Revision 8b22682704c00bd278c44dae1686f726d261b718 authored by Steven Murray on 09 January 2023, 21:13:32 UTC, committed by Steven Murray on 09 January 2023, 21:13:32 UTC
1 parent e377413
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2022 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License
"""Module for low-level interface to Mir metadata files.
This module provides a python interface for individual Mir metadata files, e.g.
"in_read", "bl_read", "sp_read", "we_read", "eng_read", "antennas", and "codes_read".
import copy
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
__all__ = [
# MIR structure definitions. Note that because these are all binaries, we need to
# specify the endianness so that we don't potentially muck that on different machines
# in_read is the per-integration header meta information.
in_dtype = np.dtype(
# Track id number, set to the Project ID (different from SMA Project Code)
("traid", np.int32),
# Integration header ID number
("inhid", np.int32),
# Scan number (usually same as inhid)
("ints", np.int32),
# Azimuth of target from array center (deg)
("az", np.float32),
# Elevation of target from array center (deg)
("el", np.float32),
# Hour angle of target at array center (hours)
("ha", np.float32),
# Time code (matched to ut in codes_read)
("iut", np.int16),
# Date code (matched to ref_time in codes_read)
("iref_time", np.int16),
# Avg time (in TT) at scan midpoint (hours)
("dhrs", np.float64),
# Radial velocity of target (catalog value, km/s)
("vc", np.float32),
# X-component of unit vector pointing towards source (from array center).
("sx", np.float64),
# Y-component of unit vector pointing towards source (from array center).
("sy", np.float64),
# Z-component of unit vector pointing towards source (from array center).
("sz", np.float64),
# Integration time of scan (seconds)
("rinteg", np.float32),
# Project ID Number
("proid", np.int32),
# Source ID number
("souid", np.int32),
# Source ID code (matched to source in codes_read)
("isource", np.int16),
# Radial velocity code (matched to vrad in codes_read)
("ivrad", np.int16),
# Offset in RA/Cross-Dec, used in mosaics (arcsec)
("offx", np.float32),
# Offset in Dec, used in mosaics (arcsec)
("offy", np.float32),
# Source RA Code (matched to ra in codes_read)
("ira", np.int16),
# Source Dec Code (matched to dec in codes_read)
("idec", np.int16),
# Catalog RA (radians)
("rar", np.float64),
# Catalog Dec (radians)
("decr", np.float64),
# Epoch value (Julian years, typically 2000.0)
("epoch", np.float32),
# Angular diameter of source (arcsec)
("size", np.float32),
# RA of velocity reference position (rad)
("vrra", np.float32),
# Dec of velocity reference position (rad)
("vrdec", np.float32),
# LAST at array center (hours)
("lst", np.float32),
# Project ID code (matched to projectid in codes_read)
("iproject", np.int16),
# Tile position of pointing (used sometimes in mosaics)
("tile", np.int16),
# Obs mode (bitwise flag, not used yet)
("obsmode", np.uint8),
# Obs flags (bitwise flag, not used yet)
("obsflag", np.uint8),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareshort", np.int16),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint6", np.int32),
# RxA YIG Frequency, sometimes used for flagging (GHz)
("yIGFreq1", np.float64),
# RxB YIG Frequency, sometimes used for flagging (GHz)
("yIGFreq2", np.float64),
# Source flux, in known (Jy)
("sflux", np.float64),
# Apparent RA at array center (rad)
("ara", np.float64),
# Apparent Dec at array center (rad)
("adec", np.float64),
# Modified Julian Date (TT scale; days)
("mjd", np.float64),
# eng_read records the per-antenna, per-integration metadata. These data are not
# typically used during data processing, but can be helpful in identifying bad or
# otherwise suspect data.
eng_dtype = np.dtype(
# Antenna number, should match iant in bl_read
("antenna", np.int32),
# Pad number that the antenna is sitting on
("padNumber", np.int32),
# Whether or not antenna was in the project (0 = offline, 1 = online)
("antennaStatus", np.int32),
# Whether or not antenna was tracking (0 = offline, 1 = online)
("trackStatus", np.int32),
# Whether or not antenna was online (0 = offline, 1 = online)
("commStatus", np.int32),
# Integration header ID
("inhid", np.int32),
# Scan number (usually same as inhid)
("ints", np.int32),
# Avg time (in TT) at scan midpoint (hours)
("dhrs", np.float64),
# Hour angle of target at antenna position (hours)
("ha", np.float64),
# LAST at antenna position (hours)
("lst", np.float64),
# Pointing model correction in Az for antenna (arcsec)
("pmdaz", np.float64),
# Pointing model correction in El for antenna (arcsec)
("pmdel", np.float64),
# Tilt measurement of antenna in the direction of antenna Azimuth (arcsec)
("tiltx", np.float64),
# Tilt measurement of antenna in the cross-direction of antenna Azimuth (arcsec)
("tilty", np.float64),
# Actual azimuth of the antenna (deg)
("actual_az", np.float64),
# Actual elevation of the antenna (deg)
("actual_el", np.float64),
# Pointing offset of the antenna in Az (arcsec)
("azoff", np.float64),
# Pointing offset of the antenna in El (arcsec)
("eloff", np.float64),
# RMS tracking error of the antenna in azimuth (arcsec)
("az_tracking_error", np.float64),
# RMS tracking error of the antenna in elevation (arcsec)
("el_tracking_error", np.float64),
# Estimated refraction for the antenna given weather conditions (arcsec)
("refraction", np.float64),
# Secondary x-position (left-right) relative to mount (mm)
("chopper_x", np.float64),
# Secondary y-position (up-down) relative to mount (mm)
("chopper_y", np.float64),
# Secondary z-position (toward-away) relative to mount (mm)
("chopper_z", np.float64),
# Secondary tilt angle relative to mount (arcsec)
("chopper_angle", np.float64),
# System temperature for RxA/rx1 for the antenna
("tsys", np.float64),
# System temperature for RxB/rx2 for the antenna
("tsys_rx2", np.float64),
# Ambient load temperature of the antenna
("ambient_load_temperature", np.float64),
# sp_read records the per-baseline, per-time record metadata.
bl_dtype = np.dtype(
# Baseline header ID
("blhid", np.int32),
# Integration header ID, matched in in_read
("inhid", np.int32),
# Sideband code (matched to sb in codes_read; usually 0=LSB, 1=USB)
("isb", np.int16),
# Polarization code (matched to pol in codes_read)
("ipol", np.int16),
# Ant1 receiver number (0 = RxA, 1 = RxB)
("ant1rx", np.int16),
# Ant2 receiver number (0 = RxA, 1 = RxB)
("ant2rx", np.int16),
# Pointing status (1 = offset pointing, 0 = target at pri beam center)
("pointing", np.int16),
# Receiver code (matched to rec in codes_read)
("irec", np.int16),
# u coordinate for the baseline (meters)
("u", np.float32),
# v coordinate for the baseline (meters)
("v", np.float32),
# w coordinate for the baseline (meters)
("w", np.float32),
# uv-distance for the baseline (meters)
("prbl", np.float32),
# Coherence of the baseline (not used, between 0 and 1)
("coh", np.float32),
# Avg time (in TT) at baseline-scan midpoint (hours)
("avedhrs", np.float64),
# Average amplitude across the baseline-sideband
("ampave", np.float32),
# Average phase across the baseline-sideband
("phaave", np.float32),
# Baseline number
("blsid", np.int32),
# Antenna number of the first ant in the baseline pair
("iant1", np.int16),
# Antenna number of the second ant in the baseline pair
("iant2", np.int16),
# Index position for tsys data of ant1 in tsys_read (not used)
("ant1TsysOff", np.int32),
# Index position for tsys data of ant2 in tsys_read (not used)
("ant2TsysOff", np.int32),
# Baseline code (matched to blcd in codes_read)
("iblcd", np.int16),
# East-west baseline length (meters)
("ble", np.float32),
# North-south baseline length (meters)
("bln", np.float32),
# Up-down baseline length (meters)
("blu", np.float32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint1", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint2", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint3", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint4", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint5", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint6", np.int32),
# Center freq for ampave, phaave (GHz)
("fave", np.float64),
# Bandwidth for ampave, phaave (MHz)
("bwave", np.float64),
# Average weight for ampave, phaave (Jy**-2)
("wtave", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl4", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl5", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl6", np.float64),
