Revision 8e6d288a6fe8c342b36cb25b8457f774ddad09bb authored by Gilberto Bertin on 20 June 2024, 14:32:57 UTC, committed by christarazi on 20 June 2024, 18:58:04 UTC
Signed-off-by: Gilberto Bertin <>
1 parent 8c745b2
Raw File
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright Authors of Cilium

package egressgateway

import (


	identityCache ""
	cilium_api_v2 ""
	k8sTypes ""
	nodeTypes ""

var (
	log = logging.DefaultLogger.WithField(logfields.LogSubsys, "egressgateway")
	// GatewayNotFoundIPv4 is a special IP value used as gatewayIP in the BPF policy
	// map to indicate no gateway was found for the given policy
	GatewayNotFoundIPv4 = netip.IPv4Unspecified()
	// ExcludedCIDRIPv4 is a special IP value used as gatewayIP in the BPF policy map
	// to indicate the entry is for an excluded CIDR and should skip egress gateway
	ExcludedCIDRIPv4 = netip.MustParseAddr("")

// Cell provides a [Manager] for consumption with hive.
var Cell = cell.Module(
	"Egress Gateway allows originating traffic from specific IPv4 addresses",

type eventType int

const (
	eventNone = eventType(1 << iota)

type Config struct {
	// Default amount of time between triggers of egress gateway state
	// reconciliations are invoked
	EgressGatewayReconciliationTriggerInterval time.Duration

var defaultConfig = Config{
	EgressGatewayReconciliationTriggerInterval: 1 * time.Second,

func (def Config) Flags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
	flags.Duration("egress-gateway-reconciliation-trigger-interval", def.EgressGatewayReconciliationTriggerInterval, "Time between triggers of egress gateway state reconciliations")

// The egressgateway manager stores the internal data tracking the node, policy,
// endpoint, and lease mappings. It also hooks up all the callbacks to update
// egress bpf policy map accordingly.
type Manager struct {

	// allCachesSynced is true when all k8s objects we depend on have had
	// their initial state synced.
	allCachesSynced bool

	// nodes stores nodes sorted by their name. The entries are sorted
	// to ensure consistent gateway selection across all agents.
	nodes []nodeTypes.Node

	// policies allows reading policy CRD from k8s.
	policies resource.Resource[*Policy]

	// nodesResource allows reading node CRD from k8s.
	ciliumNodes resource.Resource[*cilium_api_v2.CiliumNode]

	// endpoints allows reading endpoint CRD from k8s.
	endpoints resource.Resource[*k8sTypes.CiliumEndpoint]

	// policyConfigs stores policy configs indexed by policyID
	policyConfigs map[policyID]*PolicyConfig

	// policyConfigsBySourceIP stores slices of policy configs indexed by
	// the policies' source/endpoint IPs
	policyConfigsBySourceIP map[string][]*PolicyConfig

	// epDataStore stores endpointId to endpoint metadata mapping
	epDataStore map[endpointID]*endpointMetadata

	// identityAllocator is used to fetch identity labels for endpoint updates
	identityAllocator identityCache.IdentityAllocator

	// policyMap communicates the active policies to the datapath.
	policyMap egressmap.PolicyMap

	// reconciliationTriggerInterval is the amount of time between triggers
	// of reconciliations are invoked
	reconciliationTriggerInterval time.Duration

	// eventsBitmap is a bitmap that tracks which type of events has been
	// received by the manager (e.g. node added or policy removed) since the
	// last invocation of the reconciliation logic
	eventsBitmap eventType

	// reconciliationTrigger is the trigger used to reconcile the state of
	// the node with the desired egress gateway state.
	// The trigger is used to batch multiple updates together
	reconciliationTrigger *trigger.Trigger

