6d31d51 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:14:04 UTC | Minor refactoring: add comments, rename variables | 23 August 2007, 20:14:04 UTC |
a169ee5 | Thorsten Becker | 22 August 2007, 01:00:12 UTC | Added an option to remove net rotations of the whole model before ascii-gz output. This might be something of interest for other output options as well, but is still experimental. Obvisouly, NR motions could be removed in a post-processing step, but it is useful to monitor how those develop during a model run. (Particularly pronounced for strong lateral viscosity variations based on composition.) | 22 August 2007, 01:00:12 UTC |
7616c27 | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 22:42:18 UTC | Removed the 2nd exit condition for bicg solver because the convergence criterion is hard to determine. | 21 August 2007, 22:42:18 UTC |
239522f | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 22:41:48 UTC | Fixed the scaling constants in geoid calculation with reference state | 21 August 2007, 22:41:48 UTC |
eb5aedc | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 22:41:31 UTC | Disable phase change in compressible flow | 21 August 2007, 22:41:31 UTC |
2473c52 | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 20:28:12 UTC | Added Wei Leng to author list | 21 August 2007, 20:28:12 UTC |
1420d4e | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 20:27:36 UTC | A new input parameter to specify which compressible solver If solver.vsolver.uzawa == "cg", Wei Leng's implementation is used. If solver.vsolver.uzawa == "bicg", Eh Tan's implementation is used. | 21 August 2007, 20:27:36 UTC |
dee9a51 | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 20:26:56 UTC | Refactored non-newtonian stokes solver and iter-CG compressible stokes solver | 21 August 2007, 20:26:56 UTC |
9aa0d94 | Thorsten Becker | 20 August 2007, 19:44:28 UTC | Forgot this file. | 20 August 2007, 19:44:28 UTC |
9370fcf | Eh Tan | 20 August 2007, 18:11:08 UTC | Added #ifdef block around vtk_io in output_finalize() | 20 August 2007, 18:11:08 UTC |
316e0b2 | Thorsten Becker | 20 August 2007, 00:11:29 UTC | Made CDEPV and Q0.enriched work only with ncomp=1 for now. | 20 August 2007, 00:11:29 UTC |
e53e0c8 | Thorsten Becker | 19 August 2007, 23:54:46 UTC | - merged changes with Eh's additions - added coor=2 option (for full citcom) to assign finer radial node spacing to top and lower layers of shell. The coor_refine=0.1,0.15,0.1,0.2 parameter specifies the radius fraction of the bottom layer [0], the fraction of the nodes in this layer [1], the top layer fraction [2], and the top layer node fraction [3]. I.e. the defaults will put 15% of all nz nodes into the 10% lower layer, 20% in the top 10% upper layer, and the rest in between. - renamed gzipped output option ascii-gz - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using gzdir I/O - added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions - added tracer_enriched option. If tracer = on and tracer_enriched = on, will reader Q0_enriched and vary the element heat production between Q0 for C = 0 and Q0_enriched for C = 1. I.e. this only works if C varies between 0 and 1. - added an experimental option to write to a single VTK file (note caveats!) if ascii-gz is activated gzdir_vtkio = 2, will try to write VTK straight (experimental) the VTK output is of the "legacy", serial type, and requires that all processors see the same filesystem. This will likely lead to a bottleneck for larg CPU computations as each processor has to wait til the previous is done. | 19 August 2007, 23:54:46 UTC |
5cbae2e | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 21:41:11 UTC | Added excutable permission to testing shell script | 17 August 2007, 21:41:11 UTC |
cac7d92 | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 21:39:17 UTC | Added comments to restart example | 17 August 2007, 21:39:17 UTC |
