Revision 8c40ff8c8d774941b520ba9e2a0ad9e1fdf1ce11 authored by Prashant Pandey on 01 August 2017, 01:15:07 UTC, committed by Prashant Pandey on 01 August 2017, 01:15:07 UTC
1 parent 8760147
#include <stdlib.h>
#if 0
# include <assert.h>
# define assert(x)
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "gqf.h"
/* Can be
0 (choose size at run-time),
8, 16, 32, or 64 (for optimized versions),
or other integer <= 56 (for compile-time-optimized bit-shifting-based versions)
//#define BITS_PER_SLOT 12
* Code for managing the metadata bits and slots w/o interpreting *
* the content of the slots.
/* Must be >= 6. 6 seems fastest. */
#define NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK (1ULL<<12)
#define CLUSTER_SIZE (1ULL<<8)
#define METADATA_WORD(qf,field,slot_index) (get_block((qf), (slot_index) / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->field[((slot_index) % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) / 64])
#define BITMASK(nbits) ((nbits) == 64 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : (1ULL << (nbits)) - 1ULL)
#define MAX_VALUE(nbits) ((1ULL << (nbits)) - 1)
#define BILLION 1000000000L
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) qfblock {
uint8_t offset; /* Code works with uint16_t, uint32_t, etc, but uint8_t seems just as fast as anything else */
uint64_t occupieds[METADATA_WORDS_PER_BLOCK];
uint64_t runends[METADATA_WORDS_PER_BLOCK];
#if BITS_PER_SLOT == 8
uint8_t slots[SLOTS_PER_BLOCK];
#elif BITS_PER_SLOT == 16
uint16_t slots[SLOTS_PER_BLOCK];
#elif BITS_PER_SLOT == 32
uint32_t slots[SLOTS_PER_BLOCK];
#elif BITS_PER_SLOT == 64
uint64_t slots[SLOTS_PER_BLOCK];
#elif BITS_PER_SLOT != 0
uint8_t slots[SLOTS_PER_BLOCK * BITS_PER_SLOT / 8];
uint8_t slots[];
} qfblock;
static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void)
unsigned hi, lo;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
return ( (unsigned long long)lo)|( ((unsigned long long)hi)<<32 );
static inline bool qf_spin_lock(QF *qf, volatile int *lock, uint64_t idx, bool
struct timespec start, end;
bool ret;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &start);
if (!flag_spin) {
ret = !__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &end);
qf->wait_times[idx].total_time_single += BILLION * (end.tv_sec -
start.tv_sec) +
end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
} else {
if (!__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1)) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &end);
qf->wait_times[idx].total_time_single += BILLION * (end.tv_sec -
start.tv_sec) +
end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
} else {
while (__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1))
while (*lock);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &end);
qf->wait_times[idx].total_time_spinning += BILLION * (end.tv_sec -
start.tv_sec) +
end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
ret = true;
return ret;
/*start = rdtsc();*/
/*if (!__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1)) {*/
/*clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &end);*/
/*qf->wait_times[idx].total_time_single += BILLION * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;*/
/*} else {*/
/*while (__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1))*/
/*while (*lock);*/
/*clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &end);*/
/*qf->wait_times[idx].total_time_spinning += BILLION * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;*/
/*end = rdtsc();*/
* Try to acquire a lock once and return even if the lock is busy.
* If spin flag is set, then spin until the lock is available.
static inline bool qf_spin_lock(volatile int *lock, bool flag_spin)
if (!flag_spin) {
return !__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1);
} else {
while (__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1))
while (*lock);
return true;
return false;
/*static inline void qf_spin_lock(volatile int *lock)*/
/*while (__sync_lock_test_and_set(lock, 1))*/
/*while (*lock);*/
static inline void qf_spin_unlock(volatile int *lock)
static void modify_metadata(QF *qf, uint64_t *metadata, int cnt)
qf_spin_lock(qf, &qf->mem->metadata_lock,qf->num_locks, true);
qf_spin_lock(&qf->mem->metadata_lock, true);
*metadata = *metadata + cnt;
static inline int popcnt(uint64_t val)
asm("popcnt %[val], %[val]"
: [val] "+r" (val)
: "cc");
return val;
static inline int popcntv(const uint64_t val, int ignore)
if (ignore % 64)
return popcnt (val & ~BITMASK(ignore % 64));
return popcnt(val);
// Returns the number of 1s up to (and including) the pos'th bit
// Bits are numbered from 0
static inline int bitrank(uint64_t val, int pos) {
val = val & ((2ULL << pos) - 1);
asm("popcnt %[val], %[val]"
: [val] "+r" (val)
: "cc");
return val;
* Returns the position of the k-th 1 in the 64-bit word x.
* k is 0-based, so k=0 returns the position of the first 1.
* Uses the broadword selection algorithm by Vigna [1], improved by Gog
* and Petri [2] and Vigna [3].
* [1] Sebastiano Vigna. Broadword Implementation of Rank/Select
* Queries. WEA, 2008
* [2] Simon Gog, Matthias Petri. Optimized succinct data
* structures for massive data. Softw. Pract. Exper., 2014
* [3] Sebastiano Vigna. MG4J 5.2.1.
* The following code is taken from
const uint8_t kSelectInByte[2048] = {
8, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0,
1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0,
2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0,
1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0,
1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0,
2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0,
1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0,
1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 8, 8, 8, 1,
8, 2, 2, 1, 8, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 8, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2,
2, 1, 8, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 5, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1,
4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 4,
4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1,
3, 2, 2, 1, 5, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 8, 7, 7, 1, 7, 2,
2, 1, 7, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 7, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1,
7, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 5, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3,
3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 7, 6, 6, 1, 6, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 4, 4, 1,
4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2,
2, 1, 5, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2,
8, 8, 8, 3, 8, 3, 3, 2, 8, 8, 8, 4, 8, 4, 4, 2, 8, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 8, 8,
8, 5, 8, 5, 5, 2, 8, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2, 8, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 3,
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4, 2, 6, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 8, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 2, 6, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2,
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7, 3, 7, 3, 3, 2, 8, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 8, 7, 7, 5,
7, 5, 5, 2, 7, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2, 7, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3,
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static inline uint64_t _select64(uint64_t x, int k)
if (k >= popcnt(x)) { return 64; }
const uint64_t kOnesStep4 = 0x1111111111111111ULL;
const uint64_t kOnesStep8 = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
const uint64_t kMSBsStep8 = 0x80ULL * kOnesStep8;
uint64_t s = x;
s = s - ((s & 0xA * kOnesStep4) >> 1);
s = (s & 0x3 * kOnesStep4) + ((s >> 2) & 0x3 * kOnesStep4);
s = (s + (s >> 4)) & 0xF * kOnesStep8;
uint64_t byteSums = s * kOnesStep8;
uint64_t kStep8 = k * kOnesStep8;
uint64_t geqKStep8 = (((kStep8 | kMSBsStep8) - byteSums) & kMSBsStep8);
uint64_t place = popcnt(geqKStep8) * 8;
uint64_t byteRank = k - (((byteSums << 8) >> place) & (uint64_t)(0xFF));
return place + kSelectInByte[((x >> place) & 0xFF) | (byteRank << 8)];
// Returns the position of the rank'th 1. (rank = 0 returns the 1st 1)
// Returns 64 if there are fewer than rank+1 1s.