	// reconciliationEventsCount keeps track of how many reconciliation
	// events have occoured
	reconciliationEventsCount atomic.Uint64

	sysctl sysctl.Sysctl

type Params struct {

	Config            Config
	DaemonConfig      *option.DaemonConfig
	IdentityAllocator identityCache.IdentityAllocator
	PolicyMap         egressmap.PolicyMap
	Policies          resource.Resource[*Policy]
	Nodes             resource.Resource[*cilium_api_v2.CiliumNode]
	Endpoints         resource.Resource[*k8sTypes.CiliumEndpoint]
	Sysctl            sysctl.Sysctl

	Lifecycle cell.Lifecycle

func NewEgressGatewayManager(p Params) (out struct {

}, err error) {
	dcfg := p.DaemonConfig

	if !dcfg.EnableIPv4EgressGateway {
		return out, nil

	if dcfg.IdentityAllocationMode == option.IdentityAllocationModeKVstore {
		return out, errors.New("egress gateway is not supported in KV store identity allocation mode")

	if dcfg.EnableHighScaleIPcache {
		return out, errors.New("egress gateway is not supported in high scale IPcache mode")

	if dcfg.EnableCiliumEndpointSlice {
		return out, errors.New("egress gateway is not supported in combination with the CiliumEndpointSlice feature")

	if !dcfg.EnableIPv4Masquerade || !dcfg.EnableBPFMasquerade {
		return out, fmt.Errorf("egress gateway requires --%s=\"true\" and --%s=\"true\"", option.EnableIPv4Masquerade, option.EnableBPFMasquerade)

	out.Manager, err = newEgressGatewayManager(p)
	if err != nil {
		return out, err

	out.NodeDefines = map[string]string{

	out.EnablerOut = tunnel.NewEnabler(true)

	return out, nil

func newEgressGatewayManager(p Params) (*Manager, error) {
	manager := &Manager{
		policyConfigs:                 make(map[policyID]*PolicyConfig),
		policyConfigsBySourceIP:       make(map[string][]*PolicyConfig),
		epDataStore:                   make(map[endpointID]*endpointMetadata),
		identityAllocator:             p.IdentityAllocator,
		reconciliationTriggerInterval: p.Config.EgressGatewayReconciliationTriggerInterval,
		policyMap:                     p.PolicyMap,
		policies:                      p.Policies,
		ciliumNodes:                   p.Nodes,
		endpoints:                     p.Endpoints,
		sysctl:                        p.Sysctl,

	t, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
		Name:        "egress_gateway_reconciliation",
		MinInterval: p.Config.EgressGatewayReconciliationTriggerInterval,
		TriggerFunc: func(reasons []string) {
			reason := strings.Join(reasons, ", ")
			log.WithField(logfields.Reason, reason).Debug("reconciliation triggered")

			defer manager.Unlock()

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	manager.reconciliationTrigger = t

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
		OnStart: func(hc cell.HookContext) error {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()

			return nil
		OnStop: func(hc cell.HookContext) error {

			return nil

	return manager, nil

func (manager *Manager) setEventBitmap(events ...eventType) {
	for _, e := range events {
		manager.eventsBitmap |= e

func (manager *Manager) eventBitmapIsSet(events ...eventType) bool {
	for _, e := range events {
		if manager.eventsBitmap&e != 0 {
			return true

	return false

// getIdentityLabels waits for the global identities to be populated to the cache,
// then looks up identity by ID from the cached identity allocator and return its labels.
func (manager *Manager) getIdentityLabels(securityIdentity uint32) (labels.Labels, error) {
	identityCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), option.Config.KVstoreConnectivityTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	if err := manager.identityAllocator.WaitForInitialGlobalIdentities(identityCtx); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to wait for initial global identities: %w", err)

	identity := manager.identityAllocator.LookupIdentityByID(identityCtx, identity.NumericIdentity(securityIdentity))
	if identity == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("identity %d not found", securityIdentity)
	return identity.Labels, nil

// processEvents spawns a goroutine that waits for the agent to
// sync with k8s and then runs the first reconciliation.
func (manager *Manager) processEvents(ctx context.Context) {
	var policySync, nodeSync, endpointSync bool
	maybeTriggerReconcile := func() {
		if !policySync || !nodeSync || !endpointSync {

		defer manager.Unlock()

		if manager.allCachesSynced {

		manager.allCachesSynced = true
		manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("k8s sync done")