fec6071 | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 18:35:40 UTC | Converting TWB's ascii-gz and vtkio output and CDEPV and tracer_enriched for multi-component chemical convection. | 17 August 2007, 18:35:40 UTC |
5345880 | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 18:33:36 UTC | Multi-component chemical convection. By setting tracer_flavors > 2, one can enable multi-component chemical convection. See tests/checkpoint/tracer.cfg for example input. | 17 August 2007, 18:33:36 UTC |
8f2682a | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 21:36:18 UTC | Merging the checkpoint branch to trunk. The checkpoint file is called [datafile].chkpt.[rank].[step] and is outputed with an interval of controller.checkpointFrequency. To read back the checkpoint file, set solver.ic.restart=on. The old checkpoint file, [datafile_old].chkpt.[rank].[solution_cycles_init] will be read in. The old way of restarting (read in temperature from the velo files) will still be available through solver.ic.tic_method=-1. Setting solver.tracer.ic_method=2 will read the old *.tracer.* files as before, but the composition field will be calculated according to the tracers, not read from the *.comp_el.* files. The parameter solver.tracer.reset_initial_composition becomes obsolete. | 16 August 2007, 21:36:18 UTC |
7c82fa3 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 20:10:58 UTC | When the element is close to the poles, use a more precise method to compute the strain rate. | 16 August 2007, 20:10:58 UTC |
2343a70 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 19:38:56 UTC | Forgot to add two files to the repository | 16 August 2007, 19:38:56 UTC |
61655f0 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 19:28:10 UTC | Merging compressible branch to trunk. The TALA solver is working. Two new input parameters: dissipation_number and gruneisen. | 16 August 2007, 19:28:10 UTC |
33d700d | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 01:42:52 UTC | Updated Cookbook5 so that it uses only 2 processors. | 16 August 2007, 01:42:52 UTC |
c3fdb31 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 00:27:43 UTC | Merging compressible branch (up to r6584) to trunk. | 16 August 2007, 00:27:43 UTC |
fe53297 | Thorsten Becker | 14 August 2007, 03:33:21 UTC | - added coor=2 option (for full citcom) to assign finer radial node spacing to top and lower layers of shell. The coor_refine=0.1,0.15,0.1,0.2 parameters specify the radius fraction of the bottom layer [0], the fraction of the nodes in this layer [1], the top layer fraction [2], and the top layer node fraction [3]. I.e. the defaults will put 15% of all nz nodes into the 10% lower layer, 20% in the top 10% upper layer, and the rest in between. - renamed gzipped output version with sub-directory storage ascii-gz - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using ascii-gz I/O with vtkio != 2 - added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions - added tracer_enriched option for internal heating. If tracer = on and tracer_enriched = on, will reader Q0_enriched and vary the element heat production between Q0 for C = 0 and Q0_enriched for C = 1. I.e. this only works if C varies between 0 and 1. - added an option to write from all processros to a single VTK file, if ascii-gz is activated, and vtkio = 2. The VTK output is of the "legacy", serial, single-file type, and requires that all processors see the same filesystem. This will lead to a bottleneck for large # of CPU computations as each processor has to wait til the previous is done. More efficient I/O should be possible by using the distributed storage version of VTK, but I have no clue how this works. Anyone? | 14 August 2007, 03:33:21 UTC |
d6e512c | Eh Tan | 13 August 2007, 22:55:41 UTC | Minor refactoring, clean-up and moving functions between files | 13 August 2007, 22:55:41 UTC |
