Revision 738b43f6dcce877b85c10f23dafc38e0098bd8fb authored by Daniel Luedecke on 19 February 2014, 11:32:18 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 19 February 2014, 11:32:18 UTC
1 parent 64f2fd6
Raw File
#' @title Save linear regression as HTML-Table
#' @name sjt.lm
#' @references \itemize{
#'              \item \url{}
#'              \item \url{}
#'              }
#' @description Save (multiple) fitted linear models (beta coefficients, std. beta values etc.)
#'                as HTML-Table. The fitted lm's should have the same predictor variables and
#'                differ only in their response (dependent variable).
#' @seealso \link{sjt.glm}
#' @param ... One or more fitted lm-objects.
#' @param file The destination file, which will be in html-format. If no filepath is specified,
#'          the file will be saved as temporary file and openend either in the RStudio View pane or
#'          in the default web browser.
#' @param labelPredictors Labels of the predictor variables, provided as char vector.
#' @param labelDependentVariables Labels of the dependent variables of all fitted models
#'          which have been used as first parameter(s), provided as char vector.
#' @param stringPredictors String constant used as headline for the predictor column.
#'          Default is \code{"Predictors"}.
#' @param stringDependentVariables String constant used as headline for the 
#'          dependent variable columns. Default is \code{"Dependent Variables"}.
#' @param stringModel String constant used as headline for the model names in case no 
#'          labels for the dependent variables are provided (see labelDependentVariables).
#'          Default is \code{"Model"}.
#' @param stringIntercept String constant used as headline for the Intercept row
#'          default is \code{"Intercept"}.
#' @param stringObservations String constant used in the summary row for the count of observation
#'          (cases). Default is \code{"Observations"}.
#' @param showConfInt If \code{TRUE} (default), the confidence intervall is also printed to the table. Use
#'          \code{FALSE} to omit the CI in the table.
#' @param showStdBeta If \code{TRUE}, the standardized beta-coefficients are also printed.
#'          Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param pvaluesAsNumbers If \code{TRUE}, p-values are shown as numbers. If \code{FALSE} (default),
#'          p-values are indicated by asterisks.
#' @param boldpvalues If \code{TRUE} (default), significant p-values are shown bold faced.
#' @param separateConfColumn if \code{TRUE}, the CI values are shown in a separate table column.
#'          Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param showAbbrHeadline If \code{TRUE} (default), the table data columns have a headline with 
#'          abbreviations for beta- and std. beta-values, confidence interval and p-values.
#' @param showR2 If \code{TRUE} (default), the R2 and adjusted R2 values for each model are printed
#'          in the model summary.
#' @param showFStat If \code{TRUE}, the F-statistics for each model is printed
#'          in the model summary. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param showAIC If \code{TRUE}, the AIC value for each model is printed
#'          in the model summary. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param encoding The charset encoding used for variable and value labels. Default is \code{"UTF-8"}. Change
#'          encoding if specific chars are not properly displayed (e.g.) German umlauts).
#' @return Invisibly returns a \link{structure} with the web page style sheet (\code{}) and the
#'          web page content (\code{page.content}) for further use.
#' @note The HTML tables can either be saved as file and manually opened (specify parameter \code{file}) or
#'         they can be saved as temporary files and will be displayed in the RStudio Viewer pane (if working with RStudio)
#'         or opened with the default web browser. Displaying resp. opening a temporary file is the
#'         default behaviour (i.e. \code{file=NULL}).
