Revision 6c28dacde866ea096e45e6c3f1dd24dad5b3d395 authored by Ian Harry on 11 October 2019, 20:00:10 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 October 2019, 20:00:10 UTC
1 parent 84e8c92
Raw File
""" Make cumulative histogram of foreground coincident events via rate vs
    ranking statistic, or make statistical significance vs ranking statistic
    cumulative histograms. 
import argparse, h5py, numpy, logging, sys, lal
import matplotlib
import pylab, pycbc.results, pycbc.version
from scipy.special import erfc, erfinv

def sigma_from_p(p):
    return - erfinv(1 - (1 - p) * 2) * 2**0.5

def p_from_sigma(sig):
    return erfc((sig)/numpy.sqrt(2))/2.

def p_from_far(far, livetime):
    return 1 - numpy.exp(-far * livetime)

def _far_from_p(p, livetime, max_far):
    if p < 0.0001:
        lmbda = p + p**2./2.
    elif p == 1:
        return max_far
        lmbda = -numpy.log(1-p)
    far = lmbda/livetime
    if far > max_far:
        return max_far
    return far

far_from_p = numpy.vectorize(_far_from_p)

pylab.rc('text', usetex=True)
pylab.rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']})

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# General required options
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=pycbc.version.git_verbose_msg)
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='count')
parser.add_argument('--not-cumulative', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--trials-factor', type=int, default=1,
                    help='Trials factor to divide from p-value and '
                         'divide from IFAR to account for look-elsewhere '
                         'effect. [default=1]')
parser.add_argument('--use-hierarchical-level', type=int, default=None,
                    help='Indicate which inclusive background and FARs of '
                         'foreground triggers to plot if there were any '
                         'hierarchical removals done. Choosing None plots '
                         'the inclusive backgrounds prior to any '
                         'hierarchical removals with the updated FARs for '
                         'foreground triggers after hierarchical removal(s). '
                         'Choosing 0 means plotting inclusive background '
                         'from prior to any hierarchical removals with FARs '
                         'for foreground triggers prior to hierarchical '
                         'removal. Choosing 1 means plotting the inclusive '
                         'background after doing 1 hierarchical removal, and '
                         'includes updated FARs from after 1 hierarchical '
                         'removal. [default=None]')
parser.add_argument('--fg-marker', default='^',
                    help='Marker to use for the foreground triggers, '
                         '[default = ^]')
parser.add_argument('--fg-marker-h-rm', default='v',
                    help='Marker to use for the hierarchically removed '
                         'foreground triggers. [default = v]')
parser.add_argument('--closed-box', action='store_true',
                    help="Make a closed box version that excludes foreground "
parser.add_argument('--xmin', type=float,
                    help='Set the minimum value of the x-axis')
parser.add_argument('--xmax', type=float,
                    help='Set the maximum value of the x-axis')
parser.add_argument('--ymin', type=float,
                    help='Set the minimum value of the y-axis ' 
                         '(in units of 1/years)')
parser.add_argument('--ymax', type=float,
                    help='Set the maximum value of the y-axis '
                         '(in units of 1/years)')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.verbose:
    log_level = logging.INFO
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(message)s', level=log_level)'Read in the data')
f = h5py.File(args.trigger_file, 'r')

# Parse which inclusive background to use for the plotting
h_inc_back_num = args.use_hierarchical_level

    h_iterations = f.attrs['hierarchical_removal_iterations']
except KeyError:
    h_iterations = 0

if h_inc_back_num is None:
    h_inc_back_num = h_iterations

if h_inc_back_num > h_iterations:
    # Produce a null plot saying no hierarchical removals can be plotted
    import sys
    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1)

    output_message = "No more foreground events louder than all background\n" \
                     "at this removal level.\n" \
                     "Attempted to show " + str(h_inc_back_num) + " removal(s),\n" \
                     "but only " + str(h_iterations) + " removal(s) done."

    ax.text(0.5, 0.5, output_message, horizontalalignment='center',

    pycbc.results.save_fig_with_metadata(fig, args.output_file,
      title="%s bin, Cumulative Rate vs Rank" % f.attrs['name'] if 'name' in f.attrs else "FAR vs Rank",
      cmd=' '.join(sys.argv))

    # Exit the code successfully and bypass the rest of the plotting code.

args.cumulative = not args.not_cumulative

foreground_livetime = f.attrs['foreground_time'] / lal.YRJUL_SI
    if args.cumulative:
        cstat_fore = f['foreground/stat'][:]
        cstat_rate = numpy.arange(len(cstat_fore), 0, -1) / f.attrs['foreground_time'] * lal.YRJUL_SI
        fap_end = f['foreground/fap'][:].min() * args.trials_factor
         cstat_fore = f['foreground/stat'][:]
         ssort = cstat_fore.argsort()
         cstat_rate = 1.0 / f['foreground/ifar'][:] * args.trials_factor
         # Correct the foreground ifars depending on the values calculated
         # under a particular inclusive background distribution.