# sp_read records the per-spectral record (per-band, per-time, per-baseline) metadata.
sp_dtype = np.dtype(
# Spectral header ID number
("sphid", np.int32),
# Baseline header ID number, matched to entry in bl_read
("blhid", np.int32),
# Integration header ID number, matched to entry in in_read
("inhid", np.int32),
# Gain code (matched to gq in codes_read)
("igq", np.int16),
# Passband code (matched to pq in codes_read)
("ipq", np.int16),
# Band code (matched to band in codes_read, usually equal to corrchunk)
("iband", np.int16),
# Polarization state code (matched to pstate in codes_read, not used)
("ipstate", np.int16),
# Opacity at 225 GHz (nepers)
("tau0", np.float32),
# Velocity at source rest frame at band center (km/s)
("vel", np.float64),
# Velocity resolution at source rest frame at band center (km/s)
("vres", np.float32),
# Sky frequency at band center (GHz)
("fsky", np.float64),
# Channel resolution (MHz)
("fres", np.float32),
# Gunn frequency (GHz)
("gunnLO", np.float64),
# Cabin BDA LO frequency (GHz, not used anymore)
("cabinLO", np.float64),
# Second down-converter frequency (GHz, not used anymore)
("corrLO1", np.float64),
# Final down-converter frequency (GHz)
("corrLO2", np.float64),
# Integration time for spw-baseline-scan (s)
("integ", np.float32),
# Weights for the spectral record (sec / tssb ** 2)
("wt", np.float32),
# Bitwise flagging for the spectral record (0 = good data, 0 != bad data)
("flags", np.int32),
# Catalog radial velocity of the source in the given frame (m/s)
("vradcat", np.float32),
# Number of channels in the spectral record
("nch", np.int16),
# Number of spectral records for this record -- always 1 (why does this exist?)
("nrec", np.int16),
# Index offset of the spectral record in sch_read
("dataoff", np.int32),
# Rest frequency of the source (GHz)
("rfreq", np.float64),
# Correlator block (0 = synthetic continuum; 1 = SWARM)
("corrblock", np.int16),
# Correlator chunk (spectral window number)
("corrchunk", np.int16),
# Correlator number (0 = ASIC; 1 = SWARM)
("correlator", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("iddsmode", np.int16),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareshort", np.int16),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint3", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint4", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint5", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("spareint6", np.int32),
# SSB tsys (K)
("tssb", np.float64),
# DDS frequency offset on nominal Gunn LO (GHz)
("fDDS", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl3", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl4", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl5", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl6", np.float64),
# codes_read is a special set of metadata, basically used for storing "everything else".
# It is typically used for storing information that does not change over the course of
# the track, although a few commonly used codes do vary integration by integration.
codes_dtype = np.dtype(
[("v_name", "U12"), ("icode", np.int16), ("code", "U26"), ("ncode", np.int16)]
codes_binary_dtype = np.dtype(
[("v_name", "S12"), ("icode", np.int16), ("code", "S26"), ("ncode", np.int16)]
# we_read records various weather data collected at the antennas, which is typically
# used for refraction correction by online fringe tracking.
we_dtype = np.dtype(
# Scan number (should be equal to inhid)
("ints", np.int32),
# Per-antenna flags, w/ bitwise flagging conditions
("flags", np.int32, 11),
# Refractivity (N = (n - 1) * 1e6)
("N", np.float32, 11),
# Ambient temperature measured at each antenna (C)
("Tamb", np.float32, 11),
# Air pressure measured at each antenna (mbar)
("pressure", np.float32, 11),
# Relative humidity measured at head antenna (%)
("humid", np.float32, 11),
# Wind speed measured at each antenna (m/s, -1 if no hardware)
("windSpeed", np.float32, 11),
# Wind direction measured at each antenna (rad, -1 if no hardware)
("windDir", np.float32, 11),
# Bore sight PWV measured at each antenna (mm, -1 if no hardware)
("h2o", np.float32, 11),
# ac_read is _not_ something that is typically read in, but is instead a "helper"
# data structure for recording some of the metadata associated with the auto
# correlations. Because of this, the dtype below may change.
ac_dtype = np.dtype(
# Auto-correlation header ID
("achid", np.int32),
# Integration header ID
("inhid", np.int32),
# Antenna number
("antenna", np.int32),
# Time at midpoint of scan (in TT UT hours)
("dhrs", np.float64),
# Ant receiver number (0 = RxA, 1 = RxB)
("antrx", np.int16),
# Receiver code (matched to rec in codes_read)
("irec", np.int16),
# Polarization code (matched to pol in codes_read)
("ipol", np.int16),
# Sideband code (matched to sb in codes_read; usually 0=LSB, 1=USB)
("isb", np.int16),
# Band code (matched to band in codes_read, usually equal to corrchunk)
("iband", np.int16),
# Correlator chunk (spectral window number)
("corrchunk", np.int16),
# Correlator number (0 = ASIC; 1 = SWARM)
("correlator", np.int32),
# Sky frequency at band center (GHz)
("fsky", np.float64),
# Gunn frequency (GHz)
("gunnLO", np.float64),
# Second down-converter frequency (GHz, not used currently)
("corrLO1", np.float64),
# Final down-converter frequency (GHz)
("corrLO2", np.float64),
# DDS frequency offset on nominal Gunn LO (GHz)
("fDDS", np.float64),
# Channel resolution (MHz)
("fres", np.float32),
# Number of channels
("nch", np.int32),
# Offset from the start of the spectral record of the packed data.
("dataoff", np.int32),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl1", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl2", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl3", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl4", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl5", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl6", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl7", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl8", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl9", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl10", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl11", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl12", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl13", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl14", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl15", np.float64),
# Spare value, always 0
("sparedbl16", np.float64),
# antennas is actually a text file rather than a binary one, which stores the physical
# positions of the antennas at the time of observation. We use a fairly simple dtype
# here for handling its values.
antpos_dtype = np.dtype([("antenna", np.int16), ("xyz_pos", np.float64, 3)])
class MirMetaError(Exception):
Class for particular errors within MirMetaData objects.
This class is used to flag errors within MirMetaData objects, usually relating to
particular indexing fields not being found, or clashes between the indexes of two
objects. It is used in practice as a unique identifier for these errors, so that
they can be caught and handled within methods of the MirParser class.
class MirMetaData(object):
Class for metadata within Mir datasets.
This class is used as the parent class for the different types of metadata tables
that exist within a Mir dataset. The object is built around a complex ndarray, which
typically contains dozens of fields with different metadata stored. The object also
contains a mask, which is useful for marking specific header entries as being in
use (particularly when one has multiple MirMetaData objects together, like in the
MirParser object).
def __init__(
Initialize a MirMetaData object.
filetype : str
Name corresponding to a filetype in a Mir data set that the object is
populated by (where the full path is filepath + "/" + filetype).
dtype : dtype
Numpy-based description of the binary data stored in the file.
header_key_name : str or None
Field inside of `dtype` which contains a unique indexing key for the
metadata in the file. Typically used to reference values between MirMetaData
objects. If set to `None`, no field is used for indexing.
pseudo_header_key_names : list of str or None
Required if `header_key_name` is `None`. Used to identify a group of fields,
which when taken in combination, can be used as a unique identifier. Can
be set either to `None` (if not used) or otherwise a tuple of strings.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
self._filetype = filetype
self.dtype = dtype
self._binary_dtype = binary_dtype
self._header_key = header_key_name
self._pseudo_header_key = pseudo_header_key_names
self._data = None
self._mask = None
self._header_key_index_dict = None
self._stored_values = {}
if filepath is not None:
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over MirMetaData attributes.
data_slice : ndarray
Value(s) at a given position in the data array with dtype equal to that in
the `dtype` attribute of the object.
for idx in np.where(self._mask)[0]:
yield self._data[idx]
def __len__(self):
Calculate the number entries in the data table.
len : int
Number of unique entries contained within the meta data.
return self._data.size
def __eq__(self, other, verbose=False, ignore_params=None, use_mask=False):
Compare MirMetaData objects for equality.
other : MirMetaData object
Object of the same type to compare to.
verbose : bool
Whether to print out the differences between the two objects, if any are
found. Default is False.
ignore_params : list of str or None
Optional argument, which can be used to specify whether to ignore certain
attributes when comparing objects. By default, no attributes are ignored.
use_mask : bool
Whether or not to ignore the internal mask when performing the comparison.
If set to True, will only compare those entries where the mask is set to
True. Default is False.
is_eq : bool
Value describing whether or not the two objects contain the same data.
# Grab the name of the class to make the output a bit more human parsable
name = type(self).__name__
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
raise ValueError(
"Cannot compare {this_type} with {other_type}.".format(
this_type=name, other_type=type(other).__name__
verbose_print = print if verbose else lambda *a, **k: None
if (self._data is None or self._mask is None) or (
other._data is None or other._mask is None
is_eq = (self._data is None) == (other._data is None)
is_eq &= (self._mask is None) == (other._mask is None)
if not is_eq:
"%s objects are not both initialized (one is empty)." % name
return is_eq
this_keys = self.get_header_keys(use_mask=use_mask)
other_keys = other.get_header_keys(use_mask=use_mask)
if set(this_keys) != set(other_keys):
verbose_print("%s object header key lists are different." % name)
return False
this_idx = np.array([self._header_key_index_dict[key] for key in this_keys])
other_idx = np.array([other._header_key_index_dict[key] for key in this_keys])
# Figure out which fields inside the data array we need to compare.
comp_fields = list(self.dtype.fields)
if ignore_params is not None:
for item in ignore_params:
except ValueError:
# At this point we are ready to do our field-by-field comparison.
# I say these objects are the same -- prove me wrong!
is_eq = True
for item in comp_fields:
left_vals = self.get_value(item, index=this_idx)
right_vals = other.get_value(item, index=other_idx)
if not np.array_equal(left_vals, right_vals):
is_eq = False
"%s of %s is different, left is %s, right is %s."
% (item, name, left_vals, right_vals)
if not verbose:
return is_eq
def __ne__(self, other, verbose=False, ignore_params=None, use_mask=False):
Compare MirMetaData objects for inequality.
other : MirMetaData object
Object of the same type to compare to.
verbose : bool
Whether to print out the differences between the two objects, if any are
found. Default is False.
ignore_params : list of str
Optional argument, which can be used to specify whether to ignore certain
attributes when comparing objects. By default, no attributes are ignored.
is_ne : bool
Value describing whether the two objects do not contain the same data.
return not self.__eq__(
other, verbose=verbose, ignore_params=ignore_params, use_mask=use_mask
def __add__(
self, other, inplace=False, merge=None, overwrite=None, discard_flagged=False
Combine two MirMetaData objects.
Note that when overlapping keys are detected (and are able to be reconciled),
the method will "or" the two internal masks together, such that the sum of the
two objects will contain the combination of any selection criteria that went
into each object individually. This is particularly useful for when subsets of
data have been split off from one another, and you wish to recombine them
further downstream.
other : MirMetaData object
Object to combine with this. Must be of the same type.
inplace : bool
If set to True, replace this object with the one resulting from the
addition operation. Default is False.
merge : bool
If set to True, then the two objects are assumed to have identical metadata,
with potentially different selection masks applied. If the underlying data
or header key differences are detected, an error is raised. If set to False,
the objects are contain unique data sets with unique header keys. If
overlapping header keys are detected, an error is raised. By default, the
method assumes that each object could contain a subset of the other, and
will allow a partial merge where header keys overlap.
overwrite : bool
If set to True, then when merging two objects (partial or whole), where
the two objects have identical header keys, data from `other` will overwrite
that from this object. If set to False, no overwriting is allowed, and an
error will be thrown if differing metadata are detected. The default is to
allow metadata to be overwritten only where internal mask are set to False.
discard_flagged : bool
If set to True, exclude from metadata where the internal mask has been set
to False. Default is False. Note that this cannot be used if setting
new_obj : MirMetaData object
The resultant combination of the two objects.
If attempting to combine this object with another of a different type.
