Revision 6f2cae6de519a0d1c78b79525c3c88441e79b78b authored by Alex Reinking on 28 June 2023, 16:38:47 UTC, committed by GitHub on 28 June 2023, 16:38:47 UTC
* Hoist Threads::Threads to the top level

* Remove global OpenGL dependency

This is added by the helpers as-needed. Removing it here lets one build
just libHalide without searching for OpenGL.

* Narrow scope of OpenMP to tutorial

Only the tutorial targets actually use OpenMP. Don't search for OpenMP

* Move JPEG and PNG deps to tools

Only the Halide::ImageIO library uses these directly, so limiting the
scope protects against unintented use.

* Work around CMake bug

The CMake $<TARGET_NAME_IF_EXISTS:...> genex uses dynamic scoping w.r.t.
the target environment, rather than the usual static scoping. This means
we need to move the PNG and JPEG dependencies higher up.

* Add link to CMake issue in comments.
1 parent 470f43c
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