Revision 681816cedf610ebc2e90d2fd499a57b8d3fac83a authored by Jishnu Bhattacharya on 14 January 2024, 15:03:44 UTC, committed by GitHub on 14 January 2024, 15:03:44 UTC
This is an attempt at resolving Since each LAPACK
function generally has a specific meaning attached to a positive error
code, this PR tries to specialize `chklapackerror` for the caller to
throw a more informative error instead of a `LAPACKException`. For
julia> U = UpperTriangular([1 2; 0 0])
2×2 UpperTriangular{Int64, Matrix{Int64}}:
 1  2
 ⋅  0

julia> inv(U)
ERROR: SingularException(2)
Currently, I've only specialized it for `trtrs!`, but if this seems
reasonable, I'll add others.

Functions to be implemented:

- [ ] `gbtrf`
- [ ] `gbtrs`
- [ ] `gebal!`
- [ ] `gebak!`
- [ ] `gebrd!`
- [ ] `gelqf!`
- [ ] `geqlf!`
- [ ] `geqp3!`
- [ ] `geqrt!`
- [ ] `geqrt3!`
- [ ] `geqrf!`
- [ ] `gerqf!`
- [ ] `getrf!`
- [ ] `tzrzf!`
- [ ] `ormrz!`
- [ ] `gels!`
- [ ] `gesv!`
- [ ] `getrs!`
- [ ] `getri!`
- [ ] `gesvx!`
- [ ] `gelsd!`
- [ ] `gelsy!`
- [ ] `gglse!`
- [ ] `geev!`
- [ ] `gesdd!`
- [ ] `gesvd!`
- [ ] `ggsvd!`
- [ ] `ggsvd3!`
- [ ] `geevx!`
- [ ] `ggev!`
- [ ] `ggev3!`
- [ ] `gtsv!`
- [ ] `gttrf!`
- [ ] `gttrs!`
- [ ] `orglq!`
- [ ] `orgqr!`
- [ ] `orgql!`
- [ ] `orgrq!`
- [ ] `ormlq!`
- [ ] `ormqr!`
- [ ] `ormql!`
- [ ] `ormrq!`
- [ ] `gemqrt!`
- [ ] `potrs!`
- [ ] `ptsv!`
- [ ] `pttrf!`
- [ ] `pttrs!`
- [ ] `trtri!`
- [x] `trtrs!`
- [ ] `trcon!`
- [ ] `trevc!`
- [ ] `trrfs!`
- [ ] `stev!`
- [ ] `stebz!`
- [ ] `stegr!`
- [ ] `stein!`
- [ ] `syconv!`
- [ ] `sytrs!`
- [ ] `sytrs_rook!`
- [ ] `syconvf_rook!`
- [ ] `hesv!`
- [ ] `hetri!`
- [ ] `hetrs!`
- [ ] `hesv_rook!`
- [ ] `hetri_rook!`
- [ ] `hetrs_rook!`
- [ ] `sytri!`
- [ ] `sytri_rook!`
- [ ] `syconvf_rook!`
- [ ] `syev!`
- [ ] `syevr!`
- [ ] `syevd!`
- [ ] `bdsqr!`
- [ ] `bdsdc!`
- [ ] `gecon!`
- [ ] `gehrd!`
- [ ] `orghr!`
- [ ] `ormhr!`
- [ ] `hseqr!`
- [ ] `hetrd!`
- [ ] `ormtr!`
- [ ] `gees!`
- [ ] `gges!`
- [ ] `gges3!`
- [ ] `trexc!`
- [ ] `trsen!`
- [ ] `tgsen!`
- [ ] `trsyl!`
1 parent eadec43
Raw File
Tip revision: 681816cedf610ebc2e90d2fd499a57b8d3fac83a authored by Jishnu Bhattacharya on 14 January 2024, 15:03:44 UTC
[WIP] Specialize `chklapackerror` to improve error messages (#51645)
Tip revision: 681816c
SRCDIR := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
include $(JULIAHOME)/
include $(JULIAHOME)/stdlib/

