Revision 6a88c934b3f78ff0a213b88a04e6e7e6efa6df3d authored by David C Sterratt on 06 January 2017, 14:37:31 UTC, committed by David C Sterratt on 06 January 2017, 14:37:31 UTC
1 parent 9aa8f57
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Tip revision: 6a88c934b3f78ff0a213b88a04e6e7e6efa6df3d authored by David C Sterratt on 06 January 2017, 14:37:31 UTC
Added pulling of aclocal
Tip revision: 6a88c93
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[left=1in,right=1in,top=1in,bottom=1in]{geometry}

#+TITLE: Notes on NEURON rxd interface and KappaNEURON implementation

* =generalisedReaction= variables and methods to be implemented in KappaNEURON [6/6]
- This needs KappaNEURON to provide methods for any code in loops in
  which =_all_reactions= is iterated over.

** =generalizedReaction._update_indices()=
- Sets up:
  - =self._indices_dict= :: Mapping from species onto indices in the
       state vector.
  - =self._mult=         ::  Multiplier used in =rxd._rxd_reaction()=
       to convert output of =self._evaluate()= into units of mM/ms
       when =self._trans_membrane= is true.

** =generalizedReaction._mult=

Set in =generalizedReaction._update_indices()=, its value depends on the value of
  =self._trans_membrane= and =self._scale_by_area=:

- *if* =self._trans_membrane= is =True= and =self.scale_by_area= is =True=
  =-areas / volumes / molecules_per_mM_um3= for =source_indices=

  =areas / volumes / molecules_per_mM_um3= for =dest_indices=

  Units are mol/mM/µm^3, which are dimensionless

- *if* =self._trans_membrane= is =True= and =self.scale_by_area= is

  =-1 / volumes / molecules_per_mM_um3= for =source_indices=

  =1 / volumes / molecules_per_mM_um3= for =dest_indices=
- *if* =self._trans_membrane= is =False=

  =-1= for =source_indices=

  =1= for =dest_indices=

** DONE =KappaNEURON._evaluate(states)=
- Evaluates states to give rate of change of states

- *Returns*
  - =self._indices=     :: Indicies of state variables in the reaction
       in the global state vector
  - =self._mult=        :: Set in =_update_indices()=
  - =self._rate(*args)= :: Rate of change of states in mM/ms (by
       default) or molecules um^{-2} ms^{-1} (in
       =multiCompartmentReaction= class, where =self._trans_membrane=
       is =True=)
- *KappaNEURON implementation*: As algorithm does not utilise the rate
  of change of states, returns three empty lists.

** DONE =KappaNEURON._jacobian_entries()=
- *Returns*
  - =_jac_rows= :: Indicies of rows of entries
  - =_jac_cols= :: Indicies of columns of entries
  - =data=      :: Values of Jacobian entries in ms^{$-1$} 
- *KappaNEURON implementation*: As algorithm does not add to Jacobian
  entries, returns three empty lists.

** DONE =KappaNEURON._get_memb_flux()= 

- Gets flux across the membrane due to univalent ion in mA/cm^2
- *Returns*: =self._memb_scales*rates= where =rates= comes from
  =_evaluate()= and is in molecules/µm^2/ms and =self._memb_scales=
  gives the charge per molecule.
- Thus the units returned by =get_memb_flux()= are 

   10^{-14} C molecules^{-1} molecules um^{-2} ms^{-1}

   = 10^{-14} C um^{-2} 10^3 s^{-1}

   = 10^{-11} A um^{-2}

   = 10^{-11} A 10^12 10^{-4} cm^{-2}

   = 10^{-3} A cm^{-2}

   = mA cm^{-2}
- *KappaNEURON implementation:* Picks up flux contained in the global
  variable =_db= which is set in =KappaNEURON._kn_fixed_step_solve()=
  and which results from the net change in ions during the preceding
  time step.

** DONE =KappaNEURON._memb_scales=
- Charge per molecule in units of 10^{-14} C/molecule, scaled
  according to areas of membranes.
- Set in =KappaNEURON._do_memb_scales()=
- This is  =-area_ratios * FARADAY / (10000 * molecules_per_mM_um3)= where
  =area_ratios= is normally 1.
- Thus scaling factor is =FARADAY / (10000 * molecules_per_mM_um3)=,
    which has units 
   10^4 C mol^{-1}/(10^{3} molecules mol^{-1} dm^{3} um^{-3})

   = 10^4 C /(10^{3} molecules 10^15) 

   = 10^{-14} C/molecules

** DONE =KappaNEURON._do_memb_scales()=

- Set up =self._memb_scales= and sets a current map =rxd._cur_map=
  used by =rxd._update_node_data()= in which is it is passed to

- *KappaNEURON implementation:* Small changes from
  - Ignore the '=o=' variables in the =cur_map=, otherwise there is a
  - Use =numpy.concatenate()= instead of =itertools.chain= command,
    which doesn't seem to work

** DONE =self._sources=, =self._dests=
- List of =weakref= to =SpeciesOnRegion= used in
  =_setup_membrane_fluxes()= and =_kn_fixed_step_solve()=
- *KappaNEURON implementation:* Set up in =self.__init__()=.

