Revision 85164250068bdccf7d22a7fea0d0a3fc55178d8d authored by Jameson Nash on 17 November 2015, 21:09:27 UTC, committed by Jameson Nash on 17 November 2015, 22:25:08 UTC
Instead of making task_done_hook aware of the REPL specifically,
this gives clients (such as the REPL) the ability to register a
handler for any unhandled exception.

In reality, the only unhandled exceptions are those that occur
when trying to run task_done_hook or early on the root task.
Accordingly, the most like error is InterruptException,
but not exclusively.

This approach allows the REPL to print an error and return to a prompt,
even when the Task state of eval_user_input is too inconsistent or
unknown to be called directly.

If the last-chance exception handler returns or throws an error,
that that error is then considered to be finally fatal.
The return value when setting the exception handler allows the user
to chain and reset the handler.
1 parent 4a919e8
Raw File
Tip revision: 85164250068bdccf7d22a7fea0d0a3fc55178d8d authored by Jameson Nash on 17 November 2015, 21:09:27 UTC
alternative structured approach to replace the REPL InterruptException hack
Tip revision: 8516425
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

##### mean #####

function mean(iterable)
    state = start(iterable)
    if done(iterable, state)
        throw(ArgumentError("mean of empty collection undefined: $(repr(iterable))"))
    count = 1
    total, state = next(iterable, state)
    while !done(iterable, state)
        value, state = next(iterable, state)
        total += value
        count += 1
    return total/count
mean(A::AbstractArray) = sum(A) / length(A)

function mean!{T}(R::AbstractArray{T}, A::AbstractArray)
    sum!(R, A; init=true)
    scale!(R, length(R) / length(A))
    return R

momenttype{T}(::Type{T}) = typeof((zero(T) + zero(T)) / 2)
momenttype(::Type{Float32}) = Float32
momenttype{T<:Union{Float64,Int32,Int64,UInt32,UInt64}}(::Type{T}) = Float64

mean{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}, region) =
    mean!(reducedim_initarray(A, region, 0, momenttype(T)), A)

##### variances #####

# faster computation of real(conj(x)*y)
realXcY(x::Real, y::Real) = x*y
realXcY(x::Complex, y::Complex) = real(x)*real(y) + imag(x)*imag(y)

function var(iterable; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing)
    state = start(iterable)
    if done(iterable, state)
        throw(ArgumentError("variance of empty collection undefined: $(repr(iterable))"))
    count = 1
    value, state = next(iterable, state)
    if mean === nothing
        # Use Welford algorithm as seen in (among other places)
        # Knuth's TAOCP, Vol 2, page 232, 3rd edition.
        M = value / 1
        S = real(zero(M))
        while !done(iterable, state)
            value, state = next(iterable, state)
            count += 1
            new_M = M + (value - M) / count
            S = S + realXcY(value - M, value - new_M)
            M = new_M
        return S / (count - Int(corrected))
    elseif isa(mean, Number) # mean provided
        # Cannot use a compensated version, e.g. the one from
        # "Updating Formulae and a Pairwise Algorithm for Computing Sample Variances."
        # by Chan, Golub, and LeVeque, Technical Report STAN-CS-79-773,
        # Department of Computer Science, Stanford University,
        # because user can provide mean value that is different to mean(iterable)
        sum2 = abs2(value - mean::Number)
        while !done(iterable, state)
            value, state = next(iterable, state)
            count += 1
            sum2 += abs2(value - mean)
        return sum2 / (count - Int(corrected))
        throw(ArgumentError("invalid value of mean, $(mean)::$(typeof(mean))"))

function varzm{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}; corrected::Bool=true)
    n = length(A)
    n == 0 && return convert(real(momenttype(T)), NaN)
    return sumabs2(A) / (n - Int(corrected))

function varzm!{S}(R::AbstractArray{S}, A::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true)
    if isempty(A)
        fill!(R, convert(S, NaN))
        rn = div(length(A), length(r)) - Int(corrected)
        scale!(sumabs2!(R, A; init=true), convert(S, 1/rn))
    return R

varzm{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}, region; corrected::Bool=true) =
    varzm!(reducedim_initarray(A, region, 0, real(momenttype(T))), A; corrected=corrected)

immutable CentralizedAbs2Fun{T<:Number} <: Func{1}
call(f::CentralizedAbs2Fun, x) = abs2(x - f.m)
centralize_sumabs2(A::AbstractArray, m::Number) =
    mapreduce(CentralizedAbs2Fun(m), AddFun(), A)
centralize_sumabs2(A::AbstractArray, m::Number, ifirst::Int, ilast::Int) =
    mapreduce_impl(CentralizedAbs2Fun(m), AddFun(), A, ifirst, ilast)

