Revision 7f5fe7453912332a9be00d1efc0f880d80f47a7c authored by François Dupressoir on 14 March 2022, 17:21:04 UTC, committed by François Dupressoir on 14 March 2022, 17:21:15 UTC
Some more work needs done to present a clean theory of prime order
groups, and use it properly.

We should also ensure that we can eventually support DH over cyclic
groups of composite order (operating over prime order subgroups)
1 parent 87ff7f8
Raw File
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcMaps
open EcSymbols
open EcLocation
open EcPath
open EcParsetree
open EcTypes
open EcDecl
open EcModules
open EcTyping
open EcHiInductive
open EcBigInt.Notations

module Sid  = EcIdent.Sid
module Mid  = EcIdent.Mid
module MSym = EcSymbols.Msym
module BI   = EcBigInt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception HiScopeError of EcLocation.t option * string

let pp_hi_scope_error fmt exn =
  match exn with
  | HiScopeError (None, s) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s

  | HiScopeError (Some loc, s) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "%s: %s" (EcLocation.tostring loc) s

  | _ -> raise exn

let _ = EcPException.register pp_hi_scope_error

let hierror ?loc fmt =
  let buf  = Buffer.create 127 in
  let bfmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in

      (fun _ ->
         Format.pp_print_flush bfmt ();
         raise (HiScopeError (loc, Buffer.contents buf)))
      bfmt fmt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception ImportError of EcLocation.t option * symbol * exn

let is_import_error = function ImportError _ -> true | _ -> false

let pp_import_error fmt exn =
  match exn with
  | ImportError (None, name, e) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "In external theory %s [<unknown> location]:@\n%a"
        name EcPException.exn_printer e

  | ImportError (Some l, name, e) when is_import_error e ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "In external theory %s [%s]:@\n%a"
        name (EcLocation.tostring l)
        EcPException.exn_printer e

  | ImportError (Some l, name, e) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "In external theory %s [%s]:@\n@\n%a"
        name (EcLocation.tostring l)
        EcPException.exn_printer e

  | _ -> raise exn

let _ = EcPException.register pp_import_error

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception TopError of EcLocation.t * exn

let rec toperror_of_exn_r ?gloc exn =
  match exn with
  | TyError    (loc, _, _) -> Some (loc, exn)
  | RcError    (loc, _, _) -> Some (loc, exn)
  | DtError    (loc, _, _) -> Some (loc, exn)
  | ParseError (loc, _)    -> Some (loc, exn)

  | EcHiPredicates.TransPredError (loc, _, _) -> Some (loc, exn)
  | EcHiNotations .NotationError  (loc, _, _) -> Some (loc, exn)

  | EcLexer.LexicalError (loc, _) ->
      Some (odfl (odfl _dummy gloc) loc, exn)

  | EcCoreGoal.TcError { EcCoreGoal.tc_location = None } ->
      Some (odfl _dummy gloc, exn)

  | EcCoreGoal.TcError
      { EcCoreGoal.tc_location = Some { EcCoreGoal.plc_loc = loc } } ->
      let gloc = if EcLocation.isdummy loc then gloc else Some loc in
      Some (odfl _dummy gloc, exn)

  | LocError (loc, e)    -> begin
      let gloc = if EcLocation.isdummy loc then gloc else Some loc in
      match toperror_of_exn_r ?gloc e with
      | None -> Some (loc, e)
      | Some (loc, e) -> Some (loc, e)

  | ImportError _ ->
      Some (odfl _dummy gloc, exn)

  | TopError (loc, e) ->
      let gloc = if EcLocation.isdummy loc then gloc else Some loc in
      toperror_of_exn_r ?gloc e
  | EcSection.SectionError _ ->
    Some (odfl _dummy gloc, exn)
  | HiScopeError (loc, msg) ->
      let gloc =
        match loc with
        | None     -> gloc
        | Some loc -> if EcLocation.isdummy loc then gloc else Some loc
        Some (odfl _dummy gloc, HiScopeError (None, msg))

  | Sys.Break ->
      Some (odfl _dummy gloc, HiScopeError (None, "interrupted"))

  | _ -> None

let toperror_of_exn ?gloc exn =
  match toperror_of_exn_r ?gloc exn with
  | Some (loc, exn) -> TopError (loc, exn)
  | None            -> exn

let pp_toperror fmt loc exn =
  Format.fprintf fmt "%s: %a"
    (EcLocation.tostring loc)
    EcPException.exn_printer exn

let () =
  let pp fmt exn =
    match exn with
    | TopError (loc, exn) -> pp_toperror fmt loc exn
    | _ -> raise exn
    EcPException.register pp

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type goption = ..

module type IOptions = sig
  type oid
  type options

  type action = { for_loading : goption -> goption; }

  val register     : ?action:action -> goption -> oid
  val freeze       : unit -> options
  val get          : options -> oid -> goption
  val set          : options -> oid -> goption -> options
  val for_loading  : options -> options
  val for_subscope : options -> options

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module GenOptions : IOptions = struct
  type action  = { for_loading : goption -> goption; }
  type oid     = EcUid.uid
  type options = (action * goption) EcUid.Muid.t

  let options : options ref =
    ref EcUid.Muid.empty

  let identity = { for_loading = (fun x -> x); }

  let register ?(action = identity) goption =
    let oid = EcUid.unique () in
    options := EcUid.Muid.add oid (action, goption) !options; oid

  let freeze () =

  let get (options : options) (oid : oid) =
    snd (oget (EcUid.Muid.find_opt oid options))

  let set (options : options) (oid : oid) (goption : goption) =
    EcUid.Muid.change (fun k -> Some (fst (oget k), goption)) oid options

  let for_loading options = (fun (act, exn) -> act, act.for_loading exn) options

  let for_subscope options =

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Check_mode = struct
  type mode = [`Off | `On | `Forced]

  type goption += Check of mode

  let oid =
    let for_loading = function
      | Check `Off    -> Check `Off
      | Check `On     -> Check `Off
      | Check `Forced -> Check `Forced
      | exn           -> exn
    in GenOptions.register ~action:({ GenOptions.for_loading }) (Check `On)

  let check options =
    match GenOptions.get options oid with
    | Check `On     -> true
    | Check `Forced -> true
    | Check `Off    -> false
    | _ -> true

  let set_checkproof options b =
    match GenOptions.get options oid with
    | Check `On  when not b -> GenOptions.set options oid (Check `Off)
    | Check `Off when     b -> GenOptions.set options oid (Check `On )
    | _ -> options

  let set_fullcheck options =
    GenOptions.set options oid (Check `Forced)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Prover_info = struct
  type goption += PI of EcProvers.prover_infos

  let oid = GenOptions.register (PI EcProvers.dft_prover_infos)

  let set options pi =
    GenOptions.set options oid (PI pi)

  let get options =
    match GenOptions.get options oid with
    | PI pi -> pi
    | _     -> assert false

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module KnownFlags = struct
  let implicits = "implicits"
  let oldip     = "oldip"
  let redlogic  = "redlogic"

  let flags = [
    (implicits, false);
    (oldip    , false);
    (redlogic , true );

exception UnknownFlag of string

module Flags : sig
  open GenOptions

  val get : options -> string -> bool
  val set : options -> string -> bool -> options
end = struct
  type flags    = bool Mstr.t
  type goption += Flags of flags

  let asflags = function Flags m -> m | _ -> assert false

  let oid =
    let default = Mstr.of_list KnownFlags.flags in
    let for_loading = function
      | Flags _ -> Flags default
      | exn -> exn
    in GenOptions.register ~action:{ GenOptions.for_loading } (Flags default)

  let get options name =
    let flags = asflags (GenOptions.get options oid) in
    oget ~exn:(UnknownFlag name) (Mstr.find_opt name flags)

  let set options name value =
    let flags = asflags (GenOptions.get options oid) in
    let flags =
      Mstr.change (fun x ->
        ignore (oget ~exn:(UnknownFlag name) x : bool);
        Some value)
      name flags in

    GenOptions.set options oid (Flags flags)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type proof_uc = {
  puc_active : (proof_auc * (proof_ctxt option)) option;
  puc_cont   : proof_ctxt list * (EcSection.scenv option);
  puc_init   : EcSection.scenv;

and proof_auc = {
  puc_name   : symbol option;
  puc_mode   : bool option;
  puc_jdg    : proof_state;
  puc_flags  : pucflags;
  puc_crt    : EcDecl.axiom;

and proof_ctxt =
  (symbol option * EcDecl.axiom) * EcPath.path * EcSection.scenv

and proof_state =
  PSNoCheck | PSCheck of EcCoreGoal.proof

and pucflags = {
  puc_visibility : EcDecl.ax_visibility;
  puc_local      : bool;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type required_info = {
  rqd_name      : symbol;
  rqd_namespace : EcLoader.namespace option;
  rqd_kind      : EcLoader.kind;
  rqd_digest    : Digest.t;
  rqd_direct    : bool;

type required = required_info list

type prelude = {
  pr_env      : EcEnv.env;
  pr_required : required;

type thloaded = EcSection.checked_ctheory

type scope = {
  sc_name     : (symbol * EcTheory.thmode);
  sc_env      : EcSection.scenv;
  sc_top      : scope option;
  sc_prelude  : ([`Frozen | `InPrelude] * prelude);
  sc_loaded   : (thloaded * required) Msym.t;
  sc_required : required;
  sc_clears   : path list;
  sc_pr_uc    : proof_uc option;
  sc_options  : GenOptions.options;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let empty (gstate : EcGState.gstate) =
  let env = EcEnv.initial gstate in
  { sc_name       = (EcPath.basename (EcEnv.root env), `Concrete);
    sc_env        = EcSection.initial env;
    sc_top        = None;
    sc_prelude    = (`InPrelude, { pr_env = env; pr_required = []; });
    sc_loaded     = Msym.empty;
    sc_required   = [];
    sc_clears     = [];
    sc_pr_uc      = None;
    sc_options    = GenOptions.freeze (); }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let env (scope : scope) =
  EcSection.env scope.sc_env

