Revision 86019c746fd23b26ad2f3d811953cf3623e18981 authored by Wenchao Ma on 28 March 2018, 07:18:50 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 28 March 2018, 07:18:50 UTC
1 parent a55a4dc
Raw File
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]

#include <RcppArmadillo.h>

using namespace Rcpp;

using namespace arma;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec Calc_Pj(const arma::vec par,
                  const arma::mat designMj,
                  const int linkfunc,
                  const bool boundary = false,
                  const double  eps = 1e-16){
  arma::vec Pj;
  if(linkfunc==1){ //identity
    Pj = designMj*par;
  }else if(linkfunc==2){//logit
    Pj = exp(designMj*par)/(1 + exp(designMj*par));
  }else if(linkfunc==3){//log
    Pj = exp(designMj*par);
  return Pj;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec Calc_Dj(arma::vec par,
                  const arma::mat designMj,
                  const int linkfunc,
                  const bool boundary = false,
                  const double eps = 1e-16){
  arma::vec fPj, Dj;
  if(linkfunc==1){ //identity
    fPj = par;
  }else if(linkfunc==2){//logit
    fPj = log(par)-log(1-par);
  }else if(linkfunc==3){//log
    fPj = log(par);
  Dj = arma::inv(designMj.t()*designMj)*arma::trans(designMj)*fPj;
  return Dj;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat Calc_Pj_jac(arma::vec  par,
                      arma::mat designMj,
                      int linkfunc,
                      const bool boundary = false,
                      double eps = 1e-16){
  arma::mat ret = designMj;
    arma::vec Pj = Calc_Pj(par, designMj, linkfunc, boundary, eps);
      ret.each_col() %= Pj%(1-Pj);
    }else if(linkfunc==3){//log
      ret.each_col() %= Pj;
  return ret;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double Mstep_obj_fn(arma::vec par,
                    arma::vec & Nj,
                    arma::vec & Rj,
                    arma::mat designMj,
                    arma::vec & uPj,
                    arma::vec & lPj,
                    int linkfunc,
                    Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerMatrix> ConstrMatrix = R_NilValue, //not used
                    double eps = 1e-16,
                    const int ConstrType = 0,
                    const bool greaterthan0 = true) {

  arma::vec Pj = Calc_Pj(par, designMj, linkfunc, true, eps);
  double l = -1*arma::accu(Rj%log(Pj)+(Nj-Rj)%log(1-Pj));

  return l;


// [[Rcpp::export]]
double Mstep_obj_fn_prior(arma::vec par,
                          arma::vec & Nj,
                          arma::vec & Rj,
                          arma::mat designMj,
                          arma::vec & uPj,
                          arma::vec & lPj,
                          int linkfunc,
                          Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerMatrix> ConstrMatrix = R_NilValue, //not used
                          double eps = 1e-16,
                          const int ConstrType = 0,
                          const bool greaterthan0 = true,
                          double m = 0,    //1st normal prior param
                          double sd = 5) {  //2nd normal prior param

  arma::vec Pj = Calc_Pj(par, designMj, linkfunc, true, eps);

  // adding normal priors
  double sumprior = arma::accu(arma::normpdf(par, m, sd));
  double l = -1*arma::accu(Rj%log(Pj)+(Nj-Rj)%log(1-Pj))-sumprior;
  return l;


// [[Rcpp::export]]
double Mstep_obj_fn_max(arma::vec par,
                        arma::vec & Nj,
                        arma::vec & Rj,
                        arma::mat designMj,
                        arma::vec & uPj,
                        arma::vec & lPj,
                        int linkfunc,
                        Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerMatrix> ConstrMatrix = R_NilValue, //not used
                        double eps = 1e-16,
                        const int ConstrType = 0,
                        const bool greaterthan0 = true) {

  arma::vec Pj = Calc_Pj(par, designMj, linkfunc, true, eps);
  double l = arma::accu(Rj%log(Pj)+(Nj-Rj)%log(1-Pj));
  return l;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec Mstep_obj_gr(arma::vec par,
                       arma::vec & Nj,
                       arma::vec & Rj,
                       arma::mat  designMj,
                       arma::vec & uPj,
                       arma::vec & lPj,
                       int linkfunc,
                       Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerMatrix> ConstrMatrix = R_NilValue, //not used
                       double eps = 1e-16,
                       const int ConstrType = 0,
                       const bool greaterthan0 = true) {

  arma::vec Pj = Calc_Pj(par, designMj, linkfunc, false, eps);
    designMj.each_col() %= Rj/Pj-(Nj-Rj)/(1-Pj);
  }else if(linkfunc==2){
    designMj.each_col() %= Rj-(Nj%Pj);
  }else if(linkfunc==3){
    designMj.each_col() %= Rj-Pj%(Nj-Rj)/(1-Pj);
  arma::vec l = -1*arma::trans(sum(designMj,0));
  return l;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec Mstep_ineq_fn(arma::vec par,
                        const arma::vec Nj,
                        const arma::vec Rj,
                        arma::mat designMj,
                        const double uPj,
                        const double lPj,
                        int linkfunc,
                        Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerMatrix> ConstrMatrix = R_NilValue,
                        double eps = 1e-16,
                        const int ConstrType = 0,
                        const bool greaterthan0 = true) {
  arma::mat constr2;
  if (ConstrMatrix.isNotNull()) {
    constr2 = as<arma::mat>(ConstrMatrix);

  arma::vec Pj, ret;
  Pj = Calc_Pj(par, designMj, linkfunc, false, eps);
  arma::mat A = arma::join_cols(Pj-lPj,uPj-Pj);
  if(ConstrType==1){ //constr for P and 1-P
    ret = A;
  }else if(ConstrType==2){ //constr for mono constraint
    ret = constr2*Pj;
  }else if(ConstrType==3){//constr for P, 1-P and mono
    ret = arma::join_cols(A,constr2*Pj);
  if(!greaterthan0) ret = -1*ret;

  return ret;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix Mstep_ineq_jac(arma::vec par,
                             const arma::vec Nj,
                             const arma::vec Rj,
                             arma::mat designMj,
                             const double uPj,
                             const double lPj,
                             int linkfunc,
                             Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerMatrix> ConstrMatrix = R_NilValue,
                             double eps = 1e-16,
                             const int ConstrType = 0,
                             const bool greaterthan0 = true) {
  arma::mat constr2;
  if (ConstrMatrix.isNotNull()) {
    constr2 = as<arma::mat>(ConstrMatrix);
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix ret;
  if(ConstrType==0){ //no constraint
    ret = R_NilValue;
    arma::mat Pj_jac = Calc_Pj_jac(par, designMj, linkfunc, false, eps);
    arma::mat A = arma::join_cols(Pj_jac,-1*Pj_jac);
    if(ConstrType==1){ //constr for P and 1-P
      ret = wrap(A);
    }else if(ConstrType==2){ //constr for mono constraint
      ret = wrap(constr2*Pj_jac);
    }else if(ConstrType==3){//constr for P, 1-P and mono
      ret = wrap(arma::join_cols(A,constr2*Pj_jac));
    if(!greaterthan0) ret = -1*ret;
  return ret;
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