static inline uint64_t bitselect(uint64_t val, int rank) {
#ifdef __SSE4_2_
uint64_t i = 1ULL << rank;
asm("pdep %[val], %[mask], %[val]"
: [val] "+r" (val)
: [mask] "r" (i));
asm("tzcnt %[bit], %[index]"
: [index] "=r" (i)
: [bit] "g" (val)
: "cc");
return i;
return _select64(val, rank);
static inline uint64_t bitselectv(const uint64_t val, int ignore, int rank)
return bitselect(val & ~BITMASK(ignore % 64), rank);
static inline qfblock * get_block(const QF *qf, uint64_t block_index)
return &qf->blocks[block_index];
static inline qfblock * get_block(const QF *qf, uint64_t block_index)
return (qfblock *)(((char *)qf->blocks) + block_index * (sizeof(qfblock) +
qf->metadata->bits_per_slot /
static inline int is_runend(const QF *qf, uint64_t index)
return (METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, index) >> ((index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) % 64)) & 1ULL;
static inline int is_occupied(const QF *qf, uint64_t index)
return (METADATA_WORD(qf, occupieds, index) >> ((index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) % 64)) & 1ULL;
#if BITS_PER_SLOT == 8 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 16 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 32 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 64
static inline uint64_t get_slot(const QF *qf, uint64_t index)
assert(index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
return get_block(qf, index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->slots[index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK];
static inline void set_slot(const QF *qf, uint64_t index, uint64_t value)
assert(index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
get_block(qf, index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->slots[index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK] =
value & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
#elif BITS_PER_SLOT > 0
/* Little-endian code .... Big-endian is TODO */
static inline uint64_t get_slot(const QF *qf, uint64_t index)
/* Should use __uint128_t to support up to 64-bit remainders, but gcc seems to generate buggy code. :/ */
assert(index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)&get_block(qf, index /
SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->slots[(index %
return (uint64_t)(((*p) >> (((index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) * BITS_PER_SLOT) %
static inline void set_slot(const QF *qf, uint64_t index, uint64_t value)
/* Should use __uint128_t to support up to 64-bit remainders, but gcc seems to generate buggy code. :/ */
assert(index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)&get_block(qf, index /
SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->slots[(index %
uint64_t t = *p;
uint64_t mask = BITMASK(BITS_PER_SLOT);
uint64_t v = value;
int shift = ((index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) * BITS_PER_SLOT) % 8;
mask <<= shift;
v <<= shift;
t &= ~mask;
t |= v;
*p = t;
/* Little-endian code .... Big-endian is TODO */
static inline uint64_t get_slot(const QF *qf, uint64_t index)
assert(index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
/* Should use __uint128_t to support up to 64-bit remainders, but gcc seems to generate buggy code. :/ */
uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)&get_block(qf, index /
SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->slots[(index %
* qf->metadata->bits_per_slot / 8];
return (uint64_t)(((*p) >> (((index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot)
% 8)) & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot));
static inline void set_slot(const QF *qf, uint64_t index, uint64_t value)
assert(index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
/* Should use __uint128_t to support up to 64-bit remainders, but gcc seems to generate buggy code. :/ */
uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)&get_block(qf, index /
SLOTS_PER_BLOCK)->slots[(index %
* qf->metadata->bits_per_slot / 8];
uint64_t t = *p;
uint64_t mask = BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
uint64_t v = value;
int shift = ((index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot) % 8;
mask <<= shift;
v <<= shift;
t &= ~mask;
t |= v;
*p = t;
static inline uint64_t run_end(const QF *qf, uint64_t hash_bucket_index);
static inline uint64_t block_offset(const QF *qf, uint64_t blockidx)
/* If we have extended counters and a 16-bit (or larger) offset
field, then we can safely ignore the possibility of overflowing
that field. */
if (sizeof(qf->blocks[0].offset > 1) ||
get_block(qf, blockidx)->offset < BITMASK(8*sizeof(qf->blocks[0].offset)))
return get_block(qf, blockidx)->offset;
return run_end(qf, SLOTS_PER_BLOCK * blockidx - 1) - SLOTS_PER_BLOCK *
blockidx + 1;
static inline uint64_t run_end(const QF *qf, uint64_t hash_bucket_index)
uint64_t bucket_block_index = hash_bucket_index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t bucket_intrablock_offset = hash_bucket_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t bucket_blocks_offset = block_offset(qf, bucket_block_index);
// uint64_t bucket_intrablock_rank = bitrankv(get_block(qf, bucket_block_index)->occupieds, METADATA_WORDS_PER_BLOCK, bucket_intrablock_offset);
uint64_t bucket_intrablock_rank = bitrank(get_block(qf,
if (bucket_intrablock_rank == 0) {
if (bucket_blocks_offset <= bucket_intrablock_offset)
return hash_bucket_index;
return SLOTS_PER_BLOCK * bucket_block_index + bucket_blocks_offset - 1;
/* FIXME: Should handle offset overflow --- Ah screw it, just use 16-bit offset. That'll never overflow. */
uint64_t runend_block_index = bucket_block_index + bucket_blocks_offset /
uint64_t runend_ignore_bits = bucket_blocks_offset % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t runend_rank = bucket_intrablock_rank - 1;
// uint64_t runend_block_offset = bitselectv(get_block(qf, runend_block_index)->runends, METADATA_WORDS_PER_BLOCK, runend_ignore_bits, runend_rank);
uint64_t runend_block_offset = bitselectv(get_block(qf,
runend_ignore_bits, runend_rank);
if (runend_block_offset == SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) {
if (bucket_blocks_offset == 0 && bucket_intrablock_rank == 0) {
/* The block begins in empty space, and this bucket is in that region of empty space */
return hash_bucket_index;
} else {
do {
// runend_rank -= popcntv(get_block(qf, runend_block_index)->runends, METADATA_WORDS_PER_BLOCK, runend_ignore_bits);
runend_rank -= popcntv(get_block(qf,
runend_ignore_bits = 0;
// runend_block_offset = bitselectv(get_block(qf, runend_block_index)->runends, METADATA_WORDS_PER_BLOCK, runend_ignore_bits, runend_rank);
runend_block_offset = bitselectv(get_block(qf,
runend_ignore_bits, runend_rank);
} while (runend_block_offset == SLOTS_PER_BLOCK);
uint64_t runend_index = SLOTS_PER_BLOCK * runend_block_index + runend_block_offset;
if (runend_index < hash_bucket_index)
return hash_bucket_index;
return runend_index;
static inline int offset_lower_bound(const QF *qf, uint64_t slot_index)
const qfblock * b = get_block(qf, slot_index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK);
const uint64_t slot_offset = slot_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
const uint64_t boffset = b->offset;
const uint64_t occupieds = b->occupieds[0] & BITMASK(slot_offset+1);
assert(SLOTS_PER_BLOCK == 64);
if (boffset <= slot_offset) {