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let gstate (scope : scope) =
  EcEnv.gstate (env scope)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let name (scope : scope) =

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let path (scope : scope) =
  EcEnv.root (env scope)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let attop (scope : scope) =
  scope.sc_top = None

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let freeze (scope : scope) =
  match scope.sc_prelude with
  | `Frozen   , _  -> assert false
  | `InPrelude, pr -> { scope with sc_prelude = (`Frozen, pr) }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let goal (scope : scope) =
  scope.sc_pr_uc |> obind (fun x -> omap fst x.puc_active)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let xgoal (scope : scope) =

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let dump_why3 (scope : scope) (filename : string) =
  try  EcSmt.dump_why3 (env scope) filename
  | Sys_error msg ->
      hierror "cannot dump to `%s`: system error: %s"
        filename msg
  | Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
      hierror "cannot dump to `%s`: system error: %s"
        filename (Unix.error_message e)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type topmode = [`InProof | `InActiveProof | `InTop]

let check_state (mode : topmode) action (scope : scope) =
  match mode with
  | `InProof when scope.sc_pr_uc = None ->
      hierror "cannot process [%s] outside a proof script" action

  | `InActiveProof when scope.sc_pr_uc = None ->
      hierror "cannot process [%s] outside a proof script" action

  | `InTop when scope.sc_pr_uc <> None ->
      hierror "cannot process [%s] inside a proof script" action

  | _ -> ()

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let notify (scope : scope) (lvl : EcGState.loglevel) =
  EcEnv.notify (env scope) lvl

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Options = struct
  let get scope name =
    Flags.get scope.sc_options name

  let set scope name value =
    { scope with sc_options =
        Flags.set scope.sc_options name value }

  let get_implicits scope =
    get scope KnownFlags.implicits

  let set_implicits scope value =
    set scope KnownFlags.implicits value

  let get_oldip scope =
    get scope KnownFlags.oldip

  let set_oldip scope value =
    set scope KnownFlags.oldip value

  let get_redlogic scope =
    get scope KnownFlags.redlogic

  let set_redlogic scope value =
    set scope KnownFlags.redlogic value

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let for_loading (scope : scope) =
  let pr  = snd (scope.sc_prelude) in
  let env = EcEnv.copy pr.pr_env in
  let lg  = EcGState.loglevel (EcEnv.gstate env) in

    (EcGState.max_loglevel `Warning lg)
    (EcEnv.gstate env);

  { sc_name       = (EcPath.basename (EcEnv.root pr.pr_env), `Concrete);
    sc_env        = EcSection.initial env;
    sc_top        = None;
    sc_prelude    = scope.sc_prelude;
    sc_loaded     = scope.sc_loaded;
    sc_required   = pr.pr_required;
    sc_clears     = [];
    sc_pr_uc      = None;
    sc_options    = GenOptions.for_loading scope.sc_options;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subscope (scope : scope) (mode : EcTheory.thmode) (name : symbol) lc =
  let env = EcSection.enter_theory name lc mode scope.sc_env in

  { sc_name       = (name, mode);
    sc_env        = env;
    sc_top        = Some scope;
    sc_prelude    = scope.sc_prelude;
    sc_loaded     = scope.sc_loaded;
    sc_required   = scope.sc_required;
    sc_clears     = [];
    sc_pr_uc      = None;
    sc_options    = GenOptions.for_subscope scope.sc_options; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Prover = struct
  let all_provers () =
      (fun p -> p.EcProvers.pr_name)
      (EcProvers.known ~evicted:false)

  let check_prover_name { pl_desc = name; pl_loc = loc } =
    if not (EcProvers.is_prover_known name) then
      hierror ~loc "Unknown prover %s" name;

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let process_dbhint env db =
    let add hints x =
      let nf kind p =
          ~loc:p.pl_loc "cannot find %s `%s'"
          (match kind with `Lemma -> "lemma" | `Theory -> "theory")
          (string_of_qsymbol (unloc p))

      let addm hints hflag p =
        match EcEnv.Theory.lookup_opt (unloc p) env with
        | None -> nf `Theory p
        | Some (p, _) -> EcProvers.Hints.addm p hflag hints

      and add1 hints hflag p =
        match EcEnv.Ax.lookup_opt (unloc p) env with
        | None -> nf `Lemma p
        | Some (p, _) -> EcProvers.Hints.add1 p hflag hints

      match x.pht_kind with
      | `Theory -> addm hints x.pht_flag x.pht_name
      | `Lemma  -> add1 hints x.pht_flag x.pht_name

    let hints = EcProvers.Hints.empty in
    let hints = List.fold_left add hints db in

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  type smt_options = {
    po_timeout    : int option;
    po_cpufactor  : int option;
    po_nprovers   : int option;
    po_provers    : string list option * (include_exclude * string) list;
    po_quorum     : int option;
    po_verbose    : int option;
    pl_all        : bool option;
    pl_max        : int option;
    pl_iterate    : bool option;
    pl_wanted     : EcProvers.hints option;
    pl_unwanted   : EcProvers.hints option;
    pl_selected   : bool option;
    gn_debug      : bool option;

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let empty_options = {
    po_timeout   = None;
    po_cpufactor = None;
    po_nprovers  = None;
    po_provers   = (None, []);
    po_quorum    = None;
    po_verbose   = None;
    pl_all       = None;
    pl_max       = None;
    pl_iterate   = None;
    pl_wanted    = None;
    pl_unwanted  = None;
    pl_selected  = None;
    gn_debug     = None;

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let process_prover_option env ppr =
    let provers =
      match ppr.pprov_names with
      | None -> None, []
      | Some pl ->
        let do_uo uo s =
          match s.pl_desc with
          | "!" -> all_provers ()
          | ""  -> []
          | _   ->
            let x = check_prover_name s in
            if List.exists ((=) x) uo then uo else x :: uo in
        let uo =
          if pl.pp_use_only = [] then None
          else Some (List.fold_left do_uo [] pl.pp_use_only) in
        let do_ar (k,s) = k, check_prover_name s in
        uo, do_ar pl.pp_add_rm in
    let verbose = omap (odfl 1) ppr.pprov_verbose in
      po_timeout   = ppr.pprov_timeout;
      po_cpufactor = ppr.pprov_cpufactor;
      po_nprovers  = ppr.pprov_max;
      po_provers   = provers;
      po_quorum    = ppr.pprov_quorum;
      po_verbose   = verbose;
      pl_all       = ppr.plem_all;
      pl_max       =
        begin match ppr.plem_max, ppr.plem_wanted with
        | Some i, _      -> Some (odfl max_int i)
        | None  , None   -> None
        | None  , Some _ -> Some 0
      pl_iterate   = ppr.plem_iterate;
      pl_wanted    = omap (process_dbhint env) ppr.plem_wanted;
      pl_unwanted  = omap (process_dbhint env) ppr.plem_unwanted;
      pl_selected  = ppr.plem_selected;
      gn_debug     = ppr.psmt_debug;

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let mk_prover_info scope (options : smt_options) =
    let open EcProvers in

    let dft          = Prover_info.get scope.sc_options in
    let gn_debug     = odfl dft.gn_debug options.gn_debug in
    let pr_maxprocs  = odfl dft.pr_maxprocs options.po_nprovers in
    let pr_timelimit = max 0 (odfl dft.pr_timelimit options.po_timeout) in
    let pr_cpufactor = max 0 (odfl dft.pr_cpufactor options.po_cpufactor) in
    let pr_verbose   = max 0 (odfl dft.pr_verbose options.po_verbose) in
    let pr_all       = odfl dft.pr_all options.pl_all in
    let pr_max       = odfl dft.pr_max options.pl_max in
    let pr_iterate   = odfl dft.pr_iterate options.pl_iterate in
    let pr_wanted    = odfl dft.pr_wanted options.pl_wanted in
    let pr_unwanted  = odfl dft.pr_unwanted options.pl_unwanted in
    let pr_selected  = odfl dft.pr_selected options.pl_selected in
    let pr_quorum    = max 1 (odfl dft.pr_quorum options.po_quorum) in
    let pr_provers   =
      let l = odfl dft.pr_provers (fst options.po_provers) in
      let do_ar l (k, p) =
        match k with
        | `Exclude -> List.remove_all l p
        | `Include -> if List.exists ((=) p) l then l else p::l
      in List.fold_left do_ar l (snd options.po_provers) in

