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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
7b30302 read CENTER_LINE_UTC into insarmaps 23 July 2018, 22:46:51 UTC
2338afe update help message 23 July 2018, 19:02:37 UTC
565abd5 add --fast option to Add --fast option to for fast processing by disable pixel-wise inverting in and Adjut to read rsc attribute value with whitespace, so that the startUTC and endUTC from ISCE is now kept in the metadata. 23 July 2018, 18:55:14 UTC
00fc42a support multiple time-series file for 1. support multiple timeseries files input. Now it's easy to compare the displacement time-series between PySAR and GIANT, or between different phase correction steps in PYSAR. 2. --ex option read existing exclude_date.txt file by default 3. add comment to some functions bug fixed for enable gzip compression for geometry file writing in to save space without negligible effect on runing speed. 22 July 2018, 04:51:17 UTC
9ead29b add --date-type option to add --data-type option to add --nosplit-cmap option to add --shade-az and --shade-alt option to and modify get_colormap() to support all types of colormap name input: matplotlib and GMT colormap with/without reversed and repeasted. And make all colormap call go through this function instead of plt.get_cmap() 19 July 2018, 23:14:44 UTC
4dabf5f Create 19 July 2018, 02:54:55 UTC
808630e add --wrap-step and more colormap option for plotting pysar/objects/ move get_gps_los_displacement() and get_gps_los_velocity() inside gps class. add --wrap-step option for plotting, with default value of 2*np.pi. if --wrap-step == 2*np.pi, change disp_unit is radian, otherwise use auto value Thus, and could display matrix in wrapped format with one cycle corresponding to the wrap-step value, 10 cm for example. This is useful for comparison between different bandwidth, like Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 pysar/utils/ 1. add get_gmt_colormap() to load .cpt file from GMT website, some are downloaded already into $PYSAR_HOME/docs/cpt/ folder 2. add repeat_colormap() to generate a repeated colormap from existing ones add some .cpt files downloaded from GMT website 19 July 2018, 02:52:33 UTC
2f619bb adjust usage in 17 July 2018, 23:06:29 UTC
d5e26db add gps comparison options into and 1. add GPS comparison support objects/ a. add start/end_date argument search_gps() to be able to find GPS within certain spatial coverage AND time range b. use mean incidence angle and heading angle in read_gps_los_displacement() for simplicity c. add get_gps_los_velocity() to estimate linear velocity of GPS time-series d. add time range in gps.read_displacement() e. add displacement_enu2los() more simple errorbar() calling a. add --gps-* options example b. reference data matrix to reference GPS station c. use plot_gps() from pysar/utils/ d. bug fixed for elevation display on status bar while DEM has different resolution than data file utils/ a. adjust BasemapExt.draw_scale_bar() to replace lat/lon_c and distance arguments with loc - list of 3 floats, to use relative ratio instead of actual length and degrees to plot scalebar, which is easier. b. add --gps* options: --gps-label option to display GPS station name --gps-comp option to display GPS velocity in LOS direction projected from GPS components (3D, hz, or vertical/up) --ref-gps option for reference GPS station ############################# 2. add legacy folder and move the following scritps to there: 3. save los.rdr band 2 data into azimuthAngle dataset in geometry file instead of previous headingAngle dataset, because it's more accurate. And update corrresponding scripts 4. use set().issubset() to check whethe it is needed to write .rsc file or not in and, and merge those two metadata for more compatiability. 5. add START/END_DATE attribute to ifgramStack, timeseries and velocity files 17 July 2018, 23:01:36 UTC
d768a6e Update 17 July 2018, 22:28:08 UTC
066e14e adjust to new usage 1. adjust to's new usage, mainly with -m/M to --vlim option 2. move auto scalebar value calculation into BasemapExt.draw_scalebar() 3. start to plot DEM contour at 200 m (contour_step) and do not plot sea level, which is usually messy 15 July 2018, 21:11:10 UTC
