Revision 6fda0e9c514696c3a09d6548bf7b7d8f1903aee4 authored by st-- on 04 June 2020, 14:24:52 UTC, committed by GitHub on 04 June 2020, 14:24:52 UTC
As discussed in #878, GPflow's NaturalGradient optimizer does not implement the diagonal covariance parametrization (`q_diag=True`). This PR clarifies this in the documentation and adds extra shape checks.
1 parent 647ca90
Raw File
ignore_missing_imports = True

; the following modules are not passing mypy, so we're skipping them until they've been fixed up.
; see github issue for more information. Note that some
; modules that haven't had types added are passing anyway so may not appear below.
; remove modules from this skip list when types have been added
ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = True
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