Revision 85aa0c56d081163880171c15481b7436a083afcd authored by Cedric Cellier on 18 February 2013, 21:24:29 UTC, committed by Cedric Cellier on 18 February 2013, 21:24:29 UTC
When linking statically against parmap, one need to link with
parmap_stubs library (since it's not recorded in the cma itself).
Findlib can automatically add the required -cclib option.
1 parent 7596fdc
Raw File
OASISFormat:  0.2
Name:         parmap
Version:      0.9.4
Authors:      Marco Danelutto and Roberto Di Cosmo
License:      LGPL-2
LicenseFile:  LICENSE
ConfType:     custom (0.3)
BuildType:    custom (0.3)
InstallType:  custom (0.3)
BuildDepends: bigarray, unix
BuildTools:   make, ocamlbuild
Synopsis:     library to exploit multicore architectures (parallel programming)

XCustomConf:      ./configure
XCustomBuild:     make
XCustomInstall:   make install
XCustomUninstall: make uninstall

Library parmap
    Path: _build
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