#' @examples
#' # Now fit the models. Note that both models share the same predictors
#' # and only differ in their dependent variable
#' data(efc)
#' # fit first model
#' fit1 <- lm(barthtot ~ c160age + c12hour + c161sex + c172code, data=efc)
#' # fit second model
#' fit2 <- lm(neg_c_7 ~ c160age + c12hour + c161sex + c172code, data=efc)
#' # create and open HTML-table in RStudio Viewer Pane or web browser
#' \dontrun{
#' sjt.lm(fit1, fit2, labelDependentVariables=c("Barthel-Index", "Negative Impact"),
#'        labelPredictors=c("Carer's Age", "Hours of Care", "Carer's Sex", "Educational Status"))}
#' # save HTML-tables to "lm_table2.html", indicating p-values as numbers
#' \dontrun{
#' sjt.lm(fit1, fit2, labelDependentVariables=c("Barthel-Index", "Negative Impact"),
#'        labelPredictors=c("Carer's Age", "Hours of Care", "Carer's Sex", "Educational Status"),
#'        file="lm_table2.html", showStdBeta=TRUE, pvaluesAsNumbers=TRUE)}
#' # create and open HTML-table in RStudio Viewer Pane or web browser,
#' # printing CI in a separate column
#' \dontrun{
#' sjt.lm(fit1, fit2, labelDependentVariables=c("Barthel-Index", "Negative Impact"),
#'        labelPredictors=c("Carer's Age", "Hours of Care", "Carer's Sex", "Educational Status"),
#'        separateConfColumn=TRUE)}
#' # save HTML-tables to "lm_table4.html", indicating p-values as numbers
#' # and printing CI in a separate column
#' \dontrun{
#' sjt.lm(fit1, fit2, labelDependentVariables=c("Barthel-Index", "Negative Impact"),
#'        labelPredictors=c("Carer's Age", "Hours of Care", "Carer's Sex", "Educational Status"),
#'        file="lm_table4.html", showStdBeta=TRUE, pvaluesAsNumbers=TRUE, separateConfColumn=TRUE)}
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
#' # connecting two html-tables
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
#' # fit two more models
#' fit3 <- lm(tot_sc_e ~ c160age + c12hour + c161sex + c172code, data=efc)
#' fit4 <- lm(e42dep ~ c160age + c12hour + c161sex + c172code, data=efc)
#' \dontrun{
#' # create and save first HTML-table
#' part1 <- sjt.lm(fit1, fit2, labelDependentVariables=c("Barthel-Index", "Negative Impact"),
#'                 labelPredictors=c("Carer's Age", "Hours of Care",
#'                                   "Carer's Sex", "Educational Status"))
#' # create and save second HTML-table
#' part2 <- sjt.lm(fit3, fit4, labelDependentVariables=c("Service Usage", "Elder's Dependency"),
#'                 labelPredictors=c("Carer's Age", "Hours of Care",
#'                                   "Carer's Sex", "Educational Status"))
#' # browse temporary file
#' htmlFile <- tempfile(fileext=".html")
#' write(sprintf("<html><head>%s</head><body>%s<p></p>%s</body></html>",
#'               part1$, part1$page.content, part2$page.content),
#'               file=htmlFile)
#' viewer <- getOption("viewer")
#' if (!is.null(viewer)) viewer(htmlFile) else utils::browseURL(htmlFile)}
#' @export
sjt.lm <- function (..., 
                     stringDependentVariables="Dependent Variables", 
                     encoding="UTF-8") {
  # ------------------------
  # set page encoding
  # ------------------------
  toWrite <- sprintf("<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n", encoding)
  # ------------------------
  # set style sheet ans save it for return value
  # ------------------------ <-  "<style>table { border-collapse:collapse; border:none; }\nth { border-bottom: 1px solid; }\ntable td { padding:0.2cm; }\n.summary td { padding-top:0.1cm; padding-bottom:0.1cm }\n.colnames td { font-style:italic }\n.firstsumrow { border-top:1px solid }\n.lasttablerow { border-bottom: double; }\n.topborder { border-top:2px solid }\n.depvarhead { text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid; border-top:1px solid }\n.topcontentborder { border-top:double }\n.annorow { border-top:2px solid }\n.annostyle { text-align:right }\n</style>"
  toWrite <- paste(toWrite,
  toWrite <- paste(toWrite, "\n</head>\n<body>", "\n")
  # ------------------------
  # retrieve fitted models
  # ------------------------
  input_list <- list(...)
