Revision 951ad25e0a9c3b0089c6b996b8e821ac93cf5766 authored by Yong He on 25 January 2023, 06:16:21 UTC, committed by GitHub on 25 January 2023, 06:16:21 UTC
* Reimplement address elimination pass.

* Fix error.

* Update test references.

Co-authored-by: Yong He <>
1 parent a3b0eff
Raw File
-- premake5.lua

-- This file describes the build configuration for Slang so
-- that premake can generate platform-specific build files
-- using Premake 5 (
-- To update the build files that are checked in to the Slang repository,
-- run a `premake5` binary and specify the appropriate action, e.g.:
--      premake5.exe --os=windows vs2015
-- If you are trying to build Slang on another platform, then you
-- can try invoking `premake5` for your desired OS and build format
-- and see what happens.
-- If you are going to modify this file to change/customize the Slang
-- build, then you may need to read up on Premake's approach and
-- how it uses/abuses Lua syntax. A few important things to note:
-- * Everything that *looks* like a declarative (e.g., `kind "SharedLib"`)
-- is actually a Lua function call (e.g., `kind("SharedLib")`) that
-- modifies the behind-the-scenes state that describes the build.
-- * Many of these function calls are "sticky" and affect subsequent
-- calls, so ordering matters a *lot*. This file uses indentation to
-- represent some of the flow of state, but it is important to recognize
-- that the indentation is not semantically significant.
-- * Because the configuration logic is just executable Lua code, we
-- can capture and re-use bits of configuration logic in ordinary
-- Lua subroutines.
-- Now let's move on to the actual build:

-- The "workspace" represents the overall build (the "solution" in
-- Visual Studio terms). It sets up basic build settings that will
-- apply across all projects.

-- To output linux will output to linux
-- % premake5 --os=linux gmake --build-location="build.linux"
-- % cd build.linux
-- % make config=release_x64
-- or
-- % make config=debug_x64
-- From in the build directory you can use
-- % premake5 --file=../premake5.lua --os=linux gmake

-- Add the package path for slang-pack/slang-util
-- The question mark is there the name of the module is inserted.

local modulePath = "external/slang-binaries/lua-modules/?.lua"

package.path = package.path .. ";" .. modulePath

-- Load the slack package manager module
slangPack = require("slang-pack")
slangUtil = require("slang-util")

-- Load the dependencies from the json file
deps = slangPack.loadDependencies("deps/target-deps.json")

newoption {
    trigger     = "override-module",
    description = "(Optional) Specify a lua file that can override functions",
    value       = "path"
 newoption {
    trigger     = "build-location",
    description = "(Optional) Specifiy the location to place solution on root Makefile",
    value       = "path"
 newoption {
    trigger     = "execute-binary",
    description = "(Optional) If true binaries used in build will be executed (disable on cross compilation)",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "true",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "build-glslang",
    description = "(Optional) If true glslang and spirv-opt will be built",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-cuda",
    description = "(Optional) If true will enable cuda tests, if CUDA is found via CUDA_PATH",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-nvapi",
    description = "(Optional) If true will enable NVAPI, if NVAPI is found via external/nvapi",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "cuda-sdk-path",
    description = "(Optional) Path to the root of CUDA SDK. If set will enable CUDA in build (ie in effect sets enable-cuda=true too)",
    value       = "path"
 newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-optix",
    description = "(Optional) If true will enable OptiX build/ tests (also implicitly enables CUDA)",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "optix-sdk-path",
    description = "(Optional) Path to the root of OptiX SDK. (Implicitly enabled OptiX and CUDA)",
    value       = "path"
 newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-profile",
    description = "(Optional) If true will enable slang-profile tool - suitable for gprof usage on linux",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-embed-stdlib",
    description = "(Optional) If true build slang with an embedded version of the stdlib",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
     trigger     = "enable-xlib",
     description = "(Optional) If true build `gfx` and `platform` with xlib to support windowed apps on linux.",
     value       = "bool",
     default     = "true",
     allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

 newoption {
    trigger     = "enable-experimental-projects",
    description = "(Optional) If true include experimental projects in build.",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

 newoption {
    trigger     = "disable-stdlib-source",
    description = "(Optional) If true stdlib source will not be included in binary.",
    value       = "bool",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

 newoption {
    trigger     = "skip-source-generation",
    description = "(Optional) If true will skip source generation steps.",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

 newoption {
    trigger     = "deploy-slang-llvm",
    description = "(Optional) If true will copy slang-llvm to output directory.",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "true",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger     = "deploy-slang-glslang",
    description = "(Optional) If true will copy slang-glslang to output directory.",
    value       = "bool",
    default     = "true",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }
 newoption {
    trigger = "full-debug-validation",
    description = "(Optional) If true will enable full IR validation in debug build. (SLOW!)",
    value = "bool",
    default = "false",
    allowed     = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } }

 buildLocation = _OPTIONS["build-location"]
 executeBinary = (_OPTIONS["execute-binary"] == "true")
 buildGlslang = (_OPTIONS["build-glslang"] == "true")
 enableCuda = not not (_OPTIONS["enable-cuda"] == "true" or _OPTIONS["cuda-sdk-path"])
 enableProfile = (_OPTIONS["enable-profile"] == "true")
 optixPath = _OPTIONS["optix-sdk-path"]
 enableOptix = not not (_OPTIONS["enable-optix"] == "true" or optixPath)
 enableProfile = (_OPTIONS["enable-profile"] == "true")
 enableEmbedStdLib = (_OPTIONS["enable-embed-stdlib"] == "true")
 enableXlib = (_OPTIONS["enable-xlib"] == "true")
 skipSourceGeneration = (_OPTIONS["skip-source-generation"] == "true")
 deployLLVM = (_OPTIONS["deploy-slang-llvm"] == "true")
 deployGLSLang = (_OPTIONS["deploy-slang-glslang"] == "true")
 fullDebugValidation = (_OPTIONS["full-debug-validation"] == "true")

 -- If stdlib embedding is enabled, disable stdlib source embedding by default
 disableStdlibSource = enableEmbedStdLib
 -- If embedding is enabled, and the setting `disable-stdlib-source` setting is set, use it's value
 if enableEmbedStdLib and _OPTIONS["disable-stdlib-source"] ~= nil then
    disableStdlibSource = (_OPTIONS["disable-stdlib-source"] == "true")   
 -- Determine the target info

 targetInfo = slangUtil.getTargetInfo()
 -- Update the dependencies for the target

 -- Get the target name that can be used as paths that generate for different configurations (ie contains premake Tokens)
 targetName = targetInfo.tokenName
 -- This is the path where nvapi is expected to be found
 nvapiPath = "external/nvapi"
 if enableOptix then
     optixPath = optixPath or "C:/ProgramData/NVIDIA Corporation/OptiX SDK 7.0.0/"
     enableCuda = true
 -- cudaPath is only set if cuda is enabled, and CUDA_PATH enviromental variable is set
 cudaPath = nil
 if enableCuda then
     -- Get the CUDA path. Use the value set on cuda-sdk-path by default, if not set use the environment variable.
     cudaPath = (_OPTIONS["cuda-sdk-path"] or os.getenv("CUDA_PATH"))
 -- TODO(JS): What's the point in the enable-xlib command line option if it's just overridden here?
 if targetInfo.isWindows or == "macosx" then
     enableXlib = false
 -- Even if we have the nvapi path, we only want to currently enable on windows targets
 enableNvapi = not not (os.isdir(nvapiPath) and targetInfo.isWindows and _OPTIONS["enable-nvapi"] == "true")
 if enableNvapi then
     printf("Enabled NVAPI")
 overrideModule = {}
 local overrideModulePath = _OPTIONS["override-module"]
 if overrideModulePath then
     overrideModule = require(overrideModulePath)
 -- This is needed for gcc, for the 'fileno' functions on cygwin
 -- _GNU_SOURCE makes realpath available in gcc
 if targetInfo.os == "cygwin" then
     buildoptions { "-D_POSIX_SOURCE" }
     filter { "toolset:gcc*" }
         buildoptions { "-D_GNU_SOURCE" }
 function getPlatforms(targetInfo)
    return { "x86", "x64", "aarch64" }
 workspace "slang"
     -- We will support debug/release configuration and x86/x64 builds.
     configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
     if buildLocation then
     flags "MultiProcessorCompile"
     -- Make slang-test the startup project.
     startproject "slang-test"
     -- The output binary directory will be derived from the OS
     -- and configuration options, e.g. `bin/windows-x64/debug/`
     targetdir("bin/" .. targetName .. "/%{cfg.buildcfg:lower()}")
     -- C++11
     cppdialect "C++11"
     -- Statically link to the C/C++ runtime rather than create a DLL dependency.
     staticruntime "On"
     -- Turn off edit and continue for all projects. This is needed to avoid
     -- linking warnings.
     editandcontinue "Off"
     -- Once we've set up the common settings, we will make some tweaks
     -- that only apply in a subset of cases. Each call to `filter()`
     -- changes the "active" filter for subsequent commands. In
     -- effect, those commands iwll be ignored when the conditions of
     -- the filter aren't satisfied.
     -- Our `x64` platform should (obviously) target the x64
     -- architecture and similarly for x86.
     filter { "platforms:x64" }
         architecture "x64"
     filter { "platforms:x86" }
         architecture "x86"
     filter { "platforms:aarch64" }
         architecture "ARM64"
     filter { "platforms:aarch64", "toolset:clang" }
         buildoptions { "-arch arm64" }
		 linkoptions { "-arch arm64" }
     filter { "toolset:clang or gcc*" }
         -- Makes all symbols hidden by default unless explicitly 'exported'
         buildoptions { "-fvisibility=hidden" } 
         -- Warnings
         buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-type-limits", "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-unused-variable", "-Wno-switch", "-Wno-return-type", "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs", "-Wno-parentheses" }
     filter { "toolset:clang or gcc*", "language:C++" }
         buildoptions { "-Wno-reorder", "-Wno-class-memaccess"}