# First up, make sure we have two objects of the same dtype
if type(self) != type(other):
raise ValueError("Both objects must be of the same type.")
if other._data is None:
# If no data is loaded, then this is just a no-op
return self if inplace else self.copy()
# At this point, we should be able to combine the two objects
new_obj = self if inplace else self.copy()
if self._data is None:
new_obj._data = other._data.copy()
new_obj._mask = other._mask.copy()
idx1, idx2, mask1, mask2 = self._add_check(
other, merge=merge, overwrite=overwrite, discard_flagged=discard_flagged
new_obj._data = np.concatenate((new_obj._data[idx1], other._data[idx2]))
new_obj._mask = np.concatenate((mask1, mask2))
# Make sure the data is sorted correctly, generate the header key -> index
# position dictionary.
# Finally, clear out any sorted values, since there's no longer a good way to
# carry them forward.
new_obj._stored_values = {}
return new_obj
def __iadd__(self, other, merge=None, overwrite=None, discard_flagged=False):
In-place addition of two MirMetaData objects.
other : MirMetaData object
Object to combine with this. Must be of the same type.
merge : bool
If set to True, then the two objects are assumed to have identical metadata,
with potentially different selection masks applied. If the underlying data
or header key differences are detected, an error is raised. If set to False,
the objects are contain unique data sets with unique header keys. If
overlapping header keys are detected, an error is raised. By default, the
method assumes that each object could contain a subset of the other, and
will allow a partial merge where header keys overlap.
overwrite : bool
If set to True, then when merging two objects (partial or whole), where
the two objects have identical header keys, data from `other` will overwrite
that from this object. If set to False, no overwriting is allowed, and an
error will be thrown if differing metadata are detected. The default is to
allow metadata to be overwritten only where internal mask are set to False.
discard_flagged : bool
If set to True, exclude from metadata where the internal mask has been set
to False. Default is False. Note that this cannot be used if setting
new_obj : MirMetaData object
The resultant combination of the two objects.
return self.__add__(
def copy(self, skip_data=False):
Make and return a copy of the MirMetaData object.
skip_data : bool
If set to True, forgo copying the data-related attributes. Default is False.
new_obj : MirMetaData object
Copy of the original object.
# Initialize a new object of the given type
copy_obj = type(self)()
deepcopy_list = ["_stored_values"]
data_list = ["_stored_values", "_data", "_mask", "_header_key_index_dict"]
for attr in vars(self):
if skip_data and attr in data_list:
if attr in deepcopy_list:
copy_attr = copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, attr))
copy_attr = getattr(self, attr).copy()
except AttributeError:
copy_attr = copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, attr))
setattr(copy_obj, attr, copy_attr)
return copy_obj
def where(
self, select_field, select_comp, select_val, mask=None, return_header_keys=False
Find where metadata match a given set of selection criteria.
This method will produce a masking screen based on the arguments provided to
determine which entries match a given set of conditions.
select_field : str
Field in the metadata to evaluate.
select_comp : str
Specifies the type of comparison to do between the value supplied in
`select_val` and the metadata. No default, allowed values include:
"eq" or "==" (equal to);
"ne" or "!=" (not equal to);
"lt" or "<" (less than);
"le" or "<=" (less than or equal to);
"gt" or ">" (greater than);
"ge" or ">=" (greater than or equal to);
"between" (between a range of values);
"outside" (outside of a range of values).
select_val : number of str, or sequence of number or str
Value(s) to compare data in `select_field` against. If `select_comp` is
"lt", "le", "gt", "ge", then this must be a single number. If `select_comp`
is "between" or "outside", then this must be a list 2 numbers. If
`select_comp` is "eq"/"==" or "ne"/"!=", then this can be either a single
value (number or string) or a sequence of numbers.
mask : ndarray of bool
Optional argument, of the same length as the MirMetaData object, which is
applied to the output of the selection parsing through an element-wise
"and" operation. Useful for combining multiple calls to `where` together.
return_header_keys : bool
If set to True, return a list of the header key values where matching
entries are found. Default is False, which will return an ndarray of type
bool, and length equal to that of the MirMetaData object.
return_arr : ndarray of bool or list
If `return_header_keys=False`, boolean array marking whether `select_field`
meets the condition set by `select_comp` and `select_val`. If
`return_header_keys=True`, then instead of a boolean array, a list of ints
(or tuples of ints if the MetaDataObject has only a pseudo header key)
corresponding to the header key values.
If `select_comp` is not one of the permitted strings, or if `select_field`
is not one of the fields within `data_arr`.
if select_field not in self._data.dtype.names:
raise MirMetaError(
"select_field %s not found in structured array." % select_field
# Create a simple dict to match operation keywords to a function.
op_dict = {
"eq": np.equal,
"ne": np.not_equal,
"lt": np.less,
"le": np.less_equal,
"gt": np.greater,
"ge": np.greater_equal,
"between": lambda val, lims: ((val >= lims[0]) & (val <= lims[1])),
"outside": lambda val, lims: ((val < lims[0]) | (val > lims[1])),
if isinstance(select_val, (list, set, tuple, str, np.ndarray, np.str_)):
op_dict["eq"] = lambda val, comp: np.isin(val, comp)
op_dict["ne"] = lambda val, comp: np.isin(val, comp, invert=True)
op_dict["=="] = op_dict["eq"]
op_dict["!="] = op_dict["ne"]
op_dict["<"] = op_dict["lt"]
op_dict["<="] = op_dict["le"]
op_dict[">"] = op_dict["gt"]
op_dict[">="] = op_dict["ge"]
# Make sure the inputs look valid
if select_comp not in op_dict:
raise ValueError('select_comp must be one of: "%s"' % '", "'.join(op_dict))
# Evaluate data_arr now
data_mask = op_dict[select_comp](self._data[select_field], select_val)
# Trap a corner-case here (most commonly w/ we-read), where some attributes
# are multi-dim arrays rather than singleton values per index position.
while data_mask.ndim > 1:
data_mask = np.any(data_mask, axis=-1)
# Apply the mask now if an argument has been supplied for it.
if mask is not None:
data_mask &= mask
if return_header_keys and self._header_key is None:
return list(
zip(*[self._data[key][data_mask] for key in self._pseudo_header_key])
elif return_header_keys:
return self._data[self._header_key][data_mask]
return data_mask
def _index_query(
Find array index positions where selection criteria are met.
This is an internal helper function used by several methods of the MirMetaData
class, and is not designed for users. This function will report back the index
positions in the `_data` attribute where the given selection criteria are met.
use_mask : bool
If True, consider only data where the internal mask is marked True. Default
is True, unless an argument is supplied to `index` or `header_key`, in
which case the default is False.
where : tuple or sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
index : sequence of ints
Index positions of the array. Note that this is typically what you are
calling this method for, but is included as an argument to simplify
argument processing for various calls.
header_key : sequence of ints or tuples
Header key values to get the index position for, which are always recorded
as ints. If the object has no header key, but instead a pseudo header key,
a sequence of tuples (matching the pseudo keys) should be supplied.
index_arr : ndarray
Array that can be used to access specific index positions, supplied as an
ndarray of dtype int of variable length if supplying arguments to either
`header_key` or `index`, otherwise of dtype bool and length matching that
of the object.
If attempting to supply arguments to two or more of `index`, `header_key`,
or `where`; or when attempting to supply a mask when supplying an argument
to either `index` or `header_key`; or when the length of the mask does not
match that of the object itself. Also raised if the argument supplied to
`where` is not a 3-element tuple or sequence of 3-element tuples.
If supplying an argument to `where`, and the selected field matches does
not match for any of the supplied arguments.
# Check to make sure we aren't providing too many arguments here.
arg_check = (index is None) + (header_key is None) + (where is None)
if arg_check < 2:
raise ValueError(
"Only one of index, header_key, and where arguments can be set."
elif arg_check == 3:
return self._mask.copy() if (use_mask or (use_mask is None)) else ...
elif where is not None:
use_mask = True if (use_mask is None) else use_mask
elif use_mask:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot set use_mask=True when setting index or header_key."
if index is not None:
# This is the dead-simple case - return just the input.
return index
elif header_key is not None:
# This is a little trickier - use the pos dict to determine which entries
# it is that we are trying to grab.
if isinstance(header_key, int) or issubclass(type(header_key), np.integer):
return self._header_key_index_dict[header_key]
return np.array(
[self._header_key_index_dict[key] for key in header_key], dtype=int
# At this point, we expect to hand back a boolean mask, so either instantiate
# it or make a copy of the supplied mask argument.
mask = (
self._mask.copy() if use_mask else np.full(len(self), bool(and_where_args))
# To reach this point, we must have supplied an argument to where. Use that
# method to build a mask that we can use to select the data on. First check
# that the where argument matches what we expect - either a tuple or a sequence
# of tuples.
if not (isinstance(where[0], (tuple, list))):
# If where is not indexable, it'll raise a TypeError here.
# Force this to be a sequence of tuples here so that the logic below is
# simplified.
where = [where]
for item in where:
# Note we raise a TypeError in this loop to trap an identical bug,
# namely that the user has not provided a valid argument for where.
if len(item) != 3:
raise TypeError
except TypeError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Argument for where must be either a 3-element tuple, or sequence "
"of 3-element tuples."
) from err
# Now actually start going through the where statements.
where_success = False
for item in where:
if and_where_args:
mask &= self.where(*item)
mask |= self.where(*item)
where_success = True
except MirMetaError:
# If we had NO success with where, then we should raise an error now.
if not where_success:
raise MirMetaError(
"Argument for where has no match(es) for select_field for this "
"MirMetaData object. Must be one of %s." % ", ".join(self.dtype.fields)
return mask
def get_value(
Get values from a particular field or set of fields of the metadata.
This function allows one to get the values for a particular field or set of
fields within the metadata. Selection criteria can optionally be specified for
gathering only a subset of the metadata for the field(s).
field_name : str or list of strs
Fields from which to extract data. Can either be given as either an str or
list of strs. Each str must match a field name, as list in the `dtype`
attribute of the object.
use_mask : bool
If True, consider only data where the internal mask is marked True. Default
is True, unless an argument is supplied to `index` or `header_key`, in
which case the default is False.
where : tuple of sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `header_key`.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
index : sequence of int
Optional argument, specifies the index positions at which to extract data
from the meta data. Cannot be specified with `header_key` or `where`.
header_key : sequence of ints or tuples
Optional argument, values to match against the header key field, in order to
determine which entries of the array to extract. For example, if the header
key field "a" has the values [2, 4, 6, 8], setting this argument to [2, 8]
will grab the values of `field_name` in the metadata array at the index
positions [0, 3]. Cannot be specified with `index` or `where`.
return_tuples : bool
If set to True, return a list of tuples containing the value of each field
(in the order provided in `field_name`). If False, return an ndarray or
list of ndarrays, where each array contains the set of values matching the
specified selection criteria.
value_arr : ndarray or list of ndarrays or tuples
Values for the specified field name where the selection criteria match.
