Revision 92ceb3989677a4abea76f8a76427d9a7d6add5b1 authored by heisterm on 18 February 2014, 08:18:27 UTC, committed by heisterm on 18 February 2014, 08:18:27 UTC
The function was changed in a way that we now check for each target time interval
whether source and target time specs are consistent. If they are not, the target value
for that target interval will be NaN. Bfore that change, the entire target series
was set to NaN if the specs for only one target interval was inconsistent.
1 parent cad11e3
Raw File
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Name:         atten
# Purpose:
# Authors:      Maik Heistermann, Stephan Jacobi and Thomas Pfaff
# Created:      26.10.2011
# Copyright:    (c) Maik Heistermann, Stephan Jacobi and Thomas Pfaff 2011
# Licence:      The MIT License
#!/usr/bin/env python

Attenuation Correction

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



import os
import sys
import math
import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.interpolate

from wradlib.trafo import idecibel
from wradlib.zr import z2r

logger = logging.getLogger('attcorr')

class AttenuationOverflowError(Exception):

class AttenuationIterationError(Exception):

def correctAttenuationHB(gateset, coefficients = dict(a=1.67e-4, b=0.7, l=1.0), mode='',
    """Gate-by-Gate attenuation correction according to Hitschfeld & Bordan

    gateset : array
        multidimensional array. The range gates (over which iteration has to
        be performed) are supposed to vary along
        the *last* dimension so, e.g., for a set of `l` radar images stored in
        polar form with `m` azimuths and `n` range-bins the input array's
        shape can be either (l,m,n) or (m,l,n)
        data has to be provided in decibel representation of reflectivity [dBZ]

    a : float
        proportionality factor of the k-Z relation ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ).
        Per default set to 1.67e-4.

    b : float
        exponent of the k-Z relation ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to

    l : float
        length of a range gate [km]. Per default set to 1.0.

    mode : string
        controls how the function reacts, if the sum of signal and attenuation
        exceeds the
        threshold ``thrs``
        Possible values:
        'warn' : emit a warning through the module's logger but continue
        'zero' : set offending gates to 0.0
        'nan' : set offending gates to nan
        Any other mode and default setting will raise an Exception.

    thrs : float
        threshold, for the sum of attenuation and signal, which is deemed

    pia : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the calculated
        attenuation [dB] for each range gate.

        Exception, if attenuation exceeds ``thrs`` and no handling ``mode`` is


    .. [Hitschfeld1954] Hitschfeld, W. & Bordan, J., 1954.
        Errors Inherent in the Radar Measurement of Rainfall at Attenuating
        Wavelengths. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 11(1), p.58-67.
        DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(1954)011<0058:EIITRM>2.0.CO;2

    .. comment
        _[1] Krämer2008 - Krämer, Stefan 2008: Quantitative Radardatenaufbereitung
        für die Niederschlagsvorhersage und die Siedlungsentwässerung,
        Mitteilungen Institut für Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und
        Landwirtschaftlichen Wasserbau
        Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Heft 92, ISSN 0343-8090.

    if coefficients is None:
        _coefficients = {'a':1.67e-4, 'b':0.7, 'l':1.0}
        _coefficients = coefficients

    a = _coefficients['a']
    b = _coefficients['b']
    l = _coefficients['l']

    pia = np.empty(gateset.shape)
    pia[...,0] = 0.
    ksum = 0.

    # multidimensional version
    # assumes that iteration is only along the last dimension (i.e. range gates)
    # all other dimensions are calculated simultaneously to gain some speed
    for gate in range(gateset.shape[-1]-1):
        # calculate k in dB/km from k-Z relation
        # c.f. Krämer2008(p. 147)
        k = a * (10.0**((gateset[...,gate] + ksum)/10.0))**b  * 2.0 * l
        #k = 10**(log10(a)+0.1*bin*b)
        #dBkn = 10*math.log10(a) + (bin+ksum)*b + 10*math.log10(2*l)
        ksum += k

        pia[...,gate+1] = ksum
        # stop-criterion, if corrected reflectivity is larger than 59 dBZ
        overflow = (gateset[...,gate] + ksum) > thrs
        if np.any(overflow):
            if mode == 'warn':
                logger.warning('dB-sum over threshold (%3.1f)'%thrs)
            elif mode == 'nan':
                pia[gate,overflow] = np.nan
            elif mode == 'zero':
                pia[gate,overflow] = 0.0
                raise AttenuationOverflowError

    return pia

def correctAttenuationKraemer(gateset,  a_max = 1.67e-4, a_min = 2.33e-5,
                              b = 0.7, n = 30, l = 1.0, mode = 'zero',
                              thrs_dBZ = 59.0):
    """Gate-by-Gate attenuation correction according to Stefan Kraemer

    gateset : array
        Multidimensional array, where the range gates (over which iteration has
        to be performed) are supposed to vary along the *last* dimension so,
        e.g., for a set of `l` radar images stored in polar form with `m`
        azimuths and `n` range-bins the input array's shape can be either
        (l,m,n) or (m,l,n).