@generated function centralize_sumabs2!{S,T,N}(R::AbstractArray{S}, A::AbstractArray{T,N}, means::AbstractArray)
        # following the implementation of _mapreducedim! at base/reducedim.jl
        lsiz = check_reducedims(R,A)
        isempty(R) || fill!(R, zero(S))
        isempty(A) && return R
        @nextract $N sizeR d->size(R,d)
        sizA1 = size(A, 1)

        if has_fast_linear_indexing(A) && lsiz > 16
            # use centralize_sumabs2, which is probably better tuned to achieve higher performance
            nslices = div(length(A), lsiz)
            ibase = 0
            for i = 1:nslices
                @inbounds R[i] = centralize_sumabs2(A, means[i], ibase+1, ibase+lsiz)
                ibase += lsiz
        elseif size(R, 1) == 1 && sizA1 > 1
            # keep the accumulator as a local variable when reducing along the first dimension
            @nloops $N i d->(d>1? (1:size(A,d)) : (1:1)) d->(j_d = sizeR_d==1 ? 1 : i_d) begin
                @inbounds r = (@nref $N R j)
                @inbounds m = (@nref $N means j)
                for i_1 = 1:sizA1
                    @inbounds r += abs2((@nref $N A i) - m)
                @inbounds (@nref $N R j) = r
            # general implementation
            @nloops $N i A d->(j_d = sizeR_d==1 ? 1 : i_d) begin
                @inbounds (@nref $N R j) += abs2((@nref $N A i) - (@nref $N means j))
        return R

function varm{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}, m::Number; corrected::Bool=true)
    n = length(A)
    n == 0 && return convert(real(momenttype(T)), NaN)
    n == 1 && return convert(real(momenttype(T)), abs2(A[1] - m)/(1 - Int(corrected)))
    return centralize_sumabs2(A, m) / (n - Int(corrected))

function varm!{S}(R::AbstractArray{S}, A::AbstractArray, m::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true)
    if isempty(A)
        fill!(R, convert(S, NaN))
        rn = div(length(A), length(R)) - Int(corrected)
        scale!(centralize_sumabs2!(R, A, m), convert(S, 1/rn))
    return R

varm{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}, m::AbstractArray, region; corrected::Bool=true) =
    varm!(reducedim_initarray(A, region, 0, real(momenttype(T))), A, m; corrected=corrected)

function var{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing)
            mean == 0 ? varzm(A; corrected=corrected) :
            mean === nothing ? varm(A, Base.mean(A); corrected=corrected) :
            isa(mean, Number) ? varm(A, mean::Number; corrected=corrected) :
            throw(ArgumentError("invalid value of mean, $(mean)::$(typeof(mean))")))::real(momenttype(T))

function var(A::AbstractArray, region; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing)
    mean == 0 ? varzm(A, region; corrected=corrected) :
    mean === nothing ? varm(A, Base.mean(A, region), region; corrected=corrected) :
    isa(mean, AbstractArray) ? varm(A, mean::AbstractArray, region; corrected=corrected) :
    throw(ArgumentError("invalid value of mean, $(mean)::$(typeof(mean))"))

varm(iterable, m::Number; corrected::Bool=true) =
    var(iterable, corrected=corrected, mean=m)

## variances over ranges

function varm(v::Range, m::Number)
    f = first(v) - m
    s = step(v)
    l = length(v)
    if l == 0 || l == 1
           return NaN
    return f^2 * l / (l - 1) + f * s * l + s^2 * l * (2 * l - 1) / 6

function var(v::Range)
    s = step(v)
    l = length(v)
    if l == 0 || l == 1
        return NaN
    return abs2(s) * (l + 1) * l / 12