  # -------------------------------------
  # if confidence interval should be omitted,
  # don't use separate column for CI!
  # -------------------------------------
  if (!showConfInt) {
    separateConfColumn <- FALSE
    showCIString <- c("B")
  else {
    showCIString <- c("B (CI)")
  # -------------------------------------
  # table headline
  # -------------------------------------
  headerColSpan <- length(input_list)
  headerColSpanFactor <- 1
  if (pvaluesAsNumbers) headerColSpanFactor <- headerColSpanFactor+1
  if (separateConfColumn) headerColSpanFactor <- headerColSpanFactor+1
  if (showStdBeta) headerColSpanFactor <- headerColSpanFactor+1
  headerColSpan <- headerColSpanFactor * headerColSpan
  page.content <- "<table>\n"
  page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("  <tr class=\"topborder\">\n    <td rowspan=\"2\"><em>%s</em></td>", stringPredictors), "\n")
  page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td colspan=\"%i\" class=\"depvarhead\"><em>%s</em></td>", headerColSpan, stringDependentVariables), "\n")
  page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>\n  <tr>", "\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # table headline: label for dependent variables (model outcomes)
  # -------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(labelDependentVariables)) {
    for (i in 1:length(labelDependentVariables)) {
      if (headerColSpanFactor>1) {
        page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td colspan=\"%i\">%s</td>", headerColSpanFactor, labelDependentVariables[i]), "\n")
      else {
        page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s</td>", labelDependentVariables[i]), "\n")
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>", "\n")
  else {
    for (i in 1:length(input_list)) {
      if (headerColSpanFactor>1) {
        page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td colspan=\"%i\">%s %i</td>", headerColSpanFactor, stringModel, i), "\n")
      else {
        page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s %i</td>", stringModel, i), "\n")
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>", "\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # calculate coefficients and confidence intervalls
  # for all models
  # -------------------------------------
  coeffs <- c()
  confi_lower <- c()
  confi_higher <- c()
  pv <- c()
  stdbv <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(input_list)) {
    fit <- input_list[[i]]
    coeffs <- rbind(coeffs, coef(fit))
    confi_lower <- cbind(confi_lower, confint(fit)[,1])
    confi_higher <- cbind(confi_higher, confint(fit)[,2])
    pv <- cbind(pv, round(summary(fit)$coefficients[,4],3))
    # retrieve standardized betas
    stdbv <- cbind(stdbv, sprintf("%.2f", round(sju.betaCoef(fit),2)))
  coeffs <- t(coeffs)
  if (is.null(labelPredictors)) {
    labelPredictors <- row.names(coeffs)[-1]
  if (!pvaluesAsNumbers) {
    pv <- apply(pv, c(1,2), function(x) {
      if (x>=0.05) x <- c("")
      else if (x>=0.01 && x<0.05) x <- c("*")
      else if (x>=0.001 && x<0.01) x <- c("**")
      else if (x<0.001) x <- c("***")
  else {
    pv <- apply(pv, c(1,2), function(x) {
      if (x <0.05 && boldpvalues) {
        x <- sprintf("<b>%.3f</b>", x)      }
      else {
        x <- sprintf("%.3f", x) 
  # -------------------------------------
  # table header: or/ci and p-labels
  # -------------------------------------
  if (showAbbrHeadline) {
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  <tr class=\"colnames\">\n    <td>&nbsp;</td>\n")
    colnr <- ifelse(is.null(labelDependentVariables), length(input_list), length(labelDependentVariables))
    for (i in 1:colnr) {
      if (pvaluesAsNumbers) {
        if (separateConfColumn) {
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, "    <td>B</td><td>CI</td><td>std. Beta</td><td>p</td>\n")            
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, "    <td>B</td><td>CI</td><td>p</td>\n")            
        else {
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s</td><td>std. Beta</td><td>p</td>\n", showCIString))
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s</td><td>p</td>\n", showCIString))
      else {
        if (separateConfColumn) {
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, "    <td>B</td><td>CI</td><td>std. Beta</td>\n")
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, "    <td>B</td><td>CI</td>\n")
        else {
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s</td><td>std. Beta</td>\n", showCIString))
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s</td>\n", showCIString))
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # close table headline
  # -------------------------------------
  page.content <- paste(page.content, "  <tr class=\"topcontentborder\">", "\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # 1. row: intercept
  # -------------------------------------
  page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%s</td>", stringIntercept), "\n")
  for (i in 1:ncol(coeffs)) {
    if (pvaluesAsNumbers) {
      if (separateConfColumn) {
        if (showStdBeta) {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f</td><td></td><td>%s</td>", coeffs[1,i], confi_lower[1,i], confi_higher[1,i], pv[1,i]), "\n")
        else {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f</td><td>%s</td>", coeffs[1,i], confi_lower[1,i], confi_higher[1,i], pv[1,i]), "\n")
      else {
        if (showConfInt) {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f (%.2f-%.2f)</td>", coeffs[1,i], confi_lower[1,i], confi_higher[1,i]))
        else {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td>", coeffs[1,i]))
        if (showStdBeta) {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("<td></td><td>%s</td>", pv[1,i]), "\n")
        else {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("<td>%s</td>", pv[1,i]), "\n")
    else {
      if (separateConfColumn) {
        if (showStdBeta) {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f %s</td><td></td>", coeffs[1,i], confi_lower[1,i], confi_higher[1,i], pv[1,i]), "\n")
        else {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f %s</td>", coeffs[1,i], confi_lower[1,i], confi_higher[1,i], pv[1,i]), "\n")
