Revision 8f6ebc0ecad0eeba61e78371f9e5e33777c52608 authored by Kangxue Yin on 11 September 2020, 06:09:48 UTC, committed by Kangxue Yin on 11 September 2020, 06:09:48 UTC
1 parent ac04d68
Raw File
import argparse
import subprocess
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
import datetime
import time
import collections

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

import P2PNET
import ioUtil

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument('--train_hdf5', default='training data file name(*.hdf5)' )
parser.add_argument('--test_hdf5', default='test data file name(*.hdf5)' )

parser.add_argument('--domain_A', default='skeleton', help='name of domain A')
parser.add_argument('--domain_B', default='surface',  help='name of domain B')

parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default='train', help='train or test')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=int, default=0, help='which GPU to use [default: 0]')
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help='Batch Size during training [default: 4]')
parser.add_argument('--epoch', type=int, default=200, help='number of epoches to run [default: 200]')
parser.add_argument('--decayEpoch',  type=int, default=50, help='steps(how many epoches) for decaying learning rate')

parser.add_argument("--densityWeight", type=float, default=1.0, help="density weight [default: 1.0]")
parser.add_argument("--regularWeight", type=float, default=0.1, help="regularization weight [default: 0.1]")
parser.add_argument("--nnk", type=int, default=8, help="density:  number of nearest neighbours [default: 8]")

parser.add_argument("--range_max", type=float, default=1.0, help="max length of point displacement[default: 1.0]")
parser.add_argument("--radiusScal", type=float, default=1.0, help="a constant for scaling radii in pointnet++ [default: 1.0]")
parser.add_argument("--noiseLength", type=int, default=32, help="length of point-wise noise vector [default: 32]")

parser.add_argument('--checkpoint', default=None, help='epoch_##.ckpt')

###  None  None  None
parser.add_argument('--point_num', type=int, default=None, help='do not set the argument')
parser.add_argument('--example_num', type=int, default=None, help='do not set the argument')
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str,  default=None, help='do not set the argument')

FLAGS = parser.parse_args()

Train_examples = ioUtil.load_examples(FLAGS.train_hdf5, FLAGS.domain_A, FLAGS.domain_B, 'names')
Test_examples  = ioUtil.load_examples(FLAGS.test_hdf5, FLAGS.domain_A, FLAGS.domain_B, 'names')

FLAGS.point_num = Train_examples.pointsets_A.shape[1]
POINT_NUM = FLAGS.point_num

Example_NUM = Train_examples.pointsets_A.shape[0]
FLAGS.example_num = Example_NUM


batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size

if Train_examples.pointsets_B.shape[1] != POINT_NUM \
    or Test_examples.pointsets_A.shape[1] != POINT_NUM \
    or Test_examples.pointsets_B.shape[1] != POINT_NUM :
    print( 'point number inconsistent in the data set.')

########## create output folders
datapath, basefname = os.path.split( FLAGS.train_hdf5 )
output_dir = 'output_' + basefname[0:basefname.index('_')] + '_' + FLAGS.domain_A + '-' + FLAGS.domain_B ## + '_noise' + str(FLAGS.noiseLength) + '_dw' + str(FLAGS.densityWeight)+ '_rw' + str(FLAGS.regularWeight)
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

MODEL_STORAGE_PATH = os.path.join(output_dir, 'trained_models')
if not os.path.exists(MODEL_STORAGE_PATH):

SUMMARIES_FOLDER = os.path.join(output_dir, 'summaries')
if not os.path.exists(SUMMARIES_FOLDER):

########## Save test input
ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply( Test_examples.pointsets_A,  Test_examples.names, output_dir, 'gt_'+FLAGS.domain_A)
ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply( Test_examples.pointsets_B, Test_examples.names, output_dir, 'gt_'+FLAGS.domain_B)

