Revision 945e4c69971ed73ded8668418fe9c286f90c89cb authored by jrnold on 14 August 2016, 21:04:28 UTC, committed by jrnold on 14 August 2016, 21:04:28 UTC
1 parent ec6d329
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Tip revision: 945e4c69971ed73ded8668418fe9c286f90c89cb authored by jrnold on 14 August 2016, 21:04:28 UTC
Remove incomplete Nile example from misc/dlm
Tip revision: 945e4c6
library(ggplot2) <- read.csv ("allvar.csv")

## Eliminate missing data & just consider the "control" patients (treatmnt==1)
## and with initial age between 1 and 5 years
ok <- treatmnt==1 & ! & (baseage>1 & baseage<5)

## Redefining variables
y <- sqrt (CD4PCT)
age.baseline <- baseage        # kid's age (yrs) at the beginning of the study
age.measurement <- visage      # kids age (yrs) at the time of measurement
treatment <- treatmnt
time <- visage - baseage

## Set up new patient id numbers from 1 to J
ok <- !
y1 <- y[ok] <- unique (newpid)
n <- length (y[ok])
J <- length ([ok])
person <- rep (NA, n)
for (j in 1:J){
person[[j]] <- j

## Fit the model
## M1 <- lmer (y ~ time + (1 + time | person))

dataList.1 <- list(N=n, J=84,time=time[ok],person=person[ok],y=y1)
hiv.sf1 <- stan(file='hiv.stan', data=dataList.1, iter=1000, chains=4)
print(hiv.sf1,pars = c("a","b", "sigma_y", "lp__"))
post <- extract(hiv.sf1)

## Simulating the hypothetical data
CD4.fake <- function(J, K){
  time <- rep (seq(0,1,length=K), J)  # K measurements during the year
  person <- rep (1:J, each=K)         # person ID's
  treatment <- sample (rep(0:1, J/2))
  treatment1 <- treatment[person] 
#                                     # hyperparameters
  mu.a.true <- 4.8                    # more generally, these could
  g.0.true <- -.5                     # be specified as additional
  g.1.true <- .5                      # arguments to the function
  sigma.y.true <- .7
  sigma.a.true <- 1.3
  sigma.b.true <- .7
#                                     # personal-level parameters
  a.true <- rnorm (J, mu.a.true, sigma.a.true)
  b.true <- rnorm (J, g.0.true + g.1.true*treatment, sigma.b.true)
#                                     # data
  y <- rnorm (J*K, a.true[person] + b.true[person]*time, sigma.y.true)
  return (data.frame (y=y, time=time, person=person, treatment=treatment1,J=84,N=length(y)))
## Fitting the model and checking the power

CD4.power <- function (J, K, n.sims=1000){
  signif <- rep (NA, n.sims)
  for (s in 1:n.sims){
    fake <- CD4.fake (J,K)
    hiv.sf2 <- stan(file='hiv_inter.stan', data=fake, iter=1000, chains=4)
    post <- extract(hiv.sf2)
    theta.hat <- colMeans(post$beta) <- sd(post$beta)
    signif[s] <- (theta.hat - 2* > 0    # return TRUE or FALSE
  power <- mean (signif)                         # proportion of TRUE
  return (power)

## Figure 20.5 (a)
frame = data.frame(x1=time,y1=y,newpid=newpid)
p1 <- ggplot(frame,aes(x=x1,y=y1)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_y_continuous("sqrt (CD4%)") +
    scale_x_continuous("Time (years)") +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(title="Observed Data")
for (j in 1:84) {
  p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data=frame[frame$[j],])

## Figure 20.5 (b)
coef.1 <- colMeans(post$a)
coef.2 <- colMeans(post$b)

frame = data.frame(x1=time,y1=y,newpid=newpid)
p2 <- ggplot(frame,aes(x=x1,y=y1)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_y_continuous("sqrt (CD4%)") +
    scale_x_continuous("Time (years)") +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(title="Estimated Trend Lines")
for (j in 1:84) {
  p2 <- p2 + geom_abline(intercept=coef.1[j],slope=coef.2[j])
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