##### standard deviation #####

function sqrt!(A::AbstractArray)
    for i in eachindex(A)
        @inbounds A[i] = sqrt(A[i])

stdm(A::AbstractArray, m::Number; corrected::Bool=true) =
    sqrt(varm(A, m; corrected=corrected))

std(A::AbstractArray; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing) =
    sqrt(var(A; corrected=corrected, mean=mean))

std(A::AbstractArray, region; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing) =
    sqrt!(var(A, region; corrected=corrected, mean=mean))

std(iterable; corrected::Bool=true, mean=nothing) =
    sqrt(var(iterable, corrected=corrected, mean=mean))

stdm(iterable, m::Number; corrected::Bool=true) =
    std(iterable, corrected=corrected, mean=m)

###### covariance ######

# auxiliary functions

_conj{T<:Real}(x::AbstractArray{T}) = x
_conj(x::AbstractArray) = conj(x)

_getnobs(x::AbstractVector, vardim::Int) = length(x)
_getnobs(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = size(x, vardim)

function _getnobs(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat, vardim::Int)
    n = _getnobs(x, vardim)
    _getnobs(y, vardim) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimensions of x and y mismatch"))
    return n

_vmean(x::AbstractVector, vardim::Int) = mean(x)
_vmean(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = mean(x, vardim)

# core functions

unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector) = sumabs2(x)
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = (vardim == 1 ? _conj(x'x) : x * x')

unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector) = dot(x, y)
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) =
    (vardim == 1 ? At_mul_B(x, _conj(y)) : At_mul_Bt(x, _conj(y)))
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, vardim::Int) =
    (c = vardim == 1 ? At_mul_B(x, _conj(y)) :  x * _conj(y); reshape(c, length(c), 1))
unscaled_covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) =
    (vardim == 1 ? At_mul_B(x, _conj(y)) : A_mul_Bc(x, y))

# covzm (with centered data)

covzm(x::AbstractVector, corrected::Bool=true) = unscaled_covzm(x) / (length(x) - Int(corrected))
covzm(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true) =
    scale!(unscaled_covzm(x, vardim), inv(size(x,vardim) - Int(corrected)))
covzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, corrected::Bool=true) =
    unscaled_covzm(x, y) / (length(x) - Int(corrected))
covzm(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat, vardim::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true) =
    scale!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), inv(_getnobs(x, y, vardim) - Int(corrected)))

# covm (with provided mean)

covm(x::AbstractVector, xmean, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(x .- xmean, corrected)
covm(x::AbstractMatrix, xmean, vardim::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(x .- xmean, vardim, corrected)
covm(x::AbstractVector, xmean, y::AbstractVector, ymean, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(x .- xmean, y .- ymean, corrected)
covm(x::AbstractVecOrMat, xmean, y::AbstractVecOrMat, ymean, vardim::Int=1, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covzm(x .- xmean, y .- ymean, vardim, corrected)

# cov (API)
    cov(x[, corrected=true])

Compute the variance of the vector `x`. If `corrected` is `true` (the default) then the sum is scaled with `n-1` wheares the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = length(x)`.
cov(x::AbstractVector, corrected::Bool) = covm(x, Base.mean(x), corrected)
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these two methods can be merged
cov{T<:AbstractVector}(x::T) = covm(x, Base.mean(x), true)

    cov(X[, vardim=1, corrected=true])

Compute the covariance matrix of the matrix `X` along the dimension `vardim`. If `corrected` is `true` (the default) then the sum is scaled with `n-1` wheares the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = size(X, vardim)`.
cov(X::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covm(X, _vmean(X, vardim), vardim, corrected)
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these two methods can be merged
cov{T<:AbstractMatrix}(X::T) = cov(X, 1, true)

    cov(x, y[, corrected=true])

Compute the covariance between the vectors `x` and `y`. If `corrected` is `true` (the default) then the sum is scaled with `n-1` wheares the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = length(x) = length(y)`.
cov(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, corrected::Bool) =
    covm(x, Base.mean(x), y, Base.mean(y), corrected)
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these two methods can be merged
cov{T<:AbstractVector,S<:AbstractVector}(x::T, y::S) =
    covm(x, Base.mean(x), y, Base.mean(y), true)

    cov(X, Y[, vardim=1, corrected=true])

Compute the covariance between the vectors or matrices `X` and `Y` along the dimension `vardim`. If `corrected` is `true` (the default) then the sum is scaled with `n-1` wheares the sum is scaled with `n` if `corrected` is `false` where `n = size(X, vardim) = size(Y, vardim)`.