# print arguments
for k, v in FLAGS._get_kwargs():
    print(k + ' = ' + str(v) )

def train():
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        with tf.device('/gpu:' + str(FLAGS.gpu)):
            model = P2PNET.create_model(FLAGS)

        ########## Init and Configuration   ##########
        saver = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=5 )
        config = tf.ConfigProto()
        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
        config.allow_soft_placement = True
        sess = tf.Session(config=config)

        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        # Restore variables from disk.
        Start_epoch_number = 1
        if FLAGS.checkpoint is not None:
            print('load checkpoint: ' + FLAGS.checkpoint  )
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint )

            fname = os.path.basename( FLAGS.checkpoint )
            Start_epoch_number = int( fname[6:-5] )  +  1

            print( 'Start_epoch_number = ' + str(Start_epoch_number) )

        train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(SUMMARIES_FOLDER + '/train', sess.graph)
        test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(SUMMARIES_FOLDER + '/test')

        fcmd = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'arguments.txt'), 'w')

        ########## Training one epoch  ##########

        def train_one_epoch(epoch_num):

            now =
            print(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
            start_time = time.time()

            is_training = True

            Train_examples_shuffled = ioUtil.shuffle_examples(Train_examples)

            pointsets_A = Train_examples_shuffled.pointsets_A
            pointsets_B = Train_examples_shuffled.pointsets_B
            names = Train_examples_shuffled.names

            num_data = pointsets_A.shape[0]
            num_batch = num_data // batch_size

            total_data_loss_A = 0.0
            total_shape_loss_A = 0.0
            total_density_loss_A = 0.0

            total_data_loss_B = 0.0
            total_shape_loss_B = 0.0
            total_density_loss_B = 0.0

            total_reg_loss = 0.0

            for j in range(num_batch):

                begidx = j * batch_size
                endidx = (j + 1) * batch_size

                feed_dict = {
                    model.pointSet_A_ph: pointsets_A[begidx: endidx, ...],
                    model.pointSet_B_ph: pointsets_B[begidx: endidx, ...],
                    model.is_training_ph: is_training,

                fetches = {
                    "train": model.total_train,
                    "shapeLoss_A": model.shapeLoss_A,
                    "densityLoss_A": model.densityLoss_A,
                    "shapeLoss_B": model.shapeLoss_B,
                    "densityLoss_B": model.densityLoss_B,
                    "data_loss_A": model.data_loss_A,
                    "data_loss_B": model.data_loss_B,
                    "regul_loss": model.regul_loss,
                    "learning_rate": model.learning_rate,
                    "global_step": model.global_step,

                results =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

                total_data_loss_A += results["data_loss_A"]
                total_shape_loss_A += results["shapeLoss_A"]
                total_density_loss_A += results["densityLoss_A"]

                total_data_loss_B += results["data_loss_B"]
                total_shape_loss_B += results["shapeLoss_B"]
                total_density_loss_B += results["densityLoss_B"]

                total_reg_loss += results["regul_loss"]

                if j % 50 == 0:
                    print('    ' + str(j) + '/' + str(num_batch) + ':    '  )
                    print('            data_loss_A = {:.4f},'.format(results["data_loss_A"] )  +  \
                          '   shape = {:.4f},'.format(results["shapeLoss_A"] )           + \
                          '   density = {:.4f}'.format(results["densityLoss_A"] )   )

                    print('            data_loss_B = {:.4f},'.format(results["data_loss_B"] )  + \
                          '   shape = {:.4f},'.format(results["shapeLoss_B"] )           + \
                          '   density = {:.4f}'.format(results["densityLoss_B"] )   )

                    print('            regul_loss = {:.4f}\n'.format(results["regul_loss"] ) )

                    print('            learning_rate = {:.6f}'.format(results["learning_rate"] )  )
                    print('            global_step = {0}'.format(results["global_step"] )  )

            total_data_loss_A      /= num_batch
            total_shape_loss_A  /= num_batch
            total_density_loss_A   /= num_batch
            total_data_loss_B      /= num_batch
            total_shape_loss_B  /= num_batch
            total_density_loss_B   /= num_batch
            total_reg_loss         /= num_batch

