Revision 8e6d288a6fe8c342b36cb25b8457f774ddad09bb authored by Gilberto Bertin on 20 June 2024, 14:32:57 UTC, committed by christarazi on 20 June 2024, 18:58:04 UTC
Signed-off-by: Gilberto Bertin <>
1 parent 8c745b2
Raw File
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright Authors of Cilium

package k8s

import (

	v1 ""

	cmtypes ""
	datapathTables ""
	slim_corev1 ""
	slim_discovery_v1 ""
	slim_metav1 ""
	serviceStore ""

func newDB(t *testing.T) (*statedb.DB, statedb.RWTable[datapathTables.NodeAddress]) {
	db := statedb.New()
	nodeAddrs, err := datapathTables.NewNodeAddressTable()
	require.NoError(t, err)

	err = db.RegisterTable(nodeAddrs)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	txn := db.WriteTxn(nodeAddrs)
	for _, addr := range datapathTables.TestAddresses {
		nodeAddrs.Insert(txn, addr)

	return db, nodeAddrs

func TestGetUniqueServiceFrontends(t *testing.T) {
	svcID1 := ServiceID{Name: "svc1", Namespace: "default"}
	svcID2 := ServiceID{Name: "svc2", Namespace: "default"}

	endpoints := Endpoints{
		Backends: map[cmtypes.AddrCluster]*Backend{
			cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster(""): {
				Ports: map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
					"port": {
						Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP,
						Port:     80,

	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	cache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs) = map[ServiceID]*Service{
		svcID1: {
			FrontendIPs: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")},
			Ports: map[loadbalancer.FEPortName]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				loadbalancer.FEPortName("foo"): {
					Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP,
					Port:     10,
				loadbalancer.FEPortName("bar"): {
					Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP,
					Port:     20,
		svcID2: {
			FrontendIPs: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")},
			Ports: map[loadbalancer.FEPortName]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				loadbalancer.FEPortName("bar"): {
					Protocol: loadbalancer.UDP,
					Port:     20,
	cache.endpoints = map[ServiceID]*EndpointSlices{
		svcID1: {
			epSlices: map[string]*Endpoints{
				"": &endpoints,
		svcID2: {
			epSlices: map[string]*Endpoints{
				"": &endpoints,

	frontends := cache.UniqueServiceFrontends()
	require.EqualValues(t, FrontendList{
		"": {},
		"": {},
		"": {},
	}, frontends)

	scopes := []uint8{loadbalancer.ScopeExternal, loadbalancer.ScopeInternal}
	for _, scope := range scopes {
		// Validate all frontends as exact matches
		// These should match only for external scope
		exact_match_ok := scope == loadbalancer.ScopeExternal
		addrCluster1 := cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")
		addrCluster2 := cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")
		frontend := loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.TCP, addrCluster1, 10, scope)
		require.Equal(t, exact_match_ok, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))
		frontend = loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.TCP, addrCluster1, 20, scope)
		require.Equal(t, exact_match_ok, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))
		frontend = loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.UDP, addrCluster2, 20, scope)
		require.Equal(t, exact_match_ok, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))

		// Validate protocol mismatch on exact match
		frontend = loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.TCP, addrCluster2, 20, scope)
		require.Equal(t, false, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))

		// Validate protocol wildcard matching
		// These should match only for external scope
		wild_match_ok := scope == loadbalancer.ScopeExternal
		frontend = loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.NONE, addrCluster2, 20, scope)
		require.Equal(t, wild_match_ok, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))
		frontend = loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.NONE, addrCluster1, 10, scope)
		require.Equal(t, wild_match_ok, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))
		frontend = loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.NONE, addrCluster1, 20, scope)
		require.Equal(t, wild_match_ok, frontends.LooseMatch(*frontend))

func TestServiceCacheEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
	endpoints := ParseEndpoints(&slim_corev1.Endpoints{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
		Subsets: []slim_corev1.EndpointSubset{
				Addresses: []slim_corev1.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}},
				Ports: []slim_corev1.EndpointPort{
						Name:     "http-test-svc",
						Port:     8080,
						Protocol: slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP,