     filter { "toolset:gcc*" }
         buildoptions { "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough", "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" }

     filter { "toolset:clang" }
          buildoptions { "-Wno-deprecated-register", "-Wno-tautological-compare", "-Wno-missing-braces", "-Wno-undefined-var-template", "-Wno-unused-function", "-Wno-return-std-move", "-Wno-ignored-optimization-argument", "-Wno-unknown-warning-option" }
     -- When compiling the debug configuration, we want to turn
     -- optimization off, make sure debug symbols are output,
     -- and add the same preprocessor definition that VS
     -- would add by default.
     filter { "configurations:debug" }
         optimize "Off"
         symbols "On"
         defines { "_DEBUG" }
         -- staticruntime "Off"
     -- For the release configuration we will turn optimizations on
     -- (we do not yet micro-manage the optimization settings)
     -- and set the preprocessor definition that VS would add by default.
     filter { "configurations:release" }
         optimize "On"
         defines { "NDEBUG" }

     filter { "system:linux" }
         links { "dl" }
         -- `--no-undefined` - by default if a symbol is not found in a link it will assume it will be resolved at runtime (!)
         --                    this option ensures that all the referenced symbols exist
         linkoptions{ "-Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN',--no-as-needed,--no-undefined" }
         -- allow libraries to be listed in any order (do not require dependency order)
         linkgroups "On"
 function dump(o)
     if type(o) == 'table' then
         local s = '{ '
         for k,v in pairs(o) do
             if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
             s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
         return s .. '} '
         return tostring(o)
 function dumpTable(o)
     local s = '{ '
     for k,v in pairs(o) do
         if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
         s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. tostring(v) .. ',\n'
     return s .. '} '
 function getExecutableSuffix()
     if( == "windows") then
         return ".exe"
     return ""
 -- We are now going to start defining the projects, where
 -- each project builds some binary artifact (an executable,
 -- library, etc.).
 -- All of our projects follow a common structure, so rather
 -- than reiterate a bunch of build settings, we define
 -- some subroutines that make the configuration as concise
 -- as possible.
 -- First, we will define a helper routine for adding all
 -- the relevant files from a given directory path:
 -- Note that this does not work recursively
 -- so projects that spread their source over multiple
 -- directories will need to take more steps.
 function addSourceDir(path)
         path .. "/*.cpp",       -- C++ source files
         path .. "/*.slang",     -- Slang files (for our stdlib)
         path .. "/*.h",         -- Header files
         path .. "/*.hpp",       -- C++ style headers (for glslang)
         path .. "/*.natvis",    -- Visual Studio debugger visualization files
 -- Adds CUDA dependency to a project
 function addCUDAIfEnabled()
     if type(cudaPath) == "string" and targetInfo.isWindows then
         filter {}
         includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include" }
         includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include", cudaPath .. "/common/inc" }
         links { "cuda", "cudart" }
         if optixPath then
             defines { "RENDER_TEST_OPTIX" }
             includedirs { optixPath .. "include/" }
         filter { "platforms:x86" }
             libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib/Win32/" }
         filter { "platforms:x64" }
             libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib/x64/" }
         filter {}
         return true
     elseif enableCuda then
         filter {}
         if type(cudaPath) == "string" then
             includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include" }
             includedirs { cudaPath .. "/include" }
             if optixPath then
                 defines { "GFX_OPTIX" }
                 includedirs { optixPath .. "include/" }
             filter { "platforms:x86" }
             libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib32/" }
             filter { "platforms:x64" }
             libdirs { cudaPath .. "/lib64/" }
             filter {}
             links { "cuda", "cudart" }
             print "Error: CUDA is enabled but --cuda-sdk-path is not specified."
         return true
     return false
 -- Next we will define a helper routine that all of our
 -- projects will bottleneck through. Here `name` is
 -- the name for the project (and the base name for
 -- whatever output file it produces), while `sourceDir`
 -- is the directory that holds the source.
 -- E.g., for the `slangc` project, the source code
 -- is nested in `source/`, so we'd (indirectly) call:
 --      baseSlangProject("slangc", "source/slangc")
 -- NOTE! This function will add any source from the sourceDir, *if* it's specified.
 -- Pass nil if adding files is not wanted.
 function baseSlangProject(name, sourceDir)
     -- Start a new project in premake. This switches
     -- the "current" project over to the newly created
     -- one, so that subsequent commands affect this project.