45a5e52 | Eh Tan | 13 August 2007, 21:43:34 UTC | Moved obsolete functions phae_change_* from Phase_change.c to Obsolete.c and declared private functions to be static | 13 August 2007, 21:43:34 UTC |
408e100 | Eh Tan | 10 August 2007, 23:56:37 UTC | Update the author list | 10 August 2007, 23:56:37 UTC |
d603970 | Sue Kientz | 10 August 2007, 23:56:15 UTC | additions per becker, tan2 | 10 August 2007, 23:56:15 UTC |
d9f152e | Eh Tan | 10 August 2007, 23:44:58 UTC | Fixed two type-mismatch errors. Issue127 is fixed by this change and r7802. | 10 August 2007, 23:44:58 UTC |
f036e33 | Eh Tan | 10 August 2007, 23:43:49 UTC | Prevent the original force vector being modified by Uzawa solver. This is needed for the non-Newtonian iterations. | 10 August 2007, 23:43:49 UTC |
da4b2ca | Thorsten Becker | 10 August 2007, 20:51:45 UTC | - renamed gzipped output option ascii-gz - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using gzdir I/O - added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions | 10 August 2007, 20:51:45 UTC |
a77c186 | Thorsten Becker | 09 August 2007, 01:27:32 UTC | - added a compositional viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in Instructions.c - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using gzdir I/O | 09 August 2007, 01:27:32 UTC |
8e448b0 | Thorsten Becker | 08 August 2007, 22:55:39 UTC | - added new routine Ggrd_handling which will take care of netcdf grd input. For now, only the tracer innitial conditions can be set by using, for example, ictracer_grd_layers=2 ictracer_grd_file="tmask.grd" for this to work, the ggrd libraries from HC, as well as the -lgmt and -lnetcdf need to be linked, and -DUSE_GGRD needs to be defined on compile time. - rewrote TDEPV viscosity options 3 and 4 slightly to make them more efficient - added TDEPV viscosity option 6 eta = N_0 exp(E(T_0-T) + (1-z) Z_0 ) - took layers subroutine in Construct_arrays.c apart to allow calling the same function in a more flexible from other subroutines - addded error handling routine "myerror" to Pan_problem_misc_functions - made the output behavior of the multigrid solver convergence parameters consisent with verbosity setting (ie. use report instead of always stderr output) - changed tracer input parameter "tracer" and "chemical_buoyancy" to boolean routine for added flexibility (I hope) - made check_initial_composition consistent with tracer advection, exits after warning only for E->trace.itracer_warnings==1 - debugging output in Full_tracer_advection.c and Tracer_setup only gets printed to file for E->control.verbose == 1 - fixed some typos in Output_gzdir (that might have been introduced by asynchronous svn updating or something like that) | 08 August 2007, 22:55:39 UTC |
2f477b3 | Thorsten Becker | 08 August 2007, 16:41:20 UTC | Forgot to actually add the new file that is needed for gzipped and "vtk" I/O. | 08 August 2007, 16:41:20 UTC |
46ad5e8 | Thorsten Becker | 08 August 2007, 05:58:48 UTC | - added functions rtp2xyz, calc_cbase_at_tp, and convert_pvec_to_cvec for spherical to Cartesian vector conversion to Pan_problem_functions.c Added "safe_malloc" to the same file because I didn't like the way Malloc1 uses int as arguments (64 bit issues). - added support for gzipped ascii output into subdirectories of data_dir, option gzdir. To use, need to compile with USE_GZDIR and link with the -lz zlib libraries. Within gzdir output mode, selected by output_format=gzdir user can define vtk I/O (gzdir_vtkio=1) to write Cartesian coordinates and velocities that are easy to combine to a single vtk file in a post-processing step. If gzlib_vtkio=0 the gzdir output option is meant to be identical to the original ascii output, but files are all gzipped on the fly, and the output that changes with each cycle is placed into subdirectories of data_dir/ called data_dir/cycles/ For gzdir I/O, data_name is not used at all, all single output files are placed in the data_dir/ directory without prefix. - added a new rheology option, PDEPV, for pseudo-plasticity and added a corresponding description to the manual. - Modified Drive_solver stderr output to show v.v, and not only dv.dv/v.v | 08 August 2007, 05:58:48 UTC |