        Data has to be provided in decibel representation of reflectivity

    a_max : float
        initial value for linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to 1.67e-4.

    a_min : float
        minimal allowed linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ) in the downwards iteration of a in case of signal
        overflow (sum of signal and attenuation exceeds the threshold ``thrs``).
        Per default set to 2.33e-5.

    b : float
        exponent of the k-Z relation ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to

    n : integer
        number of iterations from a_max to a_min. Per default set to 30.

    l : float
        length of a range gate [km]. Per default set to 1.0.

    mode : string
        Controls how the function reacts in case of signal overflow (sum of
        signal and attenuation exceeds the threshold ``thrs``).
        Possible values:

        'warn' : emit a warning through the module's logger but continue

        'zero' : set offending gates to 0.0

        'nan' : set offending gates to nan

        Per default set to 'zero'. Any other mode will raise an Exception.

    thrs_dBZ : float
        Threshold, for the attenuation corrected signal [dBZ], which is deemed
        unplausible. Per default set to 59.0 dBZ.

    pia : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the calculated
        attenuation [dB] for each range gate.

        Exception, if attenuation exceeds ``thrs`` even with smallest possible
        linear coefficient (a_min) and no handling ``mode`` is set.


    .. [Kraemer2008] Krämer, Stefan 2008: Quantitative Radardatenaufbereitung
        für die Niederschlagsvorhersage und die Siedlungsentwässerung,
        Mitteilungen Institut für Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und
        Landwirtschaftlichen Wasserbau
        Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Heft 92, ISSN 0343-8090.


    if np.max(np.isnan(gateset)): raise Exception('There are not processable NaN in the gateset!')

    da = (a_max - a_min) / (n - 1)
    ai = a_max + da
    pia = np.zeros(gateset.shape)
    pia[...,0] = 0.0
    # indexing all rows of last dimension (radarbeams)
    beams2correct = np.where(np.max(pia, axis = pia.ndim - 1) > (-1.))
    # iterate over possible a-parameters
    for i in range(n):
        ai = ai - da
        # subset of beams that have to be corrected and corresponding attenuations
        sub_gateset = gateset[beams2correct]
        sub_pia = pia[beams2correct]
        for gate in range(gateset.shape[-1] - 1):
            k = ai * (10.0**((sub_gateset[...,gate] + sub_pia[...,gate])/10.0))**b  * 2.0 * l
            sub_pia[...,gate + 1] = sub_pia[...,gate] + k
        # integration of the calculated attenuation subset to the whole attenuation matrix
        pia[beams2correct] = sub_pia
        # indexing the rows of the last dimension (radarbeam), if any corrected values exceed the threshold
        beams2correct = np.where(np.max(gateset + pia, axis = pia.ndim - 1) > thrs_dBZ)
        # if there is no beam left for correction, the iteration can be interrupted prematurely
        if len(pia[beams2correct]) == 0: break
    if len(pia[beams2correct]) > 0:
        if mode == 'warn': logger.warning('dB-sum over threshold (%3.1f)'%thrs)
        elif mode == 'nan':  pia[beams2correct] = np.nan
        elif mode == 'zero': pia[beams2correct] = 0.0
        else: raise AttenuationOverflowError

    return pia

def correctAttenuationHJ(gateset, a_max = 1.67e-4, a_min = 2.33e-5, b = 0.7,
                         n = 30, l = 1.0, mode = 'zero', thrs_dBZ = 59.0,
                         max_PIA = 20.0):
    """Gate-by-Gate attenuation correction based on Stefan Kraemer
    [Kraemer2008]_, expanded by Stephan Jacobi, Maik Heistermann and
    Thomas Pfaff [Jacobi2011]_.

    gateset : array
        Multidimensional array, where the range gates (over which iteration has
        to be performed) are supposed to vary along the last array-dimension and
        the azimuths are supposed to vary along the next to last array-dimension.
        Data has to be provided in decibel representation of reflectivity

    a_max : float
        initial value for linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to 1.67e-4.

    a_min : float
        minimal allowed linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ) in the downwards iteration of a in case of signal
        overflow (sum of signal and attenuation exceeds the threshold ``thrs``).
        Per default set to 2.33e-5.

    b : float
        exponent of the k-Z relation ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to

    n : integer
        number of iterations from a_max to a_min. Per default set to 30.

    l : float
        length of a range gate [km]. Per default set to 1.0.

    mode : string
        Controls how the function reacts in case of signal overflow (sum of
        signal and attenuation exceeds the threshold ``thrs``).
        Possible values:

        'warn' : emit a warning through the module's logger but continue

        'zero' : set offending gates to 0.0

        'nan' : set offending gates to nan

        Per default set to 'zero'. Any other mode will raise an Exception.

    thrs_dBZ : float
        Threshold, for the attenuation corrected signal [dBZ], which is deemed
        unplausible. Per default set to 59.0 dBZ.

    max_PIA : float
        threshold, for the maximum path integrated attenuation [dB] which allows
        reasonable attenuation corrections. Per default set to 20.0 dB.

    pia : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the calculated
        attenuation [dB] for each range gate. In case the input array (gateset)
        contains NaNs the corresponding beams of the output array will be
        set as NaN, too.

        Exception, if attenuation exceeds ``thrs`` even with smallest possible
        linear coefficient (a_min) and no handling ``mode`` is set.


    .. [Jacobi2011] Jacobi, S., Heistermann, M., Pfaff, T. 2011: Evaluation and
        improvement of C-band radar attenuation correction for operational flash
        flood forecasting.
        Proceedings of the Weather Radar and Hydrology symposium, Exeter, UK,
        April 2011, IAHS Publ. 3XX, 2011, in review.


#    if np.any(np.isnan(gateset)):
#        raise ValueError, 'There are NaNs in the gateset! Cannot continue.'
#    k = np.zeros(gateset.shape)
    if not np.all(gateset.shape):
        # gateset contains empty dimensions, thus no data
        return np.where(np.isnan(gateset), np.nan, 0.)
    da = (a_max - a_min) / (n - 1)
    ai = a_max + da
##  initialize an attenuation array with the same shape as the gateset,
##  filled with zeros, except that NaNs occuring in the gateset will cause a
##  initialization with Nans for the ENTIRE corresponding attenuation beam
    pia = np.where(np.isnan(gateset), np.nan, 0.)
    pia[np.where(np.isnan(pia))[:-1]] = np.nan
    # indexing all rows of last dimension (radarbeams) except rows including NaNs
    beams2correct = np.where(np.max(pia, axis=-1) > (-1.))
    # iterate over possible a-parameters
    for i in range(n):
        ai = ai - da
        # subset of beams that have to be corrected and corresponding attenuations
        sub_gateset = gateset[beams2correct]
        sub_pia = pia[beams2correct]
        for gate in range(gateset.shape[-1] - 1):
            k = ai * (10.0**((sub_gateset[...,gate] + sub_pia[...,gate])/10.0))**b  * 2.0 * l
            sub_pia[...,gate + 1] = sub_pia[...,gate] + k
        # integration of the calculated attenuation subset to the whole attenuation matrix
        pia[beams2correct] = sub_pia
        # indexing the rows of the last dimension (radarbeam), if any corrected values exceed the thresholds
        # of corrected attenuation or PIA or NaNs are occuring
        beams2correct = np.where(np.logical_or(np.max(gateset + pia, axis=-1) > thrs_dBZ,
                                               np.max(pia, axis=-1) > max_PIA))
        # if there is no beam left for correction, the iteration can be interrupted prematurely
        if len(pia[beams2correct]) == 0: break
    if len(pia[beams2correct]) > 0:
        if mode == 'warn': logger.warning('threshold exceeded (corrected dBZ or PIA) even for lowest a')
        elif mode == 'nan':  pia[beams2correct] = np.nan
        elif mode == 'zero': pia[beams2correct] = 0.0
        else: raise AttenuationOverflowError

    return pia

def correctAttenuationConstrained(gateset, a_max=1.67e-4, a_min=2.33e-5,
                                b_max=0.7, b_min=0.2, na=30, nb=5, l=1.0,
                                constraints=None, constr_args=None,
    """Gate-by-Gate attenuation correction based on the iterative approach of
    Stefan Kraemer [Kraemer2008]_ with a generalized and arbitrary number of

    gateset : array
        Multidimensional array, where the range gates (over which iteration has
        to be performed) are supposed to vary along the *last* dimension so,
        e.g., for a set of `l` radar images stored in polar form with `m`
        azimuths and `n` range-bins the input array's shape can be either
        (l,m,n) or (m,l,n).

