Revision 702a3902f859cde5970deb97200347502ecb181a authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC, committed by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC
1 parent 6812206
Tip revision: 702a3902f859cde5970deb97200347502ecb181a authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC
modify Change_of_basis_F9.m
modify Change_of_basis_F9.m
Tip revision: 702a390
close all; clear; clc;
%% load shapes, ground-truth p2p map and the recovery result from [RMC15].
% Choose different pair of shapes by un-commenting one of the following:
% elephant vs. horse
load data_elephant_horse_subsampled_matches.mat;
load elephanthorse_RMC15.mat
S1.surface = shapes{1};
S2.surface = shapes{2};
gt_match = 1:length(S1.surface.X);
gt_match1 = gt_match;
nk = 60;
nk2 = 40;
% % conformal bunny
% load bunny_RMC15.mat
% S1 = read_off_shape('');
% S2 = read_off_shape('');
% gt_match = 1:length(S1.surface.X);
% gt_match1 = gt_match;
% nk = 60;
% nk2 = 30;
% % cat vs. lion
% load catlion_RMC15.mat
% S1 = read_off_shape('');
% S2 = read_off_shape('');
% load cat-0_lion-0_rough_map.mat
% gt_match = nnidx;
% gt_match1 = innidx;
% nk = 60;
% nk2 = 30;
% % deformed faces
% load faces_RMC15.mat
% S1 = read_off_shape('');
% S2 = read_off_shape('');
% gt_match = 1:length(S1.surface.X);
% gt_match1 = gt_match;
% nk = 60;
% nk2 = 30;
% Compute the LB eigenbasis
S1 = compute_laplacian_basis(S1, nk);
S2 = compute_laplacian_basis(S2, nk);
C12 = S2.evecs'*S2.A*S1.evecs(gt_match1, :);
e = ones(length(S2.evecs), 1);
e = S2.evecs'*S2.A*e;
k1_const = S1.evecs*C12'*e;
K = S1.evecs'*S1.A*diag(k1_const)*S1.evecs;
X12 = C12/K;
cvx_begin quiet
variable H(nk, nk) semidefinite
minimize( norm(X12 - H*C12, 'fro'))
[e,v] = eig(diag(S2.evals),H);
e = e*diag(1./sqrt(diag(e'*H*e)));
[v, order] = sort(diag(v));
e = e(:,order);
% Compute the functional map with respect to this new basis.
C2 = (S2.evecs*e)\S1.evecs(gt_match1, 1:nk);
C2r = C2(1:nk,1:nk2);
%% Convert p2p maps
[~, matches_nn] = icp_refine(S1.evecs, S2.evecs, C12, 0);
[~, matches_cb] = icp_refine(S1.evecs,(S2.evecs*e),C2r,0);
error_nn = eval_geodesic_error(S1, matches_nn, gt_match1)/sqrt(6);
error_rmc = eval_geodesic_error(S1, matches3, gt_match1)/sqrt(6);
error_cb = eval_geodesic_error(S1, matches_cb, gt_match1)/sqrt(6);
nr = length(reshape(error_nn,[],1));
hold on;
hold on;
xlim([0, 8]);
ylim([0, 100]);
ylabel('% of Correspondences', 'FontSize',25);
xlabel('% of Geodesic Error', 'FontSize',25);
leg = legend('NN-search', '[RMC15]', 'Our scheme' ,'Location', 'southeast');
set(leg, 'FontSize', 25);
title('Elephant vs horse', 'FontSize', 20);
subplot(1, 3, 1); plotMesh(S1, zeros(length(S1.surface.X), 1), 0, 90, 'f');
subplot(1, 3, 2); plotMesh(S2, error_rmc, 0, 90, 'f');
subplot(1, 3, 3); plotMesh(S2, error_cb, 0, 90, 'f');
Computing file changes ...