If `return_tuples=False`, then this will be an ndarray (of varying dtype) if
a single field name was supplied, otherwise a list of ndarrays will be
returned. If `return_tuples=True`, then a tuple containing the set of all
fields at each index position will be provided.
If field_name is not a list, set, tuple, or str.
idx_arr = self._index_query(use_mask, where, and_where_args, header_key, index)
if isinstance(field_name, (list, set, tuple)):
metadata = []
for item in field_name:
if isinstance(item, str):
raise ValueError("field_name must either be a str or list of str.")
metadata = self._data[field_name][idx_arr]
if return_tuples:
return list(zip(*metadata) if isinstance(metadata, list) else zip(metadata))
return metadata
def __getitem__(self, field_name):
Get values for a particular field using get_value.
field_name : str
Fields from which to extract data. Must match a field name, as list in the
`dtype` attribute of the object.
value_arr : ndarray or list of ndarrays or tuples
Values for the specified field name where the selection criteria match.
If `return_tuples=False`, then this will be an ndarray (of varying dtype) if
a single field name was supplied, otherwise a list of ndarrays will be
returned. If `return_tuples=True`, then a tuple containing the set of all
fields at each index position will be provided.
return self.get_value(field_name=field_name)
def set_value(
Set values from a particular field of the metadata.
Allows one to set the values of specific field within the metadata, optionally
based on a set of selection criteria.
field_name : str
Fields from which to extract data. Must match a field name, as list in the
`dtype` attribute of the object.
value : ndarray
Values to set the field in question to, where the provided selection
criteria match. Shape of the array must be broadcastable to either the shape
of the internal mask or to the shape of the `index` or `header_key`
use_mask : bool
If True, consider only data where the internal mask is marked True. Default
is True, unless an argument is supplied to `index` or `header_key`, in
which case the default is False.
where : tuple of sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `header_key`.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
header_key : sequence of ints or tuples
Optional argument, values to match against the header key field, in order to
determine which entries of the array to extract. For example, if the header
key field "a" has the values [2, 4, 6, 8], setting this argument to [2, 8]
will set the values of `field_name` in the metadata array at the index
positions [0, 3]. Cannot be specified with `index` or `where`.
index : sequence of int
Optional argument, specifies the index positions at which to set the values
of the metadata. Cannot be specified with `header_key` or `where`.
If attempting to set the field "dataoff", which is typically only used for
internal indexing purposes, and is generally not modified. Also raised if
modifying one of the known (pseudo) header keys.
if field_name == "dataoff":
'Values in "dataoff" are typically only used for internal indexing, '
"and should generally not be set by users. If you have set this in "
"error, you can undo this by using the reset method."
elif field_name in [
"Changing fields that tie to header keys can result in unpredictable "
"behavior, and extreme care should be taken in directly modifying "
"them. If you have set this in error, you can undo this by using the "
"reset method."
idx_arr = self._index_query(use_mask, where, and_where_args, header_key, index)
# Make a copy of any changed variables, that we can revert if we ever
# happen to need to do so.
if field_name not in self._stored_values:
self._stored_values[field_name] = self._data[field_name].copy()
self._data[field_name][idx_arr] = value
def __setitem__(self, field_name, value):
Set values for a particular field using set_value.
field_name : str
Fields from which to extract data. Must match a field name, as listed in the
`dtype` attribute of the object.
value : ndarray
Values to set the field in question to, where the provided selection
criteria match. Shape of the array must be broadcastable to either the shape
of the internal mask or to the shape of the `index` or `header_key`
self.set_value(field_name=field_name, value=value)
def _generate_mask(
self, where=None, and_where_args=True, header_key=None, index=None
Generate a boolean mask based on selection criteria.
Note that this is an internal helper function for other methods, which is not
intended for general user use. Generates a boolean mask to based on the
selection criteria (where the array is set to True when the selection criteria
are met).
where : tuple of sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `header_key`.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
header_key : sequence of ints or tuples
Optional argument, values to match against the header key field, in order to
determine which entries of the array to extract. For example, if the header
key field "a" has the values [2, 4, 6, 8], setting this argument to [2, 8]
will mask at the index positions [0, 3] to True. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `where`.
index : sequence of int
Optional argument, specifies the index positions at which to set the mask to
True. Cannot be specified with `header_key` or `where`.
mask_arr : ndarray of bool
Array of boolean values, with length equal to that of the object itself.
idx_arr = self._index_query(False, where, and_where_args, header_key, index)
new_mask = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=bool)
new_mask[idx_arr] = True
return new_mask
def get_mask(self, where=None, and_where_args=True, header_key=None, index=None):
Get value of the mask at a set of locations..
This function allows one to get the value(s) of the internal mask. Selection
criteria can optionally be specified for accessing the mask at a specific set
of positions.
where : tuple of sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `header_key`.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
header_key : sequence of ints or tuples
Optional argument, values to match against the header key field, in order to
determine which entries of the array to extract. For example, if the header
key field "a" has the values [2, 4, 6, 8], setting this argument to [2, 8]
will grab the values internal mask at the index positions [0, 3]. Cannot be
specified with `index` or `where`.
index : sequence of int
Optional argument, specifies the index positions at which to extract data
from the meta data. Cannot be specified with `header_key` or `where`.
mask_arr : ndarray of bool
Values for mask where the selection criteria match.
idx_arr = self._index_query(False, where, and_where_args, header_key, index)
return self._mask[idx_arr]
def set_mask(
Set the internal object mask.
This function updates the internal mask based on the supplied selection
criteria. This internal mask is primarily used to identify which rows of data
are "active", and will affect what some methods return to the user.
mask : ndarray of bool
Optional argument, of the same length as the MirMetaData object, where True
marks which index positions to set. Setting this will cause any arguments
passed to `where`, `header_key`, and `index` to be ignored.
where : tuple of sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `header_key`.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
header_key : sequence of ints or tuples
Optional argument, values to match against the header key field, in order to
determine which entries of the array to extract. For example, if the header
key field "hid" has the values [2, 4, 6, 8], setting this argument to [2, 8]
will set the mask at index positions [0, 3] to True. Cannot be specified
with `index` or `where`.
index : sequence of int
Optional argument, specifies the index positions at which to set the mask to
True. Cannot be specified with `header_key` or `where`.
reset : bool
If set to True, reset all values of the mask to True before updating the
mask. Default is False.
and_mask : bool
If set to True, then the mask generated by the selection criteria above will
be combined with the existing internal mask using an element-wise "and"
operation. If set to False, the two will instead be combined with an
element-wise "or" operation. Default is True (i.e., and the masks together).
if mask is None:
mask = self._generate_mask(
if reset:
self._mask[:] = True
mask = (self._mask & mask) if and_mask else (self._mask | mask)
if np.array_equal(self._mask, mask):
return False
self._mask = mask
return True
def get_header_keys(
Get the header keys based on selection criteria.
This function allows one to lookup (pseudo) header keys that match a given
set of criteria. Header keys are most commonly used to cross-link various
metadata objects.
use_mask : bool
If True, consider only data where the internal mask is marked True. Default
is True, unless an argument is supplied to `index` or `header_key`, in
which case the default is False.
where : tuple of sequence of tuples
Optional argument, each tuple is used to call the `where` method to identify
which index positions match the given criteria. Can be supplied as a
sequence of tuples rather than a single tuple, but each much be of length
3, where the first argument is the `select_field` argument, the second is
the `select_comp` argument, and the last is the `select_val` argument. See
the documentation of `where` for more details. Cannot be specified with
`index` or `header_key`.
and_where_args : bool
If set to True, then the individual calls to the `where` method will be
combined via an element-wise "and" operator, such that the returned array
will report the positions where all criteria are met. If False, results
are instead combined via an element-wise "or" operator. Default is True.
If supplied, the argument for `mask` will be combined with the output from
the calls to `where` with the same logic.
index : sequence of int
Optional argument, specifies the index positions at which to extract data
from the meta data. Cannot be specified with `header_key` or `where`.
force_list : False
Normally the header keys are returned as an iterable (ndarray in there
is a header key, otherwise a list of tuples), but if set to True, the output
will instead be a list of ndarray for each one of the fields within the set
of (pseudo) header keys.
header_key : ndarray or list
If `force_list=False`, then if the object has a normal header key, an
ndarray is returned with all keys that match the selection criteria,
otherwise a list of tuples is returned. If `force_list=True` or list of
ndarrays is returned -- one for each field in the (pseudo) header keys.
if self._header_key is None:
key = self._pseudo_header_key
key = [self._header_key] if force_list else self._header_key
return self.get_value(
return_tuples=(self._header_key is None) and (not force_list),
def _set_header_key_index_dict(self):
Set internal header key to index position dictionary attribute.
Note that this is an internal helper function, not intended for general users.
Generates a dictionary that can be used for mapping header key values to index
positions inside the data array.
self._header_key_index_dict = self.group_by(
self._pseudo_header_key if self._header_key is None else self._header_key,
def _generate_new_header_keys(self, other):
Create an updated set of header keys for a MirMetaData object.
Note that this function is not meant to be called by users, but instead is
low-level helper function for the object. This function allows for one to
create an updated set of header keys, such that their values do not conflict
with another MirMetaData object -- useful for situations where you would like
to combine the two objects together in some fashion.
other : MirMetaData object
Object of identical type, whose header key values are used for calculating
what the new header key values should be.
update_dict : dict
Dictionary of header key values, where the keys are the old set and the
values are the new set to be implemented. Note that if the object does not
have a header key, this will return an empty dict.
If the two objects are not of the same type.
# First up, make sure we have two objects of the same dtype
if type(self) != type(other):
raise ValueError("Both objects must be of the same type.")
# If no data are loaded, or if there is no header key, then this is basically
# a no-op -- hand back an empty dictionary in this case.
if (self._header_key is None) or (self._data is None):
return {}
idx_start = np.max(other._data[other._header_key]) + 1
idx_stop = idx_start + len(self)
index_dict = {
self._header_key: {
old_key: new_key
for old_key, new_key in zip(
self.get_header_keys(use_mask=False), range(idx_start, idx_stop)
return index_dict
def _sort_by_header_key(self):
Sort data array by header key values.