5d9b20c | Luis Armendariz | 02 August 2007, 22:44:47 UTC | Ignore most files generated by build system | 02 August 2007, 22:44:47 UTC |
3d5f153 | Lijie Han | 27 July 2007, 23:33:47 UTC | M Boundary.cc fixed a bug on topbc | 27 July 2007, 23:33:47 UTC |
fa788b9 | Eh Tan | 26 July 2007, 00:20:05 UTC | Fixed a typo, which was introduced in svn r5399 | 26 July 2007, 00:20:05 UTC |
81df091 | Eh Tan | 26 July 2007, 00:13:39 UTC | Fixed a bug that *opt*.general files are mistakenly named. This bug is introduced by svn r7236 | 26 July 2007, 00:13:39 UTC |
6542116 | Eh Tan | 25 July 2007, 23:19:21 UTC | Fixed a bug in ordering of mesh nodes. The bug was introduced in svn r6510. | 25 July 2007, 23:19:21 UTC |
36a1b8a | Lijie Han | 23 July 2007, 19:50:29 UTC | M tests/multicoupled.cfg M tests/coupled.cfg The code has passed a test on a regional containing solver. Timestep will sync and initial condition will match. Going to use a full containing solver with embedded solvers at Hawaii and Reunion in next revision. | 23 July 2007, 19:50:29 UTC |
4f7c56a | Lijie Han | 20 July 2007, 21:52:18 UTC | M coupled.cfg alligned nodes in the solvers for comparing velocity directly. | 20 July 2007, 21:52:18 UTC |
9a699d2 | Eh Tan | 19 July 2007, 18:51:47 UTC | Fixed a bug in setting stable timestep | 19 July 2007, 18:51:47 UTC |
abb2c52 | Eh Tan | 19 July 2007, 18:51:12 UTC | Changed the name attribute of all application classes to 'CitcomS'. This allows the users to specify the same launcher parameters for all application in their ~/.pyre/CitcomS/CitcomS.cfg. | 19 July 2007, 18:51:12 UTC |
e108cfa | Lijie Han | 19 July 2007, 18:37:13 UTC | M trunk/CitcomS/Coupler/MultiE_Coupler.py M trunk/CitcomS/Coupler/__init__.py M trunk/CitcomS/Coupler/EmbeddedCoupler.py M trunk/CitcomS/Coupler/MultiC_Coupler.py M trunk/CitcomS/Solver/CoupledSolver.py M trunk/CitcomS/Controller.py M trunk/CitcomS/MultiCoupledApp.py solved the synchronization issue. There are some bugs in the log of time. | 19 July 2007, 18:37:13 UTC |
4e60f5e | Lijie Han | 18 July 2007, 23:06:35 UTC | A Coupler/MultiE_Coupler.py M Coupler/MultiC_Coupler.py Fixed the synchronization part. Need to test on it. Now Embedded Couplers will wait until containing coupler make a decision. | 18 July 2007, 23:06:35 UTC |
b639d7b | Eh Tan | 18 July 2007, 21:01:09 UTC | Unify bin/citcoms with bin/coupledcitcoms scripts. Users can run 'bin/citcoms --coupled' to launch a coupled run and 'bin/citcoms --multicoupled' to launch a multicoupled run. | 18 July 2007, 21:01:09 UTC |
0f29122 | Eh Tan | 17 July 2007, 22:49:10 UTC | An input file for multicoupled run | 17 July 2007, 22:49:10 UTC |
6ff6d36 | Eh Tan | 17 July 2007, 22:48:51 UTC | Fixed a few typos and attached MultiC_Coupler as the default factory for the ccoupler facility | 17 July 2007, 22:48:51 UTC |
c72dd9f | Eh Tan | 17 July 2007, 22:48:26 UTC | Simplified the MultiC_*Solver classes | 17 July 2007, 22:48:26 UTC |
3b731ec | Lijie Han | 16 July 2007, 23:45:52 UTC | A Solver/MultiC_RegionalSolver.py A Solver/MultiC_FullSolver.py A Solver/MultiC_Solver.py ideally these files works as the solvers I needed for the project. | 16 July 2007, 23:45:52 UTC |
85be698 | Lijie Han | 16 July 2007, 21:21:10 UTC | M CitcomS/MultiLayout.py trivial comment change M CitcomS/Coupler/MultiC_Coupler.py a nearly complete version. Although I am not sure how most of the things works , I managed to create a copy of everything.initTemperature, restartTemperature , and modifyT not defined. | 16 July 2007, 21:21:10 UTC |
690124c | Lijie Han | 13 July 2007, 23:24:27 UTC | M Coupler/ContainingCoupler.py trivial modification on comments | 13 July 2007, 23:24:27 UTC |