            # evaluate summaries
            training_sum = model.training_sum_ops, \
                                    feed_dict={model.train_dataloss_A_ph: total_data_loss_A, \
                                               model.train_dataloss_B_ph: total_data_loss_B, \
                                               model.train_regul_ph: total_reg_loss,\

            train_writer.add_summary(training_sum, epoch_num)

            print(  '\tData_loss_A = %.4f,' % total_data_loss_A    + \
                    '    shape = %.4f,' % total_shape_loss_A + \
                    '    density = %.4f' % total_density_loss_A )

            print(  '\tData_loss_B = %.4f,' % total_data_loss_B    + \
                    '    shape = %.4f,' % total_shape_loss_B + \
                    '    density = %.4f' % total_density_loss_B )

            print(  '\tReg_loss: %.4f\n' % total_reg_loss)

            elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
            print( '\tply/sec:' + str( round(num_data/elapsed_time) ) )
            print( '\tduration of this epoch:' + str(round(elapsed_time/60) ) + ' min' )
            print( '\testimated finishing time:' + str(round(elapsed_time/60.0 * (TRAINING_EPOCHES-epoch_num-1)) ) + ' min' )

        ################## end  of train function #################### end  of train function ##########

        def eval_one_epoch(epoch_num, mustSavePly=False):
            is_training = False

            pointsets_A = Test_examples.pointsets_A
            pointsets_B = Test_examples.pointsets_B
            names = Test_examples.names

            num_data = pointsets_A.shape[0]
            num_batch = num_data // batch_size

            total_data_loss_A = 0.0
            total_shape_loss_A = 0.0
            total_density_loss_A = 0.0

            total_data_loss_B = 0.0
            total_shape_loss_B = 0.0
            total_density_loss_B = 0.0

            total_reg_loss = 0.0

            for j in range(num_batch):

                begidx = j * batch_size
                endidx = (j + 1) * batch_size

                feed_dict = {
                    model.pointSet_A_ph: pointsets_A[begidx: endidx, ...],
                    model.pointSet_B_ph: pointsets_B[begidx: endidx, ...],
                    model.is_training_ph: is_training,

                fetches = {
                    "shapeLoss_A": model.shapeLoss_A,
                    "densityLoss_A": model.densityLoss_A,
                    "shapeLoss_B": model.shapeLoss_B,
                    "densityLoss_B": model.densityLoss_B,
                    "data_loss_A": model.data_loss_A,
                    "data_loss_B": model.data_loss_B,
                    "regul_loss": model.regul_loss,
                    "Predicted_A": model.Predicted_A,
                    "Predicted_B": model.Predicted_B,

                results =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

                total_data_loss_A += results["data_loss_A"]
                total_shape_loss_A += results["shapeLoss_A"]
                total_density_loss_A += results["densityLoss_A"]

                total_data_loss_B += results["data_loss_B"]
                total_shape_loss_B += results["shapeLoss_B"]
                total_density_loss_B += results["densityLoss_B"]

                total_reg_loss += results["regul_loss"]

                # write test results
                if epoch_num  % 20 == 0  or  mustSavePly:

                    # save predicted point sets with 1 single feeding pass
                    nametosave = names[begidx: endidx, ...]
                    Predicted_A_xyz = np.squeeze(np.array(results["Predicted_A"]))
                    Predicted_B_xyz = np.squeeze(np.array(results["Predicted_B"]))

                    ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply(Predicted_A_xyz, nametosave, output_dir,
                                                    'Ep' + str(epoch_num) + '_predicted_' + FLAGS.domain_A  + 'X1')
                    ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply(Predicted_B_xyz, nametosave, output_dir,
                                                    'Ep' + str(epoch_num) + '_predicted_' + FLAGS.domain_B  + 'X1')