const uint64_t runends = (b->runends[0] & BITMASK(slot_offset)) >> boffset;
return popcnt(occupieds) - popcnt(runends);
return boffset - slot_offset + popcnt(occupieds);
static inline int is_empty(const QF *qf, uint64_t slot_index)
return offset_lower_bound(qf, slot_index) == 0;
/* static inline int is_empty(const QF *qf, uint64_t slot_index) */
/* { */
/* return get_slot(qf, slot_index) == 0 */
/* && !is_occupied(qf, slot_index) */
/* && !is_runend(qf, slot_index) */
/* && run_end(qf, slot_index) == slot_index; */
/* } */
static inline int might_be_empty(const QF *qf, uint64_t slot_index)
return !is_occupied(qf, slot_index)
&& !is_runend(qf, slot_index);
static inline int probably_is_empty(const QF *qf, uint64_t slot_index)
return get_slot(qf, slot_index) == 0
&& !is_occupied(qf, slot_index)
&& !is_runend(qf, slot_index);
static inline uint64_t find_first_empty_slot(QF *qf, uint64_t from)
do {
/* while (!probably_is_empty(qf, from)) */
/* from++; */
int t = offset_lower_bound(qf, from);
if (t == 0)
from = from + t;
} while(1);
return from;
static inline uint64_t shift_into_b(const uint64_t a, const uint64_t b,
const int bstart, const int bend,
const int amount)
const uint64_t a_component = bstart == 0 ? (a >> (64 - amount)) : 0;
const uint64_t b_shifted_mask = BITMASK(bend - bstart) << bstart;
const uint64_t b_shifted = ((b_shifted_mask & b) << amount) & b_shifted_mask;
const uint64_t b_mask = ~b_shifted_mask;
return a_component | b_shifted | (b & b_mask);
#if BITS_PER_SLOT == 8 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 16 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 32 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 64
static inline void shift_remainders(QF *qf, uint64_t start_index, uint64_t
uint64_t start_block = start_index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t start_offset = start_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t empty_block = empty_index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t empty_offset = empty_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
assert (start_index <= empty_index && empty_index < qf->metadata->xnslots);
while (start_block < empty_block) {
memmove(&get_block(qf, empty_block)->slots[1],
&get_block(qf, empty_block)->slots[0],
empty_offset * sizeof(qf->blocks[0].slots[0]));
get_block(qf, empty_block)->slots[0] = get_block(qf,
empty_offset = SLOTS_PER_BLOCK-1;
memmove(&get_block(qf, empty_block)->slots[start_offset+1],
&get_block(qf, empty_block)->slots[start_offset],
(empty_offset - start_offset) * sizeof(qf->blocks[0].slots[0]));
#define REMAINDER_WORD(qf, i) ((uint64_t *)&(get_block(qf, (i)/qf->metadata->bits_per_slot)->slots[8 * ((i) % qf->metadata->bits_per_slot)]))
static inline void shift_remainders(QF *qf, const uint64_t start_index, const
uint64_t empty_index)
uint64_t last_word = (empty_index + 1) * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot / 64;
const uint64_t first_word = start_index * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot / 64;
int bend = ((empty_index + 1) * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot) % 64;
const int bstart = (start_index * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot) % 64;
while (last_word != first_word) {
*REMAINDER_WORD(qf, last_word) = shift_into_b(*REMAINDER_WORD(qf, last_word-1),
*REMAINDER_WORD(qf, last_word),
0, bend, qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
bend = 64;
*REMAINDER_WORD(qf, last_word) = shift_into_b(0, *REMAINDER_WORD(qf, last_word),
bstart, bend, qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
static inline void qf_dump_block(const QF *qf, uint64_t i)
uint64_t j;
printf("%-192d", get_block(qf, i)->offset);
for (j = 0; j < SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; j++)
printf("%02lx ", j);
for (j = 0; j < SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; j++)
printf(" %d ", (get_block(qf, i)->occupieds[j/64] & (1ULL << (j%64))) ? 1 : 0);
for (j = 0; j < SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; j++)
printf(" %d ", (get_block(qf, i)->runends[j/64] & (1ULL << (j%64))) ? 1 : 0);
#if BITS_PER_SLOT == 8 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 16 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 32
for (j = 0; j < SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; j++)
printf("%02x ", get_block(qf, i)->slots[j]);
#elif BITS_PER_SLOT == 64
for (j = 0; j < SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; j++)
printf("%02lx ", get_block(qf, i)->slots[j]);
for (j = 0; j < SLOTS_PER_BLOCK * qf->metadata->bits_per_slot / 8; j++)
printf("%02x ", get_block(qf, i)->slots[j]);
void qf_dump(const QF *qf)
uint64_t i;
printf("%lu %lu %lu\n",
for (i = 0; i < qf->metadata->nblocks; i++) {
qf_dump_block(qf, i);
static inline void find_next_n_empty_slots(QF *qf, uint64_t from, uint64_t n,
uint64_t *indices)
while (n) {
indices[--n] = find_first_empty_slot(qf, from);
from = indices[n] + 1;
static inline void shift_slots(QF *qf, int64_t first, uint64_t last, uint64_t
int64_t i;
if (distance == 1)
shift_remainders(qf, first, last+1);
for (i = last; i >= first; i--)
set_slot(qf, i + distance, get_slot(qf, i));
static inline void shift_runends(QF *qf, int64_t first, uint64_t last,
uint64_t distance)
assert(last < qf->metadata->xnslots && distance < 64);
uint64_t first_word = first / 64;
uint64_t bstart = first % 64;
uint64_t last_word = (last + distance + 1) / 64;
uint64_t bend = (last + distance + 1) % 64;
if (last_word != first_word) {
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*last_word) = shift_into_b(METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*(last_word-1)),
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*last_word),
0, bend, distance);
bend = 64;
while (last_word != first_word) {
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*last_word) = shift_into_b(METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*(last_word-1)),
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*last_word),
0, bend, distance);
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, 64*last_word) = shift_into_b(0, METADATA_WORD(qf,
bstart, bend, distance);
static inline void insert_replace_slots_and_shift_remainders_and_runends_and_offsets(QF *qf,
int operation,
uint64_t bucket_index,
uint64_t overwrite_index,
const uint64_t *remainders,
uint64_t total_remainders,
uint64_t noverwrites)
uint64_t empties[67];
uint64_t i, j;
uint64_t ninserts = total_remainders - noverwrites;
uint64_t insert_index = overwrite_index + noverwrites;
if (ninserts > 0) {
/* First, shift things to create n empty spaces where we need them. */
find_next_n_empty_slots(qf, insert_index, ninserts, empties);
for (i = 0; i < ninserts - 1; i++)
shift_slots(qf, empties[i+1] + 1, empties[i] - 1, i + 1);
if (ninserts > 0)
shift_slots(qf, insert_index, empties[ninserts - 1] - 1, ninserts);
for (i = 0; i < ninserts - 1; i++)
shift_runends(qf, empties[i+1] + 1, empties[i] - 1, i + 1);
if (ninserts > 0)
shift_runends(qf, insert_index, empties[ninserts - 1] - 1, ninserts);
for (i = noverwrites; i < total_remainders - 1; i++)
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, overwrite_index + i) &= ~(1ULL <<
+ i) %
% 64));
switch (operation) {
case 0: /* insert into empty bucket */
assert (noverwrites == 0);
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) |=
1ULL << (((overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) %