6569f99 | Lijie Han | 13 July 2007, 23:23:43 UTC | M Coupler/MultiC_Coupler.py add __init__, initialize, createMesh some of createMesh are commented out because I do not understand it. | 13 July 2007, 23:23:43 UTC |
313ee04 | Lijie Han | 13 July 2007, 21:09:27 UTC | A Coupler/MultiC_Coupler.py It's a child of Containing Coupler It has nothing now. | 13 July 2007, 21:09:27 UTC |
8c2b9ce | Eh Tan | 11 July 2007, 20:17:32 UTC | Added some comments | 11 July 2007, 20:17:32 UTC |
d9f6e03 | Eh Tan | 10 July 2007, 20:08:44 UTC | Renamed variables for clarification | 10 July 2007, 20:08:44 UTC |
c1c6dd3 | Eh Tan | 09 July 2007, 22:03:45 UTC | Small changes in *Coupler class. * consolidated __init__() and initialize() * renamed numSrc -> remoteSize, boundary -> remoteBdryList, interior -> remoteIntrList * defaulted the dimensional and transformational properties to False | 09 July 2007, 22:03:45 UTC |
64a5133 | Eh Tan | 06 July 2007, 20:48:44 UTC | Added svn:keywords Id | 06 July 2007, 20:48:44 UTC |
bcff7e0 | Eh Tan | 06 July 2007, 20:46:10 UTC | Debugged MultiLayout.initialize() and MultiCoupledApp.findLayout(). Fixed some typos. | 06 July 2007, 20:46:10 UTC |
2931729 | Eh Tan | 06 July 2007, 18:00:49 UTC | Using log() instead of line() to flush the journal buffer, otherwise no output at all. | 06 July 2007, 18:00:49 UTC |
ccf633e | Lijie Han | 06 July 2007, 17:50:59 UTC | fix myPlus and remotePlus and report in MultiCoupledApp edit some comments in MultiLayout | 06 July 2007, 17:50:59 UTC |
4bc84ca | Lijie Han | 05 July 2007, 23:45:19 UTC | add MultiLayout not sure about number of processor, currently assign 1-10 for ccom 11 for ecom1, and 12 for ecom2 | 05 July 2007, 23:45:19 UTC |
9126f66 | Lijie Han | 05 July 2007, 22:36:06 UTC | | 05 July 2007, 22:36:06 UTC |
f54025a | Lijie Han | 05 July 2007, 20:49:14 UTC | | 05 July 2007, 20:49:14 UTC |
a4173da | Lijie Han | 04 July 2007, 00:02:42 UTC | a draft for multicoupled application | 04 July 2007, 00:02:42 UTC |
3b48492 | Eh Tan | 02 July 2007, 22:21:36 UTC | Removing outdated and redundant documentation | 02 July 2007, 22:21:36 UTC |
0eb8131 | Eh Tan | 02 July 2007, 22:21:21 UTC | Using log() instead of line() to flush the journal buffer, otherwise no output at all. | 02 July 2007, 22:21:21 UTC |
a1c3da7 | Eh Tan | 28 June 2007, 19:35:29 UTC | Renamed ccomm -> containing_group and ecomm -> embedded_group. Added more checks to the groups | 28 June 2007, 19:35:29 UTC |
0ef55d1 | Eh Tan | 27 June 2007, 01:04:41 UTC | Added/updated a bunch of comments, renamed variables | 27 June 2007, 01:04:41 UTC |
36f8d4f | Eh Tan | 26 June 2007, 00:37:32 UTC | Added mime-type property to the PDF files | 26 June 2007, 00:37:32 UTC |
9dddcd2 | Eh Tan | 23 June 2007, 00:33:20 UTC | Giving Exchanger/Coupler/CoupledApp as new life. The testing script tests/coupled.cfg finished successfully. | 23 June 2007, 00:33:20 UTC |
54685e2 | Eh Tan | 23 June 2007, 00:30:33 UTC | Useful debuggin output, but disabled | 23 June 2007, 00:30:33 UTC |
34b601d | Eh Tan | 23 June 2007, 00:29:36 UTC | Print CXX and CXXFLAGS after finishing configure | 23 June 2007, 00:29:36 UTC |
55c8dd2 | Eh Tan | 23 June 2007, 00:28:23 UTC | Removed the back-and-forth interpolation of viscosity, which smoothes the viscosity field unnecessarily | 23 June 2007, 00:28:23 UTC |
ed4ce7b | Eh Tan | 22 June 2007, 23:43:21 UTC | Forgot to commit module/setProperties.c in r7289. This should fix issue115 in the pyre version also. | 22 June 2007, 23:43:21 UTC |
1069325 | Leif Strand | 22 June 2007, 04:36:08 UTC | Added BuildBot config. | 22 June 2007, 04:36:08 UTC |
fcdc999 | Lijie Han | 21 June 2007, 22:35:33 UTC | Resolved the conflict | 21 June 2007, 22:35:33 UTC |
6e82004 | Eh Tan | 21 June 2007, 22:25:40 UTC | Preparing a conflict test, again | 21 June 2007, 22:25:40 UTC |