     -- We need every project to have a stable UUID for
     -- output formats (like Visual Studio and XCode projects)
     -- that use UUIDs rather than names to uniquely identify
     -- projects. If we don't have a stable UUID, then the
     -- output files might have spurious diffs whenever we
     -- re-run premake generation.
     if sourceDir then
         uuid(os.uuid(name .. '|' .. sourceDir))
         -- If we don't have a sourceDir, the name will have to be enough
     -- Location could do with a better name than 'other' - but it seems as if %{cfg.buildcfg:lower()} and similar variables
     -- is not available for location to expand.
     location("build/" .. slangUtil.getBuildLocationName(targetInfo) .. "/" .. name)
     -- The intermediate ("object") directory will use a similar
     -- naming scheme to the output directory, but will also use
     -- the project name to avoid cases where multiple projects
     -- have source files with the same name.
     objdir("intermediate/" .. targetName .. "/%{cfg.buildcfg:lower()}/%{}")
     -- Treat C++ as the default language, projects in other languages can
     -- override this later
     language "C++"

     -- By default, Premake generates VS project files that
     -- reflect the directory structure of the source code.
     -- While this is nice in principle, it creates messy
     -- results in practice for our projects.
     -- Instead, we will use the `vpaths` feature to imitate
     -- the default VS behavior of grouping files into
     -- virtual subdirectories (VS calls them "filters") for
     -- header and source files respectively.
     -- Note: We are setting `vpaths` using a list of key/value
     -- tables instead of just a key/value table, since this
     -- appears to be an (undocumented) way to fix the order
     -- in which the filters are tested. Otherwise we have
     -- issues where premake will nondeterministically decide
     -- the check something against the `**.cpp` filter first,
     -- and decide that a `foo.cpp.h` file should go into
     -- the `"Source Files"` vpath. That behavior seems buggy,
     -- but at least we appear to have a workaround.
     vpaths {
        { ["Header Files"] = { "**.h", "**.hpp"} },
        { ["Source Files"] = { "**.cpp", "**.slang", "**.natvis" } },
     -- Override default options for a project if necessary
     if overrideModule.addBaseProjectOptions then
     -- Add the files in the sourceDir
     -- NOTE! This doesn't recursively add files in subdirectories
     if not not sourceDir then
 -- We can now use the `baseSlangProject()` subroutine to
 -- define helpers for the different categories of project
 -- in our source tree.
 -- For example, the Slang project has several tools that
 -- are used during building/testing, but don't need to
 -- be distributed. These always have their source code in
 -- `tools/<project-name>/`.
 function tool(name)
     -- We use the `group` command here to specify that the
     -- next project we create shold be placed into a group
     -- named "tools" in a generated IDE solution/workspace.
     -- This is used in the generated Visual Studio solution
     -- to group all the tools projects together in a logical
     -- sub-directory of the solution.
     group "tools"
     -- Now we invoke our shared project configuration logic,
     -- specifying that the project lives under the `tools/` path.
     baseSlangProject(name, "tools/" .. name)
     -- Finally, we set the project "kind" to produce a console
     -- application. This is a reasonable default for tools,
     -- and it can be overriden because Premake is stateful,
     -- and a subsequent call to `kind()` would overwrite this
     -- default.
     kind "ConsoleApp"
 -- "Standard" projects will be those that go to make the binary
 -- packages for slang: the shared libraries and executables.
 function standardProject(name, sourceDir)
     -- Because Premake is stateful, any `group()` call by another
     -- project would still be in effect when we create a project
     -- here (e.g., if somebody had called `tool()` before
     -- `standardProject()`), so we are careful here to set the
     -- group to an emptry string, which Premake treats as "no group."
     group ""
     baseSlangProject(name, sourceDir)
 function toolSharedLibrary(name)
     group "test-tool"
     -- specifying that the project lives under the `tools/` path.
     baseSlangProject(name .. "-tool", "tools/" .. name)
     defines { "SLANG_SHARED_LIBRARY_TOOL" }
     kind "SharedLib"
 function exampleLibrary(name)
     group "examples"
     baseSlangProject(name, "examples/"
     kind "StaticLib"
     includedirs { ".", "tools" }
     links { "gfx", "slang", "platform", "gfx-util", "core"}
 exampleLibrary "example-base"
 -- Finally we have the example programs that show how to use Slang.
 function example(name)
     -- Example programs go into an "example" group
     group "examples"
     -- They have their source code under `examples/<project-name>/`
     baseSlangProject(name, "examples/" .. name)
     -- Set up working directory to be the source directory
     debugdir("examples/" .. name)
     -- By default, all of our examples are GUI applications. One some
