Revision 8feeafb4a9c7b2ad065ff7cb00db52255e287025 authored by dpiparo on 28 November 2023, 00:27:58 UTC, committed by Danilo Piparo on 28 November 2023, 00:59:47 UTC
1 parent 92a35a8
Raw File
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassRef.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TListOfFunctions.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TROOT.h"

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

TEST(TClingMethodInfo, Prototype)
   TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass("TObject");
   ASSERT_NE(cl, nullptr);
   TMethod *meth = (TMethod *)cl->GetListOfMethods()->FindObject("SysError");
   ASSERT_NE(meth, nullptr);
   EXPECT_STREQ(meth->GetPrototype(), "void TObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt,...) const");

TEST(TClingMethodInfo, ROOT10789)
namespace ROOT10789 {

struct EmptyStruct {
  EmptyStruct(const EmptyStruct &);
  EmptyStruct(EmptyStruct &&);
  EmptyStruct & operator=(const EmptyStruct &);
  EmptyStruct & operator=(EmptyStruct &&);

class Base {
  int protectedVar;
  void protectedFunc();
  void protectedFunc(float);

  int func();
  int publicVar;
  void publicFunc();
  void publicFunc(int);

  Base(const Base &);
  Base(Base &&);
  Base &operator=(const Base &);
  Base &operator=(Base &&);

class Derived: public Base {
  using Base::publicFunc; // Base::publicFunc(), Base::publicFunc(int)
  using Base::func; // Base::func()
  Derived() = delete;
  using Base::Base; // Base::Base(int); SKIPPED: Base::Base(const Base &); Base::Base(Base &&); 

  using Base::protectedVar;
  using Base::publicVar;
  using Base::protectedFunc; // Base::protectedFunc(); Base::protectedFunc(float);
  Derived(const Derived &);
  Derived(Derived &&);
  Derived &operator=(const Derived &);
  Derived &operator=(Derived &&);

class Rederived: public Derived {
  using Derived::protectedFunc;

struct BagOfThings {
  union {
    int a;
    float b;
  struct {
    int var;
  enum {
    kEnumConst = 12

  struct Nested {
    void doNotFindMe();

  int Deleted() = delete;

namespace EmptyNamespace {}

namespace SingleFuncNamespace {
  int SingleFunc();
namespace SingleUsingDeclNamespace {
  using SingleFuncNamespace::SingleFunc;
namespace WithInlineNamespace {
  inline namespace InlineNamespace {
    void InlineNamespaceFunc();
    inline namespace AnotherInline {
      void InlineInlineNamespaceFunc();
    namespace Named {
      void InlineNamedNamespaceFunc();
    namespace {
      int InAnon();
  namespace {
    int InAnon(int);

namespace Split {
namespace Split {
  int One();
namespace Split {
  int Two();
namespace Split {
namespace Split {
  int Three();
namespace Split {
  int Two(int);
struct BUG6359 {
  template <class T>
  BUG6359(int, T);
template <class T>
inline BUG6359::BUG6359(int ,T) {}

   struct FuncInfo_t {
      const char *fName;
      int fNOverloads;
      long fPropertyToTest;

   auto checkClass = [](const char *className, int nMethods, std::vector<FuncInfo_t> funcInfos) {
      TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(className);
      ASSERT_NE(cl, nullptr);
      TListOfFunctions *methods = (TListOfFunctions *)cl->GetListOfMethods();
      EXPECT_EQ(methods->GetSize(), nMethods) << "for scope " << className << (methods->ls(), "") << '\n';
      for (auto &&funcInfo : funcInfos) {
         TList *overloads = methods->GetListForObject(funcInfo.fName);
         ASSERT_NE(overloads, nullptr);
         EXPECT_EQ(overloads->GetSize(), funcInfo.fNOverloads)
            << "for " << className << "::" << funcInfo.fName << (overloads->ls(), "") << '\n';
         for (auto meth : TRangeDynCast<TMethod>(overloads))
            EXPECT_EQ(meth->Property() & funcInfo.fPropertyToTest, funcInfo.fPropertyToTest)
               << "for method " << meth->GetPrototype() << " in class " << className;