	// here we try to mimic the same exponential backoff retry logic used by
	// the identity allocator, where the minimum retry timeout is set to 20
	// milliseconds and the max number of attempts is 16 (so 20ms * 2^16 ==
	// ~20 minutes)
	endpointsRateLimit := workqueue.NewItemExponentialFailureRateLimiter(time.Millisecond*20, time.Minute*20)

	policyEvents := manager.policies.Events(ctx)
	nodeEvents := manager.ciliumNodes.Events(ctx)
	endpointEvents := manager.endpoints.Events(ctx, resource.WithRateLimiter(endpointsRateLimit))

	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():

		case event := <-policyEvents:
			if event.Kind == resource.Sync {
				policySync = true
			} else {

		case event := <-nodeEvents:
			if event.Kind == resource.Sync {
				nodeSync = true
			} else {

		case event := <-endpointEvents:
			if event.Kind == resource.Sync {
				endpointSync = true
			} else {

func (manager *Manager) handlePolicyEvent(event resource.Event[*Policy]) {
	switch event.Kind {
	case resource.Upsert:
		err := manager.onAddEgressPolicy(event.Object)
	case resource.Delete:

// Event handlers

// onAddEgressPolicy parses the given policy config, and updates internal state
// with the config fields.
func (manager *Manager) onAddEgressPolicy(policy *Policy) error {
	logger := log.WithField(logfields.CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyName, policy.Name)

	config, err := ParseCEGP(policy)
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to parse CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy")
		return err

	defer manager.Unlock()

	if _, ok := manager.policyConfigs[]; !ok {
		logger.Debug("Added CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy")
	} else {
		logger.Debug("Updated CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy")


	manager.policyConfigs[] = config

	manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("policy added")
	return nil

// onDeleteEgressPolicy deletes the internal state associated with the given
// policy, including egress eBPF map entries.
func (manager *Manager) onDeleteEgressPolicy(policy *Policy) {
	configID := ParseCEGPConfigID(policy)

	defer manager.Unlock()

	logger := log.WithField(logfields.CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyName, configID.Name)

	if manager.policyConfigs[configID] == nil {
		logger.Warn("Can't delete CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy: policy not found")

	logger.Debug("Deleted CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy")

	delete(manager.policyConfigs, configID)

	manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("policy deleted")

func (manager *Manager) addEndpoint(endpoint *k8sTypes.CiliumEndpoint) error {
	var epData *endpointMetadata
	var err error
	var identityLabels labels.Labels

	defer manager.Unlock()

	logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
		logfields.K8sEndpointName: endpoint.Name,
		logfields.K8sNamespace:    endpoint.Namespace,
		logfields.K8sUID:          endpoint.UID,

	if identityLabels, err = manager.getIdentityLabels(uint32(endpoint.Identity.ID)); err != nil {
			Warning("Failed to get identity labels for endpoint")
		return err

	if epData, err = getEndpointMetadata(endpoint, identityLabels); err != nil {
			Error("Failed to get valid endpoint metadata, skipping update to egress policy.")
		return nil

	if _, ok := manager.epDataStore[]; ok {
		logger.Debug("Updated CiliumEndpoint")
	} else {
		logger.Debug("Added CiliumEndpoint")

	manager.epDataStore[] = epData

	manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("endpoint updated")

	return nil

func (manager *Manager) deleteEndpoint(endpoint *k8sTypes.CiliumEndpoint) {
	defer manager.Unlock()

	logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
		logfields.K8sEndpointName: endpoint.Name,
		logfields.K8sNamespace:    endpoint.Namespace,
		logfields.K8sUID:          endpoint.UID,

	logger.Debug("Deleted CiliumEndpoint")
	delete(manager.epDataStore, endpoint.UID)

	manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("endpoint deleted")

func (manager *Manager) handleEndpointEvent(event resource.Event[*k8sTypes.CiliumEndpoint]) {
	endpoint := event.Object

	if event.Kind == resource.Upsert {
	} else {

// handleNodeEvent takes care of node upserts and removals.
func (manager *Manager) handleNodeEvent(event resource.Event[*cilium_api_v2.CiliumNode]) {
	defer event.Done(nil)

	node := nodeTypes.ParseCiliumNode(event.Object)

	defer manager.Unlock()

