Revision 702a3902f859cde5970deb97200347502ecb181a authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC, committed by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC
1 parent 6812206
Tip revision: 702a3902f859cde5970deb97200347502ecb181a authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC
modify Change_of_basis_F9.m
modify Change_of_basis_F9.m
Tip revision: 702a390
function anngplot(Xr, Xq, nnidx)
%ANNGPLOT Plots the nearest neighbor graph
% [ Syntax ]
% - anngplot(Xr, Xq, nnidx)
% - anngplot -doc
% [ Arguments ]
% - Xr: the set of reference points (2 x n matrix)
% - Xq: the set of query points (2 x nq matrix)
% - nnidx: the indices of the neighbors (k x n)
% - linespec: the specification of line plotting
% [ Description ]
% - anngplot(Xr, Xq, nnidx) plots the graph showing the neighboring
% relations, in which the neighboring points are linked with lines.
% In the graph, the blue markers depict the reference points, the
% red markers depict the query points. The neighboring relations
% are expressed by the solid line sections in magenta color.
% - anngplot -doc or anngplot('-doc') shows the HTML document of anngplot
% in the MATLAB embedded browser.
% [ Remarks ]
% - Only 2D points are supported for plotting.
% [ History ]
% - Created by Dahua Lin, on Jul 6, 2007
%% For help
if nargin == 1 && ischar(Xr) && strcmpi(Xr, '-doc')
%% parse and verify input arguments
error(nargchk(3, 3, nargin));
is_normal_matrix = @(x) isnumeric(x) && ndims(x) == 2 && isreal(x) && ~issparse(x);
assert(is_normal_matrix(Xr), 'ann_mwrapper:anngplot:invalidarg', 'Xr should be a numeric matrix');
assert(is_normal_matrix(Xq), 'ann_mwrapper:anngplot:invalidarg', 'Xq should be a numeric matrix');
assert(is_normal_matrix(nnidx), 'ann_mwrapper:anngplot:invalidarg', 'nnidx should be a numeric matrix');
d = size(Xr, 1);
[dq, nq] = size(Xq);
assert(d == dq, 'ann_mwrapper:anngplot:dimmismatch', 'The point dimension of Xr and Xq are not the same.');
assert(d == 2, 'ann_mwrapper:anngplot:illegaldim', 'The point dimension should be 2 for visualization.');
assert(size(nnidx, 2) == nq, 'ann_mwrapper:anngplot:sizmismatch', ...
'The number of columns in nnidx does not equal that in Xq');
%% draw the graph
k = size(nnidx, 1);
qidx = repmat(1:nq, k, 1);
idx_q = qidx(nnidx > 0);
idx_r = nnidx(nnidx > 0);
ne = numel(idx_r);
x_coords = reshape([Xq(1, idx_q); Xr(1, idx_r); nan(1, ne)], 1, 3*ne);
y_coords = reshape([Xq(2, idx_q); Xr(2, idx_r); nan(1, ne)], 1, 3*ne);
edge_spec = 'm-';
qnode_spec = 'r.';
rnode_spec = 'b.';
plot(x_coords, y_coords, edge_spec, ...
Xr(1, :), Xr(2, :), rnode_spec, ...
Xq(1, :), Xq(2, :), qnode_spec);
axis equal;
Computing file changes ...