Revision 86d380144b3f85c8951923de873893583bd25edf authored by narendramukherjee on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC
Change marking of trial start time
2 parent s c98da81 + f1007b5
Raw File
# Import stuff!
import numpy as np
import tables
import easygui
import sys
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from collections import Counter
import identity_palatability_switch_EM as IPEM

# Ask for the directory where the hdf5 file sits, and change to that directory
dir_name = easygui.diropenbox()
print(str.split(dir_name, '/')[-1])

# Look for the hdf5 file in the directory
file_list = os.listdir('./')
hdf5_name = ''
for files in file_list:
	if files[-2:] == 'h5':
		hdf5_name = files

# Open the hdf5 file
hf5 = tables.open_file(hdf5_name, 'r+')

# Ask the user for the parameters to process spike trains
spike_params = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Fill in the parameters for processing your spike trains', fields = ['Pre-stimulus time used for making spike trains (ms)', 'Bin size for switchpoint detection (ms) - usually 10', 'Post-stimulus time for switchpoint detection (ms)'])
pre_stim = int(spike_params[0])
bin_size = int(spike_params[1])
post_stim = int(spike_params[2])

# Get the digital inputs/tastes available, then ask the user to rank them in order of palatability
trains_dig_in = hf5.list_nodes('/spike_trains')
palatability_rank = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Rank the digital inputs in order of palatability (1 for the lowest, only integers)', fields = [train._v_name for train in trains_dig_in])
for i in range(len(palatability_rank)):
	palatability_rank[i] = int(palatability_rank[i])

# Now ask the user to put in the identities of the digital inputs
identities = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Put in the identities of the digital inputs (only integers)', fields = [train._v_name for train in trains_dig_in])
for i in range(len(identities)):
	identities[i] = int(identities[i])

# Ask the user about the type of units they want to do the calculations on (single or all units)
unit_type = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which type of units do you want to use?', choices = ('All units', 'Single units', 'Multi units', 'Custom choice'))
all_units = np.arange(trains_dig_in[0].spike_array.shape[1])
single_units = np.array([i for i in range(len(all_units)) if hf5.root.unit_descriptor[i]["single_unit"] == 1])
multi_units = np.array([i for i in range(len(all_units)) if hf5.root.unit_descriptor[i]["single_unit"] == 0])
chosen_units = []
if unit_type[0] == 'All units':
	chosen_units = all_units
elif unit_type[0] == 'Single units':
	chosen_units = single_units
elif unit_type[0] == 'Multi units':
	chosen_units = multi_units
	chosen_units = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which units do you want to choose?', choices = ([i for i in all_units]))
	for i in range(len(chosen_units)):
		chosen_units[i] = int(chosen_units[i])
	chosen_units = np.array(chosen_units)

# Now make arrays to pull the data out
num_trials = trains_dig_in[0].spike_array.shape[0]
num_units = len(chosen_units)
time = trains_dig_in[0].spike_array.shape[2]
num_tastes = len(trains_dig_in)

# Pull out unique laser conditions if they exist
laser_conditions = 0
	lasers = np.zeros((num_trials, 2))
	lasers[:, 0] = trains_dig_in[0].laser_durations[:]
	lasers[:, 1] = trains_dig_in[0].laser_onset_lag[:]
	unique_lasers = np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in lasers})
	unique_lasers = unique_lasers[unique_lasers[:, 0].argsort(), :]
	unique_lasers = unique_lasers[unique_lasers[:, 1].argsort(), :]
	num_laser_trials = len([i for i in range(lasers.shape[0]) if np.array_equal(lasers[i, :], unique_lasers[0, :])])
	laser_conditions += 1

# Make the data arrays
if laser_conditions > 0:
	spikes = np.empty(shape = (unique_lasers.shape[0], num_laser_trials*num_tastes, int(post_stim/bin_size), num_units), dtype = int)
	palatability = np.empty(shape = (unique_lasers.shape[0], num_laser_trials*num_tastes), dtype = int)
	identity = np.empty(shape = (unique_lasers.shape[0], num_laser_trials*num_tastes), dtype = int)
	spikes = np.empty(shape = (1, num_trials*num_tastes, int(post_stim/bin_size), num_units), dtype = int)
	palatability = np.empty(shape = (1, num_trials*num_tastes), dtype = int)
	identity = np.empty(shape = (1, num_trials*num_tastes), dtype = int)