   checkClass("ROOT10789::EmptyStruct", 6, {{"EmptyStruct", 3, kIsPublic}, {"~EmptyStruct", 1, kIsPublic}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::Base", 11,
              {{"func", 1, kIsPublic}, {"protectedFunc", 2, kIsProtected}, {"Base", 3, kIsPublic}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::Derived", 12,
              {{"publicFunc", 2, kIsPrivate},
               {"protectedFunc", 2, kIsPublic},
               {"publicFunc", 2, kIsPrivate},
               {"Derived", 7 /*includes *all* ctors, even base-class-used*/, kIsPublic}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::Rederived", 7, {{"protectedFunc", 2, kIsPrivate}, {"Rederived", 3, kIsPublic}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::BagOfThings", 6, {});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::EmptyNamespace", 0, {});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::SingleFuncNamespace", 1, {{"SingleFunc", 1, 0}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::SingleUsingDeclNamespace", 1, {{"SingleFunc", 1, 0}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::WithInlineNamespace", 4,
              {{"InlineNamespaceFunc", 1, 0}, {"InlineInlineNamespaceFunc", 1, 0}, {"InAnon", 2, 0}});

   checkClass("ROOT10789::Split", 4, {{"One", 1, 0}, {"Two", 2, 0}, {"Three", 1, 0}});

   checkClass("BUG6359", 5, {{"BUG6359", 2, 0}});

TEST(TClingMethodInfo, DerivedCtorROOT11010)

int ROOT11010baseMemCtorCalled = 0;
int ROOT11010baseMemDtorCalled = 0;
int ROOT11010baseCtorCalled = 0;
int ROOT11010baseDtorCalled = 0;
int ROOT11010derivMemCtorCalled = 0;
int ROOT11010derivMemDtorCalled = 0;
int ROOT11010derivDtorCalled = 0;

namespace ROOT11010 {
  struct BaseMem {
    int mem[4] = {17, 17, 17, 17};
    BaseMem() { ++ROOT11010baseMemCtorCalled; }
    ~BaseMem() { ++ROOT11010baseMemDtorCalled; }
  class Base {
    BaseMem memB;
    Base(std::string s) {
      if (s != "TheStringCtorArg") {
         std::cerr << "THE CTOR ARG IS WRONG!" << s << std::endl;
         throw 8714659826;
    virtual ~Base() {

  struct DerivMem {
    double mem[3] = {42., 42., 42. };
    DerivMem() { ++ROOT11010derivMemCtorCalled; }
    ~DerivMem() { ++ROOT11010derivMemDtorCalled; }

  class Derived: public Base {
    DerivMem memD;
    using Base::Base;
    ~Derived() override {

   auto GetInt = [](const char *name) {
      auto *globals = gROOT->GetListOfGlobals();
      std::string fullname("ROOT11010");
      fullname += name;
      return *(int *)((TGlobal *)globals->FindObject(fullname.c_str()))->GetAddress();

      // ROOT-10789 take 2:
      TClassRef c("ROOT11010::Base");
      ASSERT_TRUE(c) << "Cannot find TClass for ROOT11010::Base";
      TFunction *f = (TFunction *)c->GetListOfMethods()->FindObject("Base");
      ASSERT_TRUE(f) << "Cannot find constructor for ROOT11010::Base";

      CallFunc_t *callf = gInterpreter->CallFunc_Factory();
      MethodInfo_t *meth = gInterpreter->MethodInfo_Factory(f->GetDeclId());
      gInterpreter->CallFunc_SetFunc(callf, meth);
      const TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t &faceptr = gInterpreter->CallFunc_IFacePtr(callf);
      gInterpreter->CallFunc_Delete(callf); // does not touch IFacePtr

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemCtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseCtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseDtorCalled"), 0);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemCtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivDtorCalled"), 0);

      void *argbuf[8];
      void *objresult = nullptr;
      std::string s("TheStringCtorArg");
      argbuf[0] = &s;
      faceptr.fGeneric(0, 1, argbuf, &objresult);
      EXPECT_NE(objresult, nullptr);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseDtorCalled"), 0);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemCtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivDtorCalled"), 0);


      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemDtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseDtorCalled"), 1);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemCtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivDtorCalled"), 0);

      TClassRef c("ROOT11010::Derived");
      ASSERT_TRUE(c) << "Cannot find TClass for ROOT11010::Derived";
      TFunction *f = (TFunction *)c->GetListOfMethods()->FindObject("Derived");
      ASSERT_TRUE(f) << "Cannot find constructor for ROOT11010::Derived";

