Revision 7f5fe7453912332a9be00d1efc0f880d80f47a7c authored by François Dupressoir on 14 March 2022, 17:21:04 UTC, committed by François Dupressoir on 14 March 2022, 17:21:15 UTC
Some more work needs done to present a clean theory of prime order
groups, and use it properly.

We should also ensure that we can eventually support DH over cyclic
groups of composite order (operating over prime order subgroups)
1 parent 87ff7f8
Raw File
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcTypes
open EcDecl
open EcCoreFol
open EcModules
open EcTheory

module Sp    = EcPath.Sp
module Sm    = EcPath.Sm
module Sx    = EcPath.Sx
module Mx    = EcPath.Mx
module Mp    = EcPath.Mp
module Mid   = EcIdent.Mid

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type subst_name_clash = [
  | `Ident of EcIdent.t

exception SubstNameClash of subst_name_clash
exception InconsistentSubst

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type subst = {
  sb_freshen : bool;
  sb_modules : EcPath.mpath Mid.t;
  sb_path    : EcPath.path Mp.t;
  sb_tydef   : (EcIdent.t list * ty) Mp.t;
  sb_opdef   : (EcIdent.t list * expr) Mp.t;
  sb_pddef   : (EcIdent.t list * form) Mp.t;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let empty ?(freshen = true) () : subst = {
  sb_freshen = freshen;
  sb_modules = Mid.empty;
  sb_path    = Mp.empty;
  sb_tydef   = Mp.empty;
  sb_opdef   = Mp.empty;
  sb_pddef   = Mp.empty;

let is_empty s =
  Mp.is_empty s.sb_path && Mid.is_empty s.sb_modules

let add_module (s : subst) (x : EcIdent.t) (m : EcPath.mpath) =
  let merger = function
    | None   -> Some m
    | Some _ -> raise (SubstNameClash (`Ident x))
    { s with sb_modules = Mid.change merger x s.sb_modules }

let add_path (s : subst) ~src ~dst =
  assert (Mp.find_opt src s.sb_path = None);
  { s with sb_path = Mp.add src dst s.sb_path }

let add_tydef (s : subst) p (ids, ty) =
  assert (Mp.find_opt p s.sb_tydef = None);
  { s with sb_tydef = Mp.add p (ids, ty) s.sb_tydef }

let add_opdef (s : subst) p (ids, e) =
  assert (Mp.find_opt p s.sb_opdef = None);
  { s with sb_opdef = Mp.add p (ids, e) s.sb_opdef }

let add_pddef (s : subst) p (ids, f) =
  assert (Mp.find_opt p s.sb_pddef = None);
  { s with sb_pddef = Mp.add p (ids, f) s.sb_pddef }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type _subst = {
  s_s   : subst;
  s_p   : (EcPath.path -> EcPath.path);
  s_fmp : (EcPath.mpath -> EcPath.mpath);
  s_sty : ty_subst;
  s_ty  : (ty -> ty);
  s_op  : (EcIdent.t list * expr) Mp.t;
  s_pd  : (EcIdent.t list * form) Mp.t;

let _subst_of_subst s =
  let sp  = EcPath.p_subst s.sb_path in
  let sm  = EcPath.Hm.memo 107 (EcPath.m_subst sp s.sb_modules) in
  let sty = { ty_subst_id with ts_p = sp; ts_mp = sm; ts_def = s.sb_tydef; } in
  let st  = EcTypes.ty_subst sty in
    { s_s   = s;
      s_p   = sp;
      s_fmp = sm;
      s_sty = sty;
      s_ty  = st;
      s_op  = s.sb_opdef;
      s_pd  = s.sb_pddef; }

let e_subst_of_subst (s:_subst) =
  { es_freshen = s.s_s.sb_freshen;
    es_p       = s.s_p;
    es_ty      = s.s_ty;
    es_opdef   = s.s_op;
    es_mp      = s.s_fmp;
    es_xp      = EcPath.x_subst s.s_fmp;
    es_loc     = Mid.empty; }

let f_subst_of_subst (s:_subst) =
    ~freshen:s.s_s.sb_freshen ~mods:s.s_s.sb_modules ~sty:s.s_sty
    ~opdef:s.s_op ~prdef:s.s_pd ()

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_form (s : _subst) =
  let s = f_subst_of_subst s in
    fun f -> Fsubst.f_subst s f