    { pr_maxprocs; pr_provers ; pr_timelimit; pr_cpufactor;
      pr_verbose ; pr_all     ; pr_max      ; pr_iterate  ;
      pr_wanted  ; pr_unwanted; pr_selected ; pr_quorum   ;
      gn_debug   ; }

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let do_prover_info scope ppr =
    let options = process_prover_option (env scope) ppr in
    mk_prover_info scope options

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let process scope ppr =
    let pi = do_prover_info scope ppr in
    { scope with sc_options = Prover_info.set scope.sc_options pi }

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let set_default scope options =
    let provers = match fst options.po_provers with
      | None   ->
        let provers = EcProvers.dft_prover_names in
        List.filter EcProvers.is_prover_known provers

      | Some l ->
          (fun name -> if not (EcProvers.is_prover_known name) then
              hierror "unknown prover %s" name) l; l in
    let options =
      { options with po_provers = (Some provers, snd options.po_provers) } in
    let pi = mk_prover_info scope options in
    { scope with sc_options = Prover_info.set scope.sc_options pi }

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let full_check scope =
    { scope with sc_options = Check_mode.set_fullcheck scope.sc_options }

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let check_proof scope b =
    { scope with sc_options = Check_mode.set_checkproof scope.sc_options b }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Tactics = struct
  type prinfos =
    EcCoreGoal.proofenv * (EcCoreGoal.handle * EcCoreGoal.handle list)

  let pi scope pi = Prover.do_prover_info scope pi

  let proof (scope : scope) mode (strict : bool) =
    check_state `InActiveProof "proof script" scope;

    match (oget scope.sc_pr_uc).puc_active with
    | None -> hierror "no active lemmas"
    | Some (pac, pct) ->
      let pac =
        match pac.puc_mode with
        | None when not strict && mode = `WeakCheck -> begin
            match pac.puc_jdg with
            | PSNoCheck -> { pac with puc_mode = Some false; }
            | PSCheck _ ->
                let pac = { pac with puc_jdg = PSNoCheck } in
                  { pac with puc_mode = Some false; }

        | None   -> { pac with puc_mode = Some strict }
        | Some _ -> hierror "[proof] can only be used at beginning of a proof script"
        { scope with sc_pr_uc =
            Some { (oget scope.sc_pr_uc) with puc_active = Some (pac, pct); } }

  let process_r ?reloc mark mode (scope : scope) (tac : ptactic list) =
    check_state `InProof "proof script" scope;

    let scope =
      match (oget scope.sc_pr_uc).puc_active with
      | None -> hierror "no active lemma"
      | Some (pac, _) ->
          if   mark && pac.puc_mode = None
          then proof scope mode true
          else scope

    let puc = oget (scope.sc_pr_uc) in
    let pac, pct = oget (puc).puc_active in

    match pac.puc_jdg with
    | PSNoCheck ->
        None, scope

    | PSCheck juc ->
        let module TTC = EcHiTacticals in

        let htmode =
          match pac.puc_mode, mode with
          | Some true , `WeakCheck -> `Admit
          | _         , `WeakCheck ->
               hierror "cannot weak-check a non-strict proof script"
          | Some true , `Check     -> `Strict
          | Some false, `Check     -> `Standard
          | None      , `Check     -> `Strict
          | Some true , `Report    -> `Report
          | Some false, `Report    -> `Standard
          | None      , `Report    -> `Report

        let ttenv = {
          EcHiGoal.tt_provers    = pi scope;
          EcHiGoal.tt_smtmode    = htmode;
          EcHiGoal.tt_implicits  = Options.get_implicits scope;
          EcHiGoal.tt_oldip      = Options.get_oldip scope;
          EcHiGoal.tt_redlogic   = Options.get_redlogic scope; } in

        let (hds, juc) =
          try  TTC.process ttenv tac juc
          with EcCoreGoal.TcError tcerror ->
            let tcerror =
                (fun reloc error ->
                  { error with EcCoreGoal.tc_reloced = Some (reloc, true) })
                tcerror reloc
            in raise (EcCoreGoal.TcError tcerror)

        let penv = EcCoreGoal.proofenv_of_proof juc in

        let pac = { pac with puc_jdg = PSCheck juc } in
        let puc = { puc with puc_active = Some (pac, pct); } in
        let scope = { scope with sc_pr_uc = Some puc } in
        Some (penv, hds), scope

  let process1_r mark mode scope t =
    process_r mark mode scope [t]

  let process_core mark mode (scope : scope) (ts : ptactic_core list) =
    let ts = (fun t -> { pt_core = t; pt_intros = []; }) ts in
    snd (process_r mark mode scope ts)

  let process scope mode tac =
    process_r true mode scope tac

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Auto = struct
  let add_rw scope ~local ~base l =
    let scope, base =
      match EcEnv.BaseRw.lookup_opt base.pl_desc (env scope) with
      | None ->
        let pre, ibase = unloc base in
        if not (List.is_empty pre) then
          hierror ~loc:base.pl_loc
            "cannot create rewrite hints out of its enclosing theory";
        let scope =
          let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (EcTheory.Th_baserw (ibase, local)) in
          { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env; } in
        (scope, fst (EcEnv.BaseRw.lookup base.pl_desc (env scope)))

      | Some (base, _) -> (scope, base) in

    let env = env scope in
    let l = (fun l -> EcEnv.Ax.lookup_path (unloc l) env) l in
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (Th_addrw (base, l, local)) in
    { scope with sc_env =  EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  let bind_hint scope ~local ~level ?base names =
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (Th_auto (level, base, names, local)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  let add_hint scope hint =
    let base = omap unloc hint.ht_base in
    let env = env scope in
    let names =
      (fun l -> EcEnv.Ax.lookup_path (unloc l) env)
      hint.ht_names in

    bind_hint scope ~local:hint.ht_local ~level:hint.ht_prio ?base names

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Ax = struct
  open EcParsetree
  open EcDecl

  module TT = EcTyping

  type mode = [`WeakCheck | `Check | `Report]

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let bind ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope) ((x, ax) : _ * axiom) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem import (EcTheory.Th_axiom (x, ax)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let start_lemma scope (cont, axflags) check ?name (axd, ctxt) =
    let puc =
      match check with
      | false -> PSNoCheck
      | true  ->
          let hyps  = EcEnv.LDecl.init (env scope) axd.ax_tparams in
          let proof = EcCoreGoal.start hyps axd.ax_spec in
          PSCheck proof
    let puc =
      { puc_active = Some ({
          puc_name  = name;
          puc_mode  = None;
          puc_jdg   = puc;
          puc_flags = axflags;
          puc_crt   = axd; }, ctxt);
        puc_cont = cont;
        puc_init = scope.sc_env; }
      { scope with sc_pr_uc = Some puc }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let rec add_r (scope : scope) (mode : mode) (ax : paxiom located) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    let env = env scope in
    let loc = ax.pl_loc and ax = ax.pl_desc in
    let ue  = TT.transtyvars env (loc, ax.pa_tyvars) in

    let (pconcl, tintro) =
      match ax.pa_vars with
      | None ->
          (ax.pa_formula, [])
      | Some vs ->
          let pconcl = mk_loc loc (PFforall (vs, ax.pa_formula)) in
          (pconcl, List.flatten ( fst vs))

    let ip =
      let ip x = x |> omap (fun x -> `Named (unloc x)) |> odfl `Clear in (lmap (fun x -> IPCore (ip x))) tintro in
    let tintro = mk_loc loc (Plogic (Pmove prevertv0)) in
    let tintro = { pt_core = tintro; pt_intros = [`Ip ip]; } in

    let concl = TT.trans_prop env ue pconcl in

    if not (EcUnify.UniEnv.closed ue) then
      hierror "the formula contains free type variables";

    let concl   = EcFol.Fsubst.uni (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) concl in
    let tparams = EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue in

    let axd  =
      let kind =
        match ax.pa_kind with
        | PAxiom tags -> `Axiom (Ssym.of_list ( unloc tags), false)
        | _ -> `Lemma

      in { ax_tparams    = tparams;
           ax_spec       = concl;
           ax_kind       = kind;
           ax_loca       = ax.pa_locality;
           ax_visibility = if ax.pa_nosmt then `NoSmt else `Visible; }

    match ax.pa_kind with
    | PLemma tc -> begin
        let local =
          match ax.pa_locality with
          | `Declare -> hierror ~loc "cannot mark with `declare` a lemma"
          | `Local   -> true
          | `Global  -> false in

        let check    = Check_mode.check scope.sc_options in
        let pucflags = { puc_visibility = axd.ax_visibility; puc_local = local; } in
        let pucflags = (([], None), pucflags) in

        match tc with
        | None ->
            let scope =
              start_lemma scope ~name:(unloc ax.pa_name)
                pucflags check (axd, None) in
            let scope = snd (Tactics.process1_r false `Check scope tintro) in
            None, scope

        | Some tc ->
            start_lemma_with_proof scope
              (Some tintro) pucflags (mode, mk_loc loc tc) check
              ~name:(unloc ax.pa_name) axd

