Revision 8e35c3e18b3529d32e4a783ea60f5ae1e205c028 authored by carlosp420 on 18 February 2018, 13:38:44 UTC, committed by carlosp420 on 18 February 2018, 13:39:05 UTC
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# Research papers citing VoSeq

1. Bukontaite, R., Miller, K. B., & Bergsten, J. (**2014**). The utility of 
   CAD in recovering Gondwanan vicariance events and the evolutionary history of 
   Aciliini (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). *BMC Evolutionary Biology*, 14(1), 5.
   [doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-14-5](
1. Bukontaite R, Ranarilalatiana T, Randriamihaja JH, Bergsten J (**2015**).
   In or Out-of-Madagascar?—Colonization Patterns for Large-Bodied Diving Beetles
   (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). *PLoS ONE*, 10(3): e0120777.
   [doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120777](10.1371/journal.pone.0120777)
1. Cally S, Solbès P, Grosso B, Murienne J (**2014**) An occurence records 
   database of French Guiana harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones). *Biodiversity 
   Data Journal*, 2: e4244.
   [doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e4244](

2. Doorenweerd C, van Nieukerken EJ, Menken SBJ (**2015**) A Global Phylogeny of
   Leafmining *Ectoedemia* Moths (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae): Exploring Host
   Plant Family Shifts and Allopatry as Drivers of Speciation. *PLoS ONE* 10(3):
   e0119586. [doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119586]( 

1. Heikkilä, M. (**2014**). Systematizing morphology: a total evidence 
   approach to ditrysian phylogenetics (Lepidoptera). University of Helsinki. 
   PhD thesis.
1. Heikkilä, M., Mutanen, M., Kekkonen, M., & Kaila, L. (**2013**). Morphology 
   reinforces proposed molecular phylogenetic affinities: a revised 
   classification for Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera). *Cladistics*, 30(6), 563–589.
   [doi: 10.1111/cla.12064](
1. Heikkilä, M., Mutanen, M., Wahlberg, N., Sihvonen, P., & Kaila, L. (**2015**).
   Elusive ditrysian phylogeny: an account of combining systematized morphology
   with molecular data (Lepidoptera). *BMC evolutionary biology*, 15(1), 260.
   [doi: 10.1186/s12862-015-0520-0](
1. Hoyt, C. A. (**2014**). The Spotless Comma (*Polygonia haroldii*): a new species 
   for the United States.  *News of the Lepidopterists' Society*, 56(1): 14-15, 33.
1. Kaila, L., Epstein, M. E., Heikkilä, M., & Mutanen, M. (**2013**). The
   assignment of Prodidactidae to Hyblaeoidea, with remarks on Thyridoidea
   (Lepidoptera). *Zootaxa*, 3682(3), 485-494. 
1. Kaminski, L. A., Soares, G. R., Seraphim, N., Wahlberg, N., Marini-Filho, 
   O. J., & Freitas, A. V. Natural history and systematic position of
   *Rhetus belphegor* (n. comb.) (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae), an endangered butterfly 
   with narrow distribution in Southeast Brazil. *Journal of Insect Conservation*,
   19(6): 1141-1151. 
   [doi: 10.1007/s10841-015-9829-7](
1. Karsholt, O., Mutanen, M., Lee, S., & Kaila, L. (**2013**). A molecular 
   analysis of the Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea) with an 
   interpretative grouping of its taxa. *Systematic Entomology*, 38(2), 
   [doi: 10.1111/syen.12006](
2. Kristensen, N. P., Hilton, D. J., Kallies, A., Milla, L., Rota, J., Wahlberg, N.,
   Wilcox, S. A., Glatz, R. V., Young, D. A., Cocking, G., Edwards, T.,
   Gibbs, G. W. & Halsey, M. (**2015**). A new extant family of primitive moths
   from Kangaroo Island, Australia, and its significance for understanding
   early Lepidoptera evolution. *Systematic Entomology*, 40: 5–16. 
   [doi: 10.1111/syen.12115](
2. Malm, T., Johanson, K. A., & Wahlberg, N. (**2013**). The evolutionary 
   history of Trichoptera (Insecta): A case of successful adaptation to life in 
   freshwater. *Systematic Entomology*, 38(3), 459-473. 
   [doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2012.09.005](
3. Malm, T., & Nyman, T. (**2015**). Phylogeny of the symphytan grade of 
   Hymenoptera: new pieces into the old jigsaw (fly) puzzle. *Cladistics*,
   31(1), 1–17.
   [doi: 10.1111/cla.12069](
3. Matos-Maraví, P., Águila, R. N., Peña, C., Miller, J. Y., Sourakov, A., 
   & Wahlberg, N. (**2014**). Causes of endemic radiation in the Caribbean: 
   evidence from the historical biogeography and diversification of the 
   butterfly genus *Calisto* (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini). *BMC 
   Evolutionary Biology*, 14(1), 199. 
3. Matos-Maraví, P. F., Peña, C., Willmott, K. R., Freitas, A. V., 
   & Wahlberg, N. (**2013**). Systematics and evolutionary history of 
   butterflies in the *Taygetis clade* (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Euptychiina):
   Towards a  better understanding of Neotropical biogeography. *Molecular 
   phylogenetics and evolution*, 66(1), 54-68.
   [doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2012.09.005](
3. Pellinen, M. J., & Wahlberg, N. (**2015**). A new species of *Niganda* Moore,
   1879 from Thailand, with descriptions of variation in male genitalia and 
   female facies of *N. radialis* Moore (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae, Ceirinae).
   *Zootaxa*, 4033(1): 94-102.
   [doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4033.1.4](
3. Peña, C., Witthauer, H., Klečková, I., Fric, Z. & Wahlberg, N. (**2015**). Adaptive
   Radiations in Butterflies: Evolutionary History of the Genus Erebia (Nymphalidae:
   Satyrinae). *Biological Journal of the Linnean Society*,
   [doi: 10.1111/bij.12597](

