Revision 936fa1723eb80b0f9d4b12a1e50e5c542b549b35 authored by Mark Clements on 03 March 2021, 16:10:02 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 03 March 2021, 16:10:02 UTC
1 parent 3344f17
\title{Residual values for an stpm2 or pstpm2 fit}
Given an \code{stpm2} or \code{pstpm2} fit, return residuals
\item{object= "stpm2"}{an \code{stpm2} fit}
\S4method{residuals}{stpm2}(object, type=c("li","gradli"))
\S4method{residuals}{pstpm2}(object, type=c("li","gradli"))
\item{object}{an \code{stpm2} or \code{pstpm2} object}
\item{type}{specify the type of residuals:
\item{"li"}{log-likelihood components (not strictly residuals)}
\item{"gradli"}{gradient of the log-likelihood components (not
strictly residuals)}
A vector or matrix.
The gradients are analytical.
%%\keyword{ ~~ other possible keyword(s)}
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