Revision 782a296d16f1153701ebd2eb0c9e324eba5bf1e2 authored by tboury on 06 May 2023, 11:36:12 UTC, committed by tboury on 06 May 2023, 11:36:12 UTC
1 parent 67d94ba
# FuzzTree
# Copyright (C) 2023 THEO BOURY
import os, glob, pickle
from FuzzTree import main
from VarnaDrawing import print_mapping_on_target_graph
from SliceInCubes import slicer
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import func_timeout
def open_graph(graph_path):
Input: A graph path graph_path.
Output: Returns graph G extracted from graphpath in a networkx format.
with open(graph_path,'rb') as f:
G = pickle.load(f)
return G
def near_removal(GT):
Input: A target graph GT.
Output: Returns GT where every edges labeled "near" are removed.
edges_to_remove = [(i, j) for (i, j, t) in if t['near'] == True]
print("size of near removal", len(edges_to_remove))
for (i, j) in edges_to_remove:
GT.remove_edge(i, j)
return GT
def outer_chain_removal(GT, chains):
Input: - A target graph GT.
- A list of chains chains subset of the ones present in GT.
Output: Returns a copy of GT, where every chains not in chains list are removed.
Gnew=nx.DiGraph() #Initiate the new GT graph.
for ((i, ii),t) in
if i in chains:
Gnew.add_node((i, ii), pdb_position = t['pdb_position'], atoms = t['atoms'])
for ((i, ii),(j, jj),t) in
if i in chains and j in chains:
Gnew.add_edge((i, ii),(j, jj), label=t['label'], near=t['near'])
print("nb_nodes_GT_before", len(,"nb_edges_GT_before", len(
print("nb_nodes_GT_after", len(,"nb_edges_GT_after", len(
return Gnew
def rename_author_position(GT, GTref):
Input: A target graph GT.
Output: Change name of author position in pdb_position
GTref = near_removal(GTref)
Gnew=nx.DiGraph() #Initiate the new GT graph.
auth = {}
for ((i, j), t) in
if 'author_position' in t.keys():
auth[i] = t['author_chain']
for ((i, j), t) in
if 'author_position' not in t.keys():
authpos =[(auth[i], j)]['pdb_position']
authpos = t['author_position']
if 'atoms' not in t.keys():
at = []
at = []
for (type, label, blub, pos1, pos2, pos3) in t['atoms']:
tt = {}
tt['type'] = type
tt['label']= label
tt['position'] = (pos1, pos2, pos3)
Gnew.add_node((auth[i], j), pdb_position = authpos, atoms = at)
for ((i, ii), (j, jj), t) in
if t['label'] in ['B53', 'CHH', 'TWH', 'THW', 'CWW', 'THS', 'TSH', 'CWS', 'CSW', 'CSS', 'CWH','CHW', 'CHS','CSH','TWS','TSW','TSS','TWW','THH']:
Gnew.add_edge((auth[i], ii), (auth[j], jj), label=t['label'], near=t['near'])
for (i, j, t) in
if t['near'] == True:
if (i,j) not in GTref.edges():
GTref.add_edge(i, j, label = t['label'], near = t['near'])
return GTref
def exact_similar_mapping(mapping_ref, mapping, GT):
Input: - mapping_ref, the perfect mapping that we want to compare with.
- mapping, a mapping that was found in the RNA sampled by the algorithm.
- GT, the graph target.
Output: Returns 1, if the mappings are exactly the same with same number of nucleotides and 0 otherwise.
for (i, j) in mapping:
ii,t = [(ii, tt['pdb_position']) for ((ii,jj), tt) in if (ii,jj) == j][0]
if (i, (ii, t)) not in mapping_ref:
return 0
return 1
def weak_similar_mapping(mapping_ref, mapping, GT, strong_mapping):
Input: - mapping_ref, the perfect mapping that we want to compare with.
- mapping, a mapping that was found in the RNA sampled by the algorithm.
- GT, the graph target.
- strong_mapping, the proportio, of the mapping that we ensure to correspond exactly to say that the mapping are "weakly" similar
Output: Returns 1, if the mappings are weakly the same given a proportion and 0 otherwise.
quantity_nodes_valid = 0
ref_len = len(mapping_ref)
motif_len = len(mapping)
mapping_unfold = []
for (i, j) in mapping:
ii,t = [(ii, tt['pdb_position']) for ((ii,jj), tt) in if (ii,jj) == j][0]
mapping_unfold.append((ii, t))
mapping_unfold = list(set(mapping_unfold))
ref_unfold = [j for (i, j) in mapping_ref]
for i in mapping_unfold:
if i in ref_unfold:
quantity_nodes_valid +=1
if quantity_nodes_valid >= strong_mapping*min(ref_len, motif_len):
return 1
return 0
def best_effort_similar_mapping(mapping_ref, mapping, GT):
Input: - mapping_ref, the perfect mapping that we want to compare with.