# Fill in the data
for i in range(spikes.shape[0]):
	for j in range(num_tastes):
		if laser_conditions > 0:
			lasers = np.zeros((num_trials, 2))
			lasers[:, 0] = trains_dig_in[j].laser_durations[:]
			lasers[:, 1] = trains_dig_in[j].laser_onset_lag[:]
			# Get the trials for this laser condition and this taste
			these_trials = np.array([trial for trial in range(lasers.shape[0]) if np.array_equal(lasers[trial, :], unique_lasers[i, :])])
			# Get the spikes for these trials
			these_spikes = trains_dig_in[j].spike_array[these_trials, :, :]
			these_spikes = these_spikes[:, chosen_units, :]
			palatability[i, num_laser_trials*j : num_laser_trials*(j + 1)] = palatability_rank[j] * np.ones(num_laser_trials)
			identity[i, num_laser_trials*j : num_laser_trials*(j + 1)] = identities[j] * np.ones(num_laser_trials)

			# Bin the spiking data
			for k in range(pre_stim, pre_stim + post_stim, bin_size):
				spikes[i, num_laser_trials*j : num_laser_trials*(j + 1), int((k - pre_stim)/bin_size), :] = np.sum(these_spikes[:, :, k : k + bin_size], axis = -1)

			palatability[i, num_trials*j : num_trials*(j + 1)] = palatability_rank[j] * np.ones(num_trials)
			identity[i, num_trials*j : num_trials*(j + 1)] = identities[j] * np.ones(num_trials)
			for k in range(pre_stim, pre_stim + post_stim, bin_size):
				spikes[i, num_trials*j : num_trials*(j + 1), int((k - pre_stim)/bin_size), :] = np.sum(trains_dig_in[j].spike_array[:, chosen_units, k : k + bin_size], axis = -1)

# Also make an array of Bernoulli (0/1) spikes
spikes_bernoulli = np.zeros(spikes.shape)
spikes_bernoulli[spikes > 0.0] = 1.0

# Also make an array of categorical spikes
spikes_cat = np.empty(shape = spikes.shape[:-1], dtype = int)
for i in range(spikes.shape[0]):
	for j in range(spikes.shape[1]):
		for k in range(spikes.shape[2]):
			# Find active units
			active_units = np.where(spikes[i, j, k, :] > 0)[0] + 1
			if len(active_units) == 0:
				spikes_cat[i, j, k] = 0
				spikes_cat[i, j, k] = np.random.choice(active_units)

# Get the number of unique emissions in the array of categorical spikes
num_emissions = len(np.unique(spikes_cat))
# Also add 2 to the palatability ranks (so that they are distinct from identity labels)
palatability = palatability + 2

# Make a node to store the results of switching analysis in the hdf5 file
	hf5.remove_node('/EM_switch', recursive = True)
hf5.create_group('/', 'EM_switch')

# Save the reshaped categorical spikes to this node
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'categorical_spikes', spikes_cat)
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'spikes', spikes)
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'bernoulli_spikes', spikes_bernoulli)
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'identity', identity)
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'palatability', palatability)

# Also save the unique laser conditions if they exist
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'unique_lasers', unique_lasers)

# Make lists to save 1.) The converged trial numbers, 2.) The switchpoints on those trials in every laser condition, 3.) The firing probabilities of the neurons in the states
converged_trial_nums = []
switchpoints = []
probs = []

# Also make lists to save the palatability rank and firing rates in every laser condition
pal = []
firing = []

# Another list to save the spiking data with the laser inactivations taken into account
inactivated_spikes = []

# More lists to save 1.) the (posterior) probability that the palatability switchpoint came before the laser came on, 2.) posterior probability of the switchpoints, 3.) entire array of potential switchpoints
p_pal_before_laser = [] 
posterior_prob_switchpoints = []
switchpoint_array = []

# Now run the EM inference for every laser condition
# This model assumes 7 states of firing - 1 detection, 2 identity, 4 palatability
# Also assumes 2 switchpoints - first from detection to identity, then from identity to palatability
num_states = 7
num_emissions = np.unique(spikes_cat).shape[0]

# Ask the user for the number of restarts, iterations, threshold and number of CPU cores to use
params = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Fill in the parameters for identity-palatability switchpoint analysis', fields = ['Maximum number of iterations (1000 is more than enough)', 'Convergence criterion (usually 0.0001)', 'Number of random restarts (10 is more than enough)', 'Number of CPU cores'])
iterations = int(params[0])
threshold = float(params[1])
restarts = int(params[2])
n_cpu = int(params[3])

