Revision 84bb557686894658aa6b15297e58997c6f3359c5 authored by Dmitri Naumov on 22 February 2021, 17:04:40 UTC, committed by Dmitri Naumov on 09 March 2021, 09:17:26 UTC
Using central differences for Jacobian computation.
Still the HydraulicFlow and Nodal forces are not correct
and don't include the 'M \dot{x} + K x' part.
1 parent 4712e90
Raw File
Tip revision: 84bb557686894658aa6b15297e58997c6f3359c5 authored by Dmitri Naumov on 22 February 2021, 17:04:40 UTC
[T/RM] Add liakopoulos test using assemble().
Tip revision: 84bb557
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