      else {
        if (showConfInt) {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f (%.2f-%.2f)", coeffs[1,i], confi_lower[1,i], confi_higher[1,i]))
        else {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f", coeffs[1,i]))
        if (showStdBeta) {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("%s</td><td></td>", pv[1,i]), "\n")
        else {
          page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("%s</td>", pv[1,i]), "\n")
  page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>", "\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # subsequent rows: pedictors
  # -------------------------------------
  predlen <- length(labelPredictors)
  for (i in 1:predlen) {
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  <tr>\n", sprintf("    <td>%s</td>", labelPredictors[i]), "\n")
    for (j in 1:ncol(coeffs)) {
      if (pvaluesAsNumbers) {
        if (separateConfColumn) {
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>", coeffs[i+1,j], confi_lower[i+1,j], confi_higher[i+1,j], stdbv[i,j], pv[i+1,j]), "\n")
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f</td><td>%s</td>", coeffs[i+1,j], confi_lower[i+1,j], confi_higher[i+1,j], pv[i+1,j]), "\n")
        else {
          if (showConfInt) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f (%.2f-%.2f)</td>", coeffs[i+1,j], confi_lower[i+1,j], confi_higher[i+1,j]))
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td>", coeffs[i+1,j]))
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>", stdbv[i,j], pv[i+1,j]), "\n")
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("<td>%s</td>", pv[i+1,j]), "\n")
      else {
        if (separateConfColumn) {
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f %s</td><td>%s</td>", coeffs[i+1,j], confi_lower[i+1,j], confi_higher[i+1,j], pv[i+1,j], stdbv[i,j]), "\n")
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f-%.2f %s</td>", coeffs[i+1,j], confi_lower[i+1,j], confi_higher[i+1,j], pv[i+1,j]), "\n")
        else {
          if (showConfInt) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f (%.2f-%.2f)", coeffs[i+1,j], confi_lower[i+1,j], confi_higher[i+1,j]))
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    <td>%.2f", coeffs[i+1,j]))
          if (showStdBeta) {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("%s</td><td>%s</td>", pv[i+1,j], stdbv[i,j]), "\n")
          else {
            page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("%s</td>", pv[i+1,j]), "\n")
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>", "\n")

  # -------------------------------------
  # Model-Summary: N
  # -------------------------------------
  if (headerColSpanFactor>1) {
    colspanstring <- sprintf("<td colspan=\"%i\">", headerColSpanFactor)
  else {
    colspanstring <- c("<td>")
  page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("  <tr class=\"summary firstsumrow\">\n    <td>%s</td>\n", stringObservations))
  for (i in 1:length(input_list)) {
    page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    %s%i</td>\n", colspanstring, summary(input_list[[i]])$df[2]))
  page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # Model-Summary: r2 and sdj. r2
  # -------------------------------------
  if (showR2) {
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  <tr class=\"summary\">\n     <td>R<sup>2</sup> / adj. R<sup>2</sup></td>\n")
    for (i in 1:length(input_list)) {
      rsqu <- summary(input_list[[i]])$r.squared
      adjrsqu <- summary(input_list[[i]])$adj.r.squared
      page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    %s%.3f / %.3f</td>\n", colspanstring, rsqu, adjrsqu))
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # Model-Summary: F-statistics
  # -------------------------------------
  if (showFStat) {
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  <tr class=\"summary\">\n     <td>F-statistics</td>\n")
    for (i in 1:length(input_list)) {
      fstat <- summary(input_list[[i]])$fstatistic
      # Calculate p-value for F-test
      pval <- pf(fstat[1], fstat[2], fstat[3],lower.tail = FALSE)
      # indicate significance level by stars
      pan <- c("")
      if (pval<=0.005) {
        pan <- c("***")
      else  if (pval<=0.01) {
        pan <- c("**")
      else  if (pval<=0.05) {
        pan <- c("*")
      page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    %s%.2f%s</td>\n", colspanstring, fstat[1], pan))
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # Model-Summary: AIC
  # -------------------------------------
  if (showAIC) {
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  <tr class=\"summary\">\n     <td>AIC</td>\n")
    for (i in 1:length(input_list)) {
      page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("    %s%.2f</td>\n", colspanstring, AIC(input_list[[i]])))
    page.content <- paste(page.content, "  </tr>\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # table footnote
  # -------------------------------------
  page.content <- paste(page.content, sprintf("  <tr class=\"annorow\">\n    <td>Notes</td><td class=\"annostyle\" colspan=\"%i\"><em>* p&lt;0.005&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;** p&lt;0.01&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*** p&lt;0.001</em></td>\n  </tr>\n</table>", headerColSpan), "\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # finish table
  # -------------------------------------
  toWrite <- paste(toWrite, page.content)
  toWrite <- paste(toWrite, "</body></html>", "\n")
  # -------------------------------------
  # check if we have filename specified
  # -------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(file)) {
    # write file
    write(toWrite, file=file)
  else {
    # else create and browse temporary file
    htmlFile <- tempfile(fileext=".html")
    write(toWrite, file=htmlFile)
    # check whether we have RStudio Viewer
    viewer <- getOption("viewer")
    if (!is.null(viewer)) {
    else {
    # delete temp file
    # unlink(htmlFile)
  invisible (structure(class = "sjtlm",
                       list( =,
                            page.content = page.content)))
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