Revision 86d380144b3f85c8951923de873893583bd25edf authored by narendramukherjee on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC, committed by GitHub on 01 October 2020, 17:54:51 UTC
Change marking of trial start time
2 parent s c98da81 + f1007b5
Raw File
# Import stuff!
import numpy as np
import tables
import easygui
import sys
import os

# Ask for the directory where the hdf5 file sits, and change to that directory
dir_name = easygui.diropenbox()

# Look for the hdf5 file in the directory
file_list = os.listdir('./')
hdf5_name = ''
for files in file_list:
	if files[-2:] == 'h5':
		hdf5_name = files

# Open the hdf5 file
hf5 = tables.open_file(hdf5_name, 'r+')

# Grab the names of the arrays containing digital inputs, and pull the data into a numpy array
dig_in_nodes = hf5.list_nodes('/digital_in')
dig_in = []
dig_in_pathname = []
for node in dig_in_nodes:
	exec("dig_in.append(hf5.root.digital_in.%s[:])" % dig_in_pathname[-1].split('/')[-1])
dig_in = np.array(dig_in)

# Get the stimulus delivery times - take the end of the stimulus pulse as the time of delivery
dig_on = []
for i in range(len(dig_in)):
	dig_on.append(np.where(dig_in[i,:] == 1)[0])
start_points = []
end_points = []
for on_times in dig_on:
	start = []
	end = []
		start.append(on_times[0]) # Get the start of the first trial
		pass # Continue without appending anything if this port wasn't on at all
	for j in range(len(on_times) - 1):
		if np.abs(on_times[j] - on_times[j+1]) > 30:
		end.append(on_times[-1]) # append the last trial which will be missed by this method
		pass # Continue without appending anything if this port wasn't on at all

# Show the user the number of trials on each digital input channel, and ask them to confirm
check = easygui.ynbox(msg = 'Digital input channels: ' + str(dig_in_pathname) + '\n' + 'No. of trials: ' + str([len(ends) for ends in end_points]), title = 'Check and confirm the number of trials detected on digital input channels')
# Go ahead only if the user approves by saying yes
if check:
	print("Well, if you don't agree, blech_clust can't do much!")

# Ask the user which digital input channels should be used for getting spike train data, and convert the channel numbers into integers for pulling stuff out of change_points
dig_in_channels = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which digital input channels should be used to produce spike train data trial-wise?', choices = ([path for path in dig_in_pathname]))
dig_in_channel_nums = []
for i in range(len(dig_in_pathname)):
	if dig_in_pathname[i] in dig_in_channels:

# Ask the user which digital input channels should be used for conditioning the stimuli channels above (laser channels for instance)
lasers = easygui.multchoicebox(msg = 'Which digital input channels were used for lasers? Click clear all and continue if you did not use lasers', choices = ([path for path in dig_in_pathname]))
laser_nums = []
if lasers:
	for i in range(len(dig_in_pathname)):
		if dig_in_pathname[i] in lasers:

# Ask the user for the pre and post stimulus durations to be pulled out, and convert to integers
durations = easygui.multenterbox(msg = 'What are the signal durations pre and post stimulus that you want to pull out', fields = ['Pre stimulus (ms)', 'Post stimulus (ms)'])
for i in range(len(durations)):
	durations[i] = int(durations[i])

# Delete the spike_trains node in the hdf5 file if it exists, and then create it
	hf5.remove_node('/spike_trains', recursive = True)
hf5.create_group('/', 'spike_trains')

# Get list of units under the sorted_units group. Find the latest/largest spike time amongst the units, and get an experiment end time (to account for cases where the headstage fell off mid-experiment)
units = hf5.list_nodes('/sorted_units')
expt_end_time = 0
for unit in units:
	if unit.times[-1] > expt_end_time:
		expt_end_time = unit.times[-1]

# Go through the dig_in_channel_nums and make an array of spike trains of dimensions (# trials x # units x trial duration (ms)) - use end of digital input pulse as the time of taste delivery
for i in range(len(dig_in_channels)):
	spike_train = []
	for j in range(len(start_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]])):
		# Skip the trial if the headstage fell off before it
		if start_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j] >= expt_end_time:
		# Otherwise run through the units and convert their spike times to milliseconds
			spikes = np.zeros((len(units), durations[0] + durations[1]))
			for k in range(len(units)):
				# Get the spike times around the end of taste delivery
				spike_times = np.where((units[k].times[:] <= start_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j] + durations[1]*30)*(units[k].times[:] >= start_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j] - durations[0]*30))[0]
				spike_times = units[k].times[spike_times]
				spike_times = spike_times - start_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j]
				spike_times = (spike_times/30).astype(int) + durations[0]
				# Drop any spikes that are too close to the ends of the trial
				spike_times = spike_times[np.where((spike_times >= 0)*(spike_times < durations[0] + durations[1]))[0]]
				spikes[k, spike_times] = 1
				#for l in range(durations[0] + durations[1]):
				#	spikes[k, l] = len(np.where((units[k].times[:] >= end_start_pointspoints[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j] - (durations[0]-l)*30)*(units[k].times[:] < start_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j] - (durations[0]-l-1)*30))[0])
		# Append the spikes array to spike_train 
	# And add spike_train to the hdf5 file
	hf5.create_group('/spike_trains', str.split(dig_in_channels[i], '/')[-1])
	spike_array = hf5.create_array('/spike_trains/%s' % str.split(dig_in_channels[i], '/')[-1], 'spike_array', np.array(spike_train))

	# Make conditional stimulus array for this digital input if lasers were used
	if laser_nums:
		cond_array = np.zeros(len(end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]]))
		laser_start = np.zeros(len(end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]]))
		# Also make an array to note down the firing of the lasers one by one - for experiments where only 1 laser was fired at a time. This has 3 sorts of laser on conditions - each laser on alone, and then both on together
		laser_single = np.zeros((len(end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]]), 2))
		for j in range(len(end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]])):
			# Skip the trial if the headstage fell off before it - mark these trials by -1
			if end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j] >= expt_end_time:
				cond_array[j] = -1
			# Else run through the lasers and check if the lasers went off within 5 secs of the stimulus delivery time
			for laser in range(len(laser_nums)):
				on_trial = np.where(np.abs(end_points[laser_nums[laser]] - end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j]) <= 5*30000)[0]
				if len(on_trial) > 0:
					# Mark this laser appropriately in the laser_single array
					laser_single[j, laser] = 1.0
					# If the lasers did go off around stimulus delivery, get the duration and start time in ms (from end of taste delivery) of the laser trial (as a multiple of 10 - so 53 gets rounded off to 50)
					cond_array[j] = 10*int((end_points[laser_nums[laser]][on_trial][0] - start_points[laser_nums[laser]][on_trial][0])/300)
					laser_start[j] = 10*int((start_points[laser_nums[laser]][on_trial][0] - end_points[dig_in_channel_nums[i]][j])/300)
		# Write the conditional stimulus duration array to the hdf5 file
		laser_durations = hf5.create_array('/spike_trains/%s' % str.split(dig_in_channels[i], '/')[-1], 'laser_durations', cond_array)
		laser_onset_lag = hf5.create_array('/spike_trains/%s' % str.split(dig_in_channels[i], '/')[-1], 'laser_onset_lag', laser_start)
		on_laser = hf5.create_array('/spike_trains/%s' % str.split(dig_in_channels[i], '/')[-1], 'on_laser', laser_single)



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