c5ee411 share argument parsing and map plotting between and More shared components between and 1. add the following argument parsing function from into utils/ to be shared between and add_data_disp_argument() add_dem_argument() add_figure_argument() add_gps_argument() add_mask_argument() add_map_argument() add_point_argument() add_reference_argument() add_save_argument() and use add_plot_argument() in to call most of them 2. remove -m/M option for and use --vlim name instead, to be consistent with 3. use -m/--mask for mask file input 4. add --pts-yx/lalo/file/marker for point of interest input and plot them on top of images 5. add read_dem() in utils/ to read DEM considering the different resolution in geo coordinate plotting 6. use plot_2d_matrix() in both and, so now could plot timeseries in geo coordinates 7. remove obsolete --opposite option becuase it's not used and do not have physical meaning 8. better scalebar text auto position 9. support --lalo/yx in for point input due to ut.coordinate object 1. Rename to 2. move gps related utility functions from utils/ into objects/ 3. add dload_site_list() to download DataHoldings.txt file from Nevada 4. add search_gps() to search available GPS stations within the SAR coverage 5. do not import in objects/ as it's now rely on utils/ and not self indepent anymore Fix the zero temporal coherence and num_inv_ifgram on reference pixel in network inversion. 15 July 2018, 20:10:00 UTC
3686766 bug fixed for writing binary files 13 July 2018, 22:28:10 UTC
3ddc149 fixed a bug while geocoding S1 multiple swath data pysar/objects/ 1. a more robust way to mask out abnormal values in the lookup table file generated by ISCE for S1 multiple swath dataset 2. add get_radius_of_influence() and get_segment_number() to calculate the proper parameter. utils/ add k argumetn to most_common() to get the k most common elements in the list, better bar plot for 13 July 2018, 04:31:35 UTC
cc5b426 run pyaps correction in force by default if the latest dates' ECMWF data is not available 12 July 2018, 05:39:59 UTC
0e97f38 read gps std objects/ add GPS uncertainty reading in read_displacement() utils/ 1. add std in read_gps_los_displacement() 2. bug fixed in coordinate.box_pixel2geo() 12 July 2018, 01:30:16 UTC
1532eb1 do not re-load if output file exists and have more interferograms than input do not re-load ifgramStack if existed ifgramStack.h5 has more pairs than the searched input ones objects/ download png file together with the txt data file utils/ auto_adjust_xaxis_date() return datetime.datetime object now instead of object utils/ bugs fixed in enu2los() and coordinate class 11 July 2018, 22:57:14 UTC
78b3c1a commit 11 July 2018, 20:09:17 UTC
0c1dd8f add coordinate class merge coord_lalo2yx(), coord_yx2lalo(), coord_geo2radar(), coord_radar2geo(), bbox_geo2radar(), bbox_radar2geo() into a new class - coordinate, into pysar/utils/ to convert coordinates in radar/geo coordinate system. Adjust all coresponding script to the new usage. 11 July 2018, 20:08:10 UTC
f1517f0 renamed coord translation function to be more precise pysar/utils/ coord_geo2radar() --> coord_lalo2yx() coord_radar2geo() --> coord_yx2lalo() 11 July 2018, 02:48:59 UTC
0f2065d use exclude_date.txt by default in 11 July 2018, 02:35:23 UTC
0bd4e9e read gps time-series into los direction 1. add read_gps_los_displacement() into pysar/utils/ 2. add adaptive bar width in the time slider in 10 July 2018, 21:15:08 UTC
b78b936 add --lalo-loc option to specify the location of lat/lon label in 09 July 2018, 21:19:53 UTC
a04a739 update calling in 09 July 2018, 18:18:55 UTC
770462c use ISCE lat/lon info while calling pyaps use lat/lon information from ISCE for sentinel-1 product while calling PYAPS from add --circle option to to be able to exclude an circular area while generating mask, useful for volcanic deformation area. 08 July 2018, 21:11:33 UTC
b158261 add gps class to download and read GPS daily timeseries add new class - gps- to script pysar/objects/, to download and read GPS daily time-series from Nevada Geodetic Lab based on site ID add --wrap option to to be able to display the displacement map in wrapped fringe to show the subtle deformation signal in the presence of big deformation, very useful. 08 July 2018, 04:16:44 UTC
54dd302 Update 07 July 2018, 22:37:52 UTC
700df4f support offset input in template add support for SUBSET_X/YMIN input in template file to manually add the offset for geocoding problem in ROIPAC products rename resample.prepare() to support multiple template files input in and make -t an required argument bug fixed for --ref-date option in 07 July 2018, 19:28:46 UTC