                    # save predicted point sets with 4 feeding passes
                    for i in range(3):
                       results =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                       Predicted_A_xyz__ = np.squeeze(np.array(results["Predicted_A"]))
                       Predicted_B_xyz__ = np.squeeze(np.array(results["Predicted_B"]))
                       Predicted_A_xyz = np.concatenate((Predicted_A_xyz, Predicted_A_xyz__), axis=1)
                       Predicted_B_xyz = np.concatenate((Predicted_B_xyz, Predicted_B_xyz__), axis=1)

                    ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply(Predicted_A_xyz, nametosave, output_dir,
                                                   'Ep' + str(epoch_num) + '_predicted_' + FLAGS.domain_A + 'X4')
                    ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply(Predicted_B_xyz, nametosave, output_dir,
                                                   'Ep' + str(epoch_num) + '_predicted_' + FLAGS.domain_B + 'X4')

                    # save predicted point sets with 8 feeding passes
                    for i in range(4):
                       results =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                       Predicted_A_xyz__ = np.squeeze(np.array(results["Predicted_A"]))
                       Predicted_B_xyz__ = np.squeeze(np.array(results["Predicted_B"]))
                       Predicted_A_xyz = np.concatenate((Predicted_A_xyz, Predicted_A_xyz__), axis=1)
                       Predicted_B_xyz = np.concatenate((Predicted_B_xyz, Predicted_B_xyz__), axis=1)

                    ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply( Predicted_A_xyz, nametosave, output_dir,
                                                   'Ep' + str(epoch_num) + '_predicted_' + FLAGS.domain_A + 'X8')
                    ioUtil.output_point_cloud_ply( Predicted_B_xyz, nametosave, output_dir,
                                                   'Ep' + str(epoch_num) + '_predicted_' + FLAGS.domain_B + 'X8')

            total_data_loss_A      /= num_batch
            total_shape_loss_A  /= num_batch
            total_density_loss_A   /= num_batch
            total_data_loss_B      /= num_batch
            total_shape_loss_B  /= num_batch
            total_density_loss_B   /= num_batch
            total_reg_loss         /= num_batch

            # evaluate summaries
            testing_sum = model.testing_sum_ops, \
                                    feed_dict={model.test_dataloss_A_ph: total_data_loss_A, \
                                               model.test_dataloss_B_ph: total_data_loss_B, \
                                               model.test_regul_ph: total_reg_loss,\

            test_writer.add_summary(testing_sum, epoch_num)

            print('\tData_loss_A = %.4f,' % total_data_loss_A  + \
                  '    shape = %.4f,' % total_shape_loss_A + \
                  '    density = %.4f' % total_density_loss_A)

            print('\tData_loss_B = %.4f,' % total_data_loss_B + \
                  '    shape = %.4f,' % total_shape_loss_B + \
                  '    density = %.4f' % total_density_loss_B)

            print('\tReg_loss: %.4f\n' % total_reg_loss)

        ################## end  of test function #################### end  of test function ##########

        if not os.path.exists(MODEL_STORAGE_PATH):

        if FLAGS.mode=='train':
            for epoch in range(Start_epoch_number,  TRAINING_EPOCHES+1):

                print( '\n>>> Training for the epoch %d/%d ...' % (epoch, TRAINING_EPOCHES))

                if epoch % 20 == 0:

                    cp_filename =, os.path.join(MODEL_STORAGE_PATH, 'epoch_' + str(epoch) + '.ckpt'))
                    print( 'Successfully store the checkpoint model into ' + cp_filename)

                    print('\n<<< Testing on the test dataset...')
                    eval_one_epoch(epoch, mustSavePly=True)


            print( '\n<<< Testing on the test dataset ...')
            eval_one_epoch(Start_epoch_number, mustSavePly=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
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