	updateEndpoints := func(svcCache *ServiceCache, swgEps *lock.StoppableWaitGroup) {
		svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(endpoints, swgEps)
	deleteEndpoints := func(svcCache *ServiceCache, swgEps *lock.StoppableWaitGroup) {
		svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(endpoints.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)

	testServiceCache(t, updateEndpoints, deleteEndpoints)

func TestServiceCacheEndpointSlice(t *testing.T) {
	endpoints := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-afbh9",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{
		Ports: []slim_discovery_v1.EndpointPort{
				Name:     func() *string { a := "http-test-svc"; return &a }(),
				Protocol: func() *slim_corev1.Protocol { a := slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP; return &a }(),
				Port:     func() *int32 { a := int32(8080); return &a }(),

	updateEndpoints := func(svcCache *ServiceCache, swgEps *lock.StoppableWaitGroup) {
		svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(endpoints, swgEps)
	deleteEndpoints := func(svcCache *ServiceCache, swgEps *lock.StoppableWaitGroup) {
		svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(endpoints.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)

	testServiceCache(t, updateEndpoints, deleteEndpoints)

func testServiceCache(t *testing.T,
	updateEndpointsCB, deleteEndpointsCB func(svcCache *ServiceCache, swgEps *lock.StoppableWaitGroup)) {

	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	k8sSvc := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
			Type: slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,

	swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcID := svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)

	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received before endpoints have been imported")

	swgEps := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	updateEndpointsCB(svcCache, swgEps)

	// The service should be ready as both service and endpoints have been
	// imported
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, ready := svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, ready)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Updating the service without chaning it should not result in an event
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received for unchanged service object")

	// Add late subscriber, it should receive all events until it unsubscribes
	subCtx, subCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	svcNotifications := stream.ToChannel(subCtx, svcCache.Notifications(), stream.WithBufferSize(1))

	// Deleting the service will result in a service delete event
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)

		n := <-svcNotifications
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, n.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, n.ID)

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Reinserting the service should re-match with the still existing endpoints
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)

		n := <-svcNotifications
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, n.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, n.ID)

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deleting the endpoints will result in a service update event
	deleteEndpointsCB(svcCache, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)

		n := <-svcNotifications
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, n.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, n.ID)

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Stop subscription and wait for it to expire
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		_, stillSubscribed := <-svcNotifications
		return !stillSubscribed
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, serviceReady := svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, false, serviceReady)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Reinserting the endpoints should re-match with the still existing service
	updateEndpointsCB(svcCache, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, serviceReady = svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, serviceReady)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Deleting the service will result in a service delete event
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deleting the endpoints will not emit an event as the notification
	// was sent out when the service was deleted.
	deleteEndpointsCB(svcCache, swgEps)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service delete event received")

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestForEachService(t *testing.T) {
	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	k8sSvc1 := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
			Type: slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
	k8sEndpoints1 := ParseEndpoints(&slim_corev1.Endpoints{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
		Subsets: []slim_corev1.EndpointSubset{
				Addresses: []slim_corev1.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}},
				Ports: []slim_corev1.EndpointPort{
						Name:     "http-test-svc",
						Port:     8080,
						Protocol: slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP,

	k8sSvc2 := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "baz",
			Namespace: "qux",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Type:      slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
	k8sEndpoints2 := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "baz-xxxxx",
			Namespace: "qux",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "baz",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{

	swg := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc1, swg)
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc2, swg)

	svcID1, eps1 := svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpoints1, swg)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID1, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, eps1, event.Endpoints)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	svcID2, eps2 := svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpoints2, swg)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		println("waiting for events2")
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID2, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, eps2, event.Endpoints)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	services := map[ServiceID]*Endpoints{}
	svcCache.ForEachService(func(svcID ServiceID, svc *Service, eps *Endpoints) bool {
		services[svcID] = eps
		return true
	require.Equal(t, map[ServiceID]*Endpoints{
		svcID1: eps1,
		svcID2: eps2,
	}, services)