cov(X::AbstractVecOrMat, Y::AbstractVecOrMat, vardim::Int, corrected::Bool=true) =
    covm(X, _vmean(X, vardim), Y, _vmean(Y, vardim), vardim, corrected)
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these methods can be merged
cov(x::AbstractVector, Y::AbstractMatrix) = cov(x, Y, 1, true)
cov(X::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector) = cov(X, y, 1, true)
cov(X::AbstractMatrix, Y::AbstractMatrix) = cov(X, Y, 1, true)

##### correlation #####

# cov2cor!

function cov2cor!{T}(C::AbstractMatrix{T}, xsd::AbstractArray)
    nx = length(xsd)
    size(C) == (nx, nx) || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for j = 1:nx
        for i = 1:j-1
            C[i,j] = C[j,i]
        C[j,j] = one(T)
        for i = j+1:nx
            C[i,j] /= (xsd[i] * xsd[j])
    return C
function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix, xsd::Number, ysd::AbstractArray)
    nx, ny = size(C)
    length(ysd) == ny || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for j = 1:ny
        for i = 1:nx
            C[i,j] /= (xsd * ysd[j])
    return C
function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix, xsd::AbstractArray, ysd::Number)
    nx, ny = size(C)
    length(xsd) == nx || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for j = 1:ny
        for i = 1:nx
            C[i,j] /= (xsd[i] * ysd)
    return C
function cov2cor!(C::AbstractMatrix, xsd::AbstractArray, ysd::AbstractArray)
    nx, ny = size(C)
    (length(xsd) == nx && length(ysd) == ny) ||
        throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent dimensions"))
    for j = 1:ny
        for i = 1:nx
            C[i,j] /= (xsd[i] * ysd[j])
    return C

# corzm (non-exported, with centered data)

corzm{T}(x::AbstractVector{T}) = one(real(T))
function corzm(x::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1)
    c = unscaled_covzm(x, vardim)
    return cov2cor!(c, sqrt!(diag(c)))
function corzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
    n = length(x)
    length(y) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent lengths"))
    x1 = x[1]
    y1 = y[1]
    xx = abs2(x1)
    yy = abs2(y1)
    xy = x1 * conj(y1)
    i = 1
    while i < n
        i += 1
        @inbounds xi = x[i]
        @inbounds yi = y[i]
        xx += abs2(xi)
        yy += abs2(yi)
        xy += xi * conj(yi)
    return xy / (sqrt(xx) * sqrt(yy))
corzm(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1) =
    cov2cor!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), sqrt(sumabs2(x)), sqrt!(sumabs2(y, vardim)))
corzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, vardim::Int=1) =
    cov2cor!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), sqrt!(sumabs2(x, vardim)), sqrt(sumabs2(y)))
corzm(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int=1) =
    cov2cor!(unscaled_covzm(x, y, vardim), sqrt!(sumabs2(x, vardim)), sqrt!(sumabs2(y, vardim)))

# corm

corm{T}(x::AbstractVector{T}, xmean) = one(real(T))
corm(x::AbstractMatrix, xmean, vardim::Int=1) = corzm(x .- xmean, vardim)
corm(x::AbstractVector, xmean, y::AbstractVector, ymean) = corzm(x .- xmean, y .- ymean)
corm(x::AbstractVecOrMat, xmean, y::AbstractVecOrMat, ymean, vardim::Int=1) =
    corzm(x .- xmean, y .- ymean, vardim)

# cor

Return the number one.
cor{T<:AbstractVector}(x::T) = one(real(eltype(x)))
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these two methods can be merged

    cor(X[, vardim=1])

Compute the Pearson correlation matrix of the matrix `X` along the dimension `vardim`.
cor(X::AbstractMatrix, vardim::Int) = corm(X, _vmean(X, vardim), vardim)
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these two methods can be merged
cor{T<:AbstractMatrix}(X::T) = cor(X, 1)

    cor(x, y)

Compute the Pearson correlation between the vectors `x` and `y`.
cor{T<:AbstractVector,S<:AbstractVector}(x::T, y::S) = corm(x, Base.mean(x), y, Base.mean(y))
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these two methods can be merged

    cor(X, Y[, vardim=1])

Compute the Pearson correlation between the vectors or matrices `X` and `Y` along the dimension `vardim`.