- mapping, a mapping that was found in the RNA sampled by the algorithm.
- GT, the graph target.
Output: Returns 1, if the mappings are cover each others depending on which one is the larger one and 0 otherwise.
return weak_similar_mapping(mapping_ref, mapping, GT, 1)
def wrapper_main(filename_local_mapping_strong_mapping_timeout_GP_GT_L_E_G_maxGAPdistance_nb_samples_respect_injectivity_D_Distancer_preprocessed):
A wrapper around the main of to compute it in a multiprocess fashion with two techniques :
- for small RNA graph, compute them all in parallel
- for large RNA graphs, proceed eah RNA one after the other. We slice each in small spheres and compute spheres themselves in parallel.
(filename, local_mapping, strong_mapping, timeout, GP, GT, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance, nb_samples, respect_injectivity, D, Distancer_preprocessed) = filename_local_mapping_strong_mapping_timeout_GP_GT_L_E_G_maxGAPdistance_nb_samples_respect_injectivity_D_Distancer_preprocessed
timer = time.time()
if timeout == -1:
mapping = main(GP, GT, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance=maxGAPdistance, nb_samples=nb_samples, respect_injectivity=respect_injectivity, D = D, Distancer_preprocessed = Distancer_preprocessed, nb_procs = 1)
mapping = [mapp for (mapp, _) in mapping]
def computation():
loc = main(GP, GT, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance=maxGAPdistance, nb_samples=nb_samples, respect_injectivity=respect_injectivity, D = D, Distancer_preprocessed = Distancer_preprocessed, nb_procs = 1)
return [mapp for (mapp, _) in loc]
mapping = func_timeout.func_timeout(timeout, computation)
except: #func_timeout.FunctionTimedOut:
mapping = []
timer = time.time() - timer
if local_mapping:
proportion = []
for loc_mapp in local_mapping:
if mapping:
exact = len([mapp for mapp in mapping if exact_similar_mapping(loc_mapp, mapp, GT)])/len(mapping)
best_effort = len([mapp for mapp in mapping if best_effort_similar_mapping(loc_mapp, mapp, GT)])/len(mapping)
weak = len([mapp for mapp in mapping if weak_similar_mapping(loc_mapp, mapp, GT, strong_mapping)])/len(mapping)
proportion.append([exact, best_effort, weak])
proportion.append([0, 0, 0])
proportion = [[1.01, 1.01, 1.01]] #It means here that we have no way to verify that the mappings are the ones that we want here.
print("filename", filename, "timer", timer, "proportion", proportion, "number_mapping", len(mapping))
if len(mapping) == 0:
print("filename", filename, "timer", timer, "number_mapping", 0)
print("filename", filename, "timer", timer, "number_mapping", len(mapping), "one_mapping_example", mapping[0])
return (filename, timer, proportion, mapping)
def fusion_resu_cube(resu): #resu empty never happens
Input: A list of results resu of the form (filename, time, proportion, mappings) for a single RNA.
Output: Returns the fusion of this results in one single result of the form
(filename, full_time, full_proportion, full_mappings).
full_filename = resu[0][0]
full_timer = 0
for (blub1, timer, blub2, blub3) in resu:
full_timer += timer
full_mapping = []
full_proportion = [[0, 0, 0]]*len(resu[0][2])
for (_, _, proportion, mapping) in resu:
for k in range(len(proportion)):
for l in range(3):
full_proportion[k][l] += proportion[k][l] * len(mapping)
full_mapping+= mapping
if full_mapping:
for k in range(len(full_proportion)):
for l in range(3):
full_proportion[k][l] = full_proportion[k][l]/len(full_mapping)
return (full_filename, full_timer, full_proportion, full_mapping)
def initialise_perfect_mapping(perfect_mapping, motifs_mapping):
Input: - perfect_mapping, for each RNA GT graphs, the list of mappings that correspond to the research mappings.
- motifs_mapping, the mapping between the motifs themselves to allow search for a motif in another family.
Output: Return perfect mapping in a more convenient way and ubstitute motif mapping if needed in a more convenient way.
if motifs_mapping:
new_motifs_mapping = [-1 for i in range(len(motifs_mapping) + 1)]
for (k, l) in motifs_mapping:
new_motifs_mapping[l] = k
new_perfect_mapping = {}
for index in range(len(perfect_mapping)):
chains = []
for mappinger in perfect_mapping[index][1]:
(cha, num) = mappinger[1]
if cha not in chains:
chains.append(cha) #We retrieve the letter of the chain as we will look only at the objective chain in order to study a smaller graph
chains = tuple(chains)
if motifs_mapping:
local_mapping = []
for (num, stay) in perfect_mapping[index][1]:
local_mapping.append((new_motifs_mapping[num], stay))
local_mapping = perfect_mapping[index][1]
if (perfect_mapping[index][0], chains) in new_perfect_mapping.keys():
new_perfect_mapping[(perfect_mapping[index][0], chains)] =new_perfect_mapping[(perfect_mapping[index][0], chains)] + [local_mapping]
new_perfect_mapping[(perfect_mapping[index][0], chains)] = [local_mapping]
return new_perfect_mapping
def test_mapping(GPpath, GTpath, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance=3, nb_samples=1000, respect_injectivity=1, D = 5, Distancer_preprocessed = {}, nb_procs = 1):
Input: - A graph Pattern GP file named GPpath that we supposed to be exactly the pattern that we are looking for.