func TestCacheActionString(t *testing.T) {
	require.Equal(t, "service-updated", UpdateService.String())
	require.Equal(t, "service-deleted", DeleteService.String())

func TestServiceMutators(t *testing.T) {
	var m1, m2 int

	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	svcCache.ServiceMutators = append(svcCache.ServiceMutators,
		func(svc *slim_corev1.Service, svcInfo *Service) { m1++ },
		func(svc *slim_corev1.Service, svcInfo *Service) { m2++ },
	swg := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"},
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Selector:  map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			Type:      slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
	}, swg)

	// Assert that the service mutators configured have been executed.
	require.Equal(t, 1, m1)
	require.Equal(t, 1, m2)

func TestExternalServiceMerging(t *testing.T) {
	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	k8sSvc := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				"": "true",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Type:      slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
			Ports: []slim_corev1.ServicePort{
					Name:     "foo",
					Protocol: slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP,
					Port:     80,

	swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcID := svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)

	endpoints := ParseEndpoints(&slim_corev1.Endpoints{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
		Subsets: []slim_corev1.EndpointSubset{
				Addresses: []slim_corev1.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}},
				Ports: []slim_corev1.EndpointPort{
						Name:     "http-test-svc",
						Port:     8080,
						Protocol: slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP,

	swgEps := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(endpoints, swgEps)

	// The service should be ready as both service and endpoints have been
	// imported
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Merging a service update with own cluster name must not result in update
		Cluster:   option.Config.ClusterName,
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo",
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},

	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received")

		Cluster:   "cluster1",
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo",
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		IncludeExternal: false,
		Shared:          false,

	// Adding non-shared remote endpoints will not trigger a service update, regardless of whether
	// IncludeExternal is set (i.e., the service is marked as a global one in the remote cluster).
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)

		require.Equal(t, 1, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"http-test-svc": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 8080},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

		Cluster:   "cluster1",
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo",
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		IncludeExternal: true,
		Shared:          false,

	// Adding non-shared remote endpoints will not trigger a service update, regardless of whether
	// IncludeExternal is set (i.e., the service is marked as a global one in the remote cluster).
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)

		require.Equal(t, 1, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"http-test-svc": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 8080},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// We do not test the case with shared remote endpoints and IncludeExternal not set
	// (i.e., the service is not marked as a global one in the remote cluster).
	// Indeed, this condition shall never happen, since a shared service shall always be global.

		Cluster:   "cluster1",
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo",
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		IncludeExternal: true,
		Shared:          true,

	// Adding shared remote endpoints will trigger a service update, in case IncludeExternal
	// is set (i.e., the service is marked as a global one in the remote cluster).
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"http-test-svc": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 8080},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Merging a service for another name should not trigger any updates
		Cluster:   "cluster",
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo2",
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		IncludeExternal: true,
		Shared:          true,

	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received")

	// Adding the service later must trigger an update
	svcID2 := svcCache.UpdateService(
			ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      "foo2",
				Namespace: "bar",
				Labels: map[string]string{
					"foo": "bar",
				Annotations: map[string]string{
					"": "true",
			Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
				ClusterIP: "",
				Selector: map[string]string{
					"foo": "bar",
				Type: slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID2, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	cluster2svc := &serviceStore.ClusterService{
		Cluster:   "cluster2",
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo",
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		IncludeExternal: true,
		Shared:          true,

	// Adding another cluster to the first service will trigger an event
	svcCache.MergeExternalServiceUpdate(cluster2svc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	svcCache.MergeExternalServiceDelete(cluster2svc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Nil(t, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deletion of the service frontend will trigger the delete notification
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// When re-adding the service, the remote endpoints of cluster1 must still be present
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	k8sSvcID, _ := ParseService(k8sSvc, nil)
	addresses := svcCache.GetServiceIP(k8sSvcID)
	require.EqualValues(t, loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.TCP, cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster(""), 80, loadbalancer.ScopeExternal), addresses)