      CallFunc_t *callf = gInterpreter->CallFunc_Factory();
      MethodInfo_t *meth = gInterpreter->MethodInfo_Factory(f->GetDeclId());
      gInterpreter->CallFunc_SetFunc(callf, meth);
// On Windows we get an assert, CodeGen-ing the callfunc for the construction:
// CGClass.cpp:488's CallBaseDtor::Emit fails to cast CFG.CurCodeDecl (the callfunc
// __cf2 function) into the expected destructor (i.e. CXXMethodDecl). I.e. something
// is wrong in the exception emission stack.
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(R__ENABLE_BROKEN_WIN_TESTS)

      const TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t &faceptr = gInterpreter->CallFunc_IFacePtr(callf);
      gInterpreter->CallFunc_Delete(callf); // does not touch IFacePtr

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemDtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseDtorCalled"), 1);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemCtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivDtorCalled"), 0);

      void *argbuf[8];
      void *objresult = nullptr;
      std::string s("TheStringCtorArg");
      argbuf[0] = &s;
      faceptr.fGeneric(0, 1, argbuf, &objresult);
      EXPECT_NE(objresult, nullptr);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemCtorCalled"), 2);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemDtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseCtorCalled"), 2);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseDtorCalled"), 1);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemDtorCalled"), 0);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivDtorCalled"), 0);


      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemCtorCalled"), 2);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseMemDtorCalled"), 2);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseCtorCalled"), 2);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("baseDtorCalled"), 2);

      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemCtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivMemDtorCalled"), 1);
      EXPECT_EQ(GetInt("derivDtorCalled"), 1);

TEST(TClingMethodInfo, TemplateFun)
   // PyROOT needs to know whether a ctor is a template, see clingwrapper.cxx:
   // > // don't give in just yet, but rather get the full name through the symbol name,
   // > // as eg. constructors do not receive their proper/full name from GetName().

   // Also test "can we instantiate this function without extra type info"
   // (see `Templates::MyMethods`).

struct TemplateFun {
   template <class T>
   TemplateFun(int, T);

   template <class T>
   int NonCtor(float, T);
class InheritTemplateFun: TemplateFun {
    using TemplateFun::TemplateFun;

namespace Templates {
  template <class T> class TTArg;
  template <class OUTER>
  struct MyMethods {
    template <class X> int Na();
    template <class X> int Nb(X); // can be deduced but not enough for MethodInfo.
    template <class A, class B = int> int Nc();
    template <class X = OUTER, class... ARGS, class Y> int Nd();

    template <class X = int> int Ya();
    template <class...> int Yb();
    template <int X = 12> int Yc();
    template <template <class T> class X = TTArg> int Yd();
    template <class X = OUTER> int Ye();
    template <class X = OUTER> int Yf();
    template <class X = OUTER, class... ARGS> int Yg();
    template <class X = OUTER, class... ARGS, class Y = int> int Yh();


   TClass *clTemplateFun = TClass::GetClass("TemplateFun");
   ASSERT_NE(clTemplateFun, nullptr);

   TFunction *funCtor = clTemplateFun->GetMethodWithPrototype("TemplateFun", "int, int");
   ASSERT_NE(funCtor, nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(funCtor->ExtraProperty() & kIsTemplateSpec, kIsTemplateSpec);

   TFunction *funNonCtor = clTemplateFun->GetMethodWithPrototype("NonCtor", "float, int");
   ASSERT_NE(funNonCtor, nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(funNonCtor->ExtraProperty() & kIsTemplateSpec, kIsTemplateSpec);

   TClass *clInhTemplateFun = TClass::GetClass("InheritTemplateFun");
   ASSERT_NE(clInhTemplateFun, nullptr);

   // Fails because LookupHelper doesn't know how to instantiate function templates,
   // even though at least the function template is made available to the derived
   // class as per using decl. This is issue #6481.
   //TFunction *funInhCtor = clInhTemplateFun->GetMethodWithPrototype("InheritTemplateFun", "int, int");
   //ASSERT_NE(funInhCtor, nullptr);
   //EXPECT_EQ(funInhCtor->ExtraProperty() & kIsTemplateSpec, kIsTemplateSpec);
   //EXPECT_EQ(funInhCtor->Property() & kIsPrivate, kIsPrivate);