             ifar_h_inc = f['foreground_h%s/ifar' % h_inc_back_num][:]
         except KeyError:
             ifar_h_inc = []

             stat_h_inc = f['foreground_h%s/stat' % h_inc_back_num][:]
         except KeyError:
             stat_h_inc = []

         for i in range(len(ifar_h_inc)):
             orig_idx = numpy.where(cstat_fore == stat_h_inc[i])[0][0]
             if orig_idx is not None:
                 cstat_rate[orig_idx] = 1.0 / ifar_h_inc[i] * args.trials_factor

         cstat_rate = cstat_rate[ssort]
         cstat_fore = cstat_fore[ssort]
         cstat_fap = p_from_far(cstat_rate, foreground_livetime)'Found %s foreground triggers' % len(cstat_fore))
    cstat_fore = None

if cstat_fore is not None and len(cstat_fore) == 0:
    cstat_fore = None

# Make choosing the background backwards compatible
    back_ifar = f['background_h%s/ifar' % h_inc_back_num][:]
except KeyError:
    back_ifar = f['background/ifar'][:]

    cstat_back = f['background_h%s/stat' % h_inc_back_num][:]
except KeyError:
    cstat_back = f['background/stat'][:]

back_sort = cstat_back.argsort()
cstat_back = cstat_back[back_sort]

far_back = 1.0 / back_ifar[back_sort]

if not args.cumulative:
    far_back *= args.trials_factor

fap_back = p_from_far(far_back, foreground_livetime)

# we'll use the background far for the ylimits
if args.ymin is None:
    plot_ymin = far_back.min()/10.
    plot_ymin = args.ymin

if args.ymax is None:
    plot_ymax = far_back.max()
    plot_ymax = args.ymax'Found %s background (inclusive zerolag) triggers' % len(cstat_back))

back_ifar_exc = f['background_exc/ifar'][:]
cstat_back_exc = f['background_exc/stat'][:]
back_sort_exc = cstat_back_exc.argsort()
cstat_back_exc = cstat_back_exc[back_sort_exc]
far_back_exc = 1.0 / back_ifar_exc[back_sort_exc]

if not args.cumulative:
    far_back_exc *= args.trials_factor'Found %s background (exclusive zerolag) triggers' % len(cstat_back_exc))

# We'll use the background for the xlimits if closed box, foreground
# otherwise.
if args.xmin is not None:
    plot_xmin = args.xmin
elif args.closed_box or cstat_fore is None:
    plot_xmin = cstat_back_exc.min()
    plot_xmin = cstat_fore.min()

if args.xmax is not None:
    plot_xmax = args.xmax
# Otherwise, make the furthest point to the right be ~1/10 of the width of the
# plot from the right axis.
    if args.closed_box or cstat_fore is None:
        plot_xmax = cstat_back_exc.max()
        plot_xmax = max(cstat_back.max(), cstat_fore.max())
    plot_xmax += (plot_xmax - plot_xmin)/10.

fig = pylab.figure(1)
back_marker = 'x'
pylab.scatter(cstat_back_exc, far_back_exc, color='gray', marker=back_marker, s=10, label='Closed Box Background')

if not args.closed_box:
    pylab.scatter(cstat_back, far_back, color='black', marker=back_marker, s=10,
        label='Open Box Background')

    if cstat_fore is not None and len(cstat_fore):
        # Remove hierarchically removed foreground triggers from the list
        # of foreground triggers
        if h_inc_back_num > 0:
            cstat_fore_h_rm = numpy.array([], dtype=float)
            cstat_rate_h_rm = numpy.array([], dtype=float)

            # Since there is only one background bin we can just remove
            # hierarchically removed triggers from highest ranking statistic
            # to lower ranking statistic.
            for i in range(h_inc_back_num):
                rm_idx = cstat_fore.argmax()
                cstat_fore_h_rm = numpy.append(cstat_fore_h_rm,
                cstat_rate_h_rm = numpy.append(cstat_rate_h_rm,
                cstat_fore = numpy.delete(cstat_fore, rm_idx)
                cstat_rate = numpy.delete(cstat_rate, rm_idx)

            pylab.scatter(cstat_fore_h_rm, cstat_rate_h_rm, s=60, color='#b66dff',
                          label='Hierarchically Removed Foreground', zorder=100,
                          linewidth=0.5, edgecolors='white')

        pylab.scatter(cstat_fore, cstat_rate, s=60, color='#ff6600',
                      marker=args.fg_marker, label='Foreground', zorder=100,
                      linewidth=0.5, edgecolors='white')