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestExternalServiceDeletion(t *testing.T) {
	const cluster = "cluster"

	createEndpoints := func(clusters ...string) externalEndpoints {
		eeps := newExternalEndpoints()
		for i, cluster := range clusters {
			eps := newEndpoints()
			eps.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster(fmt.Sprintf("1.1.1.%d", i))] = &Backend{}
			eeps.endpoints[cluster] = eps

		return eeps

	svc := Service{IncludeExternal: true, Shared: true}
	clsvc := serviceStore.ClusterService{Cluster: cluster, Namespace: "bar", Name: "foo"}
	id1 := ServiceID{Namespace: "bar", Name: "foo"}
	id2 := ServiceID{Cluster: cluster, Namespace: "bar", Name: "foo"}

	swg := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	// Store the service with the non-cluster-aware ID[id1] = &svc
	svcCache.externalEndpoints[id1] = createEndpoints(cluster)

	svcCache.MergeExternalServiceDelete(&clsvc, swg)
	_, ok :=[id1]
	require.Equal(t, false, ok)
	_, ok = svcCache.externalEndpoints[id1]
	require.Equal(t, false, ok)

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, id1, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Store the service with the non-cluster-aware ID and multiple endpoints[id1] = &svc
	svcCache.externalEndpoints[id1] = createEndpoints(cluster, "other")

	svcCache.MergeExternalServiceDelete(&clsvc, swg)
	_, ok =[id1]
	require.Equal(t, true, ok)
	_, ok = svcCache.externalEndpoints[id1]
	require.Equal(t, true, ok)
	_, ok = svcCache.externalEndpoints[id1].endpoints[cluster]
	require.Equal(t, false, ok)

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, id1, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Store the service with the cluster-aware ID[id2] = &svc
	svcCache.externalEndpoints[id2] = createEndpoints(cluster)

	svcCache.MergeExternalServiceDelete(&clsvc, swg)
	_, ok =[id2]
	require.Equal(t, false, ok)
	_, ok = svcCache.externalEndpoints[id2]
	require.Equal(t, false, ok)

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, id2, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestClusterServiceMerging(t *testing.T) {
	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)
	swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	swgEps := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()

	svcID := ServiceID{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"}

	endpoints := ParseEndpoints(&slim_corev1.Endpoints{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Namespace: svcID.Namespace,
			Name:      svcID.Name,
		Subsets: []slim_corev1.EndpointSubset{
				Addresses: []slim_corev1.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}},
				Ports: []slim_corev1.EndpointPort{
						Name:     "http-test-svc",
						Port:     8080,
						Protocol: slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP,

	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(endpoints, swgEps)

		Cluster:   option.Config.ClusterName,
		Namespace: svcID.Namespace,
		Name:      svcID.Name,
		Frontends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": {},
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		IncludeExternal: false,
		Shared:          false,
	}, swgSvcs)

	// Adding a service will trigger the corresponding update containing all ready backends,
	// regardless of whether it is marked as global or shared (since the cluster name matches).
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"http-test-svc": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 8080},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		require.EqualValues(t, &Backend{
			Ports: serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},
		}, event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")])

		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestNonSharedService(t *testing.T) {
	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	k8sSvc := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				"": "false",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Type:      slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,

	swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)

		Cluster:   "cluster1",
		Namespace: "bar",
		Name:      "foo",
		Backends: map[string]serviceStore.PortConfiguration{
			"": map[string]*loadbalancer.L4Addr{
				"port": {Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 80},

	// The service is unshared, it should not trigger an update
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received")