case 1: /* append to bucket */
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, overwrite_index + noverwrites - 1) &=
~(1ULL << (((overwrite_index + noverwrites - 1) % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK) %
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) |=
1ULL << (((overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) %
case 2: /* insert into bucket */
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) &=
~(1ULL << (((overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) %
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid operation %d\n", operation);
if (ninserts > 0) {
for (i = bucket_index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK + 1; i <= empties[ninserts -
1]/SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; i++) {
if (get_block(qf, i)->offset < BITMASK(8*sizeof(qf->blocks[0].offset)))
get_block(qf, i)->offset += ninserts;
for (j = 0; j < ninserts -1 ; j++)
for (i = empties[ninserts - j - 1] / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK + 1; i <=
empties[ninserts - j - 2]/SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; i++) {
if (get_block(qf, i)->offset < BITMASK(8*sizeof(qf->blocks[0].offset)))
get_block(qf, i)->offset += ninserts - j - 1;
for (i = 0; i < total_remainders; i++)
set_slot(qf, overwrite_index + i, remainders[i]);
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->noccupied_slots, ninserts);*/
static inline void remove_replace_slots_and_shift_remainders_and_runends_and_offsets(QF *qf,
int operation,
uint64_t bucket_index,
uint64_t overwrite_index,
const uint64_t *remainders,
uint64_t total_remainders,
uint64_t nremovals)
uint64_t i;
for (i = 0; i < total_remainders; i++)
set_slot(qf, overwrite_index + i, remainders[i]);
if (is_runend(qf, overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) !=
is_runend(qf, overwrite_index + total_remainders + nremovals - 1))
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) ^= 1ULL
<< ((overwrite_index + total_remainders - 1) % 64);
uint64_t current_bucket = bucket_index;
uint64_t current_slot = overwrite_index + total_remainders;
uint64_t current_distance = nremovals;
/* FIXME: update block offsets */
while (current_distance > 0) {
if (is_runend(qf, current_slot + current_distance - 1))
do {
} while (current_bucket < current_slot + current_distance &&
!is_occupied(qf, current_bucket));
if (current_bucket <= current_slot) {
set_slot(qf, current_slot, get_slot(qf, current_slot + current_distance));
if (is_runend(qf, current_slot) !=
is_runend(qf, current_slot + current_distance))
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, current_slot) ^= 1ULL << (current_slot % 64);
} else if (current_bucket <= current_slot + current_distance) {
uint64_t i;
for (i = current_slot; i < current_bucket; i++) {
set_slot(qf, i, 0);
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, current_slot) &= ~(1ULL << (current_slot % 64));
current_distance = current_slot + current_distance - current_bucket;
current_slot = current_bucket;
} else {
current_distance = 0;
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->noccupied_slots, -nremovals);*/
* Code that uses the above to implement a QF with keys and inline counters. *
Counter format:
0 xs: <empty string>
1 x: x
2 xs: xx
3 0s: 000
>2 xs: for x != 0, b < x, c != 0, x
>3 0s: 0c...c00 for c != 0
static inline uint64_t *encode_counter(QF *qf, uint64_t remainder, uint64_t
counter, uint64_t *slots)
uint64_t digit = remainder;
uint64_t base = (1ULL << qf->metadata->bits_per_slot) - 1;
uint64_t *p = slots;
if (counter == 0)
return p;
*--p = remainder;
if (counter == 1)
return p;
if (counter == 2) {
*--p = remainder;
return p;
if (counter == 3 && remainder == 0) {
*--p = remainder;
*--p = remainder;
return p;
if (counter == 3 && remainder > 0) {
*--p = 0;
*--p = remainder;
return p;
if (remainder == 0)
*--p = remainder;
if (remainder)
counter -= 3;
counter -= 4;
do {
digit = counter % base;
digit++; /* Zero not allowed */
if (remainder && digit >= remainder)
digit++; /* Cannot overflow since digit is mod 2^r-2 */
*--p = digit;
counter /= base;
} while (counter);
if (remainder && digit >= remainder)
*--p = 0;
*--p = remainder;
return p;
/* Returns the length of the encoding.
REQUIRES: index points to first slot of a counter. */
static inline uint64_t decode_counter(const QF *qf, uint64_t index, uint64_t
*remainder, uint64_t *count)
uint64_t base;
uint64_t rem;
uint64_t cnt;
uint64_t digit;
uint64_t end;
*remainder = rem = get_slot(qf, index);
if (is_runend(qf, index)) { /* Entire run is "0" */
*count = 1;
return index;
digit = get_slot(qf, index + 1);
if (is_runend(qf, index + 1)) {
*count = digit == rem ? 2 : 1;
return index + (digit == rem ? 1 : 0);
if (rem > 0 && digit >= rem) {
*count = digit == rem ? 2 : 1;
return index + (digit == rem ? 1 : 0);
if (rem > 0 && digit == 0 && get_slot(qf, index + 2) == rem) {
*count = 3;
return index + 2;
if (rem == 0 && digit == 0) {
if (get_slot(qf, index + 2) == 0) {
*count = 3;
return index + 2;
} else {
*count = 2;
return index + 1;
cnt = 0;
base = (1ULL << qf->metadata->bits_per_slot) - (rem ? 2 : 1);
end = index + 1;
while (digit != rem && !is_runend(qf, end)) {
if (digit > rem)
if (digit && rem)
cnt = cnt * base + digit;
digit = get_slot(qf, end);
if (rem) {
*count = cnt + 3;
return end;
if (is_runend(qf, end) || get_slot(qf, end + 1) != 0) {
*count = 1;
return index;
*count = cnt + 4;
return end + 1;
/* return the next slot which corresponds to a
* different element
* */
static inline uint64_t next_slot(QF *qf, uint64_t current)
uint64_t rem = get_slot(qf, current);
while (get_slot(qf, current) == rem && current <= qf->metadata->nslots) {
return current;
static inline bool insert1(QF *qf, __uint128_t hash, bool lock, bool spin)
uint64_t hash_remainder = hash & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
uint64_t hash_bucket_index = hash >> qf->metadata->bits_per_slot;
uint64_t hash_bucket_block_offset = hash_bucket_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t hash_bucket_lock_offset = hash_bucket_index % NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK;
if (lock) {
if (!qf_spin_lock(qf, &qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK],
hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK, spin))
return false;
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE)) {
if (!qf_spin_lock(qf, &qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK+1],
hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK+1, spin)) {
return false;
if (!qf_spin_lock(&qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK], spin))
return false;
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE)) {
if (!qf_spin_lock(&qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK+1],
spin)) {
return false;
if (is_empty(qf, hash_bucket_index) /* might_be_empty(qf, hash_bucket_index) && runend_index == hash_bucket_index */) {
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, hash_bucket_index) |= 1ULL <<
(hash_bucket_block_offset % 64);
set_slot(qf, hash_bucket_index, hash_remainder);
METADATA_WORD(qf, occupieds, hash_bucket_index) |= 1ULL <<
(hash_bucket_block_offset % 64);
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->noccupied_slots, 1);*/
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->nelts, 1);*/
} else {
uint64_t runend_index = run_end(qf, hash_bucket_index);
