Revision 85164250068bdccf7d22a7fea0d0a3fc55178d8d authored by Jameson Nash on 17 November 2015, 21:09:27 UTC, committed by Jameson Nash on 17 November 2015, 22:25:08 UTC
Instead of making task_done_hook aware of the REPL specifically,
this gives clients (such as the REPL) the ability to register a
handler for any unhandled exception.

In reality, the only unhandled exceptions are those that occur
when trying to run task_done_hook or early on the root task.
Accordingly, the most like error is InterruptException,
but not exclusively.

This approach allows the REPL to print an error and return to a prompt,
even when the Task state of eval_user_input is too inconsistent or
unknown to be called directly.

If the last-chance exception handler returns or throws an error,
that that error is then considered to be finally fatal.
The return value when setting the exception handler allows the user
to chain and reset the handler.
1 parent 4a919e8
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Tip revision: 85164250068bdccf7d22a7fea0d0a3fc55178d8d authored by Jameson Nash on 17 November 2015, 21:09:27 UTC
alternative structured approach to replace the REPL InterruptException hack
Tip revision: 8516425
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# Support for @simd for

module SimdLoop

export @simd, simd_outer_range, simd_inner_length, simd_index

# Error thrown from ill-formed uses of @simd
type SimdError <: Exception

# Parse iteration space expression
#       symbol '=' range
#       symbol 'in' range
function parse_iteration_space(x)
    (isa(x, Expr) && (x.head == :(=) || x.head == :in)) || throw(SimdError("= or in expected"))
    length(x.args) == 2 || throw(SimdError("simd range syntax is wrong"))
    isa(x.args[1], Symbol) || throw(SimdError("simd loop index must be a symbol"))
    x.args # symbol, range

# reject invalid control flow statements in @simd loop body
function check_body!(x::Expr)
    if x.head === :break || x.head == :continue
        throw(SimdError("$(x.head) is not allowed inside a @simd loop body"))
    elseif x.head === :macrocall && x.args[1] === symbol("@goto")
        throw(SimdError("$(x.args[1]) is not allowed inside a @simd loop body"))
    for arg in x.args
    return true
check_body!(x::QuoteNode) = check_body!(x.value)
check_body!(x) = true

# @simd splits a for loop into two loops: an outer scalar loop and
# an inner loop marked with :simdloop. The simd_... functions define
# the splitting.

# Get range for outer loop.
simd_outer_range(r) = 0:0

# Get trip count for inner loop.
simd_inner_length(r,j::Int) = length(r)

# Construct user-level element from original range, outer loop index j, and inner loop index i.
@inline simd_index(r,j::Int,i) = Base.unsafe_getindex(r,i+1)

# Compile Expr x in context of @simd.
function compile(x)
    (isa(x, Expr) && x.head == :for) || throw(SimdError("for loop expected"))
    length(x.args) == 2 || throw(SimdError("1D for loop expected"))

    var,range = parse_iteration_space(x.args[1])
    r = gensym("r") # Range value
    j = gensym("i") # Iteration variable for outer loop
    n = gensym("n") # Trip count for inner loop
    i = gensym("i") # Trip index for inner loop
        # Evaluate range value once, to enhance type and data flow analysis by optimizers.
        let $r = $range
            for $j in Base.simd_outer_range($r)
                let $n = Base.simd_inner_length($r,$j)
                    if zero($n) < $n
                        # Lower loop in way that seems to work best for LLVM 3.3 vectorizer.
                        let $i = zero($n)
                            while $i < $n
                                local $var = Base.simd_index($r,$j,$i)
                                $(x.args[2])        # Body of loop
                                $i += 1
                                $(Expr(:simdloop))  # Mark loop as SIMD loop
                        # Set index to last value just like a regular for loop would
                        $var = last($r)

macro simd(forloop)

end # module SimdLoop
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