Revision 8bd3a37a229823889d73314f7d08e5afe247e22a authored by Gerardo Ganis on 03 August 2011, 12:35:55 UTC, committed by Gerardo Ganis on 03 August 2011, 12:35:55 UTC
   Import patches 40435 and 40436:
   - Make sure that connection error messages are displayed
   - Fix an unwanted truncation of authentication error messages

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
1 parent 70fb49b
Raw File

| NB: This legacy README file refers to a PROOF installation using the discontinued  |
|     'proofd' daemon.                                                               |
|     Reference documentation about the currently supported and developed daemon     |
|     based on the SCALLA/XROOTD framework, can be found at                          |
|                                  |

Installing and using the Parallel ROOT Facility -- PROOF

PROOF allows the parallel execution of ROOT scripts and the
parallel analysis of ROOT trees on a heterogeneous cluster.

To install and use PROOF on a cluster do the following:

0) Make sure each node in the cluster has /usr/local/root
   or /opt/root. This can be directly an un-tared binary
   distribution of ROOT or a link to a centrally installed
   copy of ROOT.

1) Add to /etc/services the lines:

   proofd          1093/tcp
   rootd           1094/tcp

2) Add to /etc/inetd.conf the lines:

   proofd stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/root/bin/proofd proofd -i /usr/local/root
   rootd stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/root/bin/rootd rootd -i

   Or when using xinetd add the following two files to /etc/xinetd.d:

   # file name: rootd
   # default: on
   # description: The rootd daemon allows remote access to ROOT files.
   service rootd
        disable = no
        socket_type             = stream
        wait                    = no
        user                    = root
        server                  = /usr/local/root/bin/rootd
        server_args             = -i /usr/local/root
        log_on_success          += DURATION USERID
        log_on_failure          += USERID

   # file name: proofd
   # default: on
   # description: The proofd daemon is used to startup PROOF.
   service proofd
        disable = no
        socket_type             = stream
        wait                    = no
        user                    = root
        server                  = /usr/local/root/bin/proofd
        server_args             = -i /usr/local/root
        log_on_success          += DURATION USERID
        log_on_failure          += USERID

   In above examples correct daemon path to reflect your setup.

   Restart (x)inetd or force it to re-read the config file
   (kill -1 <>).

3) (Optional) add to /etc/syslog.conf on the master node the line:

   local5,local6.debug     /usr/local/root/proof/log/proof.log

   and all slave nodes:


   where is domain name of the master node.
   All PROOF syslog messages will be collected on the master node.
   Just make one node in the cluster the master, all others are slaves.
   And change on all nodes the line:

   *.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none  /var/log/messages


   *.info;local5,local6,mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none  /var/log/messages

   Create an empty /usr/local/root/proof/log/proof.log.

   Restart syslogd or force it to re-read the config file
   (kill -1 <>).

4) Edit /usr/local/root/proof/etc/proof.conf to reflect your cluster
   configuration. See the example proof.conf file for more information.
   Use hostnames consistent with the configuration of the hosts
   (fully qualified or non-qualified names).

5) This is all. To test PROOF try the following:

   % root
   root [1] TProof::Open("<>")
   root [2] gProof->Print()
   <shows information on the master and all active slave servers>
   root [3] .q

6) (Optional) Edit /usr/local/root/proof/etc/motd  (Message of the day)
   The contents of this file will be displayed in the client when a
   PROOF session is started.

7) (Optional) To disable the use of the cluster temporarily you can
   create the file /usr/local/root/proof/etc/noproof. When a user
   tries to start a PROOF session the contents of the file will be
   displayed and no session will be started.


The /usr/local/root/proof/utils directory contains some useful
shell scripts for managing your cluster. They use the file
/usr/local/root/proof/etc/cluster.conf to define the hosts they
operate on.

(As an alternative, some people are happy using dsh (distributed
shell) from

Files distributed with /usr/local/root/proof/utils/push:

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