- A RNA Target Graph GT file named GTpath. We are looking for GP or a fuzzy version of GP in it.
- The Fuzzy Parameters L, E, G that are respectively threshold on sum of isostericity, number of edges and sum of gap distances.
- maxGAPdistance and D, fuzzy parameter about how far we allow to look respectively for gaps and missing edges.
- number of samples done for each searched pattern nb_samples.
- A boolean respect_injectivity to ask if we want to ensure that the injectivity is respected or if we allow mapping with doublons.
- strong_mapping indicates the proportion of the mapping that we want to be correct and the one that we allow to be "faulty".
- If Distance in GT are already preprocessed, we cant ake them in input to avoid further computation in Distancer_preprocessed.
- nb_procs, the number of processors allowed for precomputations.
Output: Return the nb_samples mappings obtained for this instance.
GP = open_graph(GPpath)
GT = open_graph(GTpath)
timer = time.time()
mapping = main(GP, GT, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance=maxGAPdistance, nb_samples=nb_samples, respect_injectivity=respect_injectivity, D = D, Distancer_preprocessed = Distancer_preprocessed, nb_procs = nb_procs)
timer = time.time() - timer
print("\nmapping", mapping)
print("\ntime", timer)
return mapping
def test_varna(name_file,GPpath, GTpath, show=1, output_format='png', L = 0, E = 0, G = 0, maxGAPdistance=3, nb_samples=1000, respect_injectivity=1, D = 5, mapping = [], Distancer_preprocessed = {}, nb_procs = 1):
Input: - A filename for the graph name_file.
- show to show the graph with matplotlib.pyplot.
- output_format, specification of the type of storage for the graph.
- mapping, the mapping that we ant to draw, if affected we discard the instance parameter, f not we compute a list of mappings for curent instance.
- A graph Pattern GP file named GPpath that we supposed to be exactly the pattern that we are looking for.
- A RNA Target Graph GT file named GTpath. We are looking for GP or a fuzzy version of GP in it.
- The Fuzzy Parameters L, E, G that are respectively threshold on sum of isostericity, number of edges and sum of gap distances.
- maxGAPdistance and D, fuzzy parameter about how far we allow to look respectively for gaps and missing edges.
- number of samples done for each searched pattern nb_samples.
- A boolean respect_injectivity to ask if we want to ensure that the injectivity is respected or if we allow mapping with doublons.
- strong_mapping indicates the proportion of the mapping that we want to be correct and the one that we allow to be "faulty".
- If Distance in GT are already preprocessed, we cant ake them in input to avoid further computation in Distancer_preprocessed.
- nb_procs, the number of processors allowed for precomputations.
Output: Return the Varna drawing for the mapping specified or for the first mapping in the list of mappings obtained for this instance.
GP = open_graph(GPpath)
GT = open_graph(GTpath)
if mapping:
print_mapping_on_target_graph([], GT, mapping=mapping, output_format = output_format, name_file = name_file, show=show)
print_mapping_on_target_graph(GP, GT, mapping = [], output_format = output_format, name_file = name_file, show=show, L=L, E=E, G=G, maxGAPdistance=maxGAPdistance, nb_samples=nb_samples, respect_injectivity=respect_injectivity, D = D, Distancer_preprocessed = Distancer_preprocessed, nb_procs = nb_procs)
def test_GP_into_multiples_GT(GPpath, GTlistfolder = "bigRNAstorage", threshold_bigGT = 500, strong_mapping = 1, respect_injectivity=1, L=0 , E=0, G=0, maxGAPdistance = 3, nb_samples=1000, remove_near=True, timeout=-1, D = 5, nb_procs = 32, perfect_mapping = [], motifs_mapping = [], slice = -1):
Input: - A graph Pattern GP file named GPpath that we supposed to be exactly the pattern that we are looking for.
- A list of RNA Target Graphs GTlist as a folder of files GTlistfolder. For each of these GT, we are looking for GP or a fuzzy version of GP in it.
- The threshold on the number of nucleotides threshold_bigGT above which we consider the RNA GT graph as "big".
- The Fuzzy Parameters L, E, G that are respectively threshold on sum of isostericity, number of edges and sum of gap distances.
