Revision 7b83eacb17e69b0605c785960ab94c0d69f2fedd authored by Markus Kurtz on 02 October 2023, 11:16:02 UTC, committed by GitHub on 02 October 2023, 11:16:02 UTC
Rationale: currently, the Markdown documentation specifies the necessary
indent for code blocks and lists only. As there are people out there,
who indent their lines by only two spaces (or whatever amount)
documenting the indent could help in finding the reason for malformed
Markdown. See #45622. For an example where this problem occurred see
1 parent 4119dcf
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

const max_ccall_threads = parse(Int, get(ENV, "UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE", "4"))
const thread_notifiers = Union{Event, Nothing}[nothing for i in 1:max_ccall_threads]
const threadcall_restrictor = Semaphore(max_ccall_threads)
const threadcall_lock = Threads.SpinLock()

    @threadcall((cfunc, clib), rettype, (argtypes...), argvals...)

The `@threadcall` macro is called in the same way as [`ccall`](@ref) but does the work
in a different thread. This is useful when you want to call a blocking C
function without causing the current `julia` thread to become blocked. Concurrency
is limited by size of the libuv thread pool, which defaults to 4 threads but
can be increased by setting the `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` environment variable and
restarting the `julia` process.

Note that the called function should never call back into Julia.
macro threadcall(f, rettype, argtypes, argvals...)
    # check for usage errors
    isa(argtypes,Expr) && argtypes.head === :tuple ||
        error("threadcall: argument types must be a tuple")
    length(argtypes.args) == length(argvals) ||
        error("threadcall: wrong number of arguments to C function")

    # hygiene escape arguments
    f = esc(f)
    rettype = esc(rettype)
    argtypes = map(esc, argtypes.args)
    argvals = map(esc, argvals)

    # construct non-allocating wrapper to call C function
    wrapper = :(function (fptr::Ptr{Cvoid}, args_ptr::Ptr{Cvoid}, retval_ptr::Ptr{Cvoid})
        p = args_ptr
        # the rest of the body is created below
    body = wrapper.args[2].args
    args = Symbol[]
    for (i, T) in enumerate(argtypes)
        arg = Symbol("arg", i)
        push!(body, :($arg = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{$T}, p))))
        push!(body, :(p += Core.sizeof($T)))
        push!(args, arg)
    push!(body, :(ret = ccall(fptr, $rettype, ($(argtypes...),), $(args...))))
    push!(body, :(unsafe_store!(convert(Ptr{$rettype}, retval_ptr), ret)))
    push!(body, :(return Int(Core.sizeof($rettype))))

    # return code to generate wrapper function and send work request thread queue
    wrapper = Expr(:var"hygienic-scope", wrapper, @__MODULE__, __source__)
    return :(let fun_ptr = @cfunction($wrapper, Int, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}))
        # use cglobal to look up the function on the calling thread
        do_threadcall(fun_ptr, cglobal($f), $rettype, Any[$(argtypes...)], Any[$(argvals...)])

function do_threadcall(fun_ptr::Ptr{Cvoid}, cfptr::Ptr{Cvoid}, rettype::Type, argtypes::Vector, argvals::Vector)
    # generate function pointer
    c_notify_fun = @cfunction(
        function notify_fun(idx)
            global thread_notifiers
        end, Cvoid, (Cint,))

    # cconvert, root and unsafe_convert arguments
    roots = Any[]
    args_size = isempty(argtypes) ? 0 : sum(Core.sizeof, argtypes)
    args_arr = Vector{UInt8}(undef, args_size)
    ptr = pointer(args_arr)
    for (T, x) in zip(argtypes, argvals)
        isbitstype(T) || throw(ArgumentError("threadcall requires isbits argument types"))
        y = cconvert(T, x)
        push!(roots, y)
        unsafe_store!(convert(Ptr{T}, ptr), unsafe_convert(T, y)::T)
        ptr += Core.sizeof(T)

    # create return buffer
    ret_arr = Vector{UInt8}(undef, Core.sizeof(rettype))

    # wait for a worker thread to be available
    idx = -1
    @lock threadcall_lock begin
        idx = findfirst(isequal(nothing), thread_notifiers)::Int
        thread_notifiers[idx] = Event()

    GC.@preserve args_arr ret_arr roots begin
        # queue up the work to be done
        ccall(:jl_queue_work, Cvoid,
            (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint),
            fun_ptr, cfptr, args_arr, ret_arr, c_notify_fun, idx)

        # wait for a result & return it
        @lock threadcall_lock begin
            thread_notifiers[idx] = nothing

        r = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{rettype}, pointer(ret_arr)))
    return r
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