        Data has to be provided in decibel representation of reflectivity

    a_max : float
        initial value for linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to 1.67e-4.

    a_min : float
        minimal allowed linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ) in the downwards iteration of a in case of signal
        overflow (sum of signal and attenuation exceeds the threshold ``thrs``).
        Per default set to 2.33e-5.

    b : float
        exponent of the k-Z relation ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). Per default set to

    n : integer
        number of iterations from a_max to a_min. Per default set to 30.

    l : float
        length of a range gate [km]. Per default set to 1.0.

    mode : string
        Controls how the function reacts in case of signal overflow (sum of
        signal and attenuation exceeds the threshold ``thrs``).
        Possible values:

        'warn' : emit a warning through the module's logger but continue

        'zero' : set offending gates to 0.0

        'nan' : set offending gates to nan

        Per default set to 'zero'. Any other mode will raise an Exception.

    constraints : list
        list of constraint functions. The signature of these functions has to be
        constraint_function(`gateset`, `k`, \*`constr_args`). Their return value
        must be a boolean array of shape gateset.shape[:-1] set to True for
        beams, which do not fulfill the constraint.

    constr_args : list
        list of lists, which are to be passed to the individual constraint
        functions using the \*args mechanism
        (len(constr_args) == len(constraints))

    diagnostics : dictionary
        dictionary of variables, which are usually not returned by the function
        but may be of interest for research or during testing. Defaults to {},
        in which case no diagnostics are generated. If a dictionary with
        certain keys is passed to the function, the respective diagnostics are
        Currently implemented diagnostics:

            - 'a' - returns the values of the a coefficient of the k-Z
               relation, which was used to calculate the attenuation for the
               respective beam as a np.array. The shape of the returned array
               will be gateset.shape[:-1].

    k : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the calculated
        attenuation [dB] for each range gate.

        Exception, if not all constraints are satisfied even with the smallest
        possible linear coefficient (a_min) and no handling ``mode`` is set.

    >>> # Implementing the original Hitschfeld & Bordan (1954) algorithm with
    >>> # otherwise default parameters
    >>> k = correctAttenuationConstrained(gateset, n=1, mode='nan')
    >>> # Implementing the basic Kraemer algorithm
    >>> k = correctAttenuationConstrained(gateset,
    ...                                   mode='nan',
    ...                                   constraints=[constraint_dBZ],
    ...                                   constr_args=[[59.0]])

    >>> # Implementing the PIA algorithm by Jacobi et al.
    >>> k = correctAttenuationConstrained(gateset,
    ...                                   mode='nan',
    ...                                   constraints=[constraint_dBZ,
    ...                                                constraint_pia],
    ...                                   constr_args=[[59.0],
    ...                                               [20.0]])


    if np.max(np.isnan(gateset)): raise Exception('There are not processable NaN in the gateset!')

    if constraints is None:
        constraints = []
    if constr_args is None:
        constr_args = []

    a_used = np.empty(gateset.shape[:-1])
    b_used = np.empty(gateset.shape[:-1])

    da = (a_max - a_min) / (na - 1)
    ai = a_max + da
    k = np.zeros(gateset.shape)
    db = (b_max - b_min) / (nb - 1)

    # indexing all rows of last dimension (radarbeams)
    beams2correct = np.where(np.max(k, axis=-1) > (-1.))
    # iterate over possible a-parameters
    for j in range(nb):
        bi = b_max - db*j
        for i in range(na):
            ai = a_max - da*i
            # subset of beams that have to be corrected and corresponding attenuations
            sub_gateset = gateset[beams2correct]
            sub_k = k[beams2correct]
            for gate in range(gateset.shape[-1] - 1):
                kn = ai * (10.0**((sub_gateset[...,gate] + sub_k[...,gate])/10.0))**bi  * 2.0 * l
                sub_k[...,gate + 1] = sub_k[...,gate] + kn
            # integration of the calculated attenuation subset to the whole attenuation matrix
            k[beams2correct] = sub_k
            a_used[beams2correct] = ai
            b_used[beams2correct] = bi
            # indexing the rows of the last dimension (radarbeam), if any corrected values exceed the threshold
            incorrectbeams = np.zeros(gateset.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool)
            for constraint, constr_arg in zip(constraints, constr_args):
                incorrectbeams |= constraint(gateset, k, *constr_arg)
            beams2correct = np.where(incorrectbeams) #np.where(np.max(gateset + k, axis = k.ndim - 1) > thrs_dBZ)
            # if there is no beam left for correction, the iteration can be interrupted prematurely
            if len(k[beams2correct]) == 0: break
        if len(k[beams2correct]) == 0: break
    if len(k[beams2correct]) > 0:
        if mode == 'warn': logger.warning('correction did not fulfill constraints within given parameter range')
        elif mode == 'nan':  k[beams2correct] = np.nan
        elif mode == 'zero': k[beams2correct] = 0.0
        else: raise AttenuationOverflowError

    if diagnostics.has_key('a'):
            diagnostics['a'] = a_used
    if diagnostics.has_key('b'):
            diagnostics['b'] = b_used

    return k

def constraint_dBZ(gateset, pia, thrs_dBZ):
    """Constraint callback function for correctAttenuationConstrained.
    Selects beams, in which at least one pixel exceeds `thrs_dBZ` [dBZ].
    return np.max(gateset + pia, axis=-1) > thrs_dBZ

def constraint_pia(gateset, pia, thrs_pia):
    """Constraint callback function for correctAttenuationConstrained.
    Selects beams, in which the path integrated attenuation exceeds `thrs_pia`.
    return np.max(pia, axis=-1) > thrs_pia

