Revision 702a3902f859cde5970deb97200347502ecb181a authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC, committed by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC
1 parent 6812206
Tip revision: 702a3902f859cde5970deb97200347502ecb181a authored by ruqihuang on 24 July 2017, 21:09:41 UTC
modify Change_of_basis_F9.m
modify Change_of_basis_F9.m
Tip revision: 702a390
function [nnidx, dists] = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, varargin)
%ANNQUERY Performs Approximate K-Nearest-Neighbor query for a set of points
% [ Syntax ]
% - nnidx = annquery(Xr, Xq, k)
% - nnidx = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, ...)
% - [nnidx, dists] = annquery(...)
% - annquery -doc
% [ Arguments ]
% - Xr: the reference points to construct the kd-tree (d x n matrix)
% - Xq: the query points (d x nq matrix)
% - k: the number of neighbors for each query point
% - nnidx: the array of indices of nearest neighbors (k x n matrix)
% - dists: the array of distances between the neighbors and the query
% points (k x n matrix)
% [ Description ]
% - nnidx = annquery(Xr, Xq, k) finds the nearest neighbors of the query
% points with default options.
% Suppose we are dealing with d-dimensional points, and there are n
% reference points, and nq query points. Then Xr and Xq should be
% d x n and d x nq matrix respectively, with each column representing
% a point.
% For each point in Xq (say the i-th point, that is Xq(:,i)), the
% function finds k nearest points to it in Xr. The indices of these
% k points in Xr are stored in the i-th column of nnidx.
% - nnidx = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, ...) performs the k-NN search with
% user-specified options. The options can be specified by name-value
% list.
% Here are the options that can be set
% \{:
% - use_bdtree: whether to use box-decomposition tree
% (default = false).
% bd-tree is a variant kd-tree structure, which
% is more effectively in dealing with the highly
% clustered points by incorporating shrinking
% operations. However, it is not necessary for
% typical datasets.
% - bucket_size: the size of each bucket in the tree.
% (default = 1).
% - split: the name of the splitting rule in kd-tree
% construction. (default = 'suggest')
% Here is a list of available split rules:
% \{:
% - std: the standard kd-tree splitting
% rule
% - midpt: the mid-point splitting rule
% - sl_midpt: the sliding mid-point splitting
% rule
% - fair: the fair splitting rule
% - sl_fair: the sliding fair splitting rule
% - suggest: the suggested rule, which
% performs best for typical cases.
% \:}
% - shrink: the name of the shrinking rule in bd-tree
% construction. (default = 'suggest')
% Here is a list of available shrinking rules:
% \{:
% - none: no shrinking is performed.
% Without shrinking, bd-tree is
% equivalent to normal kd-tree.
% - simple: simple shrinking.
% - centroid: centroid shrinking.
% - suggest: the suggested rule, which
% performs best for typical
% cases.
% \:}
% The shrink option only takes effect when
% use_bdtree is set to true.
% - search_sch: the search scheme to use. (default = 'std')
% Here is a list of available search schemes:
% \{:
% - std: the standard k-NN search
% - pri: the priority search
% By this scheme, the cell that
% contains the query point is
% located, and cells are visited
% in increasing order of distance
% from the query point.
% - fr: the fixed-radius search
% By this scheme, only the
% reference points whose
% distances to the query point
% is less than a radius is found.
% \:}
% - eps: the upper bound on the search error.
% For 1 <= i <= k, the ratio between the distance
% to the i-th reported point and that to the true
% i-th nearest neighbor is at most 1 + eps.
% Typically, eps controls the trade-off between
% efficiency and accuracy. When eps is set
% larger, the approximation is less accurate, and
% the search completes faster.
% - radius: the maximum distance between the neighbors and
% the query point. This option only takes effects
% when search_sch is set to 'fr'. In other words,
% it only applies to fixed-radius search.
% \:}
% Generally, the default options can work well for typical cases. In
% special cases, you can change some options with others left in default
% value by only specifying the options you would like to change.
% - [nnidx, dists] = annquery(...) also returns the corresponding distance values.
% In the output, dists is a k x nq double matrix. dists(i, j) is the distance of
% the j's query point's distance to its i-th neighbor.
% Since that nnidx(i, j) is the index of j's query point's i-th neighbor,
% nnidx and dists are corresponding.
% - annquery -doc or annquery('-doc') shows the HTML help in the MATLAB
% embeded browser.
% [ Remarks ]
% - The function is based on a mex-wrapper (ann_mex.m in private folder)
% of the Approximate Nearest Neighbors Library version 1.1.1.
% - It is strongly recommended to gather all queries together and conduct
% the queries in batch. Since for each time this function is invoked,
% it constructs the kd-tree from the reference points. Hence, it may
% lead to considerable overhead if the queries are done one by one.
% - The found nearest points for each query point are sorted in ascending
% order of distance. It means that the first result refers to the point
% nearest to the query, while the second one refers to the second
% nearest, and so on.
% - If fixed-radius scheme is used (set search_sch option to 'fr'), it
% is probable that for some query points, there are less than k
% neighbors within the specified range.
% For example, if k = 5, and there are only 2 neighbors in the
% specified range for the i-th query, then nnidx(:, i) would be a
% column, in which the first 2 entries are the indices of the two
% nearest neighbors, while the last 3 entries are all zeros.
% Correspondingly, the last 3 entries in dists(:, i) are all inf.
% To summarize, the function uses 0 to indicate that a neighbor is not
% found, and uses inf to give the corresponding distance. This only
% applies to fixed-radius scheme. (For other schemes, it is impossible
% that the neighbors are not sufficient).