Note that this function is not designed to be called by users, but instead is
a low-level helper function for the object. Calling this function will sort the
metadata in the `_data` attribute by the (pseudo) header key, and will
regenerate the header key index dict accordingly. This function is most
most commonly used after combining two objects to guarantee that the data are
in the expected order.
sort_idx = np.lexsort(self.get_header_keys(use_mask=False, force_list=True))
# Check and see if the data are already sorted (and skip the work if so).
if not np.all(sort_idx[1:] > sort_idx[:-1]):
self._data = self._data[sort_idx]
self._mask = self._mask[sort_idx]
def group_by(
self, group_fields, use_mask=True, return_index=False, assume_unique=False
Create groups of index positions based on particular field(s) in the metadata.
This method is a convenience function for creating groups of data based on a
particular set of metadata.
group_fields : str or list of str
Field or list of fields to group the data by. Must be one of the fields
within the dtype of this object.
use_mask : bool
If True, consider only data where the internal mask is marked True.
return_index : bool
If False, return the header key values (or pseudo-key tuples) for each
element of the group. If True, return instead the index position of the
grouped data (if applicable). Note that the index positions are reported
after the mask is applied, such that the highest index position will be
equal to the sum of the mask values minus 1. Default is False.
assume_unique : bool
If set to True, assume that the value(s) of `group_field` are unique per
index position, and return the results without making any attempts at
grouping, which can produce a moderate increase in speed. Default is
group_dict : dict
A dictionary containing the unique groupings of data depending on the input
to `group_fields`. If a single str is provided, then the keys of the dict
will be the unique values of the field, otherwise the keys will be tuples
of the unique sets of metadata values for the grouping fields. The values
are is either an ndarray of index positions (if `return_index=True`), an
ndarray of header key values (if `return_index=True` and the object has a
valid header key), or a list of tuples (if `return_index=True` and the
object only has a pseudo-index), which correspond to the metadata entries
that match the unique key.
# Make this a list just to make it easier to program against.
if isinstance(group_fields, str):
group_fields = [group_fields]
# Get the data we want to group by and then use lexsort to arrange the data
# in order. This turns out to make extracting the index positions much faster.
group_data = self.get_value(group_fields, use_mask=use_mask)
index_arr = np.lexsort(group_data)
if not np.all(index_arr[1:] > index_arr[:-1]):
group_data = [data[index_arr] for data in group_data]
# If we have no data, then bail.
if len(index_arr) == 0:
return {}
# Otherwise, if we don't want the index array, fill in the header keys now.
if not return_index:
if use_mask and not np.all(self._mask):
index_arr = np.where(self._mask)[0][index_arr]
index_arr = self.get_header_keys(index=index_arr)
if assume_unique:
if len(group_fields) == 1:
return {key: value for key, value in zip(group_data[0], index_arr)}
return {tup[:-1]: tup[-1] for tup in zip(*group_data, index_arr)}
# Otherwise, check element-wise for differences, since that will tell us the
# boundaries for each "group" of data.
diff_idx = group_data[0][1:] != group_data[0][:-1]
for data in group_data[1:]:
diff_idx |= data[1:] != data[:-1]
# Need the start position for the first group, and we add 1 to the rest of the
# index values since the start positions are all offset by 1 thanks to the way
# that we sliced things above.
diff_idx = [0] + list(np.where(diff_idx)[0] + 1)
# Figure out how to "name" the groups, based on how many fields we considered.
if len(group_fields) == 1:
group_names = list(group_data[0][diff_idx])
group_names = list(zip(*[data[diff_idx] for data in group_data]))
# In order to cleanly slice the data, we record the last good index position,
# which will mark the beginning of the slice, with each subsequent list value
# marking the end of the slice (and in the next iteration, the start).
last_idx = diff_idx.pop(0)
# Finally, group together the data.
group_dict = {}
for idx, group in zip(diff_idx, group_names):
group_dict[group] = index_arr[last_idx:idx]
last_idx = idx
return group_dict
def reset_values(self, field_name=None):
Reset metadata fields to their original values.
Restores the original values for metadata that has been changed, when it has
been modified by set_value or __set_item__.
field_name : str or list of str
Optional argument, specifies which fields should be restored. Can be either
a single field (str) or multiple fields (list of str). Default is to restore
all values which have been changed.
If the specified field name(s) do not have a backup copy found in the
internal backup dictionary.
if field_name is None:
field_name = list(self._stored_values)
if isinstance(field_name, str):
field_name = [field_name]
for item in field_name:
if item not in self._stored_values:
raise ValueError("No stored values for field %s." % item)
for item in field_name:
self._data[item] = self._stored_values.pop(item)
def reset(self):
Reset a MirMeteData object.
Restores the object to a "pristine" state, similar to when it was first loaded.
Any changed fields are restored, and the mask is reset (selection criteria are
def _update_fields(self, update_dict, raise_err=False):
Update fields within a MirMetaData object.
Note that this is not a function designed to be called by users, but instead is
a helper function for other methods. This function will take a so-called
"update dictionary", which provides a way to map an existing set of values
for a given field to an updated one. This function is most typically called
when adding two different MirParser objects together, where multiple fields used
as header keys (or other types of indexes) generally need to be updated prior
to the add operation.
update_dict : dict
Dictionary containing the set of updates to be applied. The keys specify
the field name to be updated, and can either be given as a str (if a single
field is to be updated) or as a tuple of str (if a series of fields are to
be updated). The values of this dict are themselves dict, which map the
existing values (keys) to the updated values (value). Note that if multiple
fields were selected, both key and value for this lower-level dict should
be tuples themselves of the same length.
raise_err : bool
If set to True, then if the field names in `update_dict` have no match
in this object, an error is raised. Default is False, which means that
if no match is found for a particular entry, the method quietly moves on
to the next item.
If the keys of `update_dict` are not str or tuples of str, or if no matching
field names are found and `raise_err` is set to True.
rebuild_index = False
for field, data_dict in update_dict.items():
if not isinstance(field, (str, tuple)):
raise ValueError(
"update_dict must have keys that are type str or tuples of str."
# Check if we have a tuple, since it changes the logic a bit
is_tuple = isinstance(field, tuple)
# Check if we have a match for the field name
has_match = True
for item in field if is_tuple else [field]:
has_match &= item in self.dtype.fields
# If no match, and we want to raise an error, do so now.
if not has_match:
if raise_err:
raise ValueError("Field group %s not found in this object." % field)
# Otherwise, just move along.
# Check if we are modifying an index field, which will force us to reindex
rebuild_index |= np.any(np.isin(field, self._header_key))
rebuild_index |= np.any(np.isin(field, self._pseudo_header_key))
# Get the existing metadata now, returned as tuples to make it easy
# to use the update_dict
iter_data = self.get_value(field, return_tuples=is_tuple, use_mask=False)
# Note that with a complex dtype, passing _data a str will return a
# reference to the array we want, so we can update in situ.
arr_data = (
[self._data[item] for item in field] if is_tuple else self._data[field]
# Now go through each value (or tuple of values) and plug in updates.
for idx, old_vals in enumerate(iter_data):
if not is_tuple:
arr_data[idx] = data_dict[old_vals]
for subarr, new_val in zip(arr_data, data_dict[old_vals]):
subarr[idx] = new_val
except KeyError:
# If no matching key, then there is no update to perform
# If we have messed with an indexing field, then rebuild the header key index.
if rebuild_index:
def _add_check(self, other, merge=None, overwrite=None, discard_flagged=False):
Check if two MirMetaData objects contain conflicting header key values.
This method is an internal helper function not meant to be called by users.
It checks if the header keys for two objects have overlapping values, and if so,
what subset of each object's data to use when potentially combining the two.
other : MirMetaData
MirMetaData object to be compared to this object.
merge : bool
If set to True, assumes that the two objects are to be "merged", which in
this context means that they contain identical metadata, with just different
selection masks applied.If set to False, assume that the objects contain
unique data sets with unique header keys. By default, the method assumes
that each object could contain a subset of the other (i.e., a partial
overwrite : bool
If set to True, then when merging two objects (partial or whole), where
the two objects have identical header keys, the method will assume metadata
from `other` will be used to overwrite the metadata of this object,
bypassing certain checks. If set to False, the method will assume no changes
in metadata are allowed. The default is to assume that entries where the
internal mask are set to False are allowed to be overwritten.
discard_flagged : bool
If set to True, exclude from consideration entries where the internal mask
has been set to False. Default is False. Note that this cannot be used if
setting `merge=True`.
this_idx : list of int
Index positions denote which indices of metadata would be utilized from
this object if an __add__ operation were to be performed. Note that the
header keys for this set of index positions will be completely disjoint
from that of `other_idx` and `other`.
other_idx : list of int
Index positions denote which indices of metadata would be utilized from
`other` if an __add__ operation were to be performed. Note that the
header keys for this set of index positions will be completely disjoint
from that of `this_idx` and this object.
this_mask : ndarray of bool
Mask values for the index values in `this_idx`. Note that in the case of
overlapping keys between this object and `other`, the masks are "or'd"
other_mask : ndarray of bool
Mask values for the index values in `other_idx`. Note that in the case of
overlapping keys between this object and `other`, the masks are "or'd"
If there is overlap between header keys, but merging is not permitted, or
if merging fails because of differences between metadata values.
If `other` is a different class than this object, or if attempting to set
both `merge` and `discard_flagged` to True, or if setting `merge=True`,
but the header keys (and their respective index positions) are different.
# First up, make sure we have two objects of the same dtype
if type(self) != type(other):
raise ValueError("Both objects must be of the same type.")
if merge and discard_flagged:
raise ValueError("Cannot both merge and discard flagged data.")
# Grab copies of the metadata we need for various operations
index_dict1 = self._header_key_index_dict.copy()
index_dict2 = other._header_key_index_dict.copy()
this_mask = self._mask.copy()
other_mask = other._mask.copy()
# Do a quick check here if the dicts are the same. If so, there's a fair bit of
# optimization that we can leverage further down.
same_dict = index_dict1 == index_dict2
if merge and not same_dict:
raise ValueError("Cannot merge if header keys for the objects differ.")
# Deal w/ flagged data first, if need be
if discard_flagged and not (np.all(self._mask) and np.all(other._mask)):
# If nothing is flagged, then we can skip this, otherwise we need to
# go through entry by entry for the two dicts. Make same_dict as False
# now since they're no longer equal to the original dicts.
same_dict = False
# Note we call list here to instantiate a separate copy
for key, value in list(index_dict1.items()):
if not self._mask[value]:
_ = index_dict1.pop(key)
for key, value in list(index_dict2.items()):
if not self._mask[value]:
_ = index_dict2.pop(key)
# See if we have any overlapping keys
if same_dict:
key_overlap = list(index_dict1)
key_overlap = [key for key in index_dict1 if key in index_dict2]
# If we can't merge, then error now
if len(key_overlap) and not (merge or merge is None):
raise MirMetaError(
"Cannot add objects together if merge=False, since the two "
"contain overlapping header keys."