int operation = 0; /* Insert into empty bucket */
uint64_t insert_index = runend_index + 1;
uint64_t new_value = hash_remainder;
/* printf("RUNSTART: %02lx RUNEND: %02lx\n", runstart_index, runend_index); */
uint64_t runstart_index = hash_bucket_index == 0 ? 0 : run_end(qf,
- 1) + 1;
if (is_occupied(qf, hash_bucket_index)) {
/* Find the counter for this remainder if it exists. */
uint64_t current_remainder = get_slot(qf, runstart_index);
uint64_t zero_terminator = runstart_index;
/* The counter for 0 is special. */
if (current_remainder == 0) {
uint64_t t = runstart_index + 1;
while (t < runend_index && get_slot(qf, t) != 0)
if (t < runend_index && get_slot(qf, t+1) == 0)
zero_terminator = t+1; /* Three or more 0s */
else if (runstart_index < runend_index && get_slot(qf, runstart_index
+ 1) == 0)
zero_terminator = runstart_index + 1; /* Exactly two 0s */
/* Otherwise, exactly one 0 (i.e. zero_terminator == runstart_index) */
/* May read past end of run, but that's OK because loop below
can handle that */
if (hash_remainder != 0) {
runstart_index = zero_terminator + 1;
current_remainder = get_slot(qf, runstart_index);
/* Skip over counters for other remainders. */
while (current_remainder < hash_remainder && runstart_index <=
runend_index) {
/* If this remainder has an extended counter, skip over it. */
if (runstart_index < runend_index &&
get_slot(qf, runstart_index + 1) < current_remainder) {
runstart_index = runstart_index + 2;
while (runstart_index < runend_index &&
get_slot(qf, runstart_index) != current_remainder)
/* This remainder has a simple counter. */
} else {
/* This may read past the end of the run, but the while loop
condition will prevent us from using the invalid result in
that case. */
current_remainder = get_slot(qf, runstart_index);
/* If this is the first time we've inserted the new remainder,
and it is larger than any remainder in the run. */
if (runstart_index > runend_index) {
operation = 1;
insert_index = runstart_index;
new_value = hash_remainder;
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
/* This is the first time we're inserting this remainder, but
there are larger remainders already in the run. */
} else if (current_remainder != hash_remainder) {
operation = 2; /* Inserting */
insert_index = runstart_index;
new_value = hash_remainder;
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
/* Cases below here: we're incrementing the (simple or
extended) counter for this remainder. */
/* If there's exactly one instance of this remainder. */
} else if (runstart_index == runend_index ||
(hash_remainder > 0 && get_slot(qf, runstart_index + 1) >
hash_remainder) ||
(hash_remainder == 0 && zero_terminator == runstart_index)) {
operation = 2; /* Insert */
insert_index = runstart_index;
new_value = hash_remainder;
/* If there are exactly two instances of this remainder. */
} else if ((hash_remainder > 0 && get_slot(qf, runstart_index + 1) ==
hash_remainder) ||
(hash_remainder == 0 && zero_terminator == runstart_index + 1)) {
operation = 2; /* Insert */
insert_index = runstart_index + 1;
new_value = 0;
/* Special case for three 0s */
} else if (hash_remainder == 0 && zero_terminator == runstart_index + 2) {
operation = 2; /* Insert */
insert_index = runstart_index + 1;
new_value = 1;
/* There is an extended counter for this remainder. */
} else {
/* Move to the LSD of the counter. */
insert_index = runstart_index + 1;
while (get_slot(qf, insert_index+1) != hash_remainder)
/* Increment the counter. */
uint64_t digit, carry;
do {
carry = 0;
digit = get_slot(qf, insert_index);
// Convert a leading 0 (which is special) to a normal encoded digit
if (digit == 0) {
if (digit == current_remainder)
// Increment the digit
digit = (digit + 1) & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
// Ensure digit meets our encoding requirements
if (digit == 0) {
carry = 1;
if (digit == current_remainder)
digit = (digit + 1) & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
if (digit == 0) {
carry = 1;
set_slot(qf, insert_index, digit);
} while(insert_index > runstart_index && carry);
/* If the counter needs to be expanded. */
if (insert_index == runstart_index && (carry > 0 || (current_remainder
!= 0 && digit >=
operation = 2; /* insert */
insert_index = runstart_index + 1;
if (!carry) /* To prepend a 0 before the counter if the MSD is greater than the rem */
new_value = 0;
else if (carry) { /* Increment the new value because we don't use 0 to encode counters */
new_value = 2;
/* If the rem is greater than or equal to the new_value then fail*/
if (current_remainder)
assert(new_value < current_remainder);
} else {
operation = -1;
if (operation >= 0) {
uint64_t empty_slot_index = find_first_empty_slot(qf, runend_index+1);
shift_remainders(qf, insert_index, empty_slot_index);
set_slot(qf, insert_index, new_value);
shift_runends(qf, insert_index, empty_slot_index-1, 1);
switch (operation) {
case 0:
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, insert_index) |= 1ULL << ((insert_index
% 64);
case 1:
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, insert_index-1) &= ~(1ULL <<
(((insert_index-1) %
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, insert_index) |= 1ULL << ((insert_index
% 64);
case 2:
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, insert_index) &= ~(1ULL <<
((insert_index %
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid operation %d\n", operation);
* Increment the offset for each block between the hash bucket index
* and block of the empty slot
* */
uint64_t i;
for (i = hash_bucket_index / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK + 1; i <=
empty_slot_index/SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; i++) {
if (get_block(qf, i)->offset < BITMASK(8*sizeof(qf->blocks[0].offset)))
get_block(qf, i)->offset++;
//assert(get_block(qf, i)->offset != 0);
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->noccupied_slots, 1);*/
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->nelts, 1);*/
METADATA_WORD(qf, occupieds, hash_bucket_index) |= 1ULL <<
(hash_bucket_block_offset % 64);
if (lock) {
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE))
return true;
static inline bool insert(QF *qf, __uint128_t hash, uint64_t count, bool lock,
bool spin)
uint64_t hash_remainder = hash & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
uint64_t hash_bucket_index = hash >> qf->metadata->bits_per_slot;
uint64_t hash_bucket_block_offset = hash_bucket_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t runend_index = run_end(qf, hash_bucket_index);
uint64_t hash_bucket_lock_offset = hash_bucket_index % NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK;
if (lock) {
/* take the lock for two lock-blocks; the lock-block in which the
* hash_bucket_index falls and the next lock-block */
if (!qf_spin_lock(qf, &qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK],
hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK, spin))
return false;
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE)) {
if (!qf_spin_lock(qf, &qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK+1],
hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK+1, spin)) {
return false;
if (!qf_spin_lock(&qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK], spin))
return false;
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE)) {