4. Müller, C. J., Matos‐Maraví, P. F., & Beheregaray, L. B. (**2013**). Delving 
   into *Delias* Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pieridae): fine‐scale biogeography, 
   phylogenetics and systematics of the world's largest butterfly genus. 
   *Journal of Biogeography*, 40(5), 881-893.
   [doi: 10.1111/jbi.12040](
4. Rey Fraile, I. (**2014**). La conservación del patrimonio genético: 
   Colecciones de ADN y tejidos. UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID. PhD thesis.
4. Rota, J., & Miller, S. E. (**2013**). A new genus of metalmark moths 
   (Lepidoptera, Choreutidae) with Afrotropical and Australasian distribution.
   ZooKeys, (355), 29.
1. Sorger, D. M. (**2015**). On ants, islands and evolution. NORTH CAROLINA

1. Stigenberg, J., Boring, C. A., & Ronquist, F. (**2015**). Phylogeny of the 
   parasitic wasp subfamily Euphorinae (Braconidae) and evolution of its host 
   preferences. *Systematic Entomology*, 40(3): 570-591. 
   [doi: 10.1111/syen.12122](
1. Talaga, S., Murienne, J., Dejean, A., & Leroy, C. (**2015**). Online database
   for mosquito (Diptera, Culicidae) occurrence records in French Guiana. 
   *ZooKeys*, 532: 107-115. 
   [doi: 10.3897/zookeys.532.6176](

1. Toth, J. P., Bereczki, J., Varga, Z., Rota, J., Sramko, G., & Wahlberg, 
   N. (**2014**). Relationships within the *Melitaea phoebe* species group 
   (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): new insights from molecular and morphometric 
   information. *Systematic Entomology*, 39(4), 749-757. 
   [doi: 10.1111/syen.12083](
5. Wahlberg, E., & Johanson, K. A. (**2014**). The age, ancestral distribution
   and radiation of *Chimarra* (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) using  molecular
   methods. *Molecular phylogenetics and evolution*, 79, 433-442.
   [doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.06.023](
5. Wahlberg, N., Rota, J., Braby, M. F., Pierce, N. E., & Wheat,  C. W.
   (**2014**). Revised systematics and higher classification of pierid 
   butterflies (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) based on molecular data. *Zoologica 
   Scripta*, 43(6), 641-650. 
5. Wilson, J. J., Sing, K. W., & Sofian-Azirun, M. (**2013**). Building a DNA 
   Barcode Reference Library for the True Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of 
   Peninsula Malaysia: What about the Subspecies?. *PLOS ONE*, 8(11), e79969.
   [doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079969](

6. Zaspel, J. M., Weller, S. J., Wardwell, C. T., Zahiri, R., & Wahlberg,  N.
   (**2014**). Phylogeny and Evolution of Pharmacophagy in Tiger Moths 
   (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). *PLOS ONE*, 9(7), e101975.
   [doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101975](
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