	// Find the node if we already have it.
	nidx, found := slices.BinarySearchFunc(manager.nodes, node, func(a nodeTypes.Node, b nodeTypes.Node) int {
		return cmp.Compare(a.Name, b.Name)

	if event.Kind == resource.Delete {
		// Delete the node if we're aware of it.
		if found {
			manager.nodes = slices.Delete(manager.nodes, nidx, nidx+1)

		manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("node deleted")

	// Update the node if we have it, otherwise insert in the correct
	// position.
	if found {
		manager.nodes[nidx] = node
	} else {
		manager.nodes = slices.Insert(manager.nodes, nidx, node)

	manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("node updated")

func (manager *Manager) updatePoliciesMatchedEndpointIDs() {
	for _, policy := range manager.policyConfigs {

func (manager *Manager) updatePoliciesBySourceIP() {
	manager.policyConfigsBySourceIP = make(map[string][]*PolicyConfig)

	for _, policy := range manager.policyConfigs {
		for _, ep := range policy.matchedEndpoints {
			for _, epIP := range ep.ips {
				ip := epIP.String()
				manager.policyConfigsBySourceIP[ip] = append(manager.policyConfigsBySourceIP[ip], policy)

// policyMatches returns true if there exists at least one policy matching the
// given parameters.
// This method takes:
//   - a source IP: this is an optimization that allows to iterate only through
//     policies that reference an endpoint with the given source IP
//   - a callback function f: this function is invoked for each policy and for
//     each combination of the policy's endpoints and destination/excludedCIDRs.
// The callback f takes as arguments:
// - the given endpoint
// - the destination CIDR
// - a boolean value indicating if the CIDR belongs to the excluded ones
// - the gatewayConfig of the  policy
// This method returns true whenever the f callback matches one of the endpoint
// and CIDR tuples (i.e. whenever one callback invocation returns true)
func (manager *Manager) policyMatches(sourceIP netip.Addr, f func(netip.Addr, netip.Prefix, bool, *gatewayConfig) bool) bool {
	for _, policy := range manager.policyConfigsBySourceIP[sourceIP.String()] {
		for _, ep := range policy.matchedEndpoints {
			for _, endpointIP := range ep.ips {
				if endpointIP != sourceIP {

				isExcludedCIDR := false
				for _, dstCIDR := range policy.dstCIDRs {
					if f(endpointIP, dstCIDR, isExcludedCIDR, &policy.gatewayConfig) {
						return true

				isExcludedCIDR = true
				for _, excludedCIDR := range policy.excludedCIDRs {
					if f(endpointIP, excludedCIDR, isExcludedCIDR, &policy.gatewayConfig) {
						return true

	return false

func (manager *Manager) regenerateGatewayConfigs() {
	for _, policyConfig := range manager.policyConfigs {

func (manager *Manager) relaxRPFilter() error {
	var sysSettings []tables.Sysctl
	ifSet := make(map[string]struct{})

	for _, pc := range manager.policyConfigs {
		if !pc.gatewayConfig.localNodeConfiguredAsGateway {

		ifaceName := pc.gatewayConfig.ifaceName
		if _, ok := ifSet[ifaceName]; !ok {
			ifSet[ifaceName] = struct{}{}
			sysSettings = append(sysSettings, tables.Sysctl{
				Name:      fmt.Sprintf("net.ipv4.conf.%s.rp_filter", ifaceName),
				Val:       "2",
				IgnoreErr: false,

	if len(sysSettings) == 0 {
		return nil

	return manager.sysctl.ApplySettings(sysSettings)