- maxGAPdistance and D, fuzzy parameter about how far we allow to look respectively for gaps and missing edges.
- number of samples done for each searched pattern nb_samples.
- remove_near to True remove all edges labelled "near" and that are not as precise as we want.
- A boolean respect_injectivity to ask if we want to ensure that the injectivity is respected or if we allow mapping with doublons.
- strong_mapping indicates the proportion of the mapping that we want to be correct and the one that we allow to be "faulty".
- As we have no return when the process fails, we put a timeout.
- perfect_mapping, for each RNA GT graphs, the list of mappings that correspond to the research mappings.
- motifs_mapping, the mapping between the motifs themselves to allow search for a motif in another family.
Output: returns a list of quadruplets(filename, time, proportion, mappings) with mappings, mappings from the ones sample by the process. Left empty if no mapping where found in time.
GP = open_graph(GPpath)
path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + "/" + GTlistfolder
pathbis = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + "/bigRNAstorage"
smallGT = []
bigGT = []
if GTlistfolder == "bigRNAstorage":
addon = ".nxpickle"
addon = ".pickle"
if perfect_mapping:
perfect_mapping = initialise_perfect_mapping(perfect_mapping, motifs_mapping)
path_list = []
path_listbis = []
chains_list = []
RNA_list = []
for (RNAname, chains) in perfect_mapping.keys():
path_list.append(path+ "/" + RNAname + addon)
path_listbis.append(pathbis + "/" + RNAname + ".nxpickle")
path_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*' + addon))
path_listbis= glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.nxpickle"))
if perfect_mapping:
print("Perfect_mapping", perfect_mapping)
print("File exploration", path_list)
for num_list, filename in enumerate(path_list):
GT = open_graph(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))
GTref = open_graph(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path_listbis[num_list]))
if GTlistfolder != "bigRNAstorage":
GT = rename_author_position(GT, GTref)
compact_filename = (filename.split('/'))[-1][:-7]
compact_filename = (filename.split('/'))[-1][:-9]
local_mapping = []
if remove_near: #We remove the near edges only if requested.
GT = near_removal(GT)
if perfect_mapping:
chains = chains_list[num_list]
GT = outer_chain_removal(GT, chains)
local_mapping = perfect_mapping[(RNA_list[num_list], tuple(chains))]
if len(list(GT.nodes())) > threshold_bigGT:
print("Big GT", compact_filename, "size", len(GT.nodes()), "\n")
bigGT.append((compact_filename, GT.copy(), local_mapping))
print("Small GT", compact_filename, "size", len(GT.nodes()), "\n")
smallGT.append((compact_filename, GT.copy(), local_mapping))
entry = []
for (filename, GT, local_mapping) in smallGT:
entry.append((filename, local_mapping, strong_mapping, timeout, GP, GT, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance, nb_samples, respect_injectivity, D, {}))
with Pool(nb_procs) as pool:
resu = list(pool.imap_unordered(wrapper_main, entry))
for (filename, GT, local_mapping) in bigGT:
entry = []
if slice == -1:
slice = A/4
graph_grid, Distancer = slicer(GP, GT, nb_procs, filename=filename, D = slice) #instead of 0.5 for now to have less cubes
for GTsmall in graph_grid:
local_nb_samples = max(10, int(nb_samples/len(graph_grid)) + 1) #The maximum is here to ensure that we sample in something at least.
entry.append((filename, local_mapping, strong_mapping, timeout, GP, GTsmall, L, E, G, maxGAPdistance, local_nb_samples, respect_injectivity, D, Distancer))
with Pool(nb_procs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool:
resu_big = list(pool.imap_unordered(wrapper_main, entry))
compact_resu = [(i,j,len(l)) for (i,j,k,l) in resu]
debug_resu = [(i, j, k) for (i,j,k,l) in resu]
print("debug_resu", debug_resu)
print("List of filename x time x nb_mappings: \n")
print("compact_resu", compact_resu)
return resu
def bar_graph_time_by_filename(resu, title, bar_length = 0.3):
Input: - resu, the list of couples (filename, time) obtained during the test.
- title, a title for the plot.
- bar_length, size of bar drawn.
Output: returns a bar plot for the time for each RNA studied during the tests.
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=7)
y = []
graph_names = []
max_time = 1
for (name, time) in resu:
max_time = max(max_time, time)
for (name, time) in resu:
x = range(len(y))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_ylabel('Time', color='blue')
ax.set(ylim=(1, 10**7)), y, width = bar_length, color = 'blue', edgecolor = 'black', linewidth = 2, log = True)
plt.xticks([r + bar_length / 2 for r in range(len(y))], graph_names)
plt.savefig(title + '.png', format='png')
plt.savefig(title + '.pdf', format='pdf')
Computing file changes ...