# Count the sum total number of entries we have
idx_count = len(index_dict1) + len(index_dict2)
# Assume that if key_overlap has entries, we are allowed to merge
if len(key_overlap):
# Go through the overlapping keys and see if we have any mismatches in mask
# state. If we do, then we "or" the mask elements together, which always
# results in a return value of True. Generate these indexing arrays once
# up front, so that we don't need build them redundantly for this_mask and
# other_mask.
idx1 = [index_dict1[key] for key in key_overlap]
idx2 = [index_dict2[key] for key in key_overlap]
this_mask[idx1] |= other_mask[idx2]
other_mask[idx2] = this_mask[idx1]
if overwrite:
# If we can overwrite, then nothing else matters -- drop the index
# positions from this object and move on.
_ = [index_dict1.pop(key) for key in key_overlap]
# Check array index positions for arr1 first, see if all are flagged
arr1_idx = (
... if same_dict else [index_dict1[key] for key in key_overlap]
arr2_idx = (
... if same_dict else [index_dict2[key] for key in key_overlap]
arr1_mask = self._mask[arr1_idx]
arr2_mask = other._mask[arr2_idx]
if (overwrite is None) and not np.any(arr1_mask & arr2_mask):
# If at each position at least one object is flagged, then drop the
# key flagged from that object (dropping it from self if both
# objects have that index flagged).
for key, arr1_good in zip(key_overlap, arr1_mask):
_ = index_dict2.pop(key) if arr1_good else index_dict1.pop(key)
# If the previous check fails, we have to do some heavier lifting.
# Check all of the entries to see if the values are identical for
# the overlapping keys.
comp_mask = self._data[arr1_idx] == other._data[arr2_idx]
if np.all(comp_mask):
# If all values are the same, then we can just delete all the
# overlapping keys from this object.
_ = [index_dict1.pop(key) for key in key_overlap]
elif overwrite is not None:
# If you can't overwrite, then we have a problem -- this will
# trigger a fail down below, since there are unremoved keys
# not dealt with in key_overlap.
# Finally, we are in a mixed state where we have to evaluate
# the entries on a case-by-case basis, and pass forward _some_
# keys from this object, and _some_ keys from the other object
# from the conflicted list.
for key, comp, mask1, mask2 in zip(
key_overlap, comp_mask, arr1_mask, arr2_mask
if comp or (not mask1):
# If equal values OR this obj's record is flagged
del index_dict1[key]
elif not mask2:
# elif the other obj's record is flag
del index_dict2[key]
# If neither of the above, break the loop, which will
# result in an error below.
# If you've gotten to this point and you still have unresolved overlap
# entries, then we have a problem -- time to raise an error.
if (idx_count - (len(index_dict1) + len(index_dict2))) != len(key_overlap):
raise MirMetaError(
"Cannot combine objects, as both contain overlapping index markers "
"with different metadata. You can bypass this error by setting "
this_idx = sorted(index_dict1.values())
other_idx = sorted(index_dict2.values())
return this_idx, other_idx, this_mask[this_idx], other_mask[other_idx]
def read(self, filepath):
Read in data for a MirMetaData object from disk.
filepath : str
Path of the folder containing the metadata in question.
if self._binary_dtype is None:
self._data = np.fromfile(
os.path.join(filepath, self._filetype), dtype=self.dtype
self._data = np.fromfile(
os.path.join(filepath, self._filetype), dtype=self._binary_dtype
self._mask = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool)
def _writefile(self, filepath, append_data, datamask=...):
Write _data attribute to disk.
This function is a low-level helper function, which is called when calling the
`write` method. It is broken out separately here to enable subclasses to
differently specify how data are written out (namely binary vs text).
filepath : str
Path of the folder to write the metadata into.
append_data : bool
If set to True, will append to an existing file, otherwise the method will
overwrite any previously written data.
datamask : ndarray of bool
Mask for selecting which data to write to disk. Default is the entire
array of metadata.
with open(filepath, "ab" if append_data else "wb+") as file:
if self._binary_dtype is None:
def write(self, filepath, overwrite=False, append_data=False, check_index=False):
Write a metadata object to disk.
filepath : str
Path of the folder to write the metadata into.
overwrite : bool
If set to True, allow the file writer to overwrite a previously written
data set. Default is False. This argument is ignored if `append_data` is
set to True.
append_data : bool
If set to True, will append data to an existing file. Default is False.
check_index : bool
Only applicable if `append_data=True`. If set to True and data are being
appended to an existing file, the method will check to make sure that there
are no header key conflicts with the data being written to disk, since
this can cause the file to become unusable. Default is False.
If a file already exists and cannot append or overwrite.
If attempting to append data, but conflicting header keys are detected
between the data on disk and the data in the object.
if not os.path.isdir(filepath):
writepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(filepath), self._filetype)
if os.path.exists(writepath):
if not (append_data or overwrite):
raise FileExistsError(
"File already exists, must set overwrite or append_data to True, "
"or delete the file %s in order to proceed." % filepath
# Just set these now to forgo the potential check below.
append_data = False
if append_data and check_index:
copy_obj = self.copy(skip_data=True)
idx_arr = self._add_check(
copy_obj, discard_flagged=True, overwrite=False
except MirMetaError as err:
# If we get this error, it means our (partial) merge has failed.
# Time to bail.
raise ValueError(
"Conflicting header keys detected with data on disk. Cannot "
"append data from this object to specified file."
) from err
if len(idx_arr) == 0:
# There's literally nothing to do here, so bail.
# Generate a mask based on the unique data entries.
datamask = self._generate_mask(index=idx_arr)
# If we haven't done so yet, create the data mask now.
datamask = ... if np.all(self._mask) else self._mask
self._writefile(writepath, append_data, datamask)
def _get_record_size_info(self, use_mask=True):
if isinstance(self, MirSpData):
# Each channel is 2 bytes in length
val_size = 2
# Each channel has two values (real + imag)
n_val = 2
# Each vis record has an extra int16 that acts as a common exponent
n_pad = 1
elif isinstance(self, MirAcData):
# Each channel is 4 bytes in length (float32)
val_size = 4
# Each channel has one values (real-only)
n_val = 1
# There are no "extra" components of auto records
n_pad = 0
raise TypeError(
"Cannot use this method on objects other than MirSpData"
"and MirAcData types."
# Calculate the individual record sizes here. Each record contains 1 int16
# (common exponent) + 2 * nch values.
rec_size_arr = val_size * (
n_pad + (n_val * self.get_value("nch", use_mask=use_mask).astype(int))
return rec_size_arr, val_size
def _recalc_dataoff(self, use_mask=True):
Calculate the offsets of each spectral record for packed data.
This is an internal helper function not meant to be called by users, but
instead is a low-level helper function. This function is used to calculate the
relative offset of the spectral record inside of a per-integration "packed
data array", which is what is recorded to disk. This method is primarily used
when writing visibility to disk, since the packing of the data (and by
extension, it's indexing) depends heavily on what records have been recorded to
disk. Note that operation _will_ modify the "dataoff" field inside of the
metadata, so care should be taken when calling it.
use_mask : bool
If set to True, evaluate/calculate for only those records where the internal
mask is set to True. If set to False, use all records in the object,
regardless of mask status. Default is True.
rec_size_arr, _ = self._get_record_size_info(use_mask=use_mask)
# Create an array to plug values into
offset_arr = np.zeros_like(rec_size_arr)
for index_arr in self.group_by(
"inhid", use_mask=use_mask, return_index=True
temp_recsize = rec_size_arr[index_arr]
offset_arr[index_arr] = np.cumsum(temp_recsize) - temp_recsize
# Finally, update the attribute with the newly calculated values. Filter out
# the warning since we don't need to raise this if using the internal method.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
"ignore", message='Values in "dataoff" are typically only used for'
self.set_value("dataoff", offset_arr, use_mask=use_mask)
def _generate_recpos_dict(self, use_mask=True, reindex=False):
Generate a set of dicts for indexing of data.
This is an internal helper function not meant to be called by users, but
instead is a low-level helper function. This function is used to calculate
internal indexing values for use in unpacking the raw data on disk, recorded
under the filename "sch_read".
use_mask : bool
If set to True, evaluate/calculate for only those records where the internal
mask is set to True. If set to False, use all records in the object,
regardless of mask status. Default is True.
reindex : bool
If set to True, evaluate/calculate ignoring the current indexing info,
instead relying upon record order and size for calculating the results.
Typically used for generating dicts for writing records to disk.
int_start_dict : dict
Dictionary with information about individual integrations, where the key
is matched to a integration header key ("inhid"), and the value is itself
a 3-element dictionary containing the keys "inhid" (header key as recorded
on disk, which is not _necessarily_ the same as in the object),
"record_size" (in bytes), and "record_start" (start position of the packed
data relative to the start of the file, in bytes), with all values recorded
as ints.
recpos_dict : dict
Dictionary containing per-spectral record indexing information. The keys
are values of "inhid", and the values are themselves dicts whose keys are
values of the spectral window header key ("sphid" for cross-correlations, or
"achid" for auto-correlations), the whole group of which are matched to a
particular "inhid" value. The values of this "lower" dict is yet another
dict, containing three keys: "start_idx" (starting position of the spectral
record in the packed data, in number of 2-byte ints), "end_idx" (ending
position of the spectral record), and "chan_avg" (number of channels ones
needs to average the spectrum over; default is 1).
rec_size_arr, val_size = self._get_record_size_info(use_mask=use_mask)
int_dict = {}
recpos_dict = {}
# Group together the spectral records by inhid to begin the process of
# building out sp_dict.
inhid_groups = self.group_by("inhid", use_mask=use_mask, return_index=True)
hkey_arr = self.get_header_keys(use_mask=use_mask)
# Divide by val_size here since we're going from bytes to number of vals
if not reindex:
dataoff_arr = self.get_value("dataoff", use_mask=use_mask) // val_size
# Begin putting together dicts now.
record_start = 0
for inhid in inhid_groups:
# Extract out the relevant spectral record group.
rec_idx = inhid_groups[inhid]
# We captured index values above, so now we need to grab header keys
# and record start/size information at each index position.
hkey_subarr = hkey_arr[rec_idx]
rec_size_subarr = rec_size_arr[rec_idx] // val_size
if reindex:
eidx_arr = np.cumsum(rec_size_subarr)
sidx_arr = eidx_arr - rec_size_subarr
sidx_arr = dataoff_arr[rec_idx]
eidx_arr = sidx_arr + rec_size_subarr
# Plug in the start/end index positions for each spectral record.
recpos_dict[inhid] = {
hkey: {"start_idx": sidx, "end_idx": eidx, "chan_avg": 1}
for hkey, sidx, eidx in zip(hkey_subarr, sidx_arr, eidx_arr)
# Record size for int_dict is recorded in bytes, hence the * chan_size here
record_size = eidx_arr.max() * val_size
int_dict[inhid] = {
"inhid": inhid,
"record_size": record_size,
"record_start": record_start,
# Note the +8 here accounts for 2 int32s that are used to mark the inhid
# and record size within the sch_read file itself.
record_start += record_size + 8
return int_dict, recpos_dict
class MirInData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-integration metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for per-integration metadata, using the header key
"inhid". When reading from/writing to disk, the object looks for a file named
"in_read", which is where the online system records this information.