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_variable (s : _subst) (x : variable) =
  { x with v_type = s.s_ty x.v_type; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_fun_uses (s : _subst) (u : uses) =
  let x_subst = EcPath.x_subst s.s_fmp in
  let calls  = x_subst u.us_calls
  and reads  = Sx.fold (fun p m -> Sx.add (x_subst p) m) u.us_reads Sx.empty
  and writes = Sx.fold (fun p m -> Sx.add (x_subst p) m) u.us_writes Sx.empty in
  EcModules.mk_uses calls reads writes

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_oracle_info (s:_subst) (x:oracle_info) =
  let x_subst = EcPath.x_subst s.s_fmp in
    { oi_calls  = x_subst x.oi_calls;
      oi_in     = x.oi_in;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_funsig (s : _subst) (funsig : funsig) =
  let fs_arg = s.s_ty funsig.fs_arg in
  let fs_ret = s.s_ty funsig.fs_ret in
  let fs_anm = funsig.fs_anames |> omap ( (subst_variable s)) in

  { fs_name   = funsig.fs_name;
    fs_arg    = fs_arg;
    fs_anames = fs_anm;
    fs_ret    = fs_ret; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec subst_modsig_body_item (s : _subst) (item : module_sig_body_item) =
  match item with
  | Tys_function (funsig, oi) ->
      Tys_function (subst_funsig s funsig, subst_oracle_info s oi)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_modsig_body (s : _subst) (sbody : module_sig_body) = (subst_modsig_body_item s) sbody

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_modsig ?params (s : _subst) (comps : module_sig) =
  let sbody, newparams =
    match params with
    | None -> begin
        match comps.mis_params with
        | [] -> (s, [])
        | _  ->
          let aout =
              (fun (s : subst) (a, aty) ->
                let a'   = EcIdent.fresh a in
                let decl = (a', subst_modtype (_subst_of_subst s) aty) in
                  add_module s a (EcPath.mident a'), decl)
              s.s_s comps.mis_params
            fst_map _subst_of_subst aout

  | Some params ->
      let aout =
          (fun (s : subst) ((a, aty), a') ->
              let decl = (a', subst_modtype (_subst_of_subst s) aty) in
                add_module s a (EcPath.mident a'), decl)
            s.s_s (List.combine comps.mis_params params)
          fst_map _subst_of_subst aout

  let comps =
    { mis_params = newparams;
      mis_body   = subst_modsig_body sbody comps.mis_body; }
    (sbody, comps)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_modtype (s : _subst) (modty : module_type) =
  { mt_params = (snd_map (subst_modtype s)) modty.mt_params;
    mt_name   = s.s_p modty.mt_name;
    mt_args   = s.s_fmp modty.mt_args; }

let subst_top_modsig (s : _subst) (ms: top_module_sig) =
  { tms_sig = snd (subst_modsig s ms.tms_sig);
    tms_loca = ms.tms_loca; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_function_def (s : _subst) (def : function_def) =
  let es = e_subst_of_subst s in
  { f_locals = (subst_variable s) def.f_locals;
    f_body   = s_subst es def.f_body;
    f_ret    =  def.f_ret |> omap (e_subst es);
    f_uses   = subst_fun_uses s def.f_uses; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_function (s : _subst) (f : function_) =
  let sig' = subst_funsig s f.f_sig in
  let def' =
    match f.f_def with
    | FBdef def -> FBdef (subst_function_def s def)
    | FBalias f -> FBalias (EcPath.x_subst s.s_fmp f)
    | FBabs oi  -> FBabs (subst_oracle_info s oi) in
  { f_name = f.f_name;
    f_sig  = sig';
    f_def  = def' }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec subst_module_item (s : _subst) (item : module_item) =
  match item with
  | MI_Module m ->
      let m' = subst_module s m in
      MI_Module m'

  | MI_Variable x ->
      let x' = subst_variable s x in
      MI_Variable x'

  | MI_Function f ->
      let f'     = subst_function s f in
      MI_Function f'

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_module_items (s : _subst) (items : module_item list) = (subst_module_item s) items