if (!qf_spin_lock(&qf->mem->locks[hash_bucket_index/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK+1], spin)) {
return false;
/* Empty slot */
if (might_be_empty(qf, hash_bucket_index) && runend_index ==
hash_bucket_index) {
METADATA_WORD(qf, runends, hash_bucket_index) |= 1ULL <<
(hash_bucket_block_offset % 64);
set_slot(qf, hash_bucket_index, hash_remainder);
METADATA_WORD(qf, occupieds, hash_bucket_index) |= 1ULL <<
(hash_bucket_block_offset % 64);
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->noccupied_slots, 1);*/
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->nelts, 1);*/
/* This trick will, I hope, keep the fast case fast. */
if (count > 1) {
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE))
insert(qf, hash, count - 1, lock, spin);
} else { /* Non-empty slot */
uint64_t new_values[67];
int64_t runstart_index = hash_bucket_index == 0 ? 0 : run_end(qf,
- 1) + 1;
if (!is_occupied(qf, hash_bucket_index)) { /* Empty bucket, but its slot is occupied. */
uint64_t *p = encode_counter(qf, hash_remainder, count, &new_values[67]);
&new_values[67] - p,
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
} else { /* Non-empty bucket */
uint64_t current_remainder, current_count, current_end;
/* Find the counter for this remainder, if one exists. */
current_end = decode_counter(qf, runstart_index, ¤t_remainder,
while (current_remainder < hash_remainder && !is_runend(qf, current_end)) {
runstart_index = current_end + 1;
current_end = decode_counter(qf, runstart_index, ¤t_remainder,
/* If we reached the end of the run w/o finding a counter for this remainder,
then append a counter for this remainder to the run. */
if (current_remainder < hash_remainder) {
uint64_t *p = encode_counter(qf, hash_remainder, count, &new_values[67]);
1, /* Append to bucket */
current_end + 1,
&new_values[67] - p,
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
/* Found a counter for this remainder. Add in the new count. */
} else if (current_remainder == hash_remainder) {
uint64_t *p = encode_counter(qf, hash_remainder, current_count + count, &new_values[67]);
is_runend(qf, current_end) ? 1 : 2,
&new_values[67] - p,
current_end - runstart_index + 1);
/* No counter for this remainder, but there are larger
remainders, so we're not appending to the bucket. */
} else {
uint64_t *p = encode_counter(qf, hash_remainder, count, &new_values[67]);
2, /* Insert to bucket */
&new_values[67] - p,
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts, 1);*/
METADATA_WORD(qf, occupieds, hash_bucket_index) |= 1ULL << (hash_bucket_block_offset % 64);
/*modify_metadata(qf, &qf->metadata->nelts, count);*/
if (lock) {
if (hash_bucket_lock_offset > (NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK - CLUSTER_SIZE))
return true;
/* inline static void _qf_remove(QF *qf, __uint128_t hash, uint64_t count) */
/* { */
/* uint64_t hash_remainder = hash & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot); */
/* uint64_t hash_bucket_index = hash >> qf->metadata->bits_per_slot; */
/* uint64_t hash_bucket_block_offset = hash_bucket_index % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK; */
/* uint64_t current_remainder, current_count, current_end; */
/* uint64_t new_values[67]; */
/* /\* Empty bucket *\/ */
/* if (is_occupied(qf, hash_bucket_index)) */
/* return; */
/* int64_t runstart_index = hash_bucket_index == 0 ? 0 : run_end(qf, hash_bucket_index - 1) + 1; */
/* /\* Find the counter for this remainder, if one exists. *\/ */
/* current_end = decode_counter(qf, runstart_index, ¤t_remainder, ¤t_count); */
/* while (current_remainder < hash_remainder && !is_runend(qf, current_end)) { */
/* runstart_index = current_end + 1; */
/* current_end = decode_counter(qf, runstart_index, ¤t_remainder, ¤t_count); */
/* } */
/* if (current_remainder != hash_remainder) */
/* return; */
/* uint64_t *p = encode_counter(qf, hash_remainder, */
/* count > current_count ? 0 : current_count - count, */
/* &new_values[67]); */
/* } */
* Code that uses the above to implement key-value-counter operations. *
void qf_init(QF *qf, uint64_t nslots, uint64_t key_bits, uint64_t value_bits,
bool mem, const char * path, uint32_t seed)
uint64_t num_slots, xnslots, nblocks;
uint64_t key_remainder_bits, bits_per_slot;
uint64_t size;
assert(popcnt(nslots) == 1); /* nslots must be a power of 2 */
num_slots = nslots;
assert(popcnt(nslots) == 1); /* nslots must be a power of 2 */
xnslots = nslots + 10*sqrt((double)nslots);
nblocks = (xnslots + SLOTS_PER_BLOCK - 1) / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
key_remainder_bits = key_bits;
while (nslots > 1) {
assert(key_remainder_bits > 0);
nslots >>= 1;
bits_per_slot = key_remainder_bits + value_bits;
assert (BITS_PER_SLOT == 0 || BITS_PER_SLOT == qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
assert(bits_per_slot > 1);
#if BITS_PER_SLOT == 8 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 16 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 32 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 64
size = nblocks * sizeof(qfblock);
size = nblocks * (sizeof(qfblock) + SLOTS_PER_BLOCK * bits_per_slot / 8);
qf->mem = (qfmem *)calloc(sizeof(qfmem), 1);
if (mem) {
qf->metadata = (qfmetadata *)calloc(sizeof(qfmetadata), 1);
qf->metadata->size = size;
qf->metadata->seed = seed;
qf->metadata->nslots = num_slots;
qf->metadata->xnslots = qf->metadata->nslots +
qf->metadata->key_bits = key_bits;
qf->metadata->value_bits = value_bits;
qf->metadata->key_remainder_bits = key_remainder_bits;
qf->metadata->bits_per_slot = bits_per_slot;
qf->metadata->range = qf->metadata->nslots;
qf->metadata->range <<= qf->metadata->bits_per_slot;
qf->metadata->nblocks = (qf->metadata->xnslots + SLOTS_PER_BLOCK - 1) /
qf->metadata->nelts = 0;
qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts = 0;
qf->metadata->noccupied_slots = 0;
qf->metadata->num_locks = (qf->metadata->xnslots/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK)+2;
qf->blocks = (qfblock *)calloc(size, 1);
} else {
int ret;
qf->mem->fd = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU);
if (qf->mem->fd < 0) {
perror("Couldn't open file:\n");
ret = fallocate(qf->mem->fd, 0, 0, size+sizeof(qfmetadata));
if (ret < 0) {
perror("Couldn't fallocate file:\n");
qf->metadata = (qfmetadata *)mmap(NULL, size+sizeof(qfmetadata), PROT_READ |
PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, qf->mem->fd, 0);
qf->metadata->seed = seed;
qf->metadata->nslots = num_slots;
qf->metadata->xnslots = qf->metadata->nslots +
qf->metadata->key_bits = key_bits;
qf->metadata->value_bits = value_bits;
qf->metadata->key_remainder_bits = key_remainder_bits;
qf->metadata->bits_per_slot = bits_per_slot;
qf->metadata->range = qf->metadata->nslots;
qf->metadata->range <<= qf->metadata->bits_per_slot;
qf->metadata->nblocks = (qf->metadata->xnslots + SLOTS_PER_BLOCK - 1) /
qf->metadata->nelts = 0;
qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts = 0;
qf->metadata->noccupied_slots = 0;
qf->metadata->num_locks = (qf->metadata->xnslots/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK)+2;
qf->blocks = (qfblock *)(qf->metadata + sizeof(qfmetadata));
/* initialize all the locks to 0 */
qf->mem->metadata_lock = 0;
qf->mem->locks = (volatile int *)calloc(qf->metadata->num_locks,
sizeof(volatile int));
qf->wait_times = (wait_time_data* )calloc(qf->metadata->num_locks+1,
/* The caller should call qf_init on the dest QF before calling this function.