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestServiceCacheWith2EndpointSlice(t *testing.T) {
	k8sEndpointSlice1 := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-yyyyy",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{
		Ports: []slim_discovery_v1.EndpointPort{
				Name:     func() *string { a := "http-test-svc"; return &a }(),
				Protocol: func() *slim_corev1.Protocol { a := slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP; return &a }(),
				Port:     func() *int32 { a := int32(8080); return &a }(),

	k8sEndpointSlice2 := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-xxxxx",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{
		Ports: []slim_discovery_v1.EndpointPort{
				Name:     func() *string { a := "http-test-svc"; return &a }(),
				Protocol: func() *slim_corev1.Protocol { a := slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP; return &a }(),
				Port:     func() *int32 { a := int32(8080); return &a }(),

	k8sEndpointSlice3 := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-xxxxx",
			Namespace: "baz",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{
		Ports: []slim_discovery_v1.EndpointPort{
				Name:     func() *string { a := "http-test-svc"; return &a }(),
				Protocol: func() *slim_corev1.Protocol { a := slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP; return &a }(),
				Port:     func() *int32 { a := int32(8080); return &a }(),

	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	k8sSvc := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
			Type: slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,

	swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcID := svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)

	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received before endpoints have been imported")

	swgEps := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1, swgEps)
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice2, swgEps)
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice3, swgEps)

	// The service should be ready as both service and endpoints have been
	// imported for k8sEndpointSlice1
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// The service should be ready as both service and endpoints have been
	// imported for k8sEndpointSlice2
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received when endpoints not selected by a service have been imported")
	endpoints, ready := svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, ready)
	require.Equal(t, ",", endpoints.String())

	// Updating the service without changing it should not result in an event
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received for unchanged service object")

	// Deleting the service will result in a service delete event
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Reinserting the service should re-match with the still existing endpoints
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deleting the k8sEndpointSlice2 will result in a service update event
	svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice2.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, ready = svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, ready)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, serviceReady := svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, false, serviceReady)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Reinserting the endpoints should re-match with the still existing service
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, serviceReady = svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, serviceReady)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Deleting the service will result in a service delete event
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deleting the endpoints will not emit an event as the notification
	// was sent out when the service was deleted.
	svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service delete event received")

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestServiceCacheWith2EndpointSliceSameAddress(t *testing.T) {
	k8sEndpointSlice1 := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-yyyyy",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{
		Ports: []slim_discovery_v1.EndpointPort{
				Name:     func() *string { a := "http-test-svc"; return &a }(),
				Protocol: func() *slim_corev1.Protocol { a := slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP; return &a }(),
				Port:     func() *int32 { a := int32(8080); return &a }(),

	k8sEndpointSlice2 := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-xxxxx",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{
		Ports: []slim_discovery_v1.EndpointPort{
				Name:     func() *string { a := "http-test-svc2"; return &a }(),
				Protocol: func() *slim_corev1.Protocol { a := slim_corev1.ProtocolTCP; return &a }(),
				Port:     func() *int32 { a := int32(8081); return &a }(),

	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := NewServiceCache(db, nodeAddrs)

	k8sSvc := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"foo": "bar",
			Type: slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,

	swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcID := svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)

	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received before endpoints have been imported")

	swgEps := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1, swgEps)
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice2, swgEps)

	// The service should be ready as both service and endpoints have been
	// imported for k8sEndpointSlice1
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// The service should be ready as both service and endpoints have been
	// imported for k8sEndpointSlice2
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received when endpoints not selected by a service have been imported")
	endpoints, ready := svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, ready)
	require.Equal(t, ",", endpoints.String())

	// Updating the service without changing it should not result in an event
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service event received for unchanged service object")

	// Deleting the service will result in a service delete event
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Reinserting the service should re-match with the still existing endpoints
	svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deleting the k8sEndpointSlice2 will result in a service update event
	svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice2.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, ready = svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, ready)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, serviceReady := svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, false, serviceReady)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Reinserting the endpoints should re-match with the still existing service
	svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1, swgEps)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	endpoints, serviceReady = svcCache.correlateEndpoints(svcID)
	require.Equal(t, true, serviceReady)
	require.Equal(t, "", endpoints.String())