# Save these parameters in a file for later reference
f = open("identity_palatability_switch_EM_params.txt", "w")
for param in params:
	print(param, file = f)

# Laser off trials
print("Running laser off trials")
# First changepoint happens between 200 to 600 ms post taste
switchlim1 = [20, 60]
# Second changepoint happens between changepoint1+200 and 1300ms post taste
switchlim2 = [20, 130]
logprob, p, switches, posterior_prob, switchpoint_list = IPEM.implement_EM((0, restarts), n_cpu, spikes_cat[0, :, :150], identity[0, :], palatability[0, :], iterations, threshold, switchlim1, switchlim2, num_states, num_emissions)

# Make a list to save the converged trial numbers and switchpoints for this laser condition
this_converged_trial_nums = []
this_switchpoints = []
# Lists for palatability ranks and firing rates in this laser condition
this_pal = []
this_firing = []
# Get the spiking data for this laser condition
inactivated_spikes.append(spikes[0, :, :150, :])
# Append the converged firing probabilities to the main list
# Append the posterior probabilities of the switchpoints to the main list
# Append the list of switchpoints to the main list

# This is the laser off condition, so there's 0 probability of palatability switchpoint happening before lasers came on

# Run through the trials in this condition
for i in range(num_trials):
	# Save 1.) Trial number
	# 2.) Switchpoints
	start = switches[i, 0]
	end = switches[i, 1]
	this_switchpoints.append([start, end])
	# 3.) Palatability rank
	this_pal.append(palatability[0, i])
	# 4.) Firing rates
	this_firing.append([np.mean(inactivated_spikes[0][i, start:end, :], axis = 0), np.mean(inactivated_spikes[0][i, end:, :], axis = 0)])
# Append the lists for this laser condition to the overall lists

print("Laser off trials done")

# Laser early trials
print("Running laser early trials")
# First 500 ms of trial are cut off in this condition
# First changepoint happens between 100 to 600 ms post start of trial
switchlim1 = [10, 60]
# Second changepoint happens between changepoint1+200 and 1300ms post start of trial
switchlim2 = [20, 130]
logprob, p, switches, posterior_prob, switchpoint_list = IPEM.implement_EM((0, restarts), n_cpu, spikes_cat[1, :, 50:200], identity[1, :], palatability[1, :], iterations, threshold, switchlim1, switchlim2, num_states, num_emissions)

# Make a list to save the converged trial numbers and switchpoints for this laser condition
this_converged_trial_nums = []
this_switchpoints = []
# Lists for palatability ranks and firing rates in this laser condition
this_pal = []
this_firing = []
# Get the spiking data for this laser condition
inactivated_spikes.append(spikes[1, :, 50:200, :])
# Append the converged firing probabilities to the main list
# Append the posterior probabilities of the switchpoints to the main list
# Append the list of switchpoints to the main list

# This is the laser early condition, so there's 0 probability of palatability switchpoint happening before lasers came on

# Run through the trials in this condition
for i in range(num_trials):
	# Save 1.) Trial number
	# 2.) Switchpoints
	start = switches[i, 0]
	end = switches[i, 1]
	this_switchpoints.append([start, end])
	# 3.) Palatability rank
	this_pal.append(palatability[1, i])
	# 4.) Firing rates
	this_firing.append([np.mean(inactivated_spikes[1][i, start:end, :], axis = 0), np.mean(inactivated_spikes[1][i, end:, :], axis = 0)])
# Append the lists for this laser condition to the overall lists

print("Laser early trials done")

# Laser middle trials
print("Running laser middle trials")
# 700-1200ms of trials are cut off in this condition
# First changepoint happens between 200 to 600 ms post start of trial
switchlim1 = [20, 60]
# Second changepoint happens between changepoint1+100 and 1300ms post start of trial
switchlim2 = [10, 130]
logprob, p, switches, posterior_prob, switchpoint_list = IPEM.implement_EM((0, restarts), n_cpu, np.concatenate((spikes_cat[2, :, :70], spikes_cat[2, :, 120:200]), axis = 1), identity[2, :], palatability[2, :], iterations, threshold, switchlim1, switchlim2, num_states, num_emissions)

# Make a list to save the converged trial numbers and switchpoints for this laser condition
this_converged_trial_nums = []
this_switchpoints = []
# Lists for palatability ranks and firing rates in this laser condition
this_pal = []
this_firing = []
# Get the spiking data for this laser condition
inactivated_spikes.append(np.concatenate((spikes[2, :, :70, :], spikes[2, :, 120:200, :]), axis = 1))
# Append the converged firing probabilities to the main list
# Append the posterior probabilities of the switchpoints to the main list
# Append the list of switchpoints to the main list