0ff7261 speedup geocoding for ROIPAC and GAMMA products use scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator to geocode products from ROIPAC and GAMMA, much faster than pyresample. use auto figsize from to support --lalo input for radar coded sentinelStack products check DEM size in multiple subplots scenario 07 July 2018, 02:39:21 UTC
6348f87 show all metadata stored in h5 file 06 July 2018, 16:46:39 UTC
2e5f8f3 move read_mask() from to 05 July 2018, 21:25:11 UTC
f27445e remove visit location png, will add dynamic map later 05 July 2018, 18:41:12 UTC
5c316ee support GIANT velocity estimation 1. add GIANT support in 2. better handling nan value while comparing the matrix with scaler value 05 July 2018, 03:34:54 UTC
637f268 add visit location to github page 05 July 2018, 00:22:53 UTC
d47975c support HDF-EOS5 in 04 July 2018, 23:46:28 UTC
ea2229c Update page-footer.html 04 July 2018, 20:52:26 UTC
d13bac5 Create share.html 04 July 2018, 20:51:58 UTC
a5a444e add new option for sequential network modification 04 July 2018, 19:21:34 UTC
99dfc2c minor adjustment on tsview 04 July 2018, 17:24:31 UTC
9f3f628 add ORBIT_DIRECTION to giant file 04 July 2018, 04:18:35 UTC
3682f85 Merge branch 'master' of 04 July 2018, 00:16:15 UTC
0ec1129 more robust function to check existing grib files 04 July 2018, 00:16:11 UTC
29444c4 Update 03 July 2018, 23:24:37 UTC
a7efd28 Update ports.txt 03 July 2018, 23:23:12 UTC
d5574ac exit if no ifgramStack file found 03 July 2018, 19:29:29 UTC
c55495b GIAnT support and speedup Speedup 1. reading the entire timeseries 3D matrix into memory in the begining, instead of read point or acquisitions when it's needed. 2. estimated default min/max value for map plot and point displacement plot 3. move main() code into sub-functions: save_ts_plot() read_exclude_date() read_init_info() read_timeseries_data() plot_init_map() plot_init_time_slider() plot_timeseries_errorbar() plot_timeseries_scatter() plot_point_timeseries() _adjust_ts_axis() _get_ts_title() estimate_slope() 4. remove obsolete functions read_timeseries_yx() and read_timeseries_lalo() Add support for GIAnT timeseries file (LS/NSBAS-PARAMS.h5) reading: 1. add new class giantTimeseries in objects/ 2. adjust read() and read_attribute() in utils/ 3. adjust and bugs fix 03 July 2018, 19:19:16 UTC
5f5a864 add rename to add to extract some basic metadata from giant setup xml file to add to its h5 file to be read by pysar easily 02 July 2018, 23:12:55 UTC
938bf75 add preliminary port text file for pysar installation 02 July 2018, 22:46:26 UTC
f7a79cc Rename to 02 July 2018, 01:59:21 UTC
e8728a3 Rename to 02 July 2018, 01:59:05 UTC
c4cb0d6 remove existing exclude_date.txt file 01 July 2018, 23:44:35 UTC
2563fd9 add a systematic way to determine the FILE_TYPE of h5 file in read_attribute() 01 July 2018, 20:04:59 UTC
65a5fea fix bug introduced while supporting old pysar file format 01 July 2018, 18:07:26 UTC
d0ff38a add support for new reference point 01 July 2018, 02:56:58 UTC
b6b1eec add weighted network inversion with min-norm velocity use scipy.linalg.lstsq() instead of numpy.linalg.pinv() for This brings several advantages: 1. 1.5X speedup because lstsq() calculate solution directly without intermediate A_inv product 2. it supports min-norm solution using SVD, with/without weight 3. it supports cut-off argument cond (cond=1e-3 by default), which cut off the smal singular value of function model inverse, make inversion more robust 4. introduce redundancy ratio, or relative redundancy argument to estimate_timeseries() to exclude pixels with too less observation on some acquisitions. 5. more simple and consistent estimate_timeseries() In short, all combination options: weightFunc, minNormVelocity, maskDataset are fully supported. remove obsolete network_inversion_sbas() and network_inversion_wls() 01 July 2018, 00:23:05 UTC
092ef9d support old pysar timeseries/interferograms file reading and plotting 01 July 2018, 00:11:33 UTC
ea3abda Merge branch 'master' of 01 July 2018, 00:08:51 UTC
388f994 bring old width seting back 01 July 2018, 00:08:50 UTC
751ad20 Update 30 June 2018, 19:34:45 UTC
3cbaa37 Update 29 June 2018, 04:57:43 UTC
56a4d00 Update 29 June 2018, 04:53:54 UTC
1c11823 Update 28 June 2018, 23:14:22 UTC
68fbfba Update 28 June 2018, 23:11:51 UTC
8052141 bug fixed for auto width in progress_bar 28 June 2018, 01:46:16 UTC
