Revision 6e293342f649ef45adac162c2d59dc111a88e313 authored by Olaf Bergmann on 05 February 2014, 14:20:53 UTC, committed by Olaf Bergmann on 05 February 2014, 14:20:53 UTC
The branch was not included in release 4.1.0 by error.
1 parent 9e25cd2
Raw File
/* subscribe.h -- subscription handling for CoAP
 *                see draft-hartke-coap-observe-03
 * Copyright (C) 2010--2012 Olaf Bergmann <>
 * This file is part of the CoAP library libcoap. Please see
 * README for terms of use. 


#include "config.h"
#include "address.h"

 * @defgroup observe Resource observation
 * @{

 * Number of notifications that may be sent non-confirmable before a
 * confirmable message is sent to detect if observers are alive. The
 * maximum allowed value here is @c 15.
#define COAP_OBS_MAX_NON   5
#endif /* COAP_OBS_MAX_NON */

 * Number of confirmable notifications that may fail (i.e. time out
 * without being ACKed) before an observer is removed. The maximum
 * value for COAP_OBS_MAX_FAIL is @c 3.
#define COAP_OBS_MAX_FAIL  3
#endif /* COAP_OBS_MAX_FAIL */

/** Subscriber information */
typedef struct coap_subscription_t {
  struct coap_subscription_t *next; /**< next element in linked list */
  coap_address_t subscriber;	    /**< address and port of subscriber */

  unsigned int non:1;		/**< send non-confirmable notifies if @c 1  */
  unsigned int non_cnt:4;	/**< up to 15 non-confirmable notifies allowed */
  unsigned int fail_cnt:2;	/**< up to 3 confirmable notifies can fail */
  unsigned int dirty:1;         /**< set if the notification temporarily could not be sent (in that case, the resource's partiallydirty flag is set too) */

  size_t token_length;		/**< actual length of token */
  unsigned char token[8];	/**< token used for subscription */
  /* @todo CON/NON flag, block size */
} coap_subscription_t;

void coap_subscription_init(coap_subscription_t *);

#if 0
#include "uthash.h"
#include "uri.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "pdu.h"
#include "net.h"

#if 0
typedef unsigned long coap_key_t;

/** Used to indicate that a hashkey is invalid. */
#define COAP_INVALID_HASHKEY ((coap_key_t)-1)

typedef struct {
  coap_uri_t *uri;		/* unique identifier; memory is released by coap_delete_resource() */
  UT_hash_handle hh;		/**< hash handle (for internal use only) */
  str *name;			/* display name of the resource */
  unsigned char mediatype;	/* media type for resource representation */
  unsigned int dirty:1;		/* set to 1 if resource has changed */
  unsigned int writable:1;	/* set to 1 if resource can be changed using PUT */

  /* cache-control */
  unsigned char etag[4];        /* version identifier for this resource
				 * (zero terminated, first byte is zero if not set). */
  unsigned int maxage;		/* maximum cache time (zero means no Max-age option) */

   * Callback function that copies the resource representation into the provided data
   * buffer (PDU payload). finished is set to 1 to indicate that this was the last block
   * of buflen data for this resource representation, 0 means that data is not finished
   * and a subsequent call with offset updated by buflen would yield more data (i.e.
   * the M-bit of CoAP's block option must be set if offset and buflen are selected
   * accordingly.
   * When called, buflen must be set to the maximum length of buf that is to be filled
   * with the mediatype representation of the resource identified by uri.
   * The mediatype must be set to the requested mediatype of COAP_MEDIATYPE_ANY if
   * none was given. On return, the mediatype will be set to the type that is
   * actually used.
   * The return value indicates the result code that should be used in a response to
   * this function.
  int (*data)(coap_uri_t *uri, unsigned char *mediatype, unsigned int offset, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int *buflen, int *finished);
} coap_resource_t;

typedef struct {
  coap_key_t resource;		/* hash key for subscribed resource */
  time_t expires;		/* expiry time of subscription */

  coap_address_t subscriber;	/**< subscriber's address */

  str token;			/**< subscription token */
} coap_subscription_t;

#define COAP_RESOURCE(node) ((coap_resource_t *)(node)->data)
#define COAP_SUBSCRIPTION(node) ((coap_subscription_t *)(node)->data)

/** Checks subscribed resources for updates and notifies subscribers of changes. */
void coap_check_resource_list(coap_context_t *context);

/** Removes expired subscriptions. */
void coap_check_subscriptions(coap_context_t *context);

#if 0
 * Adds specified resource to the resource observation list. Returns a
 * unique key for the resource. The alloceted memory is released when
 * the resource is destroyed with coap_delete_resource().
coap_key_t coap_add_resource(coap_context_t *context, coap_resource_t *);

 * Deletes the resource that is identified by key. Returns 1 if the resource was
 * removed, 0 on error (e.g. if no such resource exists).
int coap_delete_resource(coap_context_t *context, coap_key_t key);
 * Creates a new subscription object filled with the given data. The storage
 * allocated for this object must be released using coap_free(). */
coap_subscription_t *coap_new_subscription(coap_context_t *context,
					   const coap_uri_t *resource,
					   const struct sockaddr *subscriber,
					   socklen_t addrlen,
					   time_t expiry);

 * Adds the given subsription object to the observer list.
 * @param context The CoAP context
 * @param subscription A new subscription oobject created with coap_new_subscription()
 * @return A unique hash key for this resource or COAP_INVALID_HASHKEY on error.
 * The storage allocated for the subscription object is released when it is
 * removed from the subscription list, unless the function has returned
 * COAP_INVALID_HASHKEY. In this case, the storage must be released by the
 * caller of this function.
coap_key_t coap_add_subscription(coap_context_t *context,
				 coap_subscription_t *subscription);

 * Returns the subscription from subscriber for the resource identified
 * by hashkey. When token is not NULL the subscription must have the
 * same token.
 * @param context The CoAP context
 * @param hashkey The unique key that identifies the subscription
 * @param subscriber The subscriber's transport address
 * @param token If not NULL, this specifies a token given by the
 *              subscriber to identify its subscription.
 * @return The requested subscription object or NULL when not found.
coap_subscription_t * coap_find_subscription(coap_context_t *context,
					     coap_key_t hashkey,
					     struct sockaddr *subscriber,
					     str *token);
 * Removes a subscription from the subscription list stored in context and
 * releases the storage that was allocated for this subscription.
 * @param context The CoAP context.
 * @param haskey The unique key that identifies the subscription to remove.
 * @return 1 if a subscription was removed, 0 otherwise.
int coap_delete_subscription(coap_context_t *context,
			     coap_key_t hashkey,
			     struct sockaddr *subscriber);

/** Returns a unique hash for the specified URI or COAP_INVALID_HASHKEY on error. */
coap_key_t coap_uri_hash(const coap_uri_t *uri);

/** Returns a unique hash for the specified subscription or COAP_INVALID_HASHKEY on error. */
coap_key_t coap_subscription_hash(coap_subscription_t *subscription);
#if 0
/** Returns the resource identified by key or NULL if not found. */
coap_resource_t *coap_get_resource_from_key(coap_context_t *ctx, coap_key_t key);

/** Returns the resource identified by uri or NULL if not found. */
coap_resource_t *coap_get_resource(coap_context_t *ctx, coap_uri_t *uri);


/** @} */

#endif /* _COAP_SUBSCRIBE_H_ */
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