** =generalisedReaction._setup_membrane_fluxes(node_indices, cur_map)=
- Set up =node_indices=, indices mapping source species
  =self._sources= and destination sepcies =self._dests= to segment

** =generalizedReaction._cur_ptrs=  
   Pointers to species currents (=ica=, =ik= etc) in =nrn.Segment=

** =generalizedReaction._cur_mapped= 
   Mapping from species conc (=cai=, =cao=) and segment to index in

* functions

** =_rxd_reaction(states)=

- Return reaction rate in mM/ms
- *Returns*
  - =self._mult*rate= :: as returned by =_evaluate()=.
- *Units* If =self._trans_membrane= is =True= (as in
  =multiCompartmentReaction=) then the units of =rate= are molecules
  um^{-2} ms^{-1}. If =self._scale_by_area= is =True= then the units
  of =self._mult= are um^2/(um^3 molecules mM^{-1} um^{-3}). Thus the
  units returned by =_rxd_reaction()= are mM ms^{-1}.
* Variables 

All in =neuron.rxd= namespace

- =rxd._rxd_induced_currents=  :: Transmembrane currents induced by
     reactions in =_current()= callback
- =rxd._cur_map=                    :: Map from species conc (=cai=,
     =cao=) and =nrn.Segment= to index of =rxd._curr_ptrs=
- =rxd._curr_ptrs=                  :: Pointer to species currents
     (=ica=, =ik= etc) in =nrn.Segment=
- =rxd._curr_ptr_vector=            :: Pointer from state indicies to
     species currents (=ica=, =ik= etc) in =nrn.Segment=
- =rxd._curr_scales=  ::  Set up in =section1d._setup_currents()=
     called from =species._setup_currents()=.  Converts from current
     density to change in
     concentration. =sign*surface_area[self.indices]*10000./=  

* NEURON integration procedure

// Simplified from nrnoc/fadvance.c:
void* nrn_fixed_step_thread(NrnThread* nth) {
	double wt;
	wt = nrnmpi_wtime();
	nth->_t += .5 * nth->_dt;
  /* Calls nrn_nonvint_block_current() and nrn_nonvint_block_conductance()*/
	nrn_solve(nth);  /* Solve voltage */
	second_order_cur(nth); n
  /* Updates t by 0.5dt and calls nrn_nonvint_block_fixed_step_solve*/
	return (void*)0;

/* Simplified from nrnoc/treeset.c: */
/* for the fixed step method */
void* setup_tree_matrix(NrnThread* _nt){
	nrn_nonvint_block_current(_nt->end, _nt->_actual_rhs, _nt->id);
	nrn_nonvint_block_conductance(_nt->end, _nt->_actual_d, _nt->id);
	return (void*)0;

/* Simplified from nrnoc/fadvance.c: */
void* nrn_fixed_step_lastpart(NrnThread* nth) {
	nth->_t += .5 * nth->_dt;
	nrn_extra_scatter_gather(0, nth->id);
	nonvint(nth); 	/* Calls nrn_nonvint_block_fixed_step_solve(_nt->id);*/
	nrn_ba(nth, AFTER_SOLVE);
	nrn_deliver_events(nth) ; /* up to but not past texit */
	return (void*)0;

/* Simplified from nrnoc/fadvance.c: */
void nonvint(NrnThread* _nt)
	int i;
	double w;
	int measure = 0;
	NrnThreadMembList* tml;
	if (_nt->id == 0 && nrn_mech_wtime_) { measure = 1; }
	errno = 0;
	for (tml = _nt->tml; tml; tml = tml->next) if (memb_func[tml->index].state) {
		Pvmi s = memb_func[tml->index].state;
		if (measure) { w = nrnmpi_wtime(); }
		(*s)(_nt, tml->ml, tml->index);
		if (measure) { nrn_mech_wtime_[tml->index] += nrnmpi_wtime() - w; }
		if (errno) {
			if (nrn_errno_check(i)) {
hoc_warning("errno set during calculation of states", (char*)0);
	long_difus_solve(0, _nt); /* if any longitudinal diffusion */
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