Revision 68e29d8a3c35bc44d4e3a1fa6f73183b731f8dae authored by HE ZHANG on 24 May 2018, 14:17:30 UTC, committed by HE ZHANG on 24 May 2018, 14:17:30 UTC
1 parent d3336ba
Data loaderv and processer
import tensorflow as tf
"""global parameters"""
num_trajPoints = 12 #number of trajectory points
num_trajUnit_noSpeed = 6 #number of trajectory units: Position X,Z; Direction X,Z; Velocity X,Z;
num_trajUnit_speed = 7 #number of trajectory units: Position X,Z; Direction X,Z; Velocity X,Z; Speed
num_jointUnit = 12 #number of joint units: PositionXYZ Rotation VelocityXYZ
#get the velocity of joints, desired velocity and style
def getDogFVSS(data, index_joint, num_styles):
trajectoryUnit = num_trajUnit_speed + num_styles
trajectoryNeurons = trajectoryUnit* num_trajPoints
bone0 = index_joint[0] * num_jointUnit + trajectoryNeurons
bone1 = index_joint[1] * num_jointUnit + trajectoryNeurons
bone2 = index_joint[2] * num_jointUnit + trajectoryNeurons
bone3 = index_joint[3] * num_jointUnit + trajectoryNeurons
style_start = trajectoryUnit * 6
gating_input = tf.concat([data[...,bone0+9:bone0+12],
axis = -1)
input_size_gt = 4*3+1+num_styles
return gating_input, input_size_gt
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