Revision 69b0f9dca8eb051f132725ecc679fe1997246e50 authored by Adrian Baddeley on 18 January 2006, 21:47:25 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 18 January 2006, 21:47:25 UTC
1 parent cb2215f
Raw File
#    util.S    miscellaneous utilities
#    $Revision: 1.9 $    $Date: 2005/07/27 06:32:39 $
#  (a) for matrices only:
#    matrowany(X) is equivalent to apply(X, 1, any)
#    matrowall(X) "   "  " "  "  " apply(X, 1, all)
#    matcolany(X) "   "  " "  "  " apply(X, 2, any)
#    matcolall(X) "   "  " "  "  " apply(X, 2, all)
#  (b) for 3D arrays only:
#    apply23sum(X)  "  "   "  " apply(X, c(2,3), sum)
#  (c) weighted histogram
#    whist()
#  (d) for matrices:
#    matrixsample()
#           subsamples or supersamples a matrix
matrowsum <- function(x) {
  x %*% rep(1, ncol(x))

matcolsum <- function(x) {
  rep(1, nrow(x)) %*% x
matrowany <- function(x) {
  (matrowsum(x) > 0)

matrowall <- function(x) {
  (matrowsum(x) == ncol(x))

matcolany <- function(x) {
  (matcolsum(x) > 0)

matcolall <- function(x) {
  (matcolsum(x) == nrow(x))

    # hm, this is SLOWER

apply23sum <- function(x) {
  dimx <- dim(x)
  if(length(dimx) != 3)
    stop("x is not a 3D array")
  result <- array(0, dimx[-1])

  nz <- dimx[3]
  for(k in 1:nz) {
    result[,k] <- matcolsum(x[,,k])
#    whist      weighted histogram

whist <-
  function(x, breaks, weights) {
      h <- hist(x, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE,probability=FALSE)$counts
    else {
      # Thanks to Peter Dalgaard
      cell <- cut(x, breaks, include.lowest=TRUE)
      h <- tapply(weights, cell, sum)
      h[] <- 0

#   matrixsample         subsample or supersample a matrix

matrixsample <- function(mat, newdim, phase=c(0,0)) {
  olddim <- dim(mat)
  oldlength <- prod(olddim)
  if(all(olddim >= newdim) && all(olddim %% newdim == 0)) {
    # new matrix is periodic subsample of old matrix
    ratio <- olddim/newdim
    phase <- pmin(pmax(phase, 0), ratio-1)
    ii <- seq(1+phase[1], olddim[1], by=ratio[1])
    jj <- seq(1+phase[2], olddim[2], by=ratio[2])
  } else if(all(olddim <= newdim) && all(newdim %% olddim == 0)) {
    # new matrix is repetition of old matrix
    ratio <- newdim/olddim
    replicate.rows <- function(m, nrep, l=length(m)) {
      matrix(rep(m, rep(nrep, l)), nrow(m) * nrep, ncol(m))
    mrow <- replicate.rows(mat, ratio[1], oldlength)
    mfinal <- t(replicate.rows(t(mrow), ratio[2], oldlength * ratio[1]))
  } else {
    # general case
    newmat <- matrix(, newdim[1], newdim[2])
    newrow <- row(newmat)
    newcol <- col(newmat)
    oldrow <- phase[1] + ceiling((newrow * olddim[1])/newdim[1])
    oldcol <- phase[2] + ceiling((newcol * olddim[2])/newdim[2])
    oldrow[oldrow < 1] <- 1
    oldrow[oldrow > olddim[1]] <- olddim[1]
    oldcol[oldcol < 1] <- 1
    oldcol[oldcol > olddim[2]] <- olddim[2]
    newmat <- matrix(mat[cbind(as.vector(oldrow), as.vector(oldcol))],
                     newdim[1], newdim[2])

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