', 'east');
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