# This is the laser middle condition - find the probability that the palatability switchpoint came before 700ms (or 70 time points)
switchpoints_before_laser = np.where(switchpoint_list[:, 1] <= 70.0)[0]
p_pal_before_laser.append(np.sum(posterior_prob[:, switchpoints_before_laser], axis = 1))

# Run through the trials in this condition
for i in range(num_trials):
	# Save 1.) Trial number
	# 2.) Switchpoints
	start = switches[i, 0]
	end = switches[i, 1]
	this_switchpoints.append([start, end])
	# 3.) Palatability rank
	this_pal.append(palatability[2, i])
	# 4.) Firing rates
	this_firing.append([np.mean(inactivated_spikes[2][i, start:end, :], axis = 0), np.mean(inactivated_spikes[2][i, end:, :], axis = 0)])
# Append the lists for this laser condition to the overall lists

print("Laser middle trials done")

# Laser late trials
print("Running laser late trials")
# 1400-1900ms of trials are cut off in this condition
# First changepoint happens between 200 to 600 ms post start of trial
switchlim1 = [20, 60]
# Second changepoint happens between changepoint1+200 and 1300ms post start of trial
switchlim2 = [20, 130]
logprob, p, switches, posterior_prob, switchpoint_list = IPEM.implement_EM((0, restarts), n_cpu, np.concatenate((spikes_cat[3, :, :140], spikes_cat[3, :, 190:200]), axis = 1), identity[3, :], palatability[3, :], iterations, threshold, switchlim1, switchlim2, num_states, num_emissions)

# Make a list to save the converged trial numbers and switchpoints for this laser condition
this_converged_trial_nums = []
this_switchpoints = []
# Lists for palatability ranks and firing rates in this laser condition
this_pal = []
this_firing = []
# Get the spiking data for this laser condition
inactivated_spikes.append(np.concatenate((spikes[3, :, :140, :], spikes[3, :, 190:200, :]), axis = 1))
# Append the converged firing probabilities to the main list
# Append the posterior probabilities of the switchpoints to the main list
# Append the list of switchpoints to the main list

# This is the laser late condition - find the probability that the palatability switchpoint came before 1400ms (or 140 time points)
switchpoints_before_laser = np.where(switchpoint_list[:, 1] <= 140.0)[0]
p_pal_before_laser.append(np.sum(posterior_prob[:, switchpoints_before_laser], axis = 1))

# Run through the trials in this condition
for i in range(num_trials):
	# Save 1.) Trial number
	# 2.) Switchpoints
	start = switches[i, 0]
	end = switches[i, 1]
	this_switchpoints.append([start, end])
	# 3.) Palatability rank
	this_pal.append(palatability[3, i])
	# 4.) Firing rates
	this_firing.append([np.mean(inactivated_spikes[3][i, start:end, :], axis = 0), np.mean(inactivated_spikes[3][i, end:, :], axis = 0)])
# Append the lists for this laser condition to the overall lists

print("Laser late trials done")

# Laser off trials analyzed the same way as laser middle trials
print("Running laser off trials like the laser middle trials")
# 700-1200ms of trials are cut off in this condition
# First changepoint happens between 200 to 600 ms post start of trial
switchlim1 = [20, 60]
# Second changepoint happens between changepoint1+100 and 1300ms post start of trial
switchlim2 = [10, 130]
logprob, p, switches, posterior_prob, switchpoint_list = IPEM.implement_EM((0, restarts), n_cpu, np.concatenate((spikes_cat[0, :, :70], spikes_cat[0, :, 120:200]), axis = 1), identity[0, :], palatability[0, :], iterations, threshold, switchlim1, switchlim2, num_states, num_emissions)

# Make a list to save the converged trial numbers and switchpoints for this laser condition
this_converged_trial_nums = []
this_switchpoints = []
# Lists for palatability ranks and firing rates in this laser condition
this_pal = []
this_firing = []
# Get the spiking data for this laser condition
inactivated_spikes.append(np.concatenate((spikes[0, :, :70, :], spikes[0, :, 120:200, :]), axis = 1))
# Append the converged firing probabilities to the main list
# Append the posterior probabilities of the switchpoints to the main list
# Append the list of switchpoints to the main list