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirInData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
super().__init__("in_read", in_dtype, "inhid", None, None, filepath)
class MirBlData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-baseline metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for per-baseline metadata, using the header key
"blhid". When reading from/writing to disk, the object looks for a file named
"bl_read", which is where the online system records this information. Note that
"per-baseline" here means per-integration, per-sideband, per-receiver/polarization.
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirBlData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
super().__init__("bl_read", bl_dtype, "blhid", None, None, filepath)
class MirSpData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-spectral window metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for per-spectral window metadata, using the header key
"sphid". When reading from/writing to disk, the object looks for a file named
"sp_read", which is where the online system records this information. Note that
"per-spectral window" here means per-integration, per-baseline, per-spectral
band number.
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirSpData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
super().__init__("sp_read", sp_dtype, "sphid", None, None, filepath)
class MirWeData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-integration weather metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for per-integration weather metadata, using the header key
"ints". When reading from/writing to disk, the object looks for a file named
"we_read", which is where the online system records this information.
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirWeData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
super().__init__("we_read", we_dtype, "ints", None, None, filepath)
class MirEngData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-antenna metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for per-antenna, per-integration metadata. When reading
from/writing to disk, the object looks for a file named "eng_read", which is where
the online system records this information. This object does not have a unique
header key, but instead has a pseudo key made up of the integration header ID
number ("inhid") and the antenna number ("antenna"), which should be unique for
each entry.
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirEngData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
"eng_read", eng_dtype, None, None, ("antenna", "inhid"), filepath
class MirAntposData(MirMetaData):
Class for antenna position information in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for antenna positions, which are recorded as a text file
within a Mir dataset named "antennas". It has a header key of "antenna", which is
paired to the antenna number in other metadata objects (e.g., "antenna",
"iant1", "iant2").
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirAntposData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
super().__init__("antennas", antpos_dtype, "antenna", None, None, None)
if filepath is not None:
def read(self, filepath):
Read in data for a MirAntposData object from disk.
filepath : str
Path of the folder containing the metadata in question.
with open(os.path.join(filepath, "antennas"), "r") as antennas_file:
temp_list = [
item for line in antennas_file.readlines() for item in line.split()
self._data = np.empty(len(temp_list) // 4, dtype=antpos_dtype)
self._data["antenna"] = np.int16(temp_list[0::4])
self._data["xyz_pos"] = np.array(
[temp_list[1::4], temp_list[2::4], temp_list[3::4]], dtype=np.float64
self._mask = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool)
def _writefile(self, filepath, append_data, datamask=...):
Write _data attribute to disk.
This method is an internal function which is called when calling the
`write` method. It is broken out separately here to enable subclasses to
differently specify how data are written out (namely binary vs text).
filepath : str
Path of the folder to write the metadata into.
append_data : bool
If set to True, will append to an existing file, otherwise the method will
overwrite any previously written data.
datamask : ndarray of bool
Mask for selecting which data to write to disk. Default is the entire
array of metadata.
# We need a special version of this for the antenna positions file since that's
# the only one that's a text file vs a binary file.
with open(filepath, "a" if append_data else "w+") as file:
for antpos in self._data[datamask]:
"%i %.17e %.17e %.17e\n"
% (
class MirCodesData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-track metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for various metadata, which typically vary per-integration
or not at all. When reading from/writing to disk, the object looks for a file named
"codes_read", which is where the online system records this information. This object
does not have a unique header key, but instead has a pseudo key made up of the
variable name ("v_name") and the indexing code ("icode").
The main feature of block of metadata is two-fold. First, it enables one to match
strings (for example, like that used for source names) to indexing values that are
used by other metadata types (e.g., isource in "in_read"). Second, it enables one
to record arbitrary strings that can be used to describe various properties of the
whole dataset (e.g., "filever", which denotes the version).
This object has several methods that are partially inherited from the MirMetaData
class, but are modified accordingly to enable better flexibility when attempting to
process these string "codes".
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirCodesData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
("icode", "v_name"),
self._mutable_codes = [
# These are codes that _cannot_ change between objects, otherwise it breaks
# some of the underlying logic of some code, and could mean that the files
# may have different metadata fields populated.
self._immutable_codes = ["filever", "pol"]
# These are v_names that match to particular indexing fields in other metadata
# files (with the values matching said fields).
self._codes_index_dict = {
"project": "iproject",
"ref_time": "iref_time",
"ut": "iut",
"source": "isource",
"ra": "ira",
"dec": "idec",
"stype": "isource",
"svtype": "isource",
"vrad": "ivrad",
"gq": "igq",
"pq": "ipq",
"tel1": "iant1",
"tel2": "iant2",
"pol": "ipol",
"rec": "irec",
"pstate": "ipstate",
"sb": "isb",
"band": "iband",
"ddsmode": "iddsmode",
def __getitem__(self, item):
Get values for a particular field using get_value.
field_name : str
Fields from which to extract data. Must match a field name in the data, or
a value for "v_name" within the metadata.
value_arr : ndarray or list of ndarrays or str or dict.
If `field_name` is one or more of "v_name", "code", "icode", or "ncode",
then this will be an ndarray if a single field name was selected, or list
of ndarray if multiple fields were selected. If giving a string which
matches an entry for "v_name", then the behavior is slightly different:
if a single entry is found (and "v_name" is not attached to a code that
is indexed in other metadata), then a str is returned that is the code
value for that entry. Otherwise, a dictionary mapping the indexing codes
(type int) and code string (type str) to one another.
if item in self.dtype.fields:
return super().__getitem__(item)
return self.get_codes(item)
def get_code_names(self):
Produce a list of code types (v_names) found in the metadata.
code_list : list of str
A list of all the unique code types, as recorded in the "v_name" field
of the metadata.
return sorted(set(self.get_value("v_name")))
def where(
self, select_field, select_comp, select_val, mask=None, return_header_keys=None
Find where metadata match a given set of selection criteria.
This method will produce a masking screen based on the arguments provided to
determine which entries match a given set of conditions.
select_field : str
Field or code type ("v_name") in the metadata to evaluate.
select_comp : str
Specifies the type of comparison to do between the value supplied in
`select_val` and the metadata. No default, allowed values include:
"eq" or "==" (equal to);
"ne" or "!=" (not equal to);
"lt" or "<" (less than);
"le" or "<=" (less than or equal to);
"gt" or ">" (greater than);
"ge" or ">=" (greater than or equal to);
"between" (between a range of values);
"outside" (outside of a range of values).
select_val : number of str, or sequence of number or str
Value(s) to compare data in `select_field` against. If `select_comp` is
"lt", "le", "gt", "ge", then this must be a single number. If `select_comp`
is "between" or "outside", then this must be a list 2 numbers. If
`select_comp` is "eq"/"==" or "ne"/"!=", then this can be either a single
value (number or string) or a sequence of numbers.
mask : ndarray of bool
Optional argument, of the same length as the MirMetaData object, which is
applied to the output of the selection parsing through an element-wise
"and" operation. Useful for combining multiple calls to `where` together.
return_header_keys : bool
If set to True, return a list of the header key values where matching
entries are found. Default is False if supplying a field name for
`select_field`, and True if supplying a code type for `select_field`.
return_arr : ndarray of bool or list
If `return_header_keys=False`, boolean array marking whether `select_field`
meets the condition set by `select_comp` and `select_val`. If
`return_header_keys=True`, then instead of a boolean array, a list of ints
(or tuples of ints if the MetaDataObject has only a pseudo header key)
corresponding to the header key values. Note that if a code type was
supplied for `select_field` and `return_header_keys` was not set to False,
then the function will return a list of the matching index codes ("icode")
for the given code type.
If `select_comp` is not one of the permitted strings, or if `select_field`
is not one of the fields within the metadata, or a valid code type. Also
raised if setting `select_comp` to anything but "eq" or "ne" when selecting
on a code type (other operations not allowed since they are nonsensical for
If `select_field` does not match the metadata field types or any of the
indexing codes.
if select_field in self.dtype.fields:
return super().where(
select_field, select_comp, select_val, mask, return_header_keys
if select_field not in self._codes_index_dict:
raise MirMetaError(
"select_field must either be one of the native fields inside of the "
'codes_read array ("v_name", "code", "icode", "ncode") or one of the '
"indexing codes (%s)." % ", ".join(list(self._codes_index_dict))
if select_comp not in ["eq", "==", "ne", "!="]:
raise ValueError(
'select_comp must be "eq", "==", "ne", or "!=" when '
"select_field is a code type."
# Convert select_val into a bytes object or sequence of bytes objects, since
# that's how they are read from disk.
if not isinstance(select_val, str):
select_val = list(select_val)
for idx, item in enumerate(select_val):
if not isinstance(item, str):
select_val[idx] = str(item)
except TypeError:
# Assume at this point that we are working with a single non-string
# entry (that we need to convert into)
select_val = str(select_val)
data_mask = np.logical_and(
super().where("v_name", "eq", select_field, mask, False),
super().where("code", select_comp, select_val, mask, False),
if return_header_keys or (return_header_keys is None):
return list(self.get_value("icode")[data_mask])
return data_mask
def get_codes(self, code_name, return_dict=None):
Get code strings for a given variable name in the metadata.