     -- platforms there is no meaningful distinction between GUI and
     -- command-line applications, but it is significant on Windows and MacOS
     kind "WindowedApp"
     -- Every example needs to be able to include the `slang.h` header
     -- if it is going to use Slang, so we might as well set up a suitable
     -- include path here rather than make each example do it.
     -- Most of the examples also need the `gfx` library,
     -- which lives under `tools/`, so we will add that to the path as well.
     includedirs { ".", "tools" }
     -- The examples also need to link against the slang library,
     -- and the `gfx` abstraction layer (which in turn
     -- depends on the `core` library). We specify all of that here,
     -- rather than in each example.
     links { "example-base", "slang", "gfx", "gfx-util", "platform", "core" }
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
         if enableXlib then
             defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_XLIB" }
             libdirs { "/usr/X11/lib" }
             links {"X11"}
 -- Create a project that is used as a build step, typically to
 -- build items needed for other dependencies
 function generatorProject(name, sourcePath, isSharedLib)
     -- We use the `group` command here to specify that the
     -- next project we create shold be placed into a group
     -- named "generator" in a generated IDE solution/workspace.
     -- This is used in the generated Visual Studio solution
     -- to group all the tools projects together in a logical
     -- sub-directory of the solution.
     group "generator"
     -- Set up the project, but do NOT add any source files.
     baseSlangProject(name, sourcePath)
     -- By default, just use static lib to force something
     -- to build.
     if isSharedLib then
         kind "SharedLib"
        kind "StaticLib"
 -- With all of these helper routines defined, we can now define the
 -- actual projects quite simply. For example, here is the entire
 -- declaration of the "Hello, World" example project:
 example "hello-world"
     kind "ConsoleApp"
     includedirs {"external/vulkan/include"}
 -- Note how we are calling our custom `example()` subroutine with
 -- the same syntax sugar that Premake usually advocates for their
 -- `project()` function. This allows us to treat `example` as
 -- a kind of specialized "subclass" of `project`
 -- Let's go ahead and set up the projects for our other example now.
 example "triangle"
 example "ray-tracing"
 example "ray-tracing-pipeline"
 example "gpu-printing"
     kind "ConsoleApp"
 example "shader-toy"
 example "model-viewer"
 example "shader-object"
     kind "ConsoleApp"
 example "cpu-com-example"
     kind "ConsoleApp"
 example "cpu-hello-world"
     kind "ConsoleApp"
 if enableExperimental then
    project "heterogeneous-hello-world"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        links "slangc"
        location("build/" .. slangUtil.getBuildLocationName(targetInfo) .. "/heterogeneous-hello-world")
        prebuildcommands {
            "\"%{cfg.targetdir}/slangc\"  \"%{wks.location:lower()}/examples/heterogeneous-hello-world/main.slang\" -o \"%{cfg.targetdir}/heterogeneous-hello-world.exe\""
        files  {"examples/heterogeneous-hello-world/*.slang"}
 -- Most of the other projects have more interesting configuration going
 -- on, so let's walk through them in order of increasing complexity.
 -- The `core` project is a static library that has all the basic types
 -- and routines that get shared across both the Slang compiler/runtime
 -- and the various tool projects. It's build is pretty simple:
 standardProject("core", "source/core")
     uuid "F9BE7957-8399-899E-0C49-E714FDDD4B65"
     kind "StaticLib"
     -- We need the core library to be relocatable to be able to link with
     pic "On"
     -- For our core implementation, we want to use the most
     -- aggressive warning level supported by the target, and
     -- to treat every warning as an error to make sure we
     -- keep our code free of warnings.
     warnings "Extra"
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
         addSourceDir "source/core/windows"
         addSourceDir "source/core/unix"
 standardProject("compiler-core", "source/compiler-core")
     uuid "12C1E89D-F5D0-41D3-8E8D-FB3F358F8126"
     kind "StaticLib"
     -- We need the compiler-core library to be relocatable to be able to link with
     pic "On"
     links { "core" }
     -- For our core implementation, we want to use the most
     -- aggressive warning level supported by the target, and
     -- to treat every warning as an error to make sure we
     -- keep our code free of warnings.
     warnings "Extra"
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
         addSourceDir "source/compiler-core/windows"
         addSourceDir "source/compiler-core/unix"
standardProject("slang-rt", "source/slang-rt")
    uuid "DFC79D72-91DE-434C-871B-B3943B488BEB"
    kind "SharedLib"
    pic "On"
    warnings "Extra"
    links {"miniz", "lz4"}
    addSourceDir "source/core"
    if targetInfo.isWindows then
        addSourceDir "source/core/windows"
        addSourceDir "source/core/unix"