# new implementation of Kraemer algorithm
def calc_attenuation_forward(gateset, a=1.67e-4, b=0.7, l=1.):
    """Gate-by-Gate forward correction as described in [Kraemer2008]_"""
    pia = np.zeros(gateset.shape)
    for gate in range(gateset.shape[-1] - 1):
        k = a * idecibel(gateset[..., gate] + pia[..., gate])**b  * 2.0 * l
        pia[..., gate + 1] = pia[..., gate] + k
    return pia

def calc_attenuation_backward(gateset, a, b, l, a_ref, tdiff, maxiter):
    """Gate-by-Gate backward correction as described in [Kraemer2008]_"""
    k = np.zeros(gateset.shape)
    k[...,-1] = a_ref
    for gate in range(gateset.shape[-1]-2, 0, -1):
        kright = np.zeros(gateset.shape[:-1])+a_ref/gateset.shape[-1]
        toprocess = np.ones(gateset.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool)
        for j in range(maxiter):
            kleft = a * (idecibel(gateset[...,gate][toprocess]
                                  + k[...,gate+1][toprocess]
                                  - kright[toprocess]))**b * 2.0 * l
            diff = np.abs(kleft-kright)
            kright[toprocess] = kleft
            toprocess[diff<tdiff] = False
            if ~np.any(toprocess):

        if j == maxiter-1:
            raise AttenuationIterationError

        k[...,gate] = k[...,gate+1] - kright
    #k = np.cumsum(k, axis=-1)
    return k

def bisectReferenceAttenuation(gateset,
    """Find the optimal attenuation coefficients for a gateset to achieve a
    given reference attenuation using a the forward correction algorithm in
    combination with the bisection method.

    gateset : array
        Multidimensional array, where the range gates (over which iteration has
        to be performed) are supposed to vary along the last array-dimension.

        Data has to be provided in decibel representation of reflectivity

    pia_ref : array
        Array of the same number of dimensions as ``gateset``, but the size of
        the last dimension is 1, as it constitutes the reference pia [dB]of the
        last rangegate of every beam.

    a_max : float
        Upper bound of the bisection interval within the linear coefficient a of
        the k-Z relation has to be. ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ).

        Per default set to 1.67e-4.

    a_min : float
        Lower bound of the bisection interval within the linear coefficient a of
        the k-Z relation has to be. ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ).

        Per default set to 2.33e-5.

    b_start : float
        Initial value for exponential coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ). This value will be lowered incremental by 0.01 if
        no solution was found within the bisection interval of ``a_max`` and
        ``a_min`` within the number of given iterations ``max_iterations``.

        Per default set to 0.7.

    l : float
        Radial length of a range gate [km].

        Per default set to 1.0.

    mode : string {‘ratio’ or ‘difference’}
        Kind of tolerance of calculated pia in relation to reference pia.

        Per default set to 'difference'.

    thrs : float
        Value of the tolerance to stop bisection iteration successful. It is
        recommended to choose 0.05 for ratio ``mode`` and 0.25 for difference
        ``mode``, which means a deviation tolerance of 5% or 0.25 dB,

        Per default set to 0.25.

    max_iterations : integer
        Number of bisection iteration before the exponantial coefficient b of
        the k-Z relation will be decreased and the bisection starts again.

        Per default set to 10.

    pia : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the calculated path
        integrated attenuation [dB] for each range gate.
    a_mid : array
        Array with the same shape as ``pia_ref`` containing the finally used
        linear k-Z relation coefficient a for successful pia calculation.
    b : array
        Array with the same shape as ``pia_ref`` containing the finally used
        exponential k-Z relation coefficient b for successful pia calculation.


    # Prepare arrays of initial k-Z relation coefficients for each beam.
    a_hi = np.repeat(a_max, pia_ref.shape)
    a_lo = np.repeat(a_min, pia_ref.shape)
    b = np.repeat(b_start, pia_ref.shape)
    pia = np.empty_like(gateset)
    iteration_count = 0