        if args.not_cumulative:
            # add arrows to any points > the loudest background
            louder_pts = numpy.where(cstat_fore > cstat_back.max())[0] 
            for ii in louder_pts:
                r = cstat_fore[ii]
                arr_start = cstat_rate[ii]
                # make the arrow length 1/15 the height of the plot
                arr_end = arr_start * (plot_ymin / plot_ymax) ** (1./15)
                pylab.plot([r, r], [arr_start, arr_end], lw=2, color='black',
                pylab.plot([r, r], [arr_start, arr_end], lw=2.6, color='white',
                pylab.scatter([r], [arr_end], marker='v', c='black',
                              edgecolors='white', lw=0.5, s=40, zorder=98) 

            if h_inc_back_num > 0:
               louder_pts = numpy.where(cstat_fore_h_rm > cstat_back.max())[0]
               for ii in louder_pts:
                   r = cstat_fore_h_rm[ii]
                   arr_start = cstat_rate_h_rm[ii]
                   if arr_start > far_back_exc.min():
                   # make the arrow length 1/15 the height of the plot
                   arr_end = arr_start * (plot_ymin / plot_ymax) ** (1./15)
                   pylab.plot([r, r], [arr_start, arr_end], lw=2,
                              color='black', zorder=99)
                   pylab.plot([r, r], [arr_start, arr_end], lw=2.6,
                              color='white', zorder=97)
                   pylab.scatter([r], [arr_end], marker='v', c='black',
                                 edgecolors='white', lw=0.5, s=40, zorder=98)

if not args.cumulative:
    # add second y-axis for probabilities, sigmas
    sigmas = numpy.arange(6)+1
    ax1 = pylab.gca()
    if hasattr(ax1, 'set_facecolor'):
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax1.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder()+1) # put axis1 on top
    # where to stick the sigma lables; we'll put them 1/25th from the
    # right axis
    anntx = plot_xmax - (plot_xmax - plot_xmin)/25.
    sigps = p_from_sigma(sigmas)
    for ii,p in enumerate(sigps[:-1]):
        nextp = sigps[ii+1]
        pylab.axhspan(far_from_p(nextp, foreground_livetime, far_back.max()),
                      far_from_p(p, foreground_livetime, far_back.max()),
            [ii+1]) / sigmas.size),
                      alpha=0.3, zorder=-1) 
            # add sigma label
        pylab.annotate('%1.0f$\sigma$' % sigmas[ii],
                       (anntx, far_from_p(p, foreground_livetime,
                       far_back.max())), zorder=100)
if args.cumulative:
    pylab.ylabel('Cumulative Rate (yr$^{-1}$)')   
    if args.trials_factor == 1:
        pylab.ylabel('False Alarm Rate (yr$^{-1}$)')
    elif args.trials_factor >= 1:
        pylab.ylabel('Combined False Alarm Rate (yr$^{-1}$)')

pylab.xlabel(r'Coincident Ranking Statistic')
pylab.ylim(plot_ymin, plot_ymax * 10.0)
pylab.xlim(plot_xmin, plot_xmax)
pylab.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=9)

if args.cumulative:
    figure_caption = "Cumulative histogram of foreground and background triggers."
    figure_caption = "Mapping between the ranking statistic and false alarm rate."
    ymin, ymax = ax1.get_ylim()
    ax2.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
    # Put ticks at FAPs of 10^{-x}, where x is an integer get the ymin, ymax
    # in terms of probability.
    pymin = p_from_far(ymin, foreground_livetime)
    pymax = p_from_far(ymax, foreground_livetime)
    # Figure out the range of values we need to plot: this will be the
    # floor/ceil of the min/max values.
    tick_min = numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(pymin))
    tick_max = numpy.floor(numpy.log10(pymax))
    # Tick ranges
    pticks = numpy.arange(tick_min, tick_max+1)
    # Convert back to FAR
    fticks = far_from_p(10**pticks, foreground_livetime, far_back.max())
    # Set the labels
    ax2.set_yticklabels(['$10^{%i}$' %(val) for val in pticks.astype(int)])
    # add minor ticks
    N_minor_per_decade = 10
    pminorticks = numpy.zeros(N_minor_per_decade * (pticks.size-1))
    for ii,p in enumerate(10**pticks[:-1]):
        idx = ii*N_minor_per_decade
        pminorticks[idx:idx+N_minor_per_decade] = \
            p * numpy.arange(1,N_minor_per_decade+1).astype(float)
    fminorticks = far_from_p(pminorticks, foreground_livetime, far_back.max())
    ax2.set_yticks(fminorticks, minor=True)

figure_caption = figure_caption + "Orange diamonds (if present) represent triggers from the " \
"zero-lag (foreground) analysis. Solid crosses show " \
"the background inclusive of zerolag events, and grey crosses show the " \
"background constructed without triggers that are " \
"coincident in the zero-lag data.",

pycbc.results.save_fig_with_metadata(fig, args.output_file,
     title="%s bin, Cumulative Rate vs Rank" % f.attrs['name'] if 'name' in f.attrs else "FAR vs Rank", 
     cmd=' '.join(sys.argv))
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