void qf_copy(QF *dest, QF *src)
memcpy(dest->mem, src->mem, sizeof(qfmem));
memcpy(dest->metadata, src->metadata, sizeof(qfmetadata));
memcpy(dest->blocks, src->blocks, src->metadata->size);
/* free up the memory if the QF is in memory.
* else unmap the mapped memory from pagecache.
* It does not delete the file on disk for on-disk QF.
void qf_destroy(QF *qf, bool mem)
assert(qf->blocks != NULL);
if (mem) {
} else {
munmap(qf->metadata, qf->metadata->size + sizeof(qfmetadata));
void qf_close(QF *qf)
assert(qf->blocks != NULL);
munmap(qf->metadata, qf->metadata->size + sizeof(qfmetadata));
* Will read the on-disk QF using mmap.
* Data won't be copied in memory.
void qf_read(QF *qf, const char *path)
struct stat sb;
int ret;
qf->mem = (qfmem *)calloc(sizeof(qfmem), 1);
qf->mem->fd = open(path, O_RDWR, S_IRWXU);
if (qf->mem->fd < 0) {
perror("Couldn't open file:\n");
ret = fstat (qf->mem->fd, &sb);
if ( ret < 0) {
perror ("fstat");
if (!S_ISREG (sb.st_mode)) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s is not a file\n", path);
qf->metadata = (qfmetadata *)mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
qf->mem->fd, 0);
qf->blocks = (qfblock *)(qf->metadata + sizeof(qfmetadata));
void qf_reset(QF *qf)
assert(popcnt(nslots) == 1); /* nslots must be a power of 2 */
qf->metadata->nelts = 0;
qf->metadata->ndistinct_elts = 0;
qf->metadata->noccupied_slots = 0;
memset(qf->wait_times, 0, (qf->metadata->num_locks+1)*sizeof(wait_time_data));
#if BITS_PER_SLOT == 8 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 16 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 32 || BITS_PER_SLOT == 64
memset(qf->blocks, 0, qf->metadata->nblocks* sizeof(qfblock));
memset(qf->blocks, 0, qf->metadata->nblocks*(sizeof(qfblock) + SLOTS_PER_BLOCK *
qf->metadata->bits_per_slot / 8));
void qf_serialize(const QF *qf, const char *filename)
FILE *fout;
fout = fopen(filename, "wb+");
if (fout == NULL) {
perror("Error opening file for serializing\n");
fwrite(qf->metadata, sizeof(qfmetadata), 1, fout);
/* we don't serialize the locks */
fwrite(qf->blocks, qf->metadata->size, 1, fout);
void qf_deserialize(QF *qf, const char *filename)
FILE *fin;
fin = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
perror("Error opening file for deserializing\n");
qf->mem = (qfmem *)calloc(sizeof(qfmem), 1);
qf->metadata = (qfmetadata *)calloc(sizeof(qfmetadata), 1);
fread(qf->metadata, sizeof(qfmetadata), 1, fin);
/* initlialize the locks in the QF */
qf->metadata->num_locks = (qf->metadata->xnslots/NUM_SLOTS_TO_LOCK)+2;
qf->mem->metadata_lock = 0;
/* initialize all the locks to 0 */
qf->mem->locks = (volatile int *)calloc(qf->metadata->num_locks, sizeof(volatile int));
qf->blocks = (qfblock *)calloc(qf->metadata->size, 1);
fread(qf->blocks, qf->metadata->size, 1, fin);
bool qf_insert(QF *qf, uint64_t key, uint64_t value, uint64_t count, bool
lock, bool spin)
/*uint64_t hash = (key << qf->metadata->value_bits) | (value & BITMASK(qf->metadata->value_bits));*/
if (count == 1)
return insert1(qf, key, lock, spin);
return insert(qf, key, count, lock, spin);
uint64_t qf_count_key_value(const QF *qf, uint64_t key, uint64_t value)
__uint128_t hash = key;
uint64_t hash_remainder = hash & BITMASK(qf->metadata->bits_per_slot);
int64_t hash_bucket_index = hash >> qf->metadata->bits_per_slot;
if (!is_occupied(qf, hash_bucket_index))
return 0;
int64_t runstart_index = hash_bucket_index == 0 ? 0 : run_end(qf,
+ 1;
if (runstart_index < hash_bucket_index)
runstart_index = hash_bucket_index;
/* printf("MC RUNSTART: %02lx RUNEND: %02lx\n", runstart_index, runend_index); */
uint64_t current_remainder, current_count, current_end;
do {
current_end = decode_counter(qf, runstart_index, ¤t_remainder,
if (current_remainder == hash_remainder)
return current_count;
runstart_index = current_end + 1;
} while (!is_runend(qf, current_end));
return 0;
/* initialize the iterator at the run corresponding
* to the position index
bool qf_iterator(QF *qf, QFi *qfi, uint64_t position)
assert(position < qf->metadata->nslots);
if (!is_occupied(qf, position)) {
uint64_t block_index = position;
uint64_t idx = bitselect(get_block(qf, block_index)->occupieds[0], 0);
if (idx == 64) {
while(idx == 64 && block_index < qf->metadata->nblocks) {
idx = bitselect(get_block(qf, block_index)->occupieds[0], 0);
position = block_index * SLOTS_PER_BLOCK + idx;
qfi->qf = qf;
qfi->num_clusters = 0;
qfi->run = position;
qfi->current = position == 0 ? 0 : run_end(qfi->qf, position-1) + 1;
if (qfi->current < position)
qfi->current = position;
qfi->c_info = (cluster_data* )calloc(qf->metadata->nslots/32, sizeof(cluster_data));
qfi->cur_start_index = position;
qfi->cur_length = 1;
if (qfi->current >= qf->metadata->nslots)
return false;
return true;