 -- The cpp extractor is a tool that scans C++ header files to extract
 -- reflection like information, and generate files to handle
 -- RTTI fast/simply
 tool "slang-cpp-extractor"
     uuid "CA8A30D1-8FA9-4330-B7F7-84709246D8DC"
     includedirs { "." }
     links { "compiler-core", "core" }
 tool "test-process"
     uuid "BE412850-4BB9-429A-877C-BFBC4B34186C"
     includedirs { "." }
     links { "compiler-core", "core" }
 tool "test-server"
     uuid "23149706-C12F-4329-B6AA-8266407C32D3"
     includedirs { "." }
     links { "compiler-core", "core", "slang" }
tool "slangd"
     uuid "B2D63B45-92B0-40F7-B242-CCA4DFD64341"
     includedirs { "." }
     links { "compiler-core", "core", "slang" }
 -- `slang-generate` is a tool we use for source code generation on
 -- the compiler. It depends on the `core` library, so we need to
 -- declare that:
 tool "slang-generate"
     uuid "66174227-8541-41FC-A6DF-4764FC66F78E"
     links { "core" }
 tool "slang-embed"
     uuid "7F773DD9-EB8F-2403-B43C-B49C2014B99C"
     links { "core" }
 -- The `slang-test` test driver also uses the `core` library, and it
 -- currently relies on include paths being set up so that it can find
 -- the core headers:
 tool "slang-test"
     uuid "0C768A18-1D25-4000-9F37-DA5FE99E3B64"
     includedirs { "." }
     links { "compiler-core", "slang", "core", "miniz", "lz4" }
     dependson { "slang-reflection-test-tool", "render-test-tool", "slang-unit-test-tool", "gfx-unit-test-tool" }
     -- We want to set to the root of the project, but that doesn't seem to work with '.'.
     -- So set a path that resolves to the same place.
    if not targetInfo.isWindows then
        links { "pthread" }
 -- The reflection test harness `slang-reflection-test` is pretty
 -- simple, in that it only needs to link against the slang library
 -- to do its job:
 toolSharedLibrary "slang-reflection-test"
     uuid "C5ACCA6E-C04D-4B36-8516-3752B3C13C2F"
     includedirs { "." }
     kind "SharedLib"
     links { "core", "slang" }
 -- The most complex testing tool we have is `render-test`, but from
 -- a build perspective the most interesting thing about it is that for
 -- our Windows build it requires a Windows 10 SDK.
 -- TODO: Try to make the build not require a fixed version of the Windows SDK.
 -- Ideally we should just specify a *minimum* version.
 -- This test also requires Vulkan headers which we've placed in the
 -- `external/` directory, and it also includes files from the `core`
 -- library in ways that require us to set up `source/` as an include path.
 -- TODO: Fix that requirement.
 toolSharedLibrary "render-test"
     uuid "61F7EB00-7281-4BF3-9470-7C2EA92620C3"
     includedirs { ".", "external", "source", "tools/gfx", "tools/platform" }
     links { "core", "compiler-core", "slang", "gfx", "gfx-util", "platform" }
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
         addSourceDir "tools/render-test/windows"
         systemversion "latest"
         -- For Windows targets, we want to copy
         -- dxcompiler.dll, and dxil.dll from the Windows SDK redistributable
         -- directory into the output directory.
         -- d3dcompiler_47.dll is copied from the external/slang-binaries submodule.
         postbuildcommands { '"$(SolutionDir)tools\\copy-hlsl-libs.bat" "$(WindowsSdkDir)Redist/D3D/%{cfg.platform:lower()}/" "%{cfg.targetdir}/" "windows-%{cfg.platform:lower()}"'}
         if (type(cudaPath) == "string") then
             addSourceDir "tools/render-test/cuda"
     if addCUDAIfEnabled() then
         defines { "RENDER_TEST_CUDA" }
 -- `gfx` is a abstraction layer for different GPU platforms.
 tool "gfx"
     uuid "222F7498-B40C-4F3F-A704-DDEB91A4484A"
     -- Unlike most of the code under `tools/`, this is a library
     -- rather than a stand-alone executable.
     kind "SharedLib"
     links { "core", "slang" }
     pic "On"
     includedirs { ".", "external", "source" }
     files {"slang-gfx.h"}
     -- Will compile across targets
     addSourceDir "tools/gfx/cpu"
     addSourceDir "tools/gfx/nvapi"