    # Iterate until upper and lower bounds of linear k-Z relation coefficients
    # for pia calculation are the same.
    while not np.all(a_hi == a_lo):
        a_mid = (a_hi + a_lo) / 2
        pia = calc_attenuation_forward(gateset, a_mid, b, l)
        # Find indices where calculated and reference pia match sufficiant.
        if mode == 'difference':
            overshoot = (pia[..., -1] - pia_ref) > thrs
            undershoot = (pia[..., -1] - pia_ref) < -thrs
            hit = (np.abs(pia[..., -1] - pia_ref)) < thrs
        elif mode == 'ratio':
            overshoot = ((pia[..., -1] - pia_ref) / pia_ref) > thrs
            undershoot = ((pia[..., -1] - pia_ref) / pia_ref) < -thrs
            hit = (np.abs(pia[..., -1] - pia_ref) / pia_ref) < thrs
            raise Exception('Unknown mode type ' + mode + '.')
        # Define new bounds of linear k-Z relation coefficiant for over- and
        # undershooting pia calculations.
        a_hi[overshoot] = a_mid[overshoot]
        a_lo[undershoot] = a_mid[undershoot]
        a_hi[hit] = a_mid[hit]
        a_lo[hit] = a_mid[hit]
        iteration_count += 1
        # Change exponential k-Z relation coefficient in case of maximum
        # iterations for linear k-Z relation coefficient are reached.
        if iteration_count > max_iterations:
            b[overshoot] -= 0.01
            b[undershoot] += 0.01
    return pia, a_mid, b

def _sector_filter(mask, min_sector_size):
    """Claculate an array of same shape as mask, which is set to 1 in case of at
    least min_sector_size adjacent values, otherwise it is set to 0.


    kernela = np.ones([1] * (mask.ndim - 1) + [min_sector_size])
    kernelb = np.ones((min_sector_size,))
    forward_origin = (-(min_sector_size - (min_sector_size //2)) +
                      min_sector_size % 2)
    backward_origin = (min_sector_size - (min_sector_size // 2)) - 1
    forward_sum = scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(mask.astype(, kernelb,
                    axis=-1, mode='wrap', origin=forward_origin)
    backward_sum = scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(mask.astype(, kernelb,
                    axis=-1, mode='wrap', origin=backward_origin)
    forward_corners = (forward_sum == min_sector_size)
    backward_corners = (backward_sum == min_sector_size)
    forward_large_sectors = np.zeros_like(mask)
    backward_large_sectors = np.zeros_like(mask)
    for iii in range(mask.shape[0]):
        forward_large_sectors[iii] = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(
            forward_corners[iii], kernela[0], origin=forward_origin).astype(int)
        backward_large_sectors[iii] = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(
            backward_corners[iii], kernela[0],

    return (forward_large_sectors | backward_large_sectors)

def nd_pad(data, pad, axis=-1, mode='wrap'):
    axislen = data.shape[axis]
    new_shape = np.array(data.shape)
    new_shape[axis] += 2*pad
    new_data = np.empty(new_shape)

    dataslices = [slice(None, None) for i in new_shape]
    dataslices[axis] = slice(pad, axislen+pad)


    if mode=='wrap':
        old_leftslice = [slice(None, None) for i in new_shape]
        old_leftslice[axis] = slice(0, pad)
        old_rightslice = [slice(None, None) for i in new_shape]
        old_rightslice[axis] = slice(axislen-pad, axislen)

        new_leftslice = [slice(None, None) for i in new_shape]
        new_leftslice[axis] = slice(0,pad)
        new_rightslice = [slice(None, None) for i in new_shape]
        new_rightslice[axis] = slice(axislen+pad, axislen+2*pad)

        new_data[new_leftslice] = data[old_rightslice]
        new_data[new_rightslice] = data[old_leftslice]

    return new_data

def _interp_atten(pia, invalidbeams):
    """Interpolate reference pia of most distant rangebin of small invalid
    sectors as a prerequisite for the backward calculation of attenuation.
    # Build an spatial equidistant array for interpolation of the ahead and
    # behind extended temporary pia-array for handling invalid sectors
    # overlapping the seam of the radarcircle.
    x = np.arange(3*pia.shape[1])

    for i in range(pia.shape[0]):
        sub_invalid = invalidbeams[i,:]
        sub_pia = pia[i,:,-1]
        # Build the extended bool-array with the invalid sectors.
        extended_invalid = np.concatenate([sub_invalid]*3)
        # Build the extended pia-array.
        extended_pia = np.concatenate([sub_pia]*3)
        # Build interpolation class.
        intp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x[~extended_invalid],
            extended_pia[~extended_invalid], kind='linear')
        # Interpolate where sectors are invalid.
        pia[i,sub_invalid,-1] = intp(x[pia.shape[1]:2 * pia.shape[1] +

def correctAttenuationConstrained2(gateset, a_max=1.67e-4, a_min=2.33e-5, n_a=4,
                                   b_max=0.7, b_min=0.65, n_b=6, l=1.,
                                   constraints=None, constraint_args=None,
    """Gate-by-Gate attenuation correction based on the iterative approach of
    Stefan Kraemer [Kraemer2008]_ with a generalized and scalable number of
    constraints. Differing from the original approach, the method for
    recalculating constraint breaching small sectors is based on a bisection
    forward calculating method, and not on backwards attenuation calculation.

    gateset : array
        Multidimensional array, where the range gates (over which iteration has
        to be performed) are supposed to vary along the last array-dimension and
        the azimuths are supposed to vary along the next to last

        Data has to be provided in decibel representation of reflectivity

    a_max : float
        Initial value for linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ).

