Revision 7ef92196935806d3aff3f5606988b02dc5644deb authored by Anish Tondwalkar on 12 April 2021, 18:53:23 UTC, committed by Anish Tondwalkar on 12 April 2021, 18:53:28 UTC
1 parent 79d9fb9
Raw File
% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
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\author{Anish Tondwalkar}{UC San Diego}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
\author{Matt Kolosick}{UC San Diego}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
\author{Ranjit Jhala}{UC San Diego}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
\authorrunning{A. Tondwalkar, M. Kolosick, and R. Jhala}
\newtcolorbox{myquote}{colback=lipicsLightGray, arc=1mm, boxrule=0mm}
\keywords{Refinement Types, Theorem Proving, Verification}  %% \keywords is optional
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% get rid of language-specific shorthands (see #6817):
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\institute{$for(institute)$$institute$$sep$ \and $endfor$}







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