cor(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat, vardim::Int) =
    corm(x, _vmean(x, vardim), y, _vmean(y, vardim), vardim)
# This ugly hack is necessary to make the method below considered more specific than the deprecated method. When the old keyword version has been completely deprecated, these methods can be merged
cor(x::AbstractVector, Y::AbstractMatrix) = cor(x, Y, 1)
cor(X::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector) = cor(X, y, 1)
cor(X::AbstractMatrix, Y::AbstractMatrix) = cor(X, Y, 1)

##### median & quantiles #####


Compute the middle of a scalar value, which is equivalent to `x` itself, but of the type of `middle(x, x)` for consistency.
# Specialized functions for real types allow for improved performance
middle(x::Union{Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128}) = Float64(x)
middle(x::AbstractFloat) = x
middle(x::Float16) = Float32(x)
middle(x::Real) = (x + zero(x)) / 1

    middle(x, y)

Compute the middle of two reals `x` and `y`, which is equivalent in both value and type to computing their mean (`(x + y) / 2`).
middle(x::Real, y::Real) = x/2 + y/2


Compute the middle of a range, which consists in computing the mean of its extrema. Since a range is sorted, the mean is performed with the first and last element.
middle(a::Range) = middle(a[1], a[end])


Compute the middle of an array, which consists in finding its extrema and then computing their mean.
middle(a::AbstractArray) = ((v1, v2) = extrema(a); middle(v1, v2))

function median!{T}(v::AbstractVector{T})
    isempty(v) && throw(ArgumentError("median of an empty array is undefined, $(repr(v))"))
    if T<:AbstractFloat
        @inbounds for x in v
            isnan(x) && return x
    n = length(v)
    if isodd(n)
        return middle(select!(v,div(n+1,2)))
        m = select!(v, div(n,2):div(n,2)+1)
        return middle(m[1], m[2])
median!{T}(v::AbstractArray{T}) = median!(vec(v))

median{T}(v::AbstractArray{T}) = median!(vec(copy(v)))
median{T}(v::AbstractArray{T}, region) = mapslices(median!, v, region)

# for now, use the R/S definition of quantile; may want variants later
# see ?quantile in R -- this is type 7
# TODO: need faster implementation (use select!?)
function quantile!(v::AbstractVector, q::AbstractVector)
    isempty(v) && throw(ArgumentError("empty data array"))
    isempty(q) && throw(ArgumentError("empty quantile array"))

    # make sure the quantiles are in [0,1]
    q = bound_quantiles(q)

    lv = length(v)
    lq = length(q)

    index = 1 .+ (lv-1)*q
    lo = floor(Int,index)
    hi = ceil(Int,index)
    isnan(v[end]) && throw(ArgumentError("quantiles are undefined in presence of NaNs"))
    i = find(index .> lo)
    r = float(v[lo])
    h = (index.-lo)[i]
    r[i] = (1.-h).*r[i] + h.*v[hi[i]]
    return r

    quantile(v, ps)

Compute the quantiles of a vector `v` at a specified set of probability values `ps`. Note: Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation.
quantile(v::AbstractVector, q::AbstractVector) = quantile!(copy(v),q)
    quantile(v, p)

Compute the quantile of a vector `v` at the probability `p`. Note: Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation.
quantile(v::AbstractVector, q::Number) = quantile(v,[q])[1]

function bound_quantiles(qs::AbstractVector)
    epsilon = 100*eps()
    if (any(qs .< -epsilon) || any(qs .> 1+epsilon))
        throw(ArgumentError("quantiles out of [0,1] range"))
    [min(1,max(0,q)) for q = qs]

##### histogram #####

## nice-valued ranges for histograms

function histrange{T<:AbstractFloat,N}(v::AbstractArray{T,N}, n::Integer)
    nv = length(v)
    if nv == 0 && n < 0
        throw(ArgumentError("number of bins must be ≥ 0 for an empty array, got $n"))
    elseif nv > 0 && n < 1
        throw(ArgumentError("number of bins must be ≥ 1 for a non-empty array, got $n"))
    if nv == 0
        return 0.0:1.0:0.0
    lo, hi = extrema(v)
    if hi == lo
        step = 1.0
        bw = (hi - lo) / n
        e = 10.0^floor(log10(bw))
        r = bw / e
        if r <= 2
            step = 2*e
        elseif r <= 5
            step = 5*e
            step = 10*e
    start = step*(ceil(lo/step)-1)
    nm1 = ceil(Int,(hi - start)/step)
    start:step:(start + nm1*step)