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_module_struct (s : _subst) (bstruct : module_structure) =
    { ms_body   = subst_module_items s bstruct.ms_body; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_module_body (s : _subst) (body : module_body) =
  match body with
  | ME_Alias (arity,m) ->
      ME_Alias (arity, s.s_fmp m)

  | ME_Structure bstruct ->
      ME_Structure (subst_module_struct s bstruct)

  | ME_Decl (p, (rx,r)) ->
    let rx =
        (fun x r -> EcPath.Sx.add (EcPath.x_subst s.s_fmp x) r) rx EcPath.Sx.empty in
    let r =
        (fun x r -> EcPath.Sm.add (s.s_fmp x) r) r EcPath.Sm.empty
        ME_Decl (subst_modtype s p, (rx, r))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_module_comps (s : _subst) (comps : module_comps) =
  (subst_module_items s comps : module_comps)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_module (s : _subst) (m : module_expr) =
  let s, me_sig = subst_modsig s m.me_sig in
  let me_body   = subst_module_body s m.me_body in
  let me_comps  = subst_module_comps s m.me_comps in
    { m with me_body; me_comps; me_sig; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_top_module (s : _subst) (m : top_module_expr) =
  { tme_expr = subst_module s m.tme_expr;
    tme_loca = m.tme_loca; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let add_tparams (s : _subst) (params : ty_params) tys =
  match params with
  | [] -> assert (tys = []); s
  | _  ->
    let styv =
      List.fold_left2 (fun m (p, _) ty -> Mid.add p ty m)
        Mid.empty params tys in
    let sty =
      { ty_subst_id with
          ts_def = s.s_sty.ts_def;
          ts_p   = s.s_p;
          ts_mp  = s.s_fmp;
          ts_v   = Mid.find_opt^~ styv; }
      { s with s_sty = sty; s_ty = EcTypes.ty_subst sty }

let init_tparams (s : _subst) (params : ty_params) (params' : ty_params) =
  add_tparams s params ( (fun (p', _) -> tvar p') params')

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_typaram (s : _subst) ((id, tc) : ty_param) =
  (EcIdent.fresh id, Sp.fold (fun p tc -> Sp.add (s.s_p p) tc) tc Sp.empty)

let subst_typarams (s : _subst) (typ : ty_params) = (subst_typaram s) typ

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_genty (s : _subst) (typ, ty) =
  let typ' = subst_typarams s typ in
  let s    = init_tparams s typ typ' in
    (typ', s.s_ty ty)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let open_tydecl (s : _subst) (tyd : tydecl) tys =
  let sty = add_tparams s tyd.tyd_params tys in

  match tyd.tyd_type with
  | `Abstract tc ->
      `Abstract (Sp.fold (fun p tc -> Sp.add (s.s_p p) tc) tc Sp.empty)

  | `Concrete ty ->
      `Concrete (sty.s_ty ty)

  | `Datatype dtype ->
      let dtype =
        { tydt_ctors   = (snd_map ( sty.s_ty)) dtype.tydt_ctors;
          tydt_schelim = Fsubst.f_subst (f_subst_of_subst sty) dtype.tydt_schelim;
          tydt_schcase = Fsubst.f_subst (f_subst_of_subst sty) dtype.tydt_schcase; }
      in `Datatype dtype

  | `Record (scheme, fields) ->
      `Record (Fsubst.f_subst (f_subst_of_subst sty) scheme,
      (snd_map sty.s_ty) fields)

let subst_tydecl (s : _subst) (tyd : tydecl) =
  let params' = (subst_typaram s) tyd.tyd_params in
  let tys     = (fun (id, _) -> tvar id) params' in
  let body    = open_tydecl s tyd tys in

  { tyd_params  = params';
    tyd_type    = body;
    tyd_resolve = tyd.tyd_resolve; 
    tyd_loca    = tyd.tyd_loca; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec subst_op_kind (s : _subst) (kind : operator_kind) =
  match kind with
  | OB_oper (Some body) ->
      OB_oper (Some (subst_op_body s body))

  | OB_pred (Some body) ->
      OB_pred (Some (subst_pr_body s body))

  | OB_nott nott ->
     OB_nott (subst_notation s nott)

  | OB_oper None | OB_pred None -> kind

and subst_notation (s : _subst) (nott : notation) =
  let es = e_subst_of_subst s in
  let es, xs = EcTypes.add_locals es nott.ont_args in
  { ont_args  = xs;
    ont_resty = s.s_ty nott.ont_resty;
    ont_body  = EcTypes.e_subst es nott.ont_body;
    ont_ponly = nott.ont_ponly; }