    | PAxiom _ ->
        (Some (unloc ax.pa_name), bind scope (unloc ax.pa_name, axd))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  and add_defer (scope : scope) proofs =
    match proofs with
    | [] -> scope
    | _  ->
        assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
        let puc = { puc_active = None;
                    puc_cont   = (proofs, Some scope.sc_env);
                    puc_init   = scope.sc_env; }
        in { scope with sc_pr_uc = Some puc; }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  and save_r ?(mode = `Save) scope =
    let puc = oget scope.sc_pr_uc in
    let pac, pct =
      match puc.puc_active with
      | None -> hierror "no active lemma"
      | Some (pac, pct) -> begin
          match pac.puc_jdg with
          | PSNoCheck -> ()
          | PSCheck _ when mode <> `Save -> ()
          | PSCheck pf -> begin
              if not (EcCoreGoal.closed pf) then
                hierror "cannot save an incomplete proof"
      end; (pac, pct)

    let scope = { scope with
      sc_pr_uc = Some { puc with puc_active = None; } }

    let puc =
      if mode = `Abort then pct
        |> omap (fun pct ->
          { puc with puc_cont =
              fst_map (fun x -> pct :: x) puc.puc_cont })
        |> odfl puc
      else puc in

    let puc   = { puc with puc_active = None; } in
    let scope = { scope with sc_pr_uc = Some puc } in

    let scope =
      match fst puc.puc_cont with
      | [] -> { scope with sc_pr_uc = None; }
      | _  -> scope

    match mode with
    | `Save | `Admit ->
      let scope =
        match snd puc.puc_cont with
        | Some e ->
            { scope with sc_env = e }

        | None ->
            let bind name scope = bind scope (name, pac.puc_crt) in
            pac.puc_name |> ofold bind scope

      in (pac.puc_name, scope)

    | `Abort ->
         (None, { scope with sc_env = puc.puc_init })

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  and start_lemma_with_proof scope tintro pucflags (mode, tc) check ?name axd =
    let { pl_loc = loc; pl_desc = tc } = tc in

    let scope = start_lemma scope pucflags check ?name (axd, None) in
    let scope =
      tintro |> ofold
        (fun t sc -> snd (Tactics.process1_r false `Check sc t))
        scope in
    let scope = Tactics.proof scope mode (if tc = None then true else false) in

    let tc =
      match tc with
      | Some tc -> tc
      | None    ->
          let dtc = Plogic (Psmt empty_pprover) in
          let dtc = { pl_loc = loc; pl_desc = dtc } in
          let dtc = { pt_core = dtc; pt_intros = []; } in

    let tc = { pl_loc = loc; pl_desc = Pby (Some tc) } in
    let tc = { pt_core = tc; pt_intros = []; } in

    let _, scope = Tactics.process_r false mode scope [tc] in
    save_r scope

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let save scope =
    check_state `InProof "save" scope;
    save_r ~mode:`Save scope

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let admit scope =
    check_state `InProof "admitted" scope;
    save_r ~mode:`Admit scope

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let abort scope =
    check_state `InProof "abort" scope;
    snd (save_r ~mode:`Abort scope)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add (scope : scope) (mode : mode) (ax : paxiom located) =
    add_r scope mode ax

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let realize (scope : scope) (mode : mode) (rl : prealize located) =
    check_state `InProof "activate" scope;

    let loc = rl.pl_loc and rl = rl.pl_desc in
    let qn  = EcPath.fromqsymbol (unloc rl.pr_name) in

    let puc = oget scope.sc_pr_uc in
    let _ =
      match puc.puc_active with
      | Some _ -> hierror "a lemma is already active"
      | None -> ()

    let (((axname, ax), _, axenv) as st, proofs) =
      let rec doit past proofs =
        match proofs with
        | [] -> hierror "no such lemma: `%s'" (EcPath.tostring qn)
        | (((_, _), p, _) as st) :: proofs ->
            match EcPath.p_equal p qn with
            | false -> doit (st :: past) proofs
            | true  -> (st, List.rev_append past proofs)
        doit [] (fst puc.puc_cont)
    let pucflags = { puc_visibility = ax.ax_visibility; puc_local = false; } in
    let pucflags = ((proofs, snd puc.puc_cont), pucflags) in
    let check    = Check_mode.check scope.sc_options in

    let scope = { scope with sc_env = axenv } in

    match rl.pr_proof with
    | None ->
        None, start_lemma scope pucflags check ?name:axname (ax, Some st)

    | Some tc ->
        start_lemma_with_proof scope
          None pucflags (mode, mk_loc loc tc) check
          ?name:axname ax

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Op = struct
  open EcTypes
  open EcDecl
  open EcFol

  module TT  = EcTyping
  module EHI = EcHiInductive

  let bind ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope) ((x, op) : _ * operator) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem import (EcTheory.Th_operator (x, op)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env; }

  let add (scope : scope) (op : poperator located) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let op = op.pl_desc and loc = op.pl_loc in
    let eenv = env scope in
    let ue = TT.transtyvars eenv (loc, op.po_tyvars) in
    let lc = op.po_locality in
    let (ty, body, refts) =
      match op.po_def with
      | PO_abstr pty ->
          let codom = TT.transty TT.tp_relax eenv ue pty in
          let xs    = snd (TT.trans_binding eenv ue op.po_args) in
          (EcTypes.toarrow ( snd xs) codom, `Abstract, [])

      | PO_concr (pty, pe) ->
          let codom   = TT.transty TT.tp_relax eenv ue pty in
          let env, xs = TT.trans_binding eenv ue op.po_args in
          let body    = TT.transexpcast env `InOp ue codom pe in
          let lam     = EcTypes.e_lam xs body in
          (lam.EcTypes.e_ty, `Plain lam, [])

      | PO_case (pty, pbs) -> begin
          let name = { pl_loc = loc; pl_desc = unloc op.po_name } in
          match EHI.trans_matchfix eenv ue name (op.po_args, pty, pbs) with
          | (ty, opinfo) -> (ty, `Fix opinfo, [])

      | PO_reft (pty, (rname, reft)) ->
          let env      = env scope in
          let codom    = TT.transty TT.tp_relax eenv ue pty in
          let _env, xs = TT.trans_binding eenv ue op.po_args in
          let opty     = EcTypes.toarrow ( snd xs) codom in
          let opabs    = EcDecl.mk_op ~opaque:false [] codom None lc in
          let openv    = EcEnv.Op.bind (unloc op.po_name) opabs env in
          let openv    = EcEnv.Var.bind_locals xs openv in
          let reft     = TT.trans_prop openv ue reft in
          (opty, `Abstract, [(rname, xs, reft, codom)])

    if not (EcUnify.UniEnv.closed ue) then
      hierror ~loc "this operator type contains free type variables";

    let nosmt = op.po_nosmt in

    if nosmt &&
       (match body with
        | `Plain _  -> false
        | `Fix _    -> false
        | `Abstract ->
            match refts with
            | [] -> true
            | _  -> false) then
      hierror ~loc ("[nosmt] is not supported for pure abstract operators");

    let uni     = Tuni.offun (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) in
    let ty      = uni ty in
    let tparams = EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue in
    let body    =
      match body with
      | `Abstract -> None
      | `Plain e  -> Some (OP_Plain (e_mapty uni e, nosmt))
      | `Fix opfx ->
          Some (OP_Fix {
            opf_args     = opfx.EHI.mf_args;
            opf_resty    = opfx.EHI.mf_codom;
            opf_struct   = (opfx.EHI.mf_recs, List.length opfx.EHI.mf_args);
            opf_branches = opfx.EHI.mf_branches;
            opf_nosmt    = nosmt;


    let tags   = Sstr.of_list ( unloc op.po_tags) in
    let opaque = Sstr.mem "opaque" tags in
    let tyop   = EcDecl.mk_op ~opaque tparams ty body lc in
    let opname = EcPath.pqname (EcEnv.root eenv) (unloc op.po_name) in

    if op.po_kind = `Const then begin
      let tue   = EcUnify.UniEnv.copy ue in
      let ty, _ = EcUnify.UniEnv.openty tue tparams None ty in
      let tdom  = EcUnify.UniEnv.fresh tue in
      let tcom  = EcUnify.UniEnv.fresh tue in
      let tfun  = EcTypes.tfun tdom tcom in