Look up the code strings for a given variable name (`v_name`), which typically
contain information about the data set as a whole, or information for mapping
indexing data from other MirMetaData objects to more easily understood strings
of text.
code_name : str
Name of the codes, a full listing of which can be provided by the method
return_dict : bool
If set to True, return a dict with keys and values that map code strings
to indexing values, and visa-versa. Useful for mapping values between
other MirCodesData and other MirMetaData object types. Default is None,
which will return a dict only if `code_name` has more than one entry or
has a known counterpart field in one of the other MirMetaData object types
(e.g., "source" maps to "isource" in MirInData).
codes : list or dict
If `return_dict=False`, then a list for all code strings is returned.
Otherwise, a dict is returned which maps both indexing codes to code strings
and visa-versa.
if code_name not in self.get_code_names():
raise MirMetaError(
"%s does not match any code or field in the metadata." % code_name
mask = self.where("v_name", "eq", code_name, return_header_keys=False)
codes = list(self.get_value("code", use_mask=False)[mask])
index = list(self.get_value("icode", use_mask=False)[mask])
if return_dict is None:
return_dict = (np.sum(mask) != 1) or (code_name in self._codes_index_dict)
if return_dict:
return {key: value for key, value in zip(codes + index, index + codes)}
return codes
def _generate_new_header_keys(self, other):
Create an updated set of pseudo header keys for a MirCodesData object.
Note that this function is not meant to be called by users, but instead is
is a low-level helper function for the object. This function allows for one to
create an updated set of pseudo header keys via an update to the indexing codes,
such that their values do not conflict with another MirCodesData object --
useful for situations where you would like to combine the two datasets together.
other : MirCodesData object
Object of identical type, whose header key values are used for calculating
what the new header key values should be.
update_dict : dict
Dictionary of pseudo header key tuples index code values, where the keys
are the old set and the values are the new set to be implemented. Note that,
if applicable, this dict will also contain entries that match to other
indexing fields (e.g., if the "source" codes were updated, the update
dictionary will also contain an entry for "isource", which can be used to
update values in the per-integration record metadata).
If the two objects are not of the same type.
# First up, make sure we have two objects of the same dtype
if type(self) != type(other):
raise ValueError("Both objects must be of the same type.")
index_dict = {}
this_vnames = self.get_code_names()
other_vnames = other.get_code_names()
# These are codes that are (annoyingly) tied together, where one index value
# is used to reference multiple code types.
skip_codes = {
"stype": (self["stype"], other["stype"]),
"svtype": (self["svtype"], other["svtype"]),
# If the two lists form the "skipped" codes are the same, then we can save
# ourselves a bit of work later on, so check this now.
same_skip = np.all([item == jtem for item, jtem in skip_codes.values()])
for vname in this_vnames:
# Don't worry about the "skipped" codes.
if vname in skip_codes:
# If the codes are identical, then also skip processing
if vname in other_vnames:
if (self[vname] == other[vname]) and (same_skip or (vname != "source")):
if vname in self._immutable_codes:
# If the codes are supposed to be identical, then we should have bailed
# by this point. Raise an error.
raise ValueError(
"The codes for %s in codes_read cannot change between "
"objects if they are to be combined." % vname
elif vname in other_vnames:
if not (vname in self._mutable_codes):
# If the code is not recognized as a mutable code, but not forbidden
# from changing, then just raise a warning and proceed.
"Codes for %s not in the recognized list of mutable codes. "
"Moving ahead anyways since it is not forbidden." % vname
temp_dict = {}
# This will return a dict that maps code string -> indexing value and
# indexing value -> code string for a given code type.
this_dict = self[vname]
other_dict = other[vname]
# Start the process of re-indexing the "icode" values
last_idx = 1
for key, value in this_dict.items():
if not isinstance(key, str):
# The dict contains both strings and ints, but we just want
# to deal with the strings in this process.
# See if we can find this code string in the other dict.
other_value = other_dict[key]
# We need to handle a special case here, due to the source
# index being applied across multiple codes.
if vname == "source":
for dict1, dict2 in skip_codes.values():
if dict1[value] != dict2[other_value]:
raise KeyError()
if value != other_value:
# Here we have to handle to case that the code string _is_
# found in the other dict, but not with the same index.
temp_dict[value] = other_dict[key]
except KeyError:
# If the code is _not_ found in the other dict, then we just
# want to pick and indexing code that won't cause a conflict.
# Loop through and pick the first positive unassigned value.
if value in other_dict:
while last_idx in other_dict:
last_idx += 1
temp_dict[value] = last_idx
last_idx += 1
# Store the results in our update dictionary.
if len(temp_dict):
index_dict[vname] = temp_dict
if vname == "source":
for item in skip_codes:
index_dict[item] = temp_dict
# We now have a list of updates we want to make, but we need to parse the dict
# in such a way that it can be used by _update_fields. The icode_dict will
# record entries for this object, while index_dict entries will be modified
# to match what we want for the other metadata objects.
icode_dict = {}
for key in list(index_dict):
# Remove the item from the dict temporarily.
temp_dict = index_dict.pop(key)
if key in self._codes_index_dict:
# If used as an indexing field, then put the name of the aliased field
# in as the key, and match it to our existing dict.
index_dict[self._codes_index_dict[key]] = temp_dict
for old_idx, new_idx in temp_dict.items():
# Use the tuple of (v_name, old_icode) to map to the new tuple
# (v_name, new_icode), which _update_fields will handle properly.
icode_dict[(key, old_idx)] = (key, new_idx)
# If there are any codes to update, then merge it into the main dict.
if len(icode_dict) > 0:
index_dict[("v_name", "icode")] = icode_dict
return index_dict
class MirAcData(MirMetaData):
Class for per-track metadata in Mir datasets.
This class is a container for per-auto correlation metadata using the header key
"achid". At present, this class is a "synthetic" metadata object, in that it does
not match to a natively written file on disk, as recorded by the online system
(although it will read and write to the filename "ac_read"). As such, this class
should be considered a "work in progress", whose functionality may evolve
considerably in future releases.
def __init__(self, filepath=None):
Initialize a MirAcData object.
filepath : str
Optional argument specifying the path to the Mir data folder.
self._old_fmt = False
self._old_fmt_int_dict = None
super().__init__("ac_read", ac_dtype, "achid", None, None, filepath)
def read(self, filepath, nchunks=8):
Read in data for a MirAcData object from disk.
filepath : str
Path of the folder containing the metadata in question.
nchunks : int
Number of chunks to assume are recorded in the auto-correlation data. Note
that this parameter is only used with the "old-style" files (i.e., where
"ac_read" and "ach_read" are not present in the Mir file folder).
old_ac_file = os.path.join(filepath, "autoCorrelations")
new_ac_file = os.path.join(filepath, self._filetype)
if not (os.path.exists(old_ac_file) and not os.path.exists(new_ac_file)):
self._old_fmt = False
self._old_fmt = True
file_size = os.path.getsize(old_ac_file)
hdr_dtype = np.dtype(
[("antenna", "<i4"), ("nChunks", "<i4"), ("inhid", "<i4"), ("dhrs", "<f8")]
# Cast this here just to avoid any potential overflow issues w/ shorter ints
nchunks = int(nchunks)
rec_size = 4 * 16384 * nchunks * 2
# This bit of code is to trap an unfortunately common problem with metadata
# of MIR autos not being correctly recorded.
if (file_size % (rec_size + hdr_dtype.itemsize)) != 0:
# If the file size doesn't go in evenly, then read in just the first
# record and try to figure it out.
nchunks = int(np.fromfile(old_ac_file, dtype=hdr_dtype, count=1)["nChunks"])
rec_size = 4 * 16384 * nchunks * 2
assert (
file_size % (rec_size + hdr_dtype.itemsize)
) == 0, "Could not determine auto-correlation record size."
# Pre-allocate the metadata array,
n_rec = file_size // (rec_size + hdr_dtype.itemsize)
ac_data = np.zeros(2 * nchunks * n_rec, dtype=ac_dtype)
# Set values that we know a priori
ac_data["nch"] = 16384
ac_data["isb"] = 1
ac_data["correlator"] = 1
# Grab some references to the values we need to plug in to.
dataoff_arr = ac_data["dataoff"]
antenna_arr = ac_data["antenna"]
chunk_arr = ac_data["corrchunk"]
antrx_arr = ac_data["antrx"]
inhid_arr = ac_data["inhid"]
dhrs_arr = ac_data["dhrs"]
int_dict = {}
last_inhid = None
last_pos = 0
rec_count = 0
with open(old_ac_file, "rb") as auto_file:
for idx in range(n_rec):
auto_vals = np.fromfile(
offset=rec_size if idx else 0, # Skip offset on first iteration
if auto_vals["inhid"] != last_inhid:
last_pos += rec_count * (rec_size + hdr_dtype.itemsize)
rec_count = 0
last_inhid = auto_vals["inhid"]
# Setup some slices that we'll use for plugging in values
rxa_slice = slice(idx * 2 * nchunks, (idx + 1) * 2 * nchunks, 2)
rxb_slice = slice(1 + (idx * 2 * nchunks), (idx + 1) * 2 * nchunks, 2)
ac_slice = slice(rxa_slice.start, rxb_slice.stop)
# Plug in the entries that are changing on a per-record basis
dhrs_arr[ac_slice] = auto_vals["dhrs"]
antenna_arr[ac_slice] = auto_vals["antenna"]
chunk_arr[rxa_slice] = chunk_arr[rxb_slice] = np.arange(1, nchunks + 1)
antrx_arr[rxa_slice] = 0
antrx_arr[rxb_slice] = 1
inhid_arr[ac_slice] = last_inhid
# Each auto record contains nchunks * nrec (always 2 here) spectra, each
# one 16384 values of 4-bytes a piece. The offset position is then the
# sum of the size of the precious records, plus the header size.
dataoff_rec = (np.arange(2 * nchunks) * 4 * 16384) + hdr_dtype.itemsize
# Also add the previous offset for the integration, and subtract 8
# to account for the packdata header size (which we are spoofing).
dataoff_rec += (rec_count * (rec_size + hdr_dtype.itemsize)) - 8
# Now plug in the dataoff values
dataoff_arr[ac_slice] = dataoff_rec
rec_count += 1
int_dict[auto_vals["inhid"]] = {
"inhid": auto_vals["inhid"],
"record_size": (rec_count * (rec_size + hdr_dtype.itemsize)) - 8,
"record_start": last_pos,
# Copy the corrchunk values to iband, since they should be the same here.
ac_data["iband"] = ac_data["corrchunk"]
self._data = ac_data
self._mask = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool)
self._old_fmt_int_dict = int_dict
Computing file changes ...