	// Deleting the service will result in a service delete event
	svcCache.DeleteService(k8sSvc, swgSvcs)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		defer event.SWG.Done()
		require.Equal(t, DeleteService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID, event.ID)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Deleting the endpoints will not emit an event as the notification
	// was sent out when the service was deleted.
	svcCache.DeleteEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice1.EndpointSliceID, swgEps)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	select {
	case <-svcCache.Events:
		t.Error("Unexpected service delete event received")

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

func TestServiceEndpointFiltering(t *testing.T) {
	k8sSvc := &slim_corev1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels:    map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				v1.DeprecatedAnnotationTopologyAwareHints: "auto",
		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
			ClusterIP: "",
			Selector:  map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			Type:      slim_corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
	veryTrue := true
	k8sEndpointSlice := ParseEndpointSliceV1(&slim_discovery_v1.EndpointSlice{
		AddressType: slim_discovery_v1.AddressTypeIPv4,
		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-ep-filtering",
			Namespace: "bar",
			Labels: map[string]string{
				slim_discovery_v1.LabelServiceName: "foo",
		Endpoints: []slim_discovery_v1.Endpoint{
				Addresses: []string{""},
				Hints: &slim_discovery_v1.EndpointHints{
					ForZones: []slim_discovery_v1.ForZone{{Name: "test-zone-1"}},
				Conditions: slim_discovery_v1.EndpointConditions{Ready: &veryTrue},
				Addresses: []string{""},
				Hints: &slim_discovery_v1.EndpointHints{
					ForZones: []slim_discovery_v1.ForZone{{Name: "test-zone-2"}},
				Conditions: slim_discovery_v1.EndpointConditions{Ready: &veryTrue},

	store := node.NewTestLocalNodeStore(node.LocalNode{Node: types.Node{
		Labels: map[string]string{v1.LabelTopologyZone: "test-zone-2"},
	db, nodeAddrs := newDB(t)
	svcCache := newServiceCache(hivetest.Lifecycle(t),
		ServiceCacheConfig{EnableServiceTopology: true}, store,
		db, nodeAddrs)

	swg := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()

	// Now update service and endpointslice. This should result in the service
	// update with endpoint due to the zone filtering.
	svcID0 := svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swg)
	svcID1, eps := svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice, swg)
	require.Equal(t, svcID1, svcID0)
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(eps.Backends))
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID0, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, 1, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		_, found := event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")]
		require.Equal(t, true, found)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Send self node update to remove the node's zone label. This should
	// generate the service update with both endpoints selected
	store.Update(func(ln *node.LocalNode) { ln.Labels = nil })
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID0, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, 2, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Set the node's zone to test-zone-1 to select the first endpoint
	store.Update(func(ln *node.LocalNode) { ln.Labels = map[string]string{v1.LabelTopologyZone: "test-zone-1"} })
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID0, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, 1, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		_, found := event.Endpoints.Backends[cmtypes.MustParseAddrCluster("")]
		require.Equal(t, true, found)
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Removing the service annotation should have no effect as long as EndpointSlice hints are set
	k8sSvc.ObjectMeta.Annotations = nil
	svcID0 = svcCache.UpdateService(k8sSvc, swg)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID0, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, 1, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))

	// Remove the zone hints. This should select all endpoints
	k8sEndpointSlice = k8sEndpointSlice.DeepCopy()
	for _, be := range k8sEndpointSlice.Backends {
		be.HintsForZones = nil
	svcID1, _ = svcCache.UpdateEndpoints(k8sEndpointSlice, swg)
	require.Nil(t, testutils.WaitUntil(func() bool {
		event := <-svcCache.Events
		require.Equal(t, UpdateService, event.Action)
		require.Equal(t, svcID1, event.ID)
		require.Equal(t, 2, len(event.Endpoints.Backends))
		return true
	}, 2*time.Second))
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