          EcUnify.unify eenv tue ty tfun;
          let msg = "this operator type is (unifiable) to a function type" in
            hierror ~loc "%s" msg
        with EcUnify.UnificationFailure _ -> ()

    let scope =
      match op.po_ax with
      | None    -> bind scope (unloc op.po_name, tyop)
      | Some ax -> begin
          match tyop.op_kind with
          | OB_oper (Some (OP_Plain (bd, _))) ->
              let path  = EcPath.pqname (path scope) (unloc op.po_name) in
              let axop  =
                let nosmt = op.po_nosmt in
                let nargs = List.sum ( (List.length |- fst) op.po_args) in
                  EcDecl.axiomatized_op ~nargs ~nosmt path (tyop.op_tparams, bd) lc in
              let tyop  = { tyop with op_opaque = true; } in
              let scope = bind scope (unloc op.po_name, tyop) in
              Ax.bind scope (unloc ax, axop)

          | _ -> hierror ~loc "cannot axiomatize non-plain operators"

    let scope =
      List.fold_left (fun scope (rname, xs, ax, codom) ->
          let ax = f_forall ( (snd_map gtty) xs) ax in
          let ax =
            let opargs  = (fun (x, xty) -> e_local x xty) xs in
            let opapp   = (tvar |- fst) tparams in
            let opapp   = e_app (e_op opname opapp ty) opargs codom in
            let tyuni   = { ty_subst_id with ts_u = EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue } in
            let subst   = Mp.singleton opname ([], opapp) in
            let subst   = Fsubst.f_subst_init ~sty:tyuni ~opdef:subst () in
            Fsubst.f_subst subst ax

          let ax, axpm =
            let bdpm = fst tparams in
            let axpm = EcIdent.fresh bdpm in
                 (EcTypes.Tvar.init bdpm ( EcTypes.tvar axpm))
               List.combine axpm ( snd tparams)) in
          let ax =
            { ax_tparams    = axpm;
              ax_spec       = ax;
              ax_kind       = `Axiom (Ssym.empty, false);
              ax_loca       = lc;
              ax_visibility = if nosmt then `NoSmt else `Visible; }
          in Ax.bind scope (unloc rname, ax))
        scope refts

    let scope =
      if not (List.is_empty op.po_aliases) then begin
        if not (EcUtils.is_none body) || not (List.is_empty refts) then
          hierror ~loc
            "multiple names are only allowed for non-refined abstract operators";
        let addnew scope name =
          let nparams = (fst_map EcIdent.fresh) tparams in
          let subst = Tvar.init
            ( fst tparams)
            ( (tvar |- fst) nparams) in
          let rop = EcDecl.mk_op ~opaque:false nparams (Tvar.subst subst ty) None lc in
          bind scope (unloc name, rop)
        in List.fold_left addnew scope op.po_aliases

      end else scope

    let axs = ref [] in

    let add_distr_tag
        (pred : path) (bases : string list) (tag : string) (suffix : string) scope
      if not (EcAlgTactic.is_module_loaded (env scope)) then
        hierror "for tag %s, load Distr first" tag;

      let oppath   = EcPath.pqname (path scope) (unloc op.po_name) in
      let nparams  = (EcIdent.fresh |- fst) tyop.op_tparams in
      let subst    = Tvar.init (List.fst tyop.op_tparams) ( tvar nparams) in
      let ty       = Tvar.subst subst tyop.op_ty in
      let aty, rty = EcTypes.tyfun_flat ty in

      let dty =
        match EcTypes.as_tdistr (EcEnv.ty_hnorm rty (env scope)) with
        | None -> hierror ~loc "[lossless] can only be applied to distributions"
        | Some dty -> dty

      let bds = List.combine ( EcTypes.fresh_id_of_ty aty) aty in
      let ax  = EcFol.f_op oppath ( tvar nparams) rty in
      let ax  = EcFol.f_app ax ( (curry f_local) bds) rty in
      let ax  = EcFol.f_app (EcFol.f_op pred [dty] (tfun rty tbool)) [ax] tbool in
      let ax  = EcFol.f_forall ( (snd_map gtty) bds) ax in

      let ax =
        { ax_tparams    = (fun ty -> (ty, Sp.empty)) nparams;
          ax_spec       = ax;
          ax_kind       = `Axiom (Ssym.empty, false);
          ax_loca       = lc;
          ax_visibility = `Visible; } in

      let scope, axname =
        let axname = Printf.sprintf "%s_%s" (unloc op.po_name) suffix in
        (Ax.bind scope (axname, ax), axname) in

      axs := axname :: !axs;

      let axpath = EcPath.pqname (path scope) axname in

        (fun scope base ->
            Auto.bind_hint ~local:(local_of_locality lc) ~level:0 ~base scope [axpath])
        scope bases


    let scope =
      if   Sstr.mem "lossless" tags
      then add_distr_tag EcCoreLib.CI_Distr.p_lossless
             [EcCoreLib.base_ll; EcCoreLib.base_rnd] "lossless" "ll" scope
      else scope in

    let scope =
      if   Sstr.mem "uniform" tags
      then add_distr_tag EcCoreLib.CI_Distr.p_uniform
             [EcCoreLib.base_rnd] "uniform" "uni" scope
      else scope in

    let scope =
      if   Sstr.mem "full" tags
      then add_distr_tag EcCoreLib.CI_Distr.p_full
             [EcCoreLib.base_rnd] "full" "fu" scope
      else scope in

    tyop, List.rev !axs, scope

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Pred = struct
  module TT = EcTyping

  let add (scope : scope) (pr : ppredicate located) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    let typr  = EcHiPredicates.trans_preddecl (env scope) pr in
    let scope = Op.bind scope (unloc (unloc pr).pp_name, typr) in
    typr, scope

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Notations = struct
  module TT  = EcTyping

  let add (scope : scope) (nt : pnotation located) =
    EcHiNotations.trans_notation (env scope) nt; scope

  let add_abbrev (scope : scope) (ab : pabbrev located) =
    let op = EcHiNotations.trans_abbrev (env scope) ab in
    Op.bind scope op

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Mod = struct
  module TT = EcTyping

  let bind ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope) (m : top_module_expr) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem import (EcTheory.Th_module m) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  let add_concrete (scope : scope) lc (ptm : pmodule_def) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    let m = TT.transmod (env scope) ~attop:true ptm in
    let ur = EcModules.get_uninit_read_of_module (path scope) m in

    if not (List.is_empty ur) then begin
      let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv (env scope) in
      let pp fmt (xp, names) =
        Format.fprintf fmt "  - %a -> [%a]"
          (EcPrinting.pp_funname ppe) (xastrip xp)
          (EcPrinting.pp_list ", " pp_symbol)
          ( EcPath.xbasename (Sx.ntr_elements names))

      notify scope `Warning
        "these procedures may use uninitialized local variables:@\n@[<v>%a@]"
        (EcPrinting.pp_list "@," pp) ur

    bind scope {tme_expr = m; tme_loca = lc}

  let declare (scope : scope) (m : pmodule_decl) =
    let modty = m.ptm_modty in
    let env = env scope in
    let tysig = fst (TT.transmodtype env (fst modty)) in
    let restr = (TT.trans_topmsymbol env) (snd modty) in
    let name  = EcIdent.create (unloc m.ptm_name) in
    let restr = Sx.empty, Sm.of_list restr in
    { scope with
      sc_env = EcSection.add_decl_mod name tysig restr scope.sc_env }

  let add (scope : scope) (m : pmodule_def_or_decl) =
    match m with
    | { ptm_locality = lc; ptm_def = `Concrete def } ->
      add_concrete scope lc def

    | { ptm_locality = lc; ptm_def = `Abstract decl } ->
      if lc <> `Declare then
        hierror "use declare for abstract module";
      declare scope decl

  let import (scope : scope) (m : pmsymbol located) : scope =
    let m, _ = EcTyping.trans_msymbol (env scope) m in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.import_vars m scope.sc_env }


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module ModType = struct
  let bind
        ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope)
        ((x, tysig) : _ * top_module_sig)
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem import (EcTheory.Th_modtype (x, tysig)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  let add (scope : scope) (intf : pinterface) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let tysig = EcTyping.transmodsig (env scope) intf in
    bind scope (unloc intf.pi_name, tysig)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Ty = struct
  open EcDecl
  open EcTyping

  module TT  = EcTyping
  module ELI = EcInductive
  module EHI = EcHiInductive

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let check_name_available scope x =
    let pname = EcPath.pqname (EcEnv.root (env scope)) x.pl_desc in

    if    EcEnv.Ty       .by_path_opt pname (env scope) <> None
       || EcEnv.TypeClass.by_path_opt pname (env scope) <> None then
      hierror ~loc:x.pl_loc "duplicated type/type-class name `%s'" x.pl_desc

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let bind ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope) ((x, tydecl) : (_ * tydecl)) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem import (EcTheory.Th_type (x, tydecl)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add scope (tyd : ptydecl located) =
    let loc = loc tyd in

    let { pty_name = name; pty_tyvars = args;
          pty_body = body; pty_locality = tyd_loca } = unloc tyd in

    check_name_available scope name;
    let env = env scope in
    let tyd_params, tyd_type =
      match body with
      | PTYD_Abstract tcs ->
        let tcs =

            (fun tc -> fst (EcEnv.TypeClass.lookup (unloc tc) env))
            tcs  in
        let ue = TT.transtyvars env (loc, Some args) in
        EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue, `Abstract (Sp.of_list tcs)

      | PTYD_Alias    bd ->
        let ue     = TT.transtyvars env (loc, Some args) in
        let body   = transty tp_tydecl env ue bd in
        EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue, `Concrete body

      | PTYD_Datatype dt ->
        let datatype = EHI.trans_datatype env (mk_loc loc (args,name)) dt in
        let tparams, tydt =
          try ELI.datatype_as_ty_dtype datatype
          with ELI.NonPositive -> EHI.dterror loc env EHI.DTE_NonPositive
        tparams, `Datatype tydt

      | PTYD_Record rt ->
        let record  = EHI.trans_record env (mk_loc loc (args,name)) rt in
        let scheme  = ELI.indsc_of_record record in
        record.ELI.rc_tparams, `Record (scheme, record.ELI.rc_fields)

    bind scope (unloc name, { tyd_params; tyd_type; tyd_loca; tyd_resolve = true; })