# set some influential environment variables
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH := $(build_prefix)/share/julia
export JULIA_LOAD_PATH := @stdlib
unexport JULIA_PROJECT :=
unexport JULIA_BINDIR :=

export JULIA_FALLBACK_REPL := true

default: release
release: all-release
debug: all-debug
all: release debug

	mkdir -p $@

	@$(call PRINT_JULIA, $(call spawn,$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE)) --startup-file=no -e '@show Base.DEPOT_PATH')

all-release: $(addprefix cache-release-, $(STDLIBS))
all-debug:   $(addprefix cache-debug-, $(STDLIBS))

define stdlib_builder
ifneq ($(filter $(1),$(INDEPENDENT_STDLIBS)),)
# Define target-specific export for `JULIA_CPU_TARGET`
$$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.release.image: export JULIA_CPU_TARGET=$(JULIA_CPU_TARGET)
$$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.debug.image: export JULIA_CPU_TARGET=$(JULIA_CPU_TARGET)

$$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.release.image: $$($1_SRCS) $$(addsuffix .release.image,$$(addprefix $$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/,$2)) $(build_private_libdir)/sys.$(SHLIB_EXT)
	@$$(call PRINT_JULIA, $$(call spawn,$$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE)) --startup-file=no --check-bounds=yes -e 'Base.compilecache(Base.identify_package("$1"))')
	@$$(call PRINT_JULIA, $$(call spawn,$$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE)) --startup-file=no -e 'Base.compilecache(Base.identify_package("$1"))')
	touch $$@
$$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.debug.image: $$($1_SRCS) $$(addsuffix .debug.image,$$(addprefix $$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/,$2)) $(build_private_libdir)/sys-debug.$(SHLIB_EXT)
	@$$(call PRINT_JULIA, $$(call spawn,$$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE)) --startup-file=no --check-bounds=yes -e 'Base.compilecache(Base.identify_package("$1"))')
	@$$(call PRINT_JULIA, $$(call spawn,$$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE)) --startup-file=no -e 'Base.compilecache(Base.identify_package("$1"))')
	touch $$@
ifneq ($(filter $(1),$(STDLIBS_WITHIN_SYSIMG)),)
	touch $$@
	touch $$@
cache-release-$1: $$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.release.image
cache-debug-$1: $$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.debug.image
.SECONDARY: $$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.release.image $$(BUILDDIR)/stdlib/$1.debug.image

# no dependencies
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,MozillaCACerts_jll,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,ArgTools,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Artifacts,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Base64,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,CRC32c,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,FileWatching,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Libdl,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Logging,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Mmap,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,NetworkOptions,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,SHA,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Serialization,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Sockets,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Unicode,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Profile,))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,StyledStrings,))

# 1-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,GMP_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LLVMLibUnwind_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibUV_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibUnwind_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,MbedTLS_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,nghttp2_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,OpenLibm_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,PCRE2_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Zlib_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,dSFMT_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,libLLVM_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,libblastrampoline_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,p7zip_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,OpenBLAS_jll,Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Markdown,Base64))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Printf,Unicode))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Random,SHA))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Tar,ArgTools,SHA))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,DelimitedFiles,Mmap))

# 2-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LLD_jll,Zlib_jll libLLVM_jll Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibSSH2_jll,Artifacts Libdl MbedTLS_jll))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,MPFR_jll,Artifacts Libdl GMP_jll))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LinearAlgebra,Libdl libblastrampoline_jll OpenBLAS_jll))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Dates,Printf))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Distributed,Random Serialization Sockets))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Future,Random))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,UUIDs,Random SHA))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,InteractiveUtils,Markdown))

 # 3-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibGit2_jll,MbedTLS_jll LibSSH2_jll Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibCURL_jll,LibSSH2_jll nghttp2_jll MbedTLS_jll Zlib_jll Artifacts Libdl))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,REPL,InteractiveUtils Markdown Sockets Unicode))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,SharedArrays,Distributed Mmap Random Serialization))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,TOML,Dates))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Test,Logging Random Serialization InteractiveUtils))

# 4-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibGit2,LibGit2_jll NetworkOptions Printf SHA Base64))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LibCURL,LibCURL_jll MozillaCACerts_jll))

# 5-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Downloads,ArgTools FileWatching LibCURL NetworkOptions))

# 6-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Pkg, Artifacts Dates Downloads FileWatching LibGit2 Libdl\
								  Logging Markdown Printf REPL Random SHA Serialization\
								  TOML Tar UUIDs p7zip_jll))

# 7-depth packages
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,LazyArtifacts,Artifacts Pkg))

$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,SparseArrays,Libdl LinearAlgebra Random Serialization))
$(eval $(call stdlib_builder,Statistics,LinearAlgebra SparseArrays))
# SuiteSparse_jll
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