and subst_op_body (s : _subst) (bd : opbody) =
  match bd with
  | OP_Plain (body, nosmt) ->
      let s = e_subst_of_subst s in
        OP_Plain (EcTypes.e_subst s body, nosmt)

  | OP_Constr (p, i)  -> OP_Constr (s.s_p p, i)
  | OP_Record p       -> OP_Record (s.s_p p)
  | OP_Proj (p, i, j) -> OP_Proj (s.s_p p, i, j)

  | OP_Fix opfix ->
      let (es, args) =
        EcTypes.add_locals (e_subst_of_subst s) opfix.opf_args in

        OP_Fix { opf_args     = args;
                 opf_resty    = s.s_ty opfix.opf_resty;
                 opf_struct   = opfix.opf_struct;
                 opf_branches = subst_branches es opfix.opf_branches;
                 opf_nosmt    = opfix.opf_nosmt; }

  | OP_TC -> OP_TC

and subst_branches es = function
  | OPB_Leaf (locals, e) ->
      let (es, locals) =
          (fun es locals -> EcTypes.add_locals es locals)
          es locals
        OPB_Leaf (locals, EcTypes.e_subst es e)

  | OPB_Branch bs ->
      let for1 b =
        let (ctorp, ctori) = b.opb_ctor in
          { opb_ctor = (es.es_p ctorp, ctori);
            opb_sub  = subst_branches es b.opb_sub; }
        OPB_Branch ( for1 bs)

and subst_pr_body (s : _subst) (bd : prbody) =
  match bd with
  | PR_Plain body ->
      let s = f_subst_of_subst s in
      PR_Plain (Fsubst.f_subst s body)

  | PR_Ind ind ->
      let args    = (snd_map gtty) ind.pri_args in
      let s, args = Fsubst.add_bindings (f_subst_of_subst s) args in
      let args    = (snd_map gty_as_ty) args in
      let ctors   =
        let for1 ctor =
          let s, bds = Fsubst.add_bindings s ctor.prc_bds in
          let spec   = (Fsubst.f_subst s) ctor.prc_spec in
          { ctor with prc_bds = bds; prc_spec = spec; }
        in for1 ind.pri_ctors

      in PR_Ind { pri_args = args; pri_ctors = ctors; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let open_oper (s:_subst) (op:operator) tys =
  let sty  = add_tparams s op.op_tparams tys in
  let ty   = sty.s_ty op.op_ty in
  let kind = subst_op_kind sty op.op_kind in
  ty, kind

let subst_op (s : _subst) (op : operator) =
  let tparams = (subst_typaram s) op.op_tparams in
  let tys = ( (fun (p', _) -> tvar p') tparams) in
  let ty, kind = open_oper s op tys in

  { op_tparams  = tparams       ;
    op_ty       = ty            ;
    op_kind     = kind          ;
    op_loca     = op.op_loca    ;
    op_opaque   = op.op_opaque  ;
    op_clinline = op.op_clinline; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_ax (s : _subst) (ax : axiom) =
  let params = (subst_typaram s) ax.ax_tparams in
  let s      = init_tparams s ax.ax_tparams params in
  let spec   = Fsubst.f_subst (f_subst_of_subst s) ax.ax_spec in

  { ax_tparams    = params;
    ax_spec       = spec;
    ax_kind       = ax.ax_kind;
    ax_loca       = ax.ax_loca;
    ax_visibility = ax.ax_visibility; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_ring (s : _subst) cr =
  { r_type  = s.s_ty cr.r_type;
    r_zero  = s.s_p  cr.r_zero;
    r_one   = s.s_p  cr.r_one;
    r_add   = s.s_p  cr.r_add;
    r_opp   = cr.r_opp |> omap s.s_p;
    r_mul   = s.s_p cr.r_mul;
    r_exp   = cr.r_exp |> omap s.s_p;
    r_sub   = cr.r_sub |> omap s.s_p;
    r_embed =
      begin match cr.r_embed with
      | `Direct  -> `Direct
      | `Default -> `Default
      | `Embed p -> `Embed (s.s_p p)
    r_kind = cr.r_kind