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let bindclass ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope) (x, tc) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let item = EcTheory.mkitem import (EcTheory.Th_typeclass(x, tc)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add_class (scope : scope) { pl_desc = tcd } =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    let lc = tcd.ptc_loca in
    let name  = unloc tcd.ptc_name in
    let scenv = (env scope) in

    check_name_available scope tcd.ptc_name;

    let tclass =
      let uptc =
        tcd.ptc_inth |> omap
          (fun { pl_loc = uploc; pl_desc = uptc } ->
            match EcEnv.TypeClass.lookup_opt uptc scenv with
            | None -> hierror ~loc:uploc "unknown type-class: `%s'"
                        (string_of_qsymbol uptc)
            | Some (tcp, _) -> tcp)

      let asty  =
        let body = ofold (fun p tc -> Sp.add p tc) Sp.empty uptc in
          { tyd_params  = [];
            tyd_type    = `Abstract body;
            tyd_loca    = (lc :> locality);
            tyd_resolve = true;  } in
      let scenv = EcEnv.Ty.bind name asty scenv in

      (* Check for duplicated field names *)
      Msym.odup unloc ( fst tcd.ptc_ops)
        |> oiter (fun (x, y) -> hierror ~loc:y.pl_loc
                    "duplicated operator name: `%s'" x.pl_desc);
      Msym.odup unloc ( fst tcd.ptc_axs)
        |> oiter (fun (x, y) -> hierror ~loc:y.pl_loc
                    "duplicated axiom name: `%s'" x.pl_desc);

      (* Check operators types *)
      let operators =
        let check1 (x, ty) =
          let ue = EcUnify.UniEnv.create (Some []) in
          let ty = transty tp_tydecl scenv ue ty in
          let ty = Tuni.offun (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) ty in
            (EcIdent.create (unloc x), ty)
          tcd.ptc_ops |> check1 in

      (* Check axioms *)
      let axioms =
        let scenv = EcEnv.Var.bind_locals operators scenv in
        let check1 (x, ax) =
          let ue = EcUnify.UniEnv.create (Some []) in
          let ax = trans_prop scenv ue ax in
          let ax = EcFol.Fsubst.uni (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) ax in
            (unloc x, ax)
          tcd.ptc_axs |> check1 in

      (* Construct actual type-class *)
      { tc_prt = uptc; tc_ops = operators; tc_axs = axioms; tc_loca = lc}
      bindclass scope (name, tclass)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let check_tci_operators env tcty ops reqs =
    let ue   = EcUnify.UniEnv.create (Some (fst tcty)) in
    let rmap = Mstr.of_list reqs in

    let ops =
      let tt1 m (x, (tvi, op)) =
        if not (Mstr.mem (unloc x) rmap) then
          hierror ~loc:x.pl_loc "invalid operator name: `%s'" (unloc x);

        let tvi = (TT.transty tp_tydecl env ue) tvi in
        let selected =
          EcUnify.select_op ~filter:(fun _ -> EcDecl.is_oper)
            (Some (EcUnify.TVIunamed tvi)) env (unloc op) ue []
        let op =
          match selected with
          | [] -> hierror ~loc:op.pl_loc "unknown operator"
          | op1::op2::_ ->
              hierror ~loc:op.pl_loc
                "ambiguous operator (%s / %s)"
                (EcPath.tostring (fst (proj4_1 op1)))
                (EcPath.tostring (fst (proj4_1 op2)))
          | [((p, _), _, _, _)] ->
              let op   = EcEnv.Op.by_path p env in
              let opty =
                  (Tvar.init ( fst op.op_tparams) tvi)
                (p, opty)

            | None   -> Some (x.pl_loc, op)
            | Some _ -> hierror ~loc:(x.pl_loc)
              "duplicated operator name: `%s'" (unloc x))
            (unloc x) m
        List.fold_left tt1 Mstr.empty ops
        (fun (x, (req, _)) ->
           if req && not (Mstr.mem x ops) then
             hierror "no definition for operator `%s'" x)
        (fun m (x, (_, ty)) ->
           match Mstr.find_opt x ops with
           | None -> m
           | Some (loc, (p, opty)) ->
               if not (EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env ty opty) then
                 hierror ~loc "invalid type for operator `%s'" x;
               Mstr.add x p m)
        Mstr.empty reqs

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let check_tci_axioms scope mode axs reqs lc =
    let rmap = Mstr.of_list reqs in
    let symbs, axs =
        (fun m (x, t) ->
          if not (Mstr.mem (unloc x) rmap) then
            hierror ~loc:x.pl_loc "invalid axiom name: `%s'" (unloc x);
          if Sstr.mem (unloc x) m then
            hierror ~loc:(x.pl_loc) "duplicated axiom name: `%s'" (unloc x);
          (Sstr.add (unloc x) m, (unloc x, t, Mstr.find (unloc x) rmap)))
        Sstr.empty axs in

    let interactive =
        (fun (x, req) ->
           if not (Mstr.mem x symbs) then
             let ax = {
               ax_tparams    = [];
               ax_spec       = req;
               ax_kind       = `Lemma;
               ax_loca       = lc;
               ax_visibility = `NoSmt;
             } in Some ((None, ax), EcPath.psymbol x, scope.sc_env)
           else None)
        reqs in
        (fun (x, pt, f) ->
          let x  = "$" ^ x in
          let t  = { pt_core = pt; pt_intros = []; } in
          let t  = { pl_loc = pt.pl_loc; pl_desc = Pby (Some [t]) } in
          let t  = { pt_core = t; pt_intros = []; } in
          let ax = {
              ax_tparams    = [];
              ax_spec       = f;
              ax_kind       = `Axiom (Ssym.empty, false);
              ax_visibility = `NoSmt;
              ax_loca       = lc;
          } in

          let pucflags = { puc_visibility = `Visible; puc_local = false; } in
          let pucflags = (([], None), pucflags) in
          let check    = Check_mode.check scope.sc_options in

          let escope = scope in
          let escope = Ax.start_lemma escope pucflags check ~name:x (ax, None) in
          let escope = Tactics.proof escope mode true in
          let escope = snd (Tactics.process_r ~reloc:x false mode escope [t]) in
            ignore (Ax.save_r escope))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  (* FIXME section: those path does not exists ...
     futhermode Ring.ZModule is an abstract theory *)
  let p_zmod    = EcPath.fromqsymbol ([EcCoreLib.i_top; "Ring"; "ZModule"], "zmodule")
  let p_ring    = EcPath.fromqsymbol ([EcCoreLib.i_top; "Ring"; "ComRing"], "ring"   )
  let p_idomain = EcPath.fromqsymbol ([EcCoreLib.i_top; "Ring"; "IDomain"], "idomain")
  let p_field   = EcPath.fromqsymbol ([EcCoreLib.i_top; "Ring"; "Field"  ], "field"  )

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let ring_of_symmap env ty kind symbols =
    { r_type  = ty;
      r_zero  = oget (Mstr.find_opt "rzero" symbols);
      r_one   = oget (Mstr.find_opt "rone"  symbols);
      r_add   = oget (Mstr.find_opt "add"   symbols);
      r_opp   =      (Mstr.find_opt "opp"   symbols);
      r_mul   = oget (Mstr.find_opt "mul"   symbols);
      r_exp   =      (Mstr.find_opt "expr"  symbols);
      r_sub   =      (Mstr.find_opt "sub"   symbols);
      r_kind  = kind;
      r_embed =
        (match Mstr.find_opt "ofint" symbols with
         | None when EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env ty tint -> `Direct
         | None -> `Default | Some p -> `Embed p); }

  let addring ~import (scope : scope) mode (kind, { pl_desc = tci; pl_loc = loc }) =
    let env = env scope in
    if not (EcAlgTactic.is_module_loaded env) then
      hierror "load AlgTactic/Ring first";

    let ty =
      let ue = TT.transtyvars env (loc, Some (fst tci.pti_type)) in
      let ty = transty tp_tydecl env ue (snd tci.pti_type) in
        assert (EcUnify.UniEnv.closed ue);
        (EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue, Tuni.offun (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) ty)
    if not (List.is_empty (fst ty)) then
      hierror "ring instances cannot be polymorphic";

    let symbols = EcAlgTactic.ring_symbols env kind (snd ty) in
    let symbols = check_tci_operators env ty tci.pti_ops symbols in
    let cr      = ring_of_symmap env (snd ty) kind symbols in
    let axioms  = EcAlgTactic.ring_axioms env cr in
    let lc      = (tci.pti_loca :> locality) in
    let inter   = check_tci_axioms scope mode tci.pti_axs axioms lc in
    let add env p =
      let item = EcTheory.Th_instance (ty,`General p, tci.pti_loca) in
      let item = EcTheory.mkitem import item in
      EcSection.add_item item env in

    let scope   =
      { scope with sc_env =
          List.fold_left add
            (let item =
               EcTheory.Th_instance (([], snd ty), `Ring cr, tci.pti_loca) in
             let item = EcTheory.mkitem import item in
             EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env)
            [p_zmod; p_ring; p_idomain] }

