Revision 8b22682704c00bd278c44dae1686f726d261b718 authored by Steven Murray on 09 January 2023, 21:13:32 UTC, committed by Steven Murray on 09 January 2023, 21:13:32 UTC
1 parent e377413
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2022 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License
# distutils: language = c
# cython: linetrace=True
# python imports
import warnings
# cython imports
cimport cython
cimport numpy
from libc.math cimport fabs
from numpy.math cimport PI
# This initializes the numpy 1.7 c-api.
# cython 3.0 will do this by default.
# We may be able to just remove this then.
cpdef numpy.ndarray[dtype=numpy.npy_bool] find_healpix_indices(
numpy.float64_t[::1] theta_grid,
numpy.float64_t[::1] phi_grid,
numpy.float64_t[::1] theta_hpx,
numpy.float64_t[::1] phi_hpx,
numpy.float64_t pixel_resolution
cdef Py_ssize_t itheta, iphi, ipix
cdef numpy.float64_t theta_h, phi_h, theta_g, phi_g, dist, dist_test, dtheta, dphi, phi0
cdef numpy.npy_bool found_pixel
cdef int ndim = 1
cdef int n_theta = theta_grid.shape[0]
cdef int n_phi = phi_grid.shape[0]
cdef int n_pix = theta_hpx.shape[0]
cdef numpy.npy_intp *dims = [<numpy.npy_intp>n_pix]
cdef numpy.ndarray[dtype=numpy.npy_bool, ndim=1] in_map = numpy.PyArray_ZEROS(
ndim, dims, numpy.NPY_BOOL, 0
cdef numpy.npy_bool[::1] _in_map = in_map
# pre-compute test distance
dist_test = 4 * pixel_resolution**2
for ipix in range(n_pix):
theta_h = theta_hpx[ipix]
phi_h = phi_hpx[ipix]
found_pixel = False
for itheta in range(n_theta):
if found_pixel:
theta_g = theta_grid[itheta]
# normalize theta_g to be between -pi and pi
while theta_g < -PI:
theta_g += 2 * PI
while theta_g > PI:
theta_g -= 2 * PI
# Now, we need to fix up negative values of theta_g, adding a phase
# flip in phi as necessary. This comes from the fact that (-theta,
# phi) maps to (theta, phi + pi).
if theta_g < 0:
theta_g = fabs(theta_g)
phi0 = PI
phi0 = 0
# compute difference in theta angle
dtheta = fabs(theta_h - theta_g)
# only look through phi if we're within the pixel resolution in theta
dtheta *= dtheta
if dtheta < dist_test:
for iphi in range(n_phi):
phi_g = phi_grid[iphi] + phi0
# normalize phi_g to be between 0 and 2*pi
while phi_g < 0:
phi_g += 2 * PI
while phi_g > 2 * PI:
phi_g -= 2 * PI
# compute "actual" phi separation
# dphi_max = pi because of periodicity
dphi = fabs(phi_h - phi_g)
if dphi > PI:
dphi = fabs(2 * PI - dphi)
dist = dtheta + dphi ** 2
if dist < dist_test:
_in_map[ipix] = True
found_pixel = True
return in_map
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