Revision 86d380144b3f85c8951923de873893583bd25edf authored by narendramukherjee on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC
Change marking of trial start time
2 parent s c98da81 + f1007b5
Raw File
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter
from scipy.signal import filtfilt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import pylab as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

def get_filtered_electrode(data, freq = [300.0, 3000.0], sampling_rate = 30000.0):
	el = 0.195*(data)
	m, n = butter(2, [2.0*freq[0]/sampling_rate, 2.0*freq[1]/sampling_rate], btype = 'bandpass') 
	filt_el = filtfilt(m, n, el)
	return filt_el

def extract_waveforms(filt_el, spike_snapshot = [0.5, 1.0], sampling_rate = 30000.0):
	m = np.mean(filt_el)
	th = 5.0*np.median(np.abs(filt_el)/0.6745)
	pos = np.where(filt_el <= m-th)[0]
	changes = []
	for i in range(len(pos)-1):
		if pos[i+1] - pos[i] > 1:

	# slices = np.zeros((len(changes)-1,150))
	slices = []
	spike_times = []
	for i in range(len(changes) - 1):
		minimum = np.where(filt_el[pos[changes[i]:changes[i+1]]] == np.min(filt_el[pos[changes[i]:changes[i+1]]]))[0]
		#print minimum, len(slices), len(changes), len(filt_el)
		# try slicing out the putative waveform, only do this if there are 10ms of data points (waveform is not too close to the start or end of the recording)
		if pos[minimum[0]+changes[i]] - int((spike_snapshot[0] + 0.1)*(sampling_rate/1000.0)) > 0 and pos[minimum[0]+changes[i]] + int((spike_snapshot[1] + 0.1)*(sampling_rate/1000.0)) < len(filt_el):
			slices.append(filt_el[pos[minimum[0]+changes[i]] - int((spike_snapshot[0] + 0.1)*(sampling_rate/1000.0)) : pos[minimum[0]+changes[i]] + int((spike_snapshot[1] + 0.1)*(sampling_rate/1000.0))])

	return np.array(slices), spike_times

def dejitter(slices, spike_times, spike_snapshot = [0.5, 1.0], sampling_rate = 30000.0):
	x = np.arange(0,len(slices[0]),1)
	xnew = np.arange(0,len(slices[0])-1,0.1)

	# Calculate the number of samples to be sliced out around each spike's minimum
	before = int((sampling_rate/1000.0)*(spike_snapshot[0]))
	after = int((sampling_rate/1000.0)*(spike_snapshot[1]))
	#slices_dejittered = np.zeros((len(slices)-1,300))
	slices_dejittered = []
	spike_times_dejittered = []
	for i in range(len(slices)):
		f = interp1d(x, slices[i])
		# 10-fold interpolated spike
		ynew = f(xnew)
		minimum = np.where(ynew == np.min(ynew))[0][0]
		# Only accept spikes if the interpolated minimum has shifted by less than 1/10th of a ms (3 samples for a 30kHz recording, 30 samples after interpolation)
		# If minimum hasn't shifted at all, then minimum - 5ms should be equal to zero (because we sliced out 5 ms before the minimum in extract_waveforms())
		# We use this property in the if statement below
		if np.abs(minimum - int((spike_snapshot[0] + 0.1)*(sampling_rate/100.0))) <= int(10.0*(sampling_rate/10000.0)):
			slices_dejittered.append(ynew[minimum - before*10 : minimum + after*10])

	return np.array(slices_dejittered), np.array(spike_times_dejittered)

def scale_waveforms(slices_dejittered):
	energy = np.sqrt(np.sum(slices_dejittered**2, axis = 1))/len(slices_dejittered[0])
	scaled_slices = np.zeros((len(slices_dejittered),len(slices_dejittered[0])))
	for i in range(len(slices_dejittered)):
		scaled_slices[i] = slices_dejittered[i]/energy[i]

	return scaled_slices, energy

def implement_pca(scaled_slices):
	pca = PCA()
	pca_slices = pca.fit_transform(scaled_slices)	
	return pca_slices, pca.explained_variance_ratio_

def clusterGMM(data, n_clusters, n_iter, restarts, threshold):

	g = []
	bayesian = []

	for i in range(restarts):
		g.append(GaussianMixture(n_components = n_clusters, covariance_type = 'full', tol = threshold, random_state = i, max_iter = n_iter))
		if g[-1].converged_:
			del g[-1]

	#print len(akaike)
	bayesian = np.array(bayesian)
	best_fit = np.where(bayesian == np.min(bayesian))[0][0]
	predictions = g[best_fit].predict(data)

	return g[best_fit], predictions, np.min(bayesian)
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