# This is the laser middle condition - find the probability that the palatability switchpoint came before 700ms (or 70 time points)
switchpoints_before_laser = np.where(switchpoint_list[:, 1] <= 70.0)[0]
p_pal_before_laser.append(np.sum(posterior_prob[:, switchpoints_before_laser], axis = 1))

# Run through the trials in this condition
for i in range(num_trials):
	# Save 1.) Trial number
	# 2.) Switchpoints
	start = switches[i, 0]
	end = switches[i, 1]
	this_switchpoints.append([start, end])
	# 3.) Palatability rank
	this_pal.append(palatability[0, i])
	# 4.) Firing rates
	this_firing.append([np.mean(inactivated_spikes[4][i, start:end, :], axis = 0), np.mean(inactivated_spikes[4][i, end:, :], axis = 0)])
# Append the lists for this laser condition to the overall lists

print("Laser off trials like the laser middle trials done")

# Save all these lists to the HDF5 file
# Inactivated spikes is a homogeneously sized list, so it can be saved to the HDF5 file on its own, so can the firing probabilities
# All the arrays are homogenously sized in the EM case - however, they weren't when MCMC was being used for inference. That's why the old pattern of saving arrays persists
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'inactivated_spikes', np.array(inactivated_spikes))
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'firing_probabilities', np.array(probs))
# Also save the probability for the palatability state coming in before the laser inactivation started
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'palatability_before_laser_probability', np.array(p_pal_before_laser))
# All the other need to be saved on a laser condition-by-condition basis
hf5.create_group('/EM_switch', 'converged_trial_nums')
hf5.create_group('/EM_switch', 'switchpoints')
hf5.create_group('/EM_switch', 'converged_trial_palatability')
hf5.create_group('/EM_switch', 'converged_trial_firing')
hf5.create_group('/EM_switch', 'posterior_prob_switchpoints')
hf5.create_group('/EM_switch', 'potential_switchpoints')
# Now run through the laser conditions and save the arrays for that condition to file
for laser in range(len(inactivated_spikes)):
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch/converged_trial_nums', 'laser_condition_{:d}'.format(laser), converged_trial_nums[laser])
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch/switchpoints', 'laser_condition_{:d}'.format(laser), switchpoints[laser])
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch/converged_trial_palatability', 'laser_condition_{:d}'.format(laser), pal[laser])
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch/converged_trial_firing', 'laser_condition_{:d}'.format(laser), firing[laser])
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch/posterior_prob_switchpoints', 'laser_condition_{:d}'.format(laser), posterior_prob_switchpoints[laser])
	hf5.create_array('/EM_switch/potential_switchpoints', 'laser_condition_{:d}'.format(laser), switchpoint_array[laser])

# ---------------------------Palatability correlation calculation---------------------------------------------------

# Make arrays to store r_pearson and p_pearson values
r_pearson = np.zeros((len(inactivated_spikes), 2, inactivated_spikes[0].shape[-1]))
p_pearson = np.ones((len(inactivated_spikes), 2, inactivated_spikes[0].shape[-1]))

# Run through the laser conditions
for laser in range(len(inactivated_spikes)):
	for unit in range(inactivated_spikes[0].shape[-1]):
		# Calculate palatability correlation in epoch 1
		r_pearson[laser, 0, unit], p_pearson[laser, 0, unit] = pearsonr(firing[laser][:, 0, unit], pal[laser])
		# If NaNs are produced (happens when firing rate is 0 for all palatability conditions), say that r = 0 and p = 1 (no correlation with palatability)		
		if np.isnan(r_pearson[laser, 0, unit]):
			r_pearson[laser, 0, unit] = 0.0
			p_pearson[laser, 0, unit] = 1.0

		# Calculate palatability correlation in epoch 2
		r_pearson[laser, 1, unit], p_pearson[laser, 1, unit] = pearsonr(firing[laser][:, 1, unit], pal[laser])
		# If NaNs are produced (happens when firing rate is 0 for all palatability conditions), say that r = 0 and p = 1 (no correlation with palatability)		
		if np.isnan(r_pearson[laser, 1, unit]):
			r_pearson[laser, 1, unit] = 0.0
			p_pearson[laser, 1, unit] = 1.0			

# Save these correlation arrays to the hdf5 file
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'r_pearson', r_pearson)
hf5.create_array('/EM_switch', 'p_pearson', p_pearson)
# ---------------------------End Palatability correlation calculation-----------------------------------------------

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