% - If fixed-radius search is used, it is required that a positive radius
% be explicitly set.
% [ Examples ]
% - For each of 100 points of 5 dimensions, find its 3 nearesr neighbors in
% a reference set of 200 points, using default options.
% \{
% Xq = rand(5, 100);
% Xr = rand(5, 200);
% inds = annquery(Xr, Xq, 3);
% \}
% If you would like to get the corresponding Euclidean distances as
% well, you can use the following command
% \{
% [inds, dists] = annquery(Xr, Xq, 3);
% \}
% - Use user-specified options.
% \{
% % use priority search scheme with a sliding fair rule
% inds = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, 'search_sch', 'pri', 'split', 'sl_fair');
% % set positive error bound to allow some errors
% % in order to increase efficiency
% inds = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, 'eps', 0.1);
% % use fixed-radius search with all neighbors confined within
% % a range of radius 0.08
% inds = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, 'search_sch', 'fr', 'radius', 0.08);
% % use bd-tree construction
% inds = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, 'use_bdtree', true);
% % use bd-tree construction with centroid shrinking rule
% inds = annquery(Xr, Xq, k, 'use_bdtree', true, 'shrink', 'centroid');
% \}
% - If you want to find neighbors for each point within the same point
% set with the query point itself excluded from neighbor set.
% \{
% [inds, dists] = annquery(X, X, k+1, ...);
% inds = inds(2:end, :);
% dists = dists(2:end, :);
% \}
% This simple way is based on the rationale that the query point itself
% is the most nearest point to the query when searching in the same
% set. It works in most cases.
% However, if there are two points reside in EXACTLY the same position,
% then it is probable that another point in the same position is
% removed while the query point remains. However, such circumstances
% rarely happen in real data.
% [ History ]
% - Created by Dahua Lin, on Jul 06, 2007
%% For help
if nargin == 1 && ischar(Xr) && strcmpi(Xr, '-doc')
%% parse and verify input arguments
narginchk(3, inf);
% some predicates
is_normal_matrix = @(x) isnumeric(x) && ndims(x) == 2 && isreal(x) && ~issparse(x);
is_posint_scalar = @(x) isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && x == fix(x) && x > 0;
is_switch = @(x) islogical(x) && isscalar(x);
is_float_scalar = @(x) isfloat(x) && isscalar(x);
% Xr and Xq
require_arg(is_normal_matrix(Xr), 'Xr should be a full numeric real matrix');
require_arg(is_normal_matrix(Xq), 'Xq should be a full numeric real matrix');
[d, n] = size(Xr);
require_arg(size(Xq, 1) == d, 'The point dimensions in Xr and Xq are inconsistent.')
% k
require_arg(is_posint_scalar(k), 'k should be a positive integer scalar');
require_arg(k <= n, 'The value k exceeds the number of reference points');
% options
opts = struct( ...
'use_bdtree', false, ...
'bucket_size', 1, ...
'split', 'suggest', ...
'shrink', 'suggest', ...
'search_sch', 'std', ...
'eps', 0, ...
'radius', 0);
if ~isempty(varargin)
opts = setopts(opts, varargin{:});
require_opt(is_switch(opts.use_bdtree), 'The option use_bdtree should be a logical scalar.');
require_opt(is_posint_scalar(opts.bucket_size), 'The option bucket_size should be a positive integer.');
split_c = get_name_code('splitting rule', opts.split, ...
{'std', 'midpt', 'sl_midpt', 'fair', 'sl_fair', 'suggest'});
if opts.use_bdtree
shrink_c = get_name_code('shrinking rule', opts.shrink, ...
{'none', 'simple', 'centroid', 'suggest'});
shrink_c = int32(0);
ssch_c = get_name_code('search scheme', opts.search_sch, ...
{'std', 'pri', 'fr'});
require_opt(is_float_scalar(opts.eps) && opts.eps >= 0, ...
'The option eps should be a non-negative float scalar.');
use_fix_rad = strcmp(opts.search_sch, 'fr');
if use_fix_rad
require_opt(is_float_scalar(opts.radius) && opts.radius > 0, ...
'The option radius should be a positive float scalar in fixed-radius search');
rad2 = opts.radius * opts.radius;
rad2 = 0;
%% main (invoking ann_mex)
internal_opts = struct( ...
'use_bdtree', opts.use_bdtree, ...
'bucket_size', int32(opts.bucket_size), ...
'split', split_c, ...
'shrink', shrink_c, ...
'search_sch', ssch_c, ...
'knn', int32(k), ...
'err_bound', opts.eps, ...
'search_radius', rad2);
[nnidx, dists] = ann_mex(Xr, Xq, internal_opts);
nnidx = nnidx + 1; % from zero-based to one-based
if nargout >= 2
dists = sqrt(dists); % from squared distance to euclidean
if use_fix_rad
dists(nnidx == 0) = inf;
%% Auxiliary function
function c = get_name_code(optname, name, names)
require_opt(ischar(name), ['The option ' optname ' should be a string indicating a name.']);
cidx = find(strcmp(name, names));
require_opt(~isempty(cidx), ['The option ' optname ' cannot be assigned to be ' name]);
c = int32(cidx - 1);
function require_arg(cond, msg)
if ~cond
error('ann_mwrapper:annquery:invalidarg', msg);
function require_opt(cond, msg)
if ~cond
error('ann_mwrapper:annquery:invalidopt', msg);
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