function histrange{T<:Integer,N}(v::AbstractArray{T,N}, n::Integer)
    nv = length(v)
    if nv == 0 && n < 0
        throw(ArgumentError("number of bins must be ≥ 0 for an empty array, got $n"))
    elseif nv > 0 && n < 1
        throw(ArgumentError("number of bins must be ≥ 1 for a non-empty array, got $n"))
    if nv == 0
        return 0:1:0
    if n <= 0
        throw(ArgumentError("number of bins n=$n must be positive"))
    lo, hi = extrema(v)
    if hi == lo
        step = 1
        bw = (Float64(hi) - Float64(lo)) / n
        e = 10.0^max(0,floor(log10(bw)))
        r = bw / e
        if r <= 1
            step = e
        elseif r <= 2
            step = 2*e
        elseif r <= 5
            step = 5*e
            step = 10*e
    start = step*(ceil(lo/step)-1)
    nm1 = ceil(Int,(hi - start)/step)
    start:step:(start + nm1*step)

## midpoints of intervals
midpoints(r::Range) = r[1:length(r)-1] + 0.5*step(r)
midpoints(v::AbstractVector) = [0.5*(v[i] + v[i+1]) for i in 1:length(v)-1]

## hist ##
function sturges(n)  # Sturges' formula
    n==0 && return one(n)

function hist!{HT}(h::AbstractArray{HT}, v::AbstractVector, edg::AbstractVector; init::Bool=true)
    n = length(edg) - 1
    length(h) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("length(histogram) must equal length(edges) - 1"))
    if init
        fill!(h, zero(HT))
    for x in v
        i = searchsortedfirst(edg, x)-1
        if 1 <= i <= n
            h[i] += 1
    edg, h

hist(v::AbstractVector, edg::AbstractVector) = hist!(Array(Int, length(edg)-1), v, edg)
hist(v::AbstractVector, n::Integer) = hist(v,histrange(v,n))
hist(v::AbstractVector) = hist(v,sturges(length(v)))

function hist!{HT}(H::AbstractArray{HT,2}, A::AbstractMatrix, edg::AbstractVector; init::Bool=true)
    m, n = size(A)
    sH = size(H)
    sE = (length(edg)-1,n)
    sH == sE || throw(DimensionMismatch("incorrect size of histogram"))
    if init
        fill!(H, zero(HT))
    for j = 1:n
        hist!(sub(H, :, j), sub(A, :, j), edg)
    edg, H

hist(A::AbstractMatrix, edg::AbstractVector) = hist!(Array(Int, length(edg)-1, size(A,2)), A, edg)
hist(A::AbstractMatrix, n::Integer) = hist(A,histrange(A,n))
hist(A::AbstractMatrix) = hist(A,sturges(size(A,1)))

## hist2d
function hist2d!{HT}(H::AbstractArray{HT,2}, v::AbstractMatrix,
                     edg1::AbstractVector, edg2::AbstractVector; init::Bool=true)
    size(v,2) == 2 || throw(DimensionMismatch("hist2d requires an Nx2 matrix"))
    n = length(edg1) - 1
    m = length(edg2) - 1
    size(H) == (n, m) || throw(DimensionMismatch("incorrect size of histogram"))
    if init
        fill!(H, zero(HT))
    for i = 1:size(v,1)
        x = searchsortedfirst(edg1, v[i,1]) - 1
        y = searchsortedfirst(edg2, v[i,2]) - 1
        if 1 <= x <= n && 1 <= y <= m
            @inbounds H[x,y] += 1
    edg1, edg2, H

hist2d(v::AbstractMatrix, edg1::AbstractVector, edg2::AbstractVector) =
    hist2d!(Array(Int, length(edg1)-1, length(edg2)-1), v, edg1, edg2)

hist2d(v::AbstractMatrix, edg::AbstractVector) = hist2d(v, edg, edg)

hist2d(v::AbstractMatrix, n1::Integer, n2::Integer) =
    hist2d(v, histrange(sub(v,:,1),n1), histrange(sub(v,:,2),n2))
hist2d(v::AbstractMatrix, n::Integer) = hist2d(v, n, n)
hist2d(v::AbstractMatrix) = hist2d(v, sturges(size(v,1)))
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