   // Doesn't work either, as GetListOfFunctionTemplates() ignores using decls.
   // Issue #6482
   // clInhTemplateFun->GetListOfFunctionTemplates(true)->ls(); // FindObject("InheritTemplateFun")-

   TClass *clMyMethods = TClass::GetClass("Templates::MyMethods<int>");
   ASSERT_NE(clMyMethods, nullptr);
   TListOfFunctions *methods = (TListOfFunctions *)clMyMethods->GetListOfMethods();
   ASSERT_NE(methods, nullptr);

   std::set<std::string> names;
   for (auto *obj: *methods)
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Na"), 0);
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Nb"), 0);
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Nc"), 0);
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Nd"), 0);

   //[1]: See comment in TClingCXXRecMethIter::InstantiateTemplateWithDefaults()
   // handling parameter packs.
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Ya<int>"), 1);
   //EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Yb"), 1); //[1]
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Yc<12>"), 1);
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Yd<TTArg>"), 1);
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Ye<int>"), 1);
   EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Yf<int>"), 1);
   //EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Yg<int>"), 1); //[1]
   //EXPECT_EQ(names.count("Yh<int, int>"), 1); //[1]

   // These do a lookup / overload set, and can materialize functions (like Yb)
   // that the enumeration above failed to catch; see overriding
   // `TListOfFunctions::FindObject()`.
   EXPECT_EQ(methods->FindObject("Na"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(methods->FindObject("Nb"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(methods->FindObject("Nc"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(methods->FindObject("Nd"), nullptr);

   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Ya"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Yb"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Yc"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Yd"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Ye"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Yf"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Yg"), nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(methods->FindObject("Yh"), nullptr);

TEST(TClingMethodInfo, Ctors)
namespace BUG6578 {
  struct Base1 {
    Base1(int = 42) {}
    Base1(const Base1&, std::string = "abc") {}

  struct Base2 {
    Base2() {}
    Base2(const Base2&) {}
    Base2(int, int) {}

  class Derived: public Base1, protected Base2 {
  private: // This is irrelevant - access of used ctors is defined by access of base class!
    using Base1::Base1; // Base1(int), Base1(Base1&, string)
  public: // This is irrelevant - access of used ctors is defined by access of base class!
    using Base2::Base2; // Base2(int, int)
    Derived(const Derived&) = delete;
    // Derived()

   TClassRef c("BUG6578::Derived");
   ASSERT_TRUE(c) << "Cannot find TClass for BUG6578::Derived";

   TListOfFunctions *methods = (TListOfFunctions*)c->GetListOfMethods();
   ASSERT_TRUE(methods) << "Cannot find methods for BUG6578::Derived";

   std::map<std::string, int /*properties*/> ctorsExpected {
      {"(int = 42)", kIsPublic},
      {"(const BUG6578::Base1&, string = \"abc\")", kIsProtected},
      {"(int, int)", kIsProtected}

   for (TMethod *meth: TRangeDynCast<TMethod>(*methods)) {
      if (!(meth->ExtraProperty() & kIsConstructor))
      auto iCtorExpected = ctorsExpected.find(meth->GetSignature());
      EXPECT_FALSE(iCtorExpected == ctorsExpected.end())
         << "Unexpected constructor overload " << meth->GetPrototype();
      if (iCtorExpected != ctorsExpected.end()) {
         EXPECT_EQ(meth->Property() & iCtorExpected->second, iCtorExpected->second)
         << "Unexpected properties for " << meth->GetPrototype();

         if (meth->Property() & kIsPublic) {
            CallFunc_t *callf = gInterpreter->CallFunc_Factory();
            MethodInfo_t *methInfo = gInterpreter->MethodInfo_Factory(meth->GetDeclId());
            gInterpreter->CallFunc_SetFunc(callf, methInfo);
            const TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t &faceptr = gInterpreter->CallFunc_IFacePtr(callf);
            gInterpreter->CallFunc_Delete(callf); // does not touch IFacePtr
            EXPECT_NE(faceptr.fGeneric, nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(ctorsExpected.size(), 0);
   if (ctorsExpected.size()) {
      std::cerr << "Expected constructors that were not found:\n";
      for (auto &&iCtorExpected: ctorsExpected)
         std::cerr << "   " << iCtorExpected.first << '\n';
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