Revision 86d380144b3f85c8951923de873893583bd25edf authored by narendramukherjee on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC
Change marking of trial start time
2 parent s c98da81 + f1007b5
Raw File
# Necessary python modules
import easygui
import os
import tables
import sys
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing

# Necessary blech_clust modules
import read_file

# Get name of directory with the data files
dir_name = easygui.diropenbox()

# Get the type of data files (.rhd or .dat)
file_type = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'What type of files am I dealing with?', choices = ('one file per channel', '.dat', '.rhd'))

# Change to that directory

# Get the names of all files in this directory
file_list = os.listdir('./')

# Grab directory name to create the name of the hdf5 file
hdf5_name = str.split(dir_name, '/')

# Create hdf5 file, and make groups for raw data, raw emgs, digital outputs and digital inputs, and close
hf5 = tables.open_file(hdf5_name[-1]+'.h5', 'w', title = hdf5_name[-1])
hf5.create_group('/', 'raw')
hf5.create_group('/', 'raw_emg')
hf5.create_group('/', 'digital_in')
hf5.create_group('/', 'digital_out')

# Create directories to store waveforms, spike times, clustering results, and plots

# Get the amplifier ports used
ports = list(set(f[4] for f in file_list if f[:3] == 'amp'))
# Sort the ports in alphabetical order

# Pull out the digital input channels used, and convert them to integers
dig_in = list(set(f[11:13] for f in file_list if f[:9] == 'board-DIN'))
for i in range(len(dig_in)):
	dig_in[i] = int(dig_in[i][0])

# Read the amplifier sampling rate from info.rhd - look at Intan's website for structure of header files
sampling_rate = np.fromfile('info.rhd', dtype = np.dtype('float32'))
sampling_rate = int(sampling_rate[2])	

# Check with user to see if the right ports, inputs and sampling rate were identified. Screw user if something was wrong, and terminate blech_clust
check = easygui.ynbox(msg = 'Ports used: ' + str(ports) + '\n' + 'Sampling rate: ' + str(sampling_rate) + ' Hz' + '\n' + 'Digital inputs on Intan board: ' + str(dig_in), title = 'Check parameters from your recordings!')

# Go ahead only if the user approves by saying yes
if check:
	print("Well, if you don't agree, blech_clust can't do much!")

# Get the emg electrode ports and channel numbers from the user
# If only one amplifier port was used in the experiment, that's the emg_port. Else ask the user to specify
emg_port = ''
if len(ports) == 1:
	emg_port = list(ports[0])
	emg_port = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which amplifier port were the EMG electrodes hooked up to? Just choose any amplifier port if you did not hook up an EMG at all.', choices = tuple(ports))
# Now get the emg channel numbers, and convert them to integers
emg_channels = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Choose the channel numbers for the EMG electrodes. Click clear all and ok if you did not use an EMG electrode', choices = tuple([i for i in range(32)]))
if emg_channels:
	for i in range(len(emg_channels)):
		emg_channels[i] = int(emg_channels[i])
# set emg_channels to an empty list if no channels were chosen
if emg_channels is None:
	emg_channels = []

# Create arrays for each electrode
read_file.create_hdf_arrays(hdf5_name[-1]+'.h5', ports, dig_in, emg_port, emg_channels)

# Read data files, and append to electrode arrays
if file_type[0] == 'one file per channel':
	read_file.read_files(hdf5_name[-1]+'.h5', ports, dig_in, emg_port, emg_channels)
	print("Only files structured as one file per channel can be read at this time...")
	sys.exit() # Terminate blech_clust if something else has been used - to be changed later

# Read in clustering parameters
clustering_params = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Fill in the parameters for clustering (using a GMM)', fields = ['Maximum number of clusters', 'Maximum number of iterations (1000 is more than enough)', 'Convergence criterion (usually 0.0001)', 'Number of random restarts for GMM (10 is more than enough)'])
# Read in data cleaning parameters (to account for cases when the headstage fell off mid-experiment)
data_params = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Fill in the parameters for cleaning your data in case the head stage fell off', fields = ['Voltage cutoff for disconnected headstage noise (in microV, usually 1500)', 'Maximum rate of cutoff breaches per sec (something like 0.2 is good if 1500 microV is the cutoff)', 'Maximum number of allowed seconds with at least 1 cutoff breach (10 is good for a 30-60 min recording)', 'Maximum allowed average number of cutoff breaches per sec (20 is a good number)', 'Intra-cluster waveform amplitude SD cutoff - larger waveforms will be thrown out (3 would be a good number)'])
# Ask the user for the bandpass filter frequencies for pulling out spikes
bandpass_params = easygui.multenterbox(msg = "Fill in the lower and upper frequencies for the bandpass filter for spike sorting", fields = ['Lower frequency cutoff (Hz)', 'Upper frequency cutoff (Hz)'])
# Ask the user for the size of the spike snapshot to be used for sorting
spike_snapshot = easygui.multenterbox(msg = "Fill in the size of the spike snapshot you want to use for sorting (use steps of 0.5ms - like 0.5, 1, 1.5, ..)", fields = ['Time before spike minimum (ms)', 'Time after spike minimum (ms)'])
# And print them to a blech_params file
f = open(hdf5_name[-1]+'.params', 'w')
for i in clustering_params:
	print(i, file=f)
for i in data_params:
	print(i, file=f)
for i in bandpass_params:
	print(i, file=f)
for i in spike_snapshot:
	print(i, file=f)
print(sampling_rate, file=f)

# Make a directory for dumping files talking about memory usage in

# Ask for the HPC queue to use - was in previous version, now just use all.q
#queue = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which HPC queue do you want to use?', choices = ('neuro.q', 'dk.q'))

# Grab Brandeis unet username
username = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Enter your Brandeis/Jetstream/personal computer id', fields = ['unet username'])

# Dump shell file for running array job on the user's blech_clust folder on the desktop
os.chdir('/home/%s/Desktop/blech_clust' % username[0])
f = open('', 'w')
print("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1", file = f)
print("cd /home/%s/Desktop/blech_clust" % username[0], file=f)
print("python", file=f)

# Dump shell file(s) for running GNU parallel job on the user's blech_clust folder on the desktop
# First get number of CPUs - parallel be asked to run num_cpu-1 threads in parallel
num_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Then produce the file generating the parallel command
f = open('', 'w')
print("parallel -k -j {:d} --noswap --load 100% --progress --memfree 4G --retry-failed --joblog {:s}/results.log bash ::: {{1..{:d}}}".format(int(num_cpu)-1, dir_name, int(len(ports)*32-len(emg_channels))), file = f)
# Then produce the file that runs
f = open('', 'w')
print("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1", file = f)
print("python $1", file = f)

# Dump the directory name where blech_process has to cd
f = open('blech.dir', 'w')
print(dir_name, file=f)

print("Now logout of the compute node and go back to the login node. Then go to the bkech_clust folder on your desktop and say: qsub -t 1-"+str(len(ports)*32-len(emg_channels))+" -q all.q -ckpt reloc -l mem_free=4G -l mem_token=4G")

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