func (manager *Manager) addMissingEgressRules() {
	egressPolicies := map[egressmap.EgressPolicyKey4]egressmap.EgressPolicyVal4{}
		func(key *egressmap.EgressPolicyKey4, val *egressmap.EgressPolicyVal4) {
			egressPolicies[*key] = *val

	addEgressRule := func(endpointIP netip.Addr, dstCIDR netip.Prefix, excludedCIDR bool, gwc *gatewayConfig) {
		policyKey := egressmap.NewEgressPolicyKey4(endpointIP, dstCIDR)
		policyVal, policyPresent := egressPolicies[policyKey]

		gatewayIP := gwc.gatewayIP
		if excludedCIDR {
			gatewayIP = ExcludedCIDRIPv4

		if policyPresent && policyVal.Match(gwc.egressIP, gatewayIP) {

		logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
			logfields.SourceIP:        endpointIP,
			logfields.DestinationCIDR: dstCIDR.String(),
			logfields.EgressIP:        gwc.egressIP,
			logfields.GatewayIP:       gatewayIP,

		if err := manager.policyMap.Update(endpointIP, dstCIDR, gwc.egressIP, gatewayIP); err != nil {
			logger.WithError(err).Error("Error applying egress gateway policy")
		} else {
			logger.Debug("Egress gateway policy applied")

	for _, policyConfig := range manager.policyConfigs {

// removeUnusedEgressRules is responsible for removing any entry in the egress policy BPF map which
// is not baked by an actual k8s CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy.
func (manager *Manager) removeUnusedEgressRules() {
	egressPolicies := map[egressmap.EgressPolicyKey4]egressmap.EgressPolicyVal4{}
		func(key *egressmap.EgressPolicyKey4, val *egressmap.EgressPolicyVal4) {
			egressPolicies[*key] = *val

	for policyKey, policyVal := range egressPolicies {
		matchPolicy := func(endpointIP netip.Addr, dstCIDR netip.Prefix, excludedCIDR bool, gwc *gatewayConfig) bool {
			gatewayIP := gwc.gatewayIP
			if excludedCIDR {
				gatewayIP = ExcludedCIDRIPv4

			return policyKey.Match(endpointIP, dstCIDR) && policyVal.Match(gwc.egressIP, gatewayIP)

		if manager.policyMatches(policyKey.GetSourceIP(), matchPolicy) {

		logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
			logfields.SourceIP:        policyKey.GetSourceIP(),
			logfields.DestinationCIDR: policyKey.GetDestCIDR().String(),
			logfields.EgressIP:        policyVal.GetEgressAddr(),
			logfields.GatewayIP:       policyVal.GetGatewayAddr(),

		if err := manager.policyMap.Delete(policyKey.GetSourceIP(), policyKey.GetDestCIDR()); err != nil {
			logger.WithError(err).Error("Error removing egress gateway policy")
		} else {
			logger.Debug("Egress gateway policy removed")

// reconcileLocked is responsible for reconciling the state of the manager (i.e. the
// desired state) with the actual state of the node (egress policy map entries).
// Whenever it encounters an error, it will just log it and move to the next
// item, in order to reconcile as many states as possible.
func (manager *Manager) reconcileLocked() {
	if !manager.allCachesSynced {

	switch {
	// on eventK8sSyncDone we need to update all caches unconditionally as
	// we don't know which k8s events/resources were received during the
	// initial k8s sync
	case manager.eventBitmapIsSet(eventUpdateEndpoint, eventDeleteEndpoint, eventK8sSyncDone):
	case manager.eventBitmapIsSet(eventAddPolicy, eventDeletePolicy):


	if err := manager.relaxRPFilter(); err != nil {
		manager.reconciliationTrigger.TriggerWithReason("retry after error")

	// The order of the next 2 function calls matters, as by first adding missing policies and
	// only then removing obsolete ones we make sure there will be no connectivity disruption

	// clear the events bitmap
	manager.eventsBitmap = 0

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