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_field (s : _subst) cr =
  { f_ring = subst_ring s cr.f_ring;
    f_inv  = s.s_p cr.f_inv;
    f_div  = cr.f_div |> omap s.s_p; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_instance (s : _subst) tci =
  match tci with
  | `Ring    cr -> `Ring  (subst_ring  s cr)
  | `Field   cr -> `Field (subst_field s cr)
  | `General p  -> `General (s.s_p p)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_tc (s : _subst) tc =
  let tc_prt = tc.tc_prt |> omap s.s_p in
  let tc_ops = (snd_map s.s_ty) tc.tc_ops in
  let tc_axs = (snd_map (subst_form s)) tc.tc_axs in
    { tc_prt; tc_ops; tc_axs; tc_loca = tc.tc_loca }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec subst_theory_item_r (s : _subst) (item : theory_item_r) =
  match item with
  | Th_type (x, tydecl) ->
      Th_type (x, subst_tydecl s tydecl)

  | Th_operator (x, op) ->
      Th_operator (x, subst_op s op)

  | Th_axiom (x, ax) ->
      Th_axiom (x, subst_ax s ax)

  | Th_modtype (x, tymod) ->
      Th_modtype (x, subst_top_modsig s tymod)

  | Th_module m ->
      Th_module (subst_top_module s m)

  | Th_theory (x, th) ->
      Th_theory (x, subst_ctheory s th)

  | Th_export (p, lc) ->
      Th_export (s.s_p p, lc)

  | Th_instance (ty, tci, lc) ->
      Th_instance (subst_genty s ty, subst_instance s tci, lc)

  | Th_typeclass (x, tc) ->
      Th_typeclass (x, subst_tc s tc)

  | Th_baserw _ ->

  | Th_addrw (b, ls, lc) ->
      Th_addrw (s.s_p b, s.s_p ls, lc)

  | Th_reduction rules ->
      let rules = (fun (p, opts, _) -> (s.s_p p, opts, None)) rules
      in Th_reduction rules

  | Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc) ->
      Th_auto (lvl, base, s.s_p ps, lc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_theory_item (s : _subst) (item : theory_item) =
  { ti_item   = subst_theory_item_r s item.ti_item;
    ti_import = item.ti_import; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_theory (s : _subst) (items : theory) = (subst_theory_item s) items

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_ctheory (s : _subst) (cth : ctheory) =
  { cth_items  = subst_theory s cth.cth_items;
    cth_loca   = cth.cth_loca;
    cth_mode   = cth.cth_mode;
    cth_source = omap (subst_theory_source s) cth.cth_source; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and subst_theory_source (s : _subst) (ths : thsource) =
  { ths_base = s.s_p ths.ths_base; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let subst_branches     s = subst_branches (e_subst_of_subst (_subst_of_subst s))
let subst_ax           s = subst_ax (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_op           s = subst_op (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_tydecl       s = subst_tydecl (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_tc           s = subst_tc (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_theory       s = subst_theory (_subst_of_subst s)

let subst_function     s = subst_function (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_module       s = subst_module (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_top_module   s = subst_top_module (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_module_comps s = subst_module_comps (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_module_body  s = subst_module_body (_subst_of_subst s)

let subst_modtype      s = subst_modtype (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_modsig         = fun ?params s x -> snd (subst_modsig ?params (_subst_of_subst s) x)
let subst_top_modsig   s = subst_top_modsig (_subst_of_subst s)
let subst_modsig_body  s = subst_modsig_body (_subst_of_subst s)

let subst_mpath        s = (_subst_of_subst s).s_fmp
let subst_path         s = (_subst_of_subst s).s_p

let subst_form         s = fun f -> (Fsubst.f_subst (f_subst_of_subst (_subst_of_subst s)) f)
let subst_ty           s = fun t -> ((_subst_of_subst s).s_ty t)
let subst_genty        s = fun t -> (subst_genty (_subst_of_subst s) t)

let subst_instance     s = subst_instance (_subst_of_subst s)

let open_oper   = open_oper   (_subst_of_subst (empty ()))
let open_tydecl = open_tydecl (_subst_of_subst (empty ()))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let freshen_type (typ, ty) =
  let empty = _subst_of_subst (empty ()) in
  let typ' = (subst_typaram empty) typ in
  let s = init_tparams empty typ typ' in
    (typ', s.s_ty ty)
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