3d9403f | Eh Tan | 21 June 2007, 22:22:08 UTC | Preparing a conflict test, again | 21 June 2007, 22:22:08 UTC |
0a261b2 | Eh Tan | 21 June 2007, 22:19:44 UTC | Preparing a conflict test | 21 June 2007, 22:19:44 UTC |
a2f4ad6 | Eh Tan | 18 June 2007, 23:21:10 UTC | Renamed 'XXX1' -> 'cXXX' and 'XXX2' -> 'eXXX' | 18 June 2007, 23:21:10 UTC |
e546ce6 | Eh Tan | 18 June 2007, 23:06:40 UTC | Fixing issue115: interference between restart=1 & tracer_ic_method Previously, when "restart" is set, tracer_ic_method will be set to 2 (restart tracers) by the code. Now, these two options are independent. | 18 June 2007, 23:06:40 UTC |
fe97c4c | Leif Strand | 15 June 2007, 18:01:27 UTC | Fix for problem with GCC 3.4.5 (observed on CITerra): mv: cannot stat `.deps/dummy.Tpo': No such file or directory | 15 June 2007, 18:01:27 UTC |
d839465 | Eh Tan | 14 June 2007, 21:38:19 UTC | Zeroing geoid arrays before every geoid calculation. This fixes issue114 | 14 June 2007, 21:38:19 UTC |
7384d4c | Eh Tan | 14 June 2007, 17:55:31 UTC | A better fix for issue110 | 14 June 2007, 17:55:31 UTC |
25bb6b1 | Eh Tan | 14 June 2007, 01:36:27 UTC | Fixing issue111: Expanding %RANK in autocombine.py | 14 June 2007, 01:36:27 UTC |
9c3dfa7 | Lijie Han | 13 June 2007, 17:55:22 UTC | A trivial change | 13 June 2007, 17:55:22 UTC |
65ee539 | Eh Tan | 12 June 2007, 00:05:11 UTC | Fixing issue112 | 12 June 2007, 00:05:11 UTC |
50c2d55 | Leif Strand | 11 May 2007, 20:19:28 UTC | Fixed LINK problem w/Automake. | 11 May 2007, 20:19:28 UTC |
9caddf1 | Leif Strand | 11 May 2007, 02:02:00 UTC | Build with Exchanger, if available. The Exchanger package will be automatically detected if it is installed on your PYTHONPATH. The preprocessor & link flags for compiling/linking with Exchanger are handled automatically. To my chagrin, this change increases the CitcomS language count back up to 3 again (C, C++, Python). Even with the aid of the 'cproto' tool, it would take many hours of work to make the C code in 'lib' compile using a C++ compiler. | 11 May 2007, 02:02:00 UTC |
6019291 | Eh Tan | 11 April 2007, 00:40:49 UTC | Forgot to update the makefile in r6541 | 11 April 2007, 00:40:49 UTC |
60030f4 | Eh Tan | 10 April 2007, 21:59:45 UTC | Finding the min/max of the Cartesian coordinates. The min/max values provide the bounding box for random tracer generation. This will speed up the tracer generation, and should avoid a potential problem of "too many tries?" error when the domain size of a processor is much smaller (<1%) than the size of the whole sphere. | 10 April 2007, 21:59:45 UTC |
247bcc7 | Eh Tan | 10 April 2007, 21:58:51 UTC | Removed obsolete pyre components in tests/ | 10 April 2007, 21:58:51 UTC |
6d942e7 | Eh Tan | 05 April 2007, 22:21:46 UTC | Adding the ability to combine optional fields to the post-processing scripts. autocombine.py will read the parameter 'output_optional' from the cfg file and combine the optional fields (can be pressure, stress, comp_nd, or a combination of the three) into a file. The file is named similar to the cap file, with 'cap' replaced by 'opt'. A .general file is also created, which describes the content, shape, and structure of the opt file. | 05 April 2007, 22:21:46 UTC |
f31b73c | Sue Kientz | 27 March 2007, 20:54:47 UTC | standardized typefaces on cover | 27 March 2007, 20:54:47 UTC |
d7a7f7a | Sue Kientz | 27 March 2007, 06:51:53 UTC | changed version to 2.2.1 per tan2 | 27 March 2007, 06:51:53 UTC |
78e36d1 | Eh Tan | 27 March 2007, 04:39:34 UTC | Regenerated ChangeLog upto r6417 | 27 March 2007, 04:39:34 UTC |
190e4e8 | Eh Tan | 27 March 2007, 04:37:54 UTC | Updated NEWS for the upcoming 2.2.1 | 27 March 2007, 04:37:54 UTC |
1ab1ba9 | Eh Tan | 27 March 2007, 04:20:05 UTC | Forgot to add cookbook7.cfg to the file list | 27 March 2007, 04:20:05 UTC |
d1623a6 | Eh Tan | 26 March 2007, 18:48:36 UTC | Regenerated ChangeLog upto r6409 | 26 March 2007, 18:48:36 UTC |