int qfi_get(QFi *qfi, uint64_t *key, uint64_t *value, uint64_t *count)
assert(qfi->current < qfi->qf->metadata->nslots);
uint64_t current_remainder, current_count;
decode_counter(qfi->qf, qfi->current, ¤t_remainder, ¤t_count);
*key = (qfi->run << qfi->qf->metadata->bits_per_slot) | current_remainder;
*value = 0; // for now we are not using value
*count = current_count;
qfi->qf->metadata->nelts += current_count;
/*qfi->current = end_index;*/ //get should not change the current index
//of the iterator
return 0;
int qfi_next(QFi *qfi)
if (qfi_end(qfi))
return 1;
else {
/* move to the end of the current counter*/
uint64_t current_remainder, current_count;
qfi->current = decode_counter(qfi->qf, qfi->current, ¤t_remainder,
if (!is_runend(qfi->qf, qfi->current)) {
if (qfi->current > qfi->qf->metadata->nslots)
return 1;
return 0;
else {
/* save to check if the new current is the new cluster. */
uint64_t old_current = qfi->current;
uint64_t block_index = qfi->run / SLOTS_PER_BLOCK;
uint64_t rank = bitrank(get_block(qfi->qf, block_index)->occupieds[0],
qfi->run % SLOTS_PER_BLOCK);
uint64_t next_run = bitselect(get_block(qfi->qf,
if (next_run == 64) {
rank = 0;
while (next_run == 64 && block_index < qfi->qf->metadata->nblocks) {
next_run = bitselect(get_block(qfi->qf, block_index)->occupieds[0],
if (block_index == qfi->qf->metadata->nblocks) {
/* set the index values to max. */
qfi->run = qfi->current = qfi->qf->metadata->xnslots;
return 1;
qfi->run = block_index * SLOTS_PER_BLOCK + next_run;
if (qfi->current < qfi->run)
qfi->current = qfi->run;
if (qfi->current > old_current + 1) { /* new cluster. */
if (qfi->cur_length > 10) {
qfi->c_info[qfi->num_clusters].start_index = qfi->cur_start_index;
qfi->c_info[qfi->num_clusters].length = qfi->cur_length;
qfi->cur_start_index = qfi->run;
qfi->cur_length = 1;
} else {
return 0;
inline int qfi_end(QFi *qfi)
if (qfi->current >= qfi->qf->metadata->xnslots /*&& is_runend(qfi->qf, qfi->current)*/)
return 1;
return 0;
* Merge qfa and qfb into qfc
* iterate over both qf (qfa and qfb)
* simultaneously
* for each index i
* min(get_value(qfa, ia) < get_value(qfb, ib))
* insert(min, ic)
* increment either ia or ib, whichever is minimum.
void qf_merge(QF *qfa, QF *qfb, QF *qfc)
QFi qfia, qfib;
qf_iterator(qfa, &qfia, 0);
qf_iterator(qfb, &qfib, 0);
uint64_t keya, valuea, counta, keyb, valueb, countb;
qfi_get(&qfia, &keya, &valuea, &counta);
qfi_get(&qfib, &keyb, &valueb, &countb);
do {
if (keya < keyb) {
qf_insert(qfc, keya, valuea, counta, true, true);
qfi_get(&qfia, &keya, &valuea, &counta);
else {
qf_insert(qfc, keyb, valueb, countb, true, true);
qfi_get(&qfib, &keyb, &valueb, &countb);
} while(!qfi_end(&qfia) && !qfi_end(&qfib));
if (!qfi_end(&qfia)) {
do {
qfi_get(&qfia, &keya, &valuea, &counta);
qf_insert(qfc, keya, valuea, counta, true, true);
} while(!qfi_next(&qfia));
if (!qfi_end(&qfib)) {
do {
qfi_get(&qfib, &keyb, &valueb, &countb);
qf_insert(qfc, keyb, valueb, countb, true, true);
} while(!qfi_next(&qfib));
* Merge an array of qfs into the resultant QF
void qf_multi_merge(QF *qf_arr[], int nqf, QF *qfr)
int i;
QFi qfi_arr[nqf];
int flag = 0;
int smallest_i = 0;
uint64_t smallest_key = UINT64_MAX;
for (i=0; i<nqf; i++) {
qf_iterator(qf_arr[i], &qfi_arr[i], 0);
while (!flag) {
uint64_t keys[nqf];
uint64_t values[nqf];
uint64_t counts[nqf];
for (i=0; i<nqf; i++)
qfi_get(&qfi_arr[i], &keys[i], &values[i], &counts[i]);
do {
smallest_key = UINT64_MAX;
for (i=0; i<nqf; i++) {
if (keys[i] < smallest_key) {
smallest_key = keys[i]; smallest_i = i;
qf_insert(qfr, keys[smallest_i], values[smallest_i], counts[smallest_i],
true, true);
qfi_get(&qfi_arr[smallest_i], &keys[smallest_i], &values[smallest_i],
} while(!qfi_end(&qfi_arr[smallest_i]));
/* remove the qf that is exhausted from the array */
if (smallest_i < nqf-1)
memmove(&qfi_arr[smallest_i], &qfi_arr[smallest_i+1],
if (nqf == 1)
flag = 1;
if (!qfi_end(&qfi_arr[0])) {
do {
uint64_t key, value, count;
qfi_get(&qfi_arr[0], &key, &value, &count);
qf_insert(qfr, key, value, count, true, true);
} while(!qfi_next(&qfi_arr[0]));
/* find cosine similarity between two QFs. */
uint64_t qf_inner_product(QF *qfa, QF *qfb)
uint64_t acc = 0;
QFi qfi;
QF *qf_mem, *qf_disk;
// create the iterator on the larger QF.
if (qfa->metadata->size > qfb->metadata->size) {
qf_mem = qfb;
qf_disk = qfa;
} else {
qf_mem = qfa;
qf_disk = qfb;
qf_iterator(qf_disk, &qfi, 0);
do {
uint64_t key = 0, value = 0, count = 0;
uint64_t count_mem;
qfi_get(&qfi, &key, &value, &count);
if ((count_mem = qf_count_key_value(qf_mem, key, 0)) > 0) {
acc += count*count_mem;
} while (!qfi_next(&qfi));
return acc;
/* magnitude of a QF. */
uint64_t qf_magnitude(QF *qf)
return sqrt(qf_inner_product(qf, qf));
Computing file changes ...