     addSourceDir "tools/gfx/cuda"
	 addSourceDir "tools/gfx/debug-layer"
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
        postbuildcommands {
            '{COPY} "$(SolutionDir)tools/gfx/gfx.slang" "%{cfg.targetdir}"',
            '{COPY} "$(SolutionDir)tools/gfx/slang.slang" "%{cfg.targetdir}"'
        postbuildcommands {
            '{COPY} "' .. path.getabsolute("tools/gfx/gfx.slang") .. '" "%{cfg.targetdir}"',
            '{COPY} "' .. path.getabsolute("tools/gfx/slang.slang") .. '" "%{cfg.targetdir}"',
     -- To special case that we may be building using cygwin on windows. If 'true windows' we build for dx12/vk and run the script
     -- If not we assume it's a cygwin/mingw type situation and remove files that aren't appropriate
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
         systemversion "latest"
         -- For Windows targets, we want to copy
         -- dxcompiler.dll, and dxil.dll from the Windows SDK redistributable
         -- directory into the output directory.
         -- d3dcompiler_47.dll is copied from the external/slang-binaries submodule.
         postbuildcommands { '"$(SolutionDir)tools\\copy-hlsl-libs.bat" "$(WindowsSdkDir)Redist/D3D/%{cfg.platform:lower()}/" "%{cfg.targetdir}/"'}
         addSourceDir "tools/gfx/vulkan"
         addSourceDir "tools/gfx/open-gl"
         addSourceDir "tools/gfx/d3d"
         addSourceDir "tools/gfx/d3d11"
         addSourceDir "tools/gfx/d3d12"
         flags { "FatalWarnings" }
     elseif targetInfo.os == "mingw" or targetInfo.os == "cygwin" then
         -- Don't support any render techs...
     elseif == "macosx" then
         --addSourceDir "tools/gfx/open-gl"
         -- Linux like
         addSourceDir "tools/gfx/vulkan"
         --addSourceDir "tools/gfx/open-gl"
     if enableXlib then
         defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_XLIB" }
         libdirs { "/usr/X11/lib" }
         links {"X11"}
     -- If NVAPI is enabled
     if enableNvapi then
         -- Add the include path
         includedirs { nvapiPath }
         -- Add a define so that render-test code can check if nvapi is available
         defines { "GFX_NVAPI" }
         -- Set the nvapi libs directory
         filter { "platforms:x86" }
             libdirs { nvapiPath .. "/x86" }
             links { "nvapi" }
         filter { "platforms:x64" }
             libdirs { nvapiPath .. "/amd64" }
             links { "nvapi64" }
     if addCUDAIfEnabled() then
         defines { "GFX_ENABLE_CUDA" }
 -- `gfx-util` is a static library containing utilities and helpers for using
 -- the `gfx` library.
 tool "gfx-util"
     uuid "F5ADB74E-02A7-44FB-AA3B-FC02F8AC7A4B"
     kind "StaticLib"
     pic "On"
     includedirs { ".", "source" }
     addSourceDir "tools/gfx-util"
 -- `platform` contains all the platform abstractions for a GUI application.
 tool "platform"
     uuid "3565fe5e-4fa3-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002"
     kind "SharedLib"
     pic "On"
     links {"core", "slang", "gfx" }
     includedirs { ".", "external", "source", "external/imgui", "tools/gfx" }
     addSourceDir "tools/platform"
     addSourceDir "tools/platform/linux"
     addSourceDir "tools/platform/windows"
     addSourceDir "tools/platform/placeholder"
     -- Include windowing support on Windows.
     if targetInfo.isWindows then
         systemversion "latest"
         if enableXlib then
             defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_XLIB" }
             libdirs { "/usr/X11/lib" }
             links {"X11"}
 -- The `slangc` command-line application is just a very thin wrapper
 -- around the Slang dynamic library, so its build is extermely simple.
 -- One windows `slangc` uses the the `core` library for some UTF-16
 -- to UTF-8 string conversion before calling into `slang.dll`, so
 -- it also depends on `core`:
 standardProject("slangc", "source/slangc")
     uuid "D56CBCEB-1EB5-4CA8-AEC4-48EA35ED61C7"
     kind "ConsoleApp"
     links { "core", "slang" }
 function getBuildDir(isArm64)

