Revision 727ea5612e070fce729834e0bce0109aae71ca44 authored by Raphael Cauderlier on 17 September 2018, 16:11:10 UTC, committed by Raphael Cauderlier on 12 March 2019, 14:36:44 UTC
1 parent 6f93bf4
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Tip revision: 727ea5612e070fce729834e0bce0109aae71ca44 authored by Raphael Cauderlier on 17 September 2018, 16:11:10 UTC
Sort instructions by the order in which they are documented
Tip revision: 727ea56
#+Title: Michelson in Coq

This repository is a formalisation of the [[][Michelson]] language using the
[[][Coq]] interactive theorem prover. The following parts of the language
are formalized:

- the type system
- the syntax
- the semantics

This formalisation is entirely based on [[][the specification of
Michelson]]; more precisely, it is currently based on the following
version of this specification:

* Type system

In Michelson, an important distinction is made between *comparable*
types and non-comparable ones. Comparable types can be used to index
maps and only sets of elements in comparable types are allowed.

Here is the list of comparable types defined in [[./src/comparable.v]]:

Inductive comparable_type : Set :=
| string
| nat
| int
| bytes
| bool
| mutez
| key_hash
| timestamp.

Each comparable type is trivially a Michelson type, here is the full
list of Michelson types as defined in [[./src/syntax.v]]:

Inductive type : Set :=
| Comparable_type : comparable_type -> type
| key : type
| unit : type
| signature : type
| option_ : type -> type
| list_ : type -> type
| set_ : comparable_type -> type
| contract : type -> type
| address : type
| operation : type
| pair : type -> type -> type
| or : type -> type -> type
| lambda : type -> type -> type
| map : comparable_type -> type -> type
| big_map : comparable_type -> type -> type.

Coq let us see the type =comparable_type= as a subtype of the type
=type= by declaring the =Comparable_type= injection as an implicit

Coercion Comparable_type : comparable_type >-> type.

Finally, the semantics of these types is defined by interpreting them
by predefined Coq types using the following table:

  | Michelson     | Coq              |
  | =int=         | =Z=              |
  | =nat=         | =N=              |
  | =string=      | =string=         |
  | =bytes=       | =string=         |
  | =timestamp=   | =Z=              |
  | =mutez=       | =int63=          |
  | =bool=        | =bool=           |
  | =unit=        | =unit=           |
  | =pair a b=    | =a * b=          |
  | =option a=    | =option a=       |
  | =or a b=      | =sum a b=        |
  | =list a=      | =list a=         |
  | =set a=       | =set a (lt a)=   |
  | =map a b=     | =map a b (lt a)= |
  | =bigmap a b=  | idem             |
  | =lambda a b=  | =a -> M b=       |
  | anything else | axiomatized      |

 Definition int63 :=
   {t : int64.int64 | int64.sign t = false}
 Definition set a lt :=
   {l : list A | Sorted.StronglySorted lt l}
 Definition map a b lt :=
   set (a * b) (fun x y => lt (fst x) (fst y))

* Syntax

The syntax and typing of Michelson instructions is defined in file
[[./src/syntax.v]]. We use a dependent inductive type to rule out
ill-typed instructions.

Inductive instruction : list type -> list type -> Set :=
| FAILWITH {A B a} : data a -> instruction A B
| SEQ {A B C} : instruction A B -> instruction B C -> instruction A C
| IF_ {A B} : instruction A B -> instruction A B -> instruction (bool ::: A) B
| LOOP {A} : instruction A (bool ::: A) -> instruction (bool ::: A) A

* Semantics

We formalize the semantics of Michelson by defining an evaluator in
file [[./src/semantics.v]]. Since evaluating a Michelson instruction might
fail (which Coq functions cannot), we wrap the return type of this
evaluator in the exception monad defined in file
[[./src/error.v]]. Moreover, Coq forbids non-terminating function so we
use a common Coq trick to define the evalator on diverging
instructions such as =LOOP=: we make the evaluator structurally
recursive on an extra argument of type =Datatypes.nat= called the
=fuel= of the evaluator.

  Fixpoint eval {A : stack_type} {B : stack_type}
           (i : instruction A B) (fuel : Datatypes.nat) {struct fuel} :
    stack A -> M (stack B) :=
    match fuel with
    | O => fun SA => Failed _ Out_of_fuel
    | S n =>
      match i in instruction A B return stack A -> M (stack B) with

* Overloading

A Michelson instruction is called overloaded when it can be assigned
several types. For example, the =NEG= instruction which replaces a
number at the top of the stack by its opposite can have either the
type =int : 'S -> int : 'S= or the type =nat : 'S -> int : 'S=.

To handle this source of ambiguity in our typed AST =instruction=, we
use *canonical structures*, a Coq feature that let the Coq refiner
solve the ambiguity by inferring the missing piece of information from
the context.

Both versions of the =NEG= instruction are defined in [[./src/syntax.v]]
as follows:

Module neg.
  Record class (a : comparable_type) :=
    Class { neg : comparable_data a -> M Z }.

  Structure type (a : comparable_type) := Pack { class_of : class a }.

  Definition op (a : comparable_type) {e : type a} : comparable_data a -> M Z :=
    neg _ (class_of a e).
End neg.

Canonical Structure neg_nat : neg.type nat :=
  neg.Pack nat (neg.Class nat (fun x => Return _ (- Z.of_N x)%Z)).

Canonical Structure neg_int : neg.type int :=
  neg.Pack int (neg.Class int (fun x => Return _ (- x)%Z)).

The structure =neg.type= is then used in the =instruction= datatype as follows:

Inductive instruction : list type -> list type -> Set :=
| NEG {n} {s : neg.type n} {S} : instruction (n ::: S) (int ::: S)

so the =NEG= instruction receives a =neg.type= as an implicit argument
which is going to be provided by the canonical structure mechanism.

Finally, the evaluator in file [[./src/semantics.v]] uses this implicit
argument to call the correct function depending on the chosen type for
the =NEG= instruction:

  Fixpoint eval {A : stack_type} {B : stack_type}
           (i : instruction A B) (fuel : Datatypes.nat) {struct fuel} :
    stack A -> M (stack B) :=
    match fuel with
    | O => fun SA => Failed _ Out_of_fuel
    | S n =>
      match i in instruction A B return stack A -> M (stack B) with
      | @NEG b s _ =>
        fun SxA =>
          let (x, SA) := SxA in
          bind (fun r => Return _ (r, SA))
               (@neg.op b s x)

The main drawback of this approach based on canonical structures is
that it breaks the separation of syntax and semantics: the various
semantics of the =NEG= instruction have to be defined before the
definition of the syntax of instructions; this is why they appear in
file [[./src/syntax.v]].

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