    in Ax.add_defer scope inter

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let field_of_symmap env ty symbols =
    { f_ring = ring_of_symmap env ty `Integer symbols;
      f_inv  = oget (Mstr.find_opt "inv" symbols);
      f_div  = Mstr.find_opt "div" symbols; }

  let addfield ~import (scope : scope) mode { pl_desc = tci; pl_loc = loc; } =
    let env = env scope in
    if not (EcAlgTactic.is_module_loaded env) then
      hierror "load AlgTactic/Ring first";

    let ty =
      let ue = TT.transtyvars env (loc, Some (fst tci.pti_type)) in
      let ty = transty tp_tydecl env ue (snd tci.pti_type) in
        assert (EcUnify.UniEnv.closed ue);
        (EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue, Tuni.offun (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) ty)
    if not (List.is_empty (fst ty)) then
      hierror "field instances cannot be polymorphic";
    let symbols = EcAlgTactic.field_symbols env (snd ty) in
    let symbols = check_tci_operators env ty tci.pti_ops symbols in
    let cr      = field_of_symmap env (snd ty) symbols in
    let axioms  = EcAlgTactic.field_axioms env cr in
    let lc      = (tci.pti_loca :> locality) in
    let inter   = check_tci_axioms scope mode tci.pti_axs axioms lc; in
    let add env p =
      let item = EcTheory.Th_instance(ty,`General p, tci.pti_loca) in
      let item = EcTheory.mkitem import item in
      EcSection.add_item item env in
    let scope   =
      { scope with
        sc_env =
          List.fold_left add
            (let item =
               EcTheory.Th_instance (([], snd ty), `Field cr, tci.pti_loca) in
             let item = EcTheory.mkitem import item in
              EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env)
            [p_zmod; p_ring; p_idomain; p_field] }

    in Ax.add_defer scope inter

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let symbols_of_tc (_env : EcEnv.env) ty (tcp, tc) =
    let subst = { ty_subst_id with ts_def = Mp.of_list [tcp, ([], ty)] } in (fun (x, opty) ->
        ( x, (true, ty_subst subst opty)))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add_generic_tc (scope : scope) _mode { pl_desc = tci; pl_loc = loc; } =
    let ty =
      let ue = TT.transtyvars scope.sc_env (loc, Some (fst tci.pti_type)) in
      let ty = transty tp_tydecl scope.sc_env ue (snd tci.pti_type) in
        assert (EcUnify.UniEnv.closed ue);
        (EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue, Tuni.offun (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) ty)

    let (tcp, tc) =
      match EcEnv.TypeClass.lookup_opt (unloc tci.pti_name) (env scope) with
      | None ->
          hierror ~loc:tci.pti_name.pl_loc
            "unknown type-class: %s" (string_of_qsymbol (unloc tci.pti_name))
      | Some tc -> tc

    let  symbols = symbols_of_tc scope.sc_env (snd ty) (tcp, tc) in
    let _symbols = check_tci_operators scope.sc_env ty tci.pti_ops symbols in

    { scope with
        sc_env = EcEnv.TypeClass.add_instance ty (`General tcp) scope.sc_env }

          let ue = EcUnify.UniEnv.create (Some []) in
          let ty = fst (EcUnify.UniEnv.openty ue (fst ty) None (snd ty)) in
            try  EcUnify.hastc scope.sc_env ue ty (Sp.singleton (fst tc)); tc
            with EcUnify.UnificationFailure _ ->
              hierror "type must be an instance of `%s'" (EcPath.tostring (fst tc))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add_instance
    ?(import = EcTheory.import0) (scope : scope) mode ({ pl_desc = tci } as toptci)
    match unloc tci.pti_name with
    | ([], "bring") -> begin
        if EcUtils.is_some tci.pti_args then
          hierror "unsupported-option";
        addring ~import scope mode (`Boolean, toptci)

    | ([], "ring") -> begin
      let kind =
        match tci.pti_args with
        | None -> `Integer
        | Some (`Ring (c, p)) ->
            if odfl false (c |> omap (fun c -> c <^ BI.of_int 2)) then
              hierror "invalid coefficient modulus";
            if odfl false (p |> omap (fun p -> p <^ BI.of_int 2)) then
              hierror "invalid power modulus";
            if      opt_equal BI.equal c (Some (BI.of_int 2))
                 && opt_equal BI.equal p (Some (BI.of_int 2))
            then `Boolean
            else `Modulus (c, p)
      in addring ~import scope mode (kind, toptci)

    | ([], "field") -> addfield ~import scope mode toptci

    | _ ->
        if EcUtils.is_some tci.pti_args then
          hierror "unsupported-option";
        failwith "unsupported"          (* FIXME *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Theory = struct
  open EcTheory

  exception TopScope

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let bind (scope : scope) (x, cth) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    { scope with
        sc_env = EcSection.add_th ~import:EcTheory.import0 x cth scope.sc_env }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let required (scope : scope) (name : required_info) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    List.exists (fun x ->
        if x.rqd_name = name.rqd_name then (
          (* FIXME: raise an error message *)
          assert (x.rqd_digest = name.rqd_digest);
        else false)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let mark_as_direct (scope : scope) (name : symbol) =
    let for1 rq =
      if   rq.rqd_name = name
      then { rq with rqd_direct = true }
      else rq
    in { scope with sc_required = for1 scope.sc_required }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let enter (scope : scope) (mode : thmode) (name : symbol) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    subscope scope mode name

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let rec require_loaded (id : required_info) scope =
    if required scope id then
      match Msym.find_opt id.rqd_name scope.sc_loaded with
      | Some (rth, ids) ->
          let scope = List.fold_right require_loaded ids scope in
          let env   = EcSection.require id.rqd_name rth scope.sc_env in
            { scope with
                sc_env      = env;
                sc_required = id :: scope.sc_required; }

      | None -> assert false

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let add_clears clears scope =
    let clears =
      let for1 = function
        | None -> EcEnv.root (env scope)
        | Some { pl_loc = loc; pl_desc = (xs, x) as q } ->
          let xp = EcEnv.root (env scope) in
          let xp = EcPath.pqname (EcPath.extend xp xs) x in
          if is_none (EcEnv.Theory.by_path_opt xp (env scope)) then
            hierror ~loc "unknown theory: `%s`" (string_of_qsymbol q);
      in for1 clears
    in { scope with sc_clears = scope.sc_clears @ clears }

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let exit_r ?pempty (scope : scope) =
    match scope.sc_top with
    | None     -> raise TopScope
    | Some sup ->
      let clears   = scope.sc_clears in
      let _, cth, _ = EcSection.exit_theory ?pempty ~clears scope.sc_env in
      let loaded   = scope.sc_loaded in
      let required = scope.sc_required in
      let sup = { sup with sc_loaded = loaded; } in
      ((cth, required), scope.sc_name, sup)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let exit ?(pempty = `ClearOnly) ?(clears =[]) (scope : scope) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    let cth = exit_r ~pempty (add_clears clears scope) in
    let ((cth, required), (name, _), scope) = cth in
    let scope = List.fold_right require_loaded required scope in
    let scope = ofold (fun cth scope -> bind scope (name, cth)) scope cth in
    (name, scope)

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let bump_prelude (scope : scope) =
    match scope.sc_prelude with
    | `InPrelude, _ ->
         { scope with sc_prelude = (`InPrelude,
             { pr_env      = env scope;
               pr_required = scope.sc_required; }) }
    | _ -> scope

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let import (scope : scope) (name : qsymbol) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    match EcEnv.Theory.lookup_opt ~mode:`All name (env scope) with
    | None ->
          "cannot import the non-existent theory `%s'"
          (string_of_qsymbol name)

    | Some (path, cth) ->
      if cth.cth_mode = `Abstract then
        hierror "cannot import an abstract theory";
        { scope with
          sc_env = EcSection.import path scope.sc_env }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let export_p scope (p, lc) =
    let item = mkitem EcTheory.import0 (EcTheory.Th_export (p, lc)) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

  let export (scope : scope) (name : qsymbol) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    match EcEnv.Theory.lookup_opt ~mode:`All name (env scope) with
    | None ->
          "cannot export the non-existent theory `%s'"
          (string_of_qsymbol name)

    | Some (path, cth) ->
      if cth.cth_mode = `Abstract then
        hierror "cannot export an abstract theory";
      (* The section will fix the locality *)
      bump_prelude (export_p scope (path, `Global))

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let check_end_required scope thname =
    if fst scope.sc_name <> thname then
      hierror "end-of-file while processing external theory %s %s"
        (fst scope.sc_name) thname;
    if scope.sc_pr_uc <> None then
        "end-of-file while processing proof %s" (fst scope.sc_name)

