Revision 7773e48d4a7aac712d9017423620a9028683e278 authored by Tito Dal Canton on 29 August 2017, 15:04:39 UTC, committed by GitHub on 29 August 2017, 15:04:39 UTC
* plot_singles_timefreq: plot veto segments, fix gate plotting and caption

* Tom's comment
1 parent 75958a1
Raw File
# Copyright (C) 2017  Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This modules provides functions for computing cosmological quantities, such as

import numpy
import lal
from scipy import interpolate
from pycbc.conversions import _ensurearray, _formatreturn

class _DistToZ(object):
    """Class to convert luminosity distance to redshift using the given

    Cosmological constants `h, om, ol, w0, w1, w2` may optionally be provided
    (see below). Otherwise, standard LambdaCDM will be used by default; see
    `LALCosmologyCalculator` for details.

    LAL provides functions to convert redshift to luminosity distance,
    assuming a cosmology. This class works by setting up a dense grid of
    redshifts, then using linear interpolation to find the inverse function.
    The interpolation uses a grid linear in z for z < 1, and log in z for z >
    1.  For speed, a default interpolater is setup on initialization for
    redshifts out to `default_maxz`. If a requested distance is found to have
    a redshift greater than `default_maxz`, a new set of grid points is
    created from `0.1*default_maxz` to `1e5*default_maxz` and re-interpolated.
    This continues until a redshift can be found.
    Instances of this class can be called like a function on luminosity
    distances, which will return the corresponding redshifts.

    h : {None, float}
        The normalized Hubble constant to use. If None, will default to
        standard cosmology.
    om : {None, float}
        The matter energy density. If None, will default to standard cosmology.
    ol : {None, float}
        The cosmological-constant density. If None, will default to standard
    w0 : {None, float}
        The 0th-order dark energy equation of state parameter. If None, will
        default to standard cosmology.
    w1 : {None, float}
        The first-order dark energy equation of state parameter. If None, will
        default to standard cosmology.
    w2 : {None, float}
        The second-order dark energy equation of state parameter. If None, will
        default to standard cosmology.
    default_maxz : {2., float}
        The default maximum redshift to use for the interpolation.
    numpoints : {5e4, int}
        The number of points to use between for the interpolation.
    def __init__(self, h=None, om=None, ol=None, w0=None, w1=None, w2=None,
                 default_maxz=1e5, numpoints=1e4):
        default_omega = lal.CreateCosmologicalParameters(0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
        # if any cosmological parameter was specified, create a custom
        # cosmology
        if any([p is not None for p in [h, om, ol, w0, w1, w2]]):
            h = h if h is not None else default_omega.h
            om = om if om is not None else
            ol = ol if ol is not None else default_omega.ol
            w0 = w0 if w0 is not None else default_omega.w0
            w1 = w1 if w1 is not None else default_omega.w1
            w2 = w2 if w2 is not None else default_omega.w2
   = lal.CreateCosmologicalParameters(h, om, ol,
                                                          w0, w1, w2)
   = default_omega
        self.default_maxz = default_maxz
        self.numpoints = numpoints
        self.z2d = numpy.vectorize(lal.LuminosityDistance)
        # for computing nearby (z < 1) redshifts
        zs = numpy.linspace(0., 1., num=numpoints)
        ds = self.z2d(, zs)
        self.nearby_d2z = interpolate.interp1d(ds, zs, kind='linear',
        # for computing far away (z > 1) redshifts
        zs = numpy.logspace(0, numpy.log10(default_maxz), num=numpoints)
        ds = self.z2d(, zs)
        self.faraway_d2z = interpolate.interp1d(ds, zs, kind='linear',
        # store the default maximum distance
        self.default_maxdist = ds.max()

    def get_redshift(self, dist):
        """Returns the redshift for the given distance.
        dist = _ensurearray(dist)
        zs = self.nearby_d2z(dist)
        # if any points had red shifts beyond the nearby, will have nans;
        # replace using the faraway interpolation
        replacemask = numpy.isnan(zs)
        if replacemask.any():
            zs[replacemask] = self.faraway_d2z(dist[replacemask])
            replacemask = numpy.isnan(zs)
            # if we still have nans, means that some distances are beyond our
            # furthest default; replace
            if replacemask.any():
                # well... check that the distance is positive and finite first
                if not (dist > 0.).all() and numpy.isfinite(dist).all():
                    raise ValueError("distance must be finite and > 0")
                minz = numpy.log10(self.default_maxz) - 1.
                maxz = minz + 5
                while replacemask.any():
                    gridzs = numpy.logspace(minz, maxz, num=self.numpoints)
                    ds = self.z2d(, gridzs)
                    d2z = interpolate.interp1d(ds, gridzs, kind='linear',
                    zs[replacemask] = d2z(dist[replacemask])
                    replacemask = numpy.isnan(zs)
                    minz = maxz - 1
                    maxz = minz + 5
        return _formatreturn(zs)

    def __call__(self, dist):
        return self.get_redshift(dist)

# we'll use the default cosmology for computing red shifts.
_d2z = _DistToZ()

def redshift(distance, h=None, om=None, ol=None, w0=None, w1=None, w2=None):
    """Returns the redshift associated with the given distance.

    Cosmological constants `h, om, ol, w0, w1, w2` may optionally be provided
    (see below). Otherwise, standard LambdaCDM will be used by default; see
    `LALCosmologyCalculator` for details.

    distance : float
        The luminosity distance, in Mpc.
    h : {None, float}
        The normalized Hubble constant to use. If None, will default to
        standard cosmology.
    om : {None, float}
        The matter energy density. If None, will default to standard cosmology.
    ol : {None, float}
        The cosmological-constant density. If None, will default to standard
    w0 : {None, float}
        The 0th-order dark energy equation of state parameter. If None, will
        default to standard cosmology.
    w1 : {None, float}
        The first-order dark energy equation of state parameter. If None, will
        default to standard cosmology.
    w2 : {None, float}
        The second-order dark energy equation of state parameter. If None, will
        default to standard cosmology.

    float :
        The redshift corresponding to the given distance.
    if all([p is None for p in [h, om, ol, w0, w1, w2]]):
        # just use the default converter
        d2z = _d2z
        d2z = _DistToZ(h=h, om=om, ol=ol, w0=w0, w1=w1, w2=w2)
    return d2z(distance)

__all__ = ['redshift']
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