edbd5f1 fixed extreme large value while inverting timeseries due to pixels with very low coherence in weighted approach use built-in exception handling to replace sys.exit() 1. adjust coherence cutoff value from 0.0001 to 0.05 while converting coherence to weight for inversion 2. check inverted design matrix for nan and inf value 3. use min-norm phase by default because it's more robust in weighted inversion, instead of min-norm velocity 4. adjust print out message add year/month tick in time slider delete obsolete function read_igram_pairs in calculate width of progress_bar based on console width automatically instead of previously fixed one, hope to solve the printout mess when teminal windows is small get 'DATA_TYPE' value when reading the data of binary file or metadata data of h5 file add enu2los() for simulation 28 June 2018, 01:39:57 UTC
ad429cd more robust weight function reading 25 June 2018, 23:36:37 UTC
2558c0a detail adjustment in 25 June 2018, 21:22:40 UTC
e879a97 update logo file 24 June 2018, 03:32:31 UTC
5d2b512 update qrcode 24 June 2018, 03:22:18 UTC
7db34dc add simulation/ for turbulence simulation add tool to simulate stochastic tropospheric turbulence, based on its power-law characteristics. It's translated and modified from matlab scripts originally written by Ramon Hanssen. 23 June 2018, 02:06:25 UTC
6378265 handle importError Use ImportError to handle import errors to show more information while import failing provide a numpy solution for rms_threshold calculation if statsmodels is not installed, it's the same if the distribution following Gaussian. 21 June 2018, 23:26:27 UTC
9ac70f2 bug fixed for prep_gamma/roipac 21 June 2018, 21:38:44 UTC
317eadc Update 21 June 2018, 21:18:02 UTC
7e89cbb support old pysar file plotting 21 June 2018, 20:55:32 UTC
f256c28 update pysarApp.cfg default value 21 June 2018, 16:10:57 UTC
8cce9c5 rename pysar.residualRms.Mscore to pysar.residualRms.cutoff for easy understanding 20 June 2018, 22:09:31 UTC
ee86661 more robust def project_name2sensor 20 June 2018, 20:47:18 UTC
b8e6199 add mp.use Agg for for linux environ 20 June 2018, 20:16:28 UTC
8e97d31 add mpl.use('Agg') for linux environ 20 June 2018, 19:58:37 UTC
c6b9d12 remove unnecessary imports and variables from python scripts 20 June 2018, 15:53:53 UTC
a4a7574 minor adjust 19 June 2018, 20:52:01 UTC
b96b65f use new logo for Github page header 18 June 2018, 17:23:53 UTC
d49bbc6 Update 18 June 2018, 15:52:44 UTC
7fd8c4c Update page-header.html 18 June 2018, 05:01:02 UTC
71837ee Update _config.yml 18 June 2018, 04:48:01 UTC
edf4f52 Merge pull request #8 from yunjunz/jekyll Jekyll 18 June 2018, 04:28:23 UTC
d61932c Update default.html 18 June 2018, 04:26:25 UTC
716c867 Update head.html 18 June 2018, 04:25:27 UTC
f6b018f Update default.html 18 June 2018, 04:24:22 UTC
5bbbc49 Create page-footer.html 18 June 2018, 04:16:58 UTC
17bae4a Create page-header.html 18 June 2018, 04:15:50 UTC
d8cb997 Create head.html 18 June 2018, 04:13:24 UTC
5fc1efe Create analytics.html 18 June 2018, 04:03:16 UTC
6080e08 Merge branch 'master' of 18 June 2018, 01:27:51 UTC
a943d60 add automatic outlier detection add automatic outlier detection based on the timeseries phase residual RMS using the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) outlier detection method. The adjustment parameter M-score (kappa_nought) can be modified through the new template option pysar.residualRms.Mscore 18 June 2018, 01:27:39 UTC
c5da2e9 Update 17 June 2018, 04:37:28 UTC
70308e8 Update 17 June 2018, 04:30:50 UTC
b7ab80d use bool as default output data type for generate_mask add note of 3D matrix inversion for multple pixels 17 June 2018, 01:19:28 UTC
4bfc39f add weighted network inversion based on min-norm deformation velocity add new option: pysar.networkInversion.minNormVelocity, to assume minimum-norm deformation velocity or phase during network inversion. remove obsolete function temporal_coherence() add new function estimate_timeseries() to replace network_inversion_sbas() and network_inversion_wls() check if there is any acuiqisiton missing after skipping zero phase value. check matrix singularity while using weighted inversion add notes for weighted singular value decomposition with min-norm deformation velocity for the future implement. 16 June 2018, 20:01:25 UTC
760a7b6 do not multilook one subplot data to calculate disp_min/max 16 June 2018, 02:05:07 UTC
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