Revision 86d380144b3f85c8951923de873893583bd25edf authored by narendramukherjee on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC
Change marking of trial start time
2 parent s c98da81 + f1007b5
Raw File
# Sets up emg data for running the envelope of emg recordings (env.npy) through a local Bayesian Spectrum Analysis (BSA). 
# Needs an installation of R (installing Rstudio on Ubuntu is enough) - in addition, the R library BaSAR needs to be installed from the CRAN archives (
# This is the starting step for

# Import stuff
import numpy as np
import easygui
import os
import multiprocessing

# Change to the directory that has the emg data files (env.npy and sig_trials.npy). Make a directory for storing the BSA results
dir_name = easygui.diropenbox()

# Load the data files
env = np.load('env.npy')
sig_trials = np.load('sig_trials.npy')

# Ask for the HPC queue to use
# No longer asking for this, just submit to all.q
#queue = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which HPC queue do you want to use for EMG analysis?', choices = ('neuro.q', 'dk.q'))

# Grab Brandeis unet username
username = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'Enter your Brandeis/Jetstream/personal computer username', fields = ['username'])

# Dump a shell file for the BSA analysis in the user's blech_clust directory on the desktop
os.chdir('/home/%s/Desktop/blech_clust' % username[0])
f = open('', 'w')
print("module load PYTHON/ANACONDA-2.5.0", file=f)
print("module load R", file=f)
print("cd /home/%s/Desktop/blech_clust" % username[0], file=f)
print("python", file=f)

# Dump shell file(s) for running GNU parallel job on the user's blech_clust folder on the desktop
# First get number of CPUs - parallel be asked to run num_cpu-1 threads in parallel
num_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Then produce the file generating the parallel command
f = open('', 'w')
print("parallel -k -j {:d} --noswap --load 100% --progress --joblog {:s}/results.log bash ::: {{1..{:d}}}".format(int(num_cpu)-1, dir_name, sig_trials.shape[0]*sig_trials.shape[1]), file = f)
# Then produce the file that runs
f = open('', 'w')
print("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1", file = f)
print("python $1", file = f)
# Finally dump a file with the data directory's location (blech.dir)
f = open('blech.dir', 'w')
print(dir_name, file = f)

print("Now logout of the compute node and go back to the login node. Then say: qsub -t 1-"+str(sig_trials.shape[0]*sig_trials.shape[1])+" -q all.q -ckpt reloc")

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