        Per default set to 1.67e-4.

    a_min : float
        Minimal allowed linear coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ) in the downwards iteration of 'a' in case
        of breaching one of thresholds ``constr_args`` of the optional
        conditions ``constraints``.

        Per default set to 2.33e-5.

    n_a : integer
        Number of iterations from ``a_max`` to ``a_min``.

        Per default set to 4.

    b_max : float
        Initial value for exponential coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ).

        Per default set to 0.7.

    b_min : float
        Minimal allowed exponential coefficient of the k-Z relation
        ( :math:`k=a*Z^{b}` ) in the downwards iteration of 'b' in case
        of breaching one of thresholds ``constr_args`` of the optional
        conditions ``constraints`` and the linear coefficient 'a' has already
        reached the lower limit ``a_min``.

        Per default set to 0.65.

    n_b : integer
        Number of iterations from ``b_max`` to ``b_min``.

        Per default set to 6.

    l : float
        Radial length of a range gate [km].

        Per default set to 1.0.

    constraints : list
        List of constraint functions. The signature of these functions has to be
        constraint_function(`gateset`, `k`, \*`constr_args`). Their return value
        must be a boolean array of shape gateset.shape[:-1] set to True for
        beams, which do not fulfill the constraint.

    constraint_args : list
        List of lists, which are to be passed to the individual constraint
        functions using the \*args mechanism
        (len(constr_args) == len(constraints)).

    sector_thr : integer
        Number of adjacent beams, for which in case of breaching the constraints
        the attenuation with downward iterated ``a`` and ``b`` - parameters is
        recalculated. For more narrow sectors the integrated attenuation of the
        last gate is interpolated and used as reference for the recalculation.

    pia : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the calculated path
        integrated attenuation [dB] for each range gate.

    >>> import wradlib as wrl
    >>> # Implementing the original Hitschfeld & Bordan (1954) algorithm with
    >>> # otherwise default parameters
    >>> pia = wrl.atten.correctAttenuationConstrained2(gateset)
    >>> # Implementing the basic Kraemer algorithm
    >>> k = correctAttenuationConstrained(gateset,
    ...                                  constraints=[wrl.atten.constraint_dBZ],
    ...                                  constraint_args=[[59.0]])
    >>> # Implementing the PIA algorithm by Jacobi et al.
    >>> k = wrl.atten.correctAttenuationConstrained(gateset,
    ...                                  constraints=[wrl.atten.constraint_dBZ,
    ...                                               wrl.atten.constraint_pia],
    ...                                  constraint_args=[[59.0],
    ...                                                   [20.0]])


    # todo: überlauf darf so hoch sein, wie die urspruenglichen messwerte
    if constraints is None:
        constraints = []
    if constraint_args is None:
        constraint_args = []
    n_az = gateset.shape[-2]
    n_rng = gateset.shape[-1]
    tmp_gateset = gateset.reshape((-1, n_az, n_rng))

    pia = np.zeros_like(tmp_gateset)

    a_used = np.empty(tmp_gateset.shape[:-1])
    b_used = np.empty(tmp_gateset.shape[:-1])

    # Calculate attenuation forward.
    # Indexing all rows of last dimension (radarbeams).
    beams2correct = np.where(np.ones(tmp_gateset.shape[:-1], dtype = np.bool))
    small_sectors = np.zeros(tmp_gateset.shape[:-1], dtype = np.bool)

    delta_a = (a_max - a_min) / (n_a - 1)
    delta_b = (b_max - b_min) / (n_b - 1)