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let require (scope : scope) ((name, mode) : required_info * thmode) loader =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    if required scope name then begin
      if   name.rqd_direct
      then mark_as_direct scope name.rqd_name
      else scope
    end else
      match Msym.find_opt name.rqd_name scope.sc_loaded with
      | Some _ -> require_loaded name scope

      | None ->
          let imported = enter (for_loading scope) mode name.rqd_name `Global in
          let imported = { imported with sc_env = EcSection.astop imported.sc_env } in
          let thname   = fst imported.sc_name in
          let imported = loader imported in

          check_end_required imported thname;

          let cth = exit_r ~pempty:`No imported in
          let (cth, rqs), (name1, _), imported = cth in
          assert (name.rqd_name = name1);
          let scope = { scope with sc_loaded =
            Msym.add name.rqd_name (oget cth, rqs) imported.sc_loaded; } in

          bump_prelude (require_loaded name scope)

        with e -> begin
          match toperror_of_exn_r e with
          | Some (l, e) when not (EcLocation.isdummy l) ->
              raise (ImportError (Some l, name.rqd_name, e))
          | _ ->
              raise (ImportError (None, name.rqd_name, e))

  let required scope = scope.sc_required

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Section = struct
  module T = EcTheory

  let enter (scope : scope) (name : psymbol option) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);
    { scope with
      sc_env = EcSection.enter_section (omap unloc name) scope.sc_env }

  let exit (scope : scope) (name : psymbol option) =
    let sc_env = EcSection.exit_section (omap unloc name) scope.sc_env in
    { scope with sc_env }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Reduction = struct
  (* FIXME: section -> allow "local" flag *)
  let add_reduction scope (opts, reds) =
    check_state `InTop "hint simplify" scope;

    let opts = EcTheory.{
      ur_delta  = List.mem `Delta  opts;
      ur_eqtrue = List.mem `EqTrue opts;
    } in

    let rules =
      let for1 idx name =
        let idx      = odfl 0 idx in
        let lemma    = fst (EcEnv.Ax.lookup (unloc name) (env scope)) in
        let red_info = EcReduction.User.compile ~opts ~prio:idx (env scope) lemma in
        (lemma, opts, Some red_info) in

      let rules = (fun (xs, idx) -> (for1 idx) xs) reds in
      List.flatten rules


    let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (EcTheory.Th_reduction rules) in
    { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Cloning = struct
  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  open EcTheory
  open EcThCloning

  module C = EcThCloning
  module R = EcTheoryReplay

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let hooks : scope R.ovrhooks =
    let thexit sc pempty = snd (Theory.exit ?clears:None ~pempty sc) in
    let add_item scope import item =
      let item = EcTheory.mkitem import item in
      { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env } in
    { R.henv      = (fun scope -> scope.sc_env);
      R.hadd_item = add_item;
      R.hthenter  = Theory.enter;
      R.hthexit   = thexit;
      R.herr      = (fun ?loc -> hierror ?loc "%s"); }

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  module Options = struct
    open EcTheoryReplay

    let default = { clo_abstract = false; }

    let merge1 opts (b, (x : theory_cloning_option)) =
      match x with
      | `Abstract -> { opts with clo_abstract = b; }

    let merge opts (specs : theory_cloning_options) =
      List.fold_left merge1 opts specs

  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
  let clone (scope : scope) mode (thcl : theory_cloning) =
    assert (scope.sc_pr_uc = None);

    let { cl_name   = name;
          cl_theory = (opath, oth);
          cl_clone  = ovrds;
          cl_rename = rnms;
          cl_ntclr  = ntclr; }

        = C.clone scope.sc_env thcl in

    let incl  = thcl.pthc_import = Some `Include in
    let opts  = Options.merge Options.default thcl.pthc_opts in

    if thcl.pthc_import = Some `Include && opts.R.clo_abstract then
      hierror "cannot include an abstract theory";
    if thcl.pthc_import = Some `Include && EcUtils.is_some thcl.pthc_name then
      hierror "cannot give an alias to an included clone";

    let cpath = EcEnv.root (env scope) in
    let npath = if incl then cpath else EcPath.pqname cpath name in

    let (proofs, scope) =
      EcTheoryReplay.replay hooks
        ~abstract:opts.R.clo_abstract ~local:thcl.pthc_local ~incl
        ~clears:ntclr ~renames:rnms ~opath ~npath ovrds
        scope (name, oth.cth_items)

    let proofs = List.pmap (fun axc ->
      match axc.C.axc_tac with
      | None ->
          Some (fst_map some axc.C.axc_axiom, axc.C.axc_path, axc.C.axc_env)

      | Some pt ->
          let t = { pt_core = pt; pt_intros = []; } in
          let t = { pl_loc = pt.pl_loc; pl_desc = Pby (Some [t]); } in
          let t = { pt_core = t; pt_intros = []; } in
          let (x, ax) = axc.C.axc_axiom in

          let pucflags = { puc_visibility = `Visible; puc_local = false; } in
          let pucflags = (([], None), pucflags) in
          let check    = Check_mode.check scope.sc_options in

          let escope = { scope with sc_env = axc.C.axc_env; } in
          let escope = Ax.start_lemma escope pucflags check ~name:x (ax, None) in
          let escope = Tactics.proof escope mode true in
          let escope = snd (Tactics.process_r ~reloc:x false mode escope [t]) in
            ignore (Ax.save_r escope); None)

    let scope =
      thcl.pthc_import |> ofold (fun flag scope ->
        match flag with
        | `Import  ->
          { scope with sc_env = EcSection.import npath scope.sc_env; }
        | `Export  ->
          let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (Th_export (npath, `Global)) in
          { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env; }
        | `Include -> scope)

    in Ax.add_defer scope proofs


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Search = struct
  let search (scope : scope) qs =
    let env = env scope in
    let paths =
      let do1 fp =
        match unloc fp with
        | PFident (q, None) -> begin
            match EcEnv.Op.all ~name:q.pl_desc env with
            | [] ->
                hierror ~loc:q.pl_loc "unknown operator: `%s'"
                  (EcSymbols.string_of_qsymbol q.pl_desc)
            | paths -> begin
                let for1 (paths, pts) (p, decl) =
                  match decl.op_kind with
                  | OB_nott nt -> begin
                    let ps  = ref Mid.empty in
                    let ue  = EcUnify.UniEnv.create None in
                    let tip = EcUnify.UniEnv.opentvi ue decl.op_tparams None in
                    let tip = Tvar.subst tip in
                    let xs  = (snd_map tip) nt.ont_args in
                    let bd  = EcFol.form_of_expr EcFol.mhr (EcTypes.e_mapty tip nt.ont_body) in
                    let fp  = EcFol.f_lambda ( (snd_map EcFol.gtty) xs) bd in

                    match fp.f_node with
                    | Fop (pf, _) -> (pf :: paths, pts)
                    | _ -> (paths, (ps, ue, fp) ::pts)

                  | _ -> (p :: paths, pts) in

                let paths, pts = List.fold_left for1 ([], []) paths in
                let pts = (fun (ps, ue, fp) -> `ByPattern ((ps, ue), fp)) pts in

                `ByOr (`ByPath (Sp.of_list paths) :: pts)

        | _ ->
          let ps = ref Mid.empty in
          let ue = EcUnify.UniEnv.create None in
          let fp = EcTyping.trans_pattern env ps ue fp in
          `ByPattern ((ps, ue), fp)
      in do1 qs in

    let relevant =
      let get_path r = function `ByPath s -> Sp.union r s | _ -> r in
      List.fold_left get_path Sp.empty paths in

    let axioms = env paths in
    let axioms = EcSearch.sort relevant axioms in

    let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
    let fmt    = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
    let ppe    = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in

    List.iter (fun ax ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." (EcPrinting.pp_axiom ~long:true ppe) ax)
    notify scope `Info "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)

  let locate (scope : scope) ({ pl_desc = name } : pqsymbol) =
    let shorten lk p =
      let rec doit prefix (nm, x) =
        match lk (nm, x) (env scope) with
        | Some (p', _) when EcPath.p_equal p p' ->
            (nm, x)
        | _ -> begin
            match prefix with
            | [] -> (nm, x)
            | n :: prefix -> doit prefix (n :: nm, x)

      let (nm, x) = EcPath.toqsymbol p in
      let nm =
        match nm with
        | top :: nm when top = EcCoreLib.i_top ->
        | _ -> nm in

      let nm', x' = doit (List.rev nm) ([], x) in
      let plong, pshort = (nm, x), (nm', x') in

      (plong, if plong = pshort then None else Some pshort)

    let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
    let fmt    = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in

    let for_kind section getall shorten =
      let objs = getall ?check:None ?name:(Some name) (env scope) in
      let objs = shorten (List.fst objs) in

      if not (List.is_empty objs) then begin
        Format.fprintf fmt "In section [%s]@\n@\n" section;

        List.iter (fun (long, short) ->
            match short with
            | None ->
                Format.fprintf fmt " - %a@\n"
                  EcSymbols.pp_qsymbol long
            | Some short ->
                Format.fprintf fmt " - %a (shorten name: %a)@\n"
                  EcSymbols.pp_qsymbol long
                  EcSymbols.pp_qsymbol short
          )  objs
      end in

    for_kind "operators" EcEnv.Op.all (shorten EcEnv.Op.lookup_opt);
    for_kind "types"     EcEnv.Ty.all (shorten EcEnv.Ty.lookup_opt);
    for_kind "lemmas"    EcEnv.Ax.all (shorten EcEnv.Ax.lookup_opt);

    Format.pp_print_flush fmt ();

    if Buffer.length buffer = 0 then begin
      Format.fprintf fmt
        "no objects found for `%a'"
        EcSymbols.pp_qsymbol name

    notify scope `Info "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)
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