    # Iterate over possible b-parameters.
    for j in range(n_b):
        b = b_max - delta_b * j
        # Iterate over possible a-parameters.
        for i in range(n_a):
            a = a_max - delta_a * i
            # Generate subset of beams that have to be corrected.
            sub_gateset = tmp_gateset[beams2correct]
            sub_pia = calc_attenuation_forward(sub_gateset, a, b, l)
            pia[beams2correct] = sub_pia
            a_used[beams2correct] = a
            b_used[beams2correct] = b
            # Indexing threshold exceeding beams.
            incorrectbeams = np.zeros(tmp_gateset.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool)
            for constraint, constraint_arg in zip(constraints, constraint_args):
                incorrectbeams = np.logical_or(incorrectbeams,
                constraint(tmp_gateset, pia, *constraint_arg))
            # Determine incorrect sectors larger than sector_thr.
            large_sectors = _sector_filter(incorrectbeams, sector_thr)
            # Determine incorrect sectors smaller than sector_thr.
            small_sectors = np.logical_or(small_sectors,
                                         (incorrectbeams & ~large_sectors))
            beams2correct = np.where(large_sectors)
            if len(pia[beams2correct]) == 0: break
        if len(pia[beams2correct]) == 0: break
    if np.any(small_sectors):
        # Interpolate reference pia of most distant rangebin of invalid sectors.
        _interp_atten(pia, small_sectors)
        # Calculate attenuation forward by achieving reference attenuation based on
        # bisection-method.
        tmp_pia, tmp_a, tmp_b = bisectReferenceAttenuation(tmp_gateset[small_sectors,:],
                                            pia[small_sectors, -1],
        pia[small_sectors,:] = tmp_pia
        a_used[small_sectors] = tmp_a
        b_used[small_sectors] = tmp_b

    return pia.reshape(gateset.shape)

def correctRadomeAttenuationEmpirical(gateset, frequency=5.64,
                                      hydrophobicity=0.165, n_r=2,
    """Estimate two-way wet radome losses as an empirical
    function of frequency and rainfall rate for both standard and
    hydrophobic radomes based on the approach of Francis J. Merceret
    and Jennifer G. Ward [Merceret2002]_.

    gateset : array
        Multidimensional array, where the range gates (over which
        iteration has to be performed) are supposed to vary along the
        last array-dimension and the azimuths are supposed to vary
        along the next to last array-dimension. Data has to be provided
        in decibel representation of reflectivity [dBZ].

    frequency : float
        Radar-frequency [GHz]:

            Standard frequencies in X-band range between 8.0 and 12.0 GHz,

            Standard frequencies in C-band range between 4.0 and 8.0 GHz,

            Standard frequencies in S-band range between 2.0 and 4.0 GHz.

            Be aware that the empirical fit of the formula was just
            done for C- and S-band. The use for X-band is probably an
            undue extrapolation.

            Per default set to 5.64 as used by the German Weather
            Service radars.

    hydrophobicity : float
        Empirical parameter based on the hydrophobicity of the radome

            0.165 for standard radomes,

            0.0575 for hydrophobic radomes.

            Per default set to 0.165.

    n_r : integer
        The radius of rangebins within the rain-intensity is
        statistically evaluated as the representative rain-intensity
        over radome.

    stat : class
        A name of a numpy function for statistical aggregation of the
        central rangebins defined by n_r.

        Potential options: np.mean, np.median, np.max, np.min.

    k : array
        Array with the same shape as ``gateset`` containing the
        calculated two-way transmission loss [dB] for each range gate.
        In case the input array (gateset) contains NaNs the
        corresponding beams of the output array (k) will be set as NaN,

    .. [Merceret2002] Merceret, F. J. & Ward, J. G., 2000.
        Attenuation of Weather Radar Signals Due to Wetting of the
        Radome by Rainwater or Incomplete Filling of the Beam Volume.
        NASA/TM-2002-211171, NASA/YA-D, Kennedy Space Center, FL,
        32899, 16 pp.
        Available at:
        [Accessed Sep 5, 2013].


    # Select rangebins inside the defined center-range n_r.
    center = gateset[...,:n_r].reshape(-1, n_r * gateset.shape[-2])
    center_m =, np.isnan(center))
    # Calculate rainrate in the center-range based on statistical method stat
    # and with standard ZR-relation.
    rain_over_radome = z2r(idecibel(stat(center_m, axis = -1)))
    # Estimate the empirical two-way transmission loss due to
    # radome-attenuation.
    k = 2 * hydrophobicity * rain_over_radome * np.tanh(frequency / 10.)**2
    # Reshape the result to gateset-shape.
    k = np.repeat(k, gateset.shape[-1] *

    return k

def pia_from_kdp(kdp, dr, gamma=0.08):
    """Retrieving path integrated attenuation from specific differential phase (Kdp).

    The default value of gamma is based on [Carey2002]_.

    kdp : array specific differential phase
       Range dimension must be the last dimension.
    dr : gate length (km)
    gamma : float
       linear coefficient (default value: 0.08) in the relation between Kdp phase and specific attenuation (alpha)

    output : array of same shape as kdp containing the path integrated attenuation

    .. [Carey2002] Carey, L. D., S. A. Rutledge, and D. A. Ahijevych, 2000:
       Correcting propagation effects in C-band polarimetric radar observations
       of tropical convection using differential propagation phase.
       J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 1405–1433.

    alpha = gamma * kdp
    return 2*np.cumsum(alpha, axis=-1)*dr

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'wradlib: Calling module <atten> as main...'
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