     return "%{cfg.targetdir}"
 function astReflectGenerator(isArm64)
     local builddir = getBuildDir()
     buildmessage "C++ Extractor %{file.relpath}"
     local sourcePath = "%{}"
     -- Work out the output files
     local outputTypes = { "obj", "ast", "value" };
     local outputTable = {}
     for key, outputType in ipairs(outputTypes) do
         table.insert(outputTable, sourcePath .. "/slang-generated-" .. outputType .. ".h")
         table.insert(outputTable, sourcePath .. "/slang-generated-" .. outputType .. "-macro.h")
     -- List all of the input files to be scanned
     local inputFiles = { "slang-ast-support-types.h", "slang-ast-base.h", "slang-ast-decl.h", "slang-ast-expr.h", "slang-ast-modifier.h", "slang-ast-stmt.h", "slang-ast-type.h", "slang-ast-val.h" }
     local options = { "-strip-prefix", "slang-", "-o", "slang-generated", "-output-fields", "-mark-suffix", "_CLASS"}
     -- Specify the actual command to run for this action.
     -- Note that we use a single-quoted Lua string and wrap the path
     -- to the `slang-cpp-extractor` command in double quotes to avoid
     -- confusing the Windows shell. It seems that Premake outputs that
     -- path with forward slashes, which confused the shell if we don't
     -- quote the executable path.
     local buildcmd = '"' .. builddir .. '/slang-cpp-extractor" -d ' .. sourcePath .. " " .. table.concat(inputFiles, " ") .. " " .. table.concat(options, " ")
     buildcommands { buildcmd }
     -- Specify the files output by the extactor - so custom action will run when these files are needed.
     -- Make it depend on the extractor tool itself
     local buildInputTable = { builddir .. "/slang-cpp-extractor" .. getExecutableSuffix() }
     for key, inputFile in ipairs(inputFiles) do
         table.insert(buildInputTable, sourcePath .. "/" .. inputFile)
 function metaSlangGenerator()
     local builddir = getBuildDir()
     -- Specify the "friendly" message that should print to the build log for the action
     buildmessage "slang-generate %{file.relpath}"
     -- Specify the actual command to run for this action.
     -- Note that we use a single-quoted Lua string and wrap the path
     -- to the `slang-generate` command in double quotes to avoid
     -- confusing the Windows shell. It seems that Premake outputs that
     -- path with forward slashes, which confused the shell if we don't
     -- quote the executable path.
     buildcommands { '"' .. builddir .. '/slang-generate" %{file.relpath}' }
     -- Given `foo.meta.slang` we woutput `foo.meta.slang.h`.
     -- This needs to be specified because the custom action will only
     -- run when this file needs to be generated.
     -- Note the use of abspath here, this ensures windows tests the correct file, otherwise
     -- triggering doesn't work. The problem still remains on linux, because abspath *isn't* an
     -- absolute path, it remains relative.
     -- TODO(JS):
     -- It's not clear how to determine how to create the absolute path on linux, using
     -- path.absolutepath, requires knowing the path to be relative to, and it's neither
     -- the current path, the source path or the targetpath.
     buildoutputs { "%{file.abspath}.h" }
     -- We will specify an additional build input dependency on the `slang-generate`
     -- tool itself, so that changes to the code for the tool cause the generation
     -- step to be re-run.
     -- In order to get the file name right, we need to know the executable suffix
     -- that the target platform will use. Premake might have a built-in way to
     -- query this, but I couldn't find it, so I am just winging it for now:
     buildinputs { builddir .. "/slang-generate" .. getExecutableSuffix() }
 function preludeGenerator()
     local builddir = getBuildDir()
     buildmessage "slang-embed %{file.relpath}"
     buildcommands { '"' .. builddir .. '/slang-embed" %{file.relpath}' }
     buildoutputs { "%{file.abspath}.cpp" }
     buildinputs { builddir .. "/slang-embed" .. getExecutableSuffix() }
 if not skipSourceGeneration then

 generatorProject("run-generators", nil)
     -- We make 'source/slang' the location of the source, to make paths to source
     -- relative to that
     -- We include these, even though they are not really part of the dummy
     -- build, so that the filters below can pick up the appropriate locations.
         "source/slang/*.meta.slang",                -- The stdlib files
         "source/slang/slang-ast-reflect.h",         -- C++ reflection
         "prelude/*.h",                              -- The prelude files
         -- To build we need to have some source! It has to be a source file that
         -- does not depend on anything that is generated, so we take something
         -- from core that will compile without any generation.
     -- First, we need to ensure that `slang-generate`/`slang-cpp-extactor`
     -- gets built before `slang`, so we declare a non-linking dependency between
     -- the projects here:
     dependson { "slang-cpp-extractor", "slang-generate", "slang-embed" }
     local executableSuffix = getExecutableSuffix()
     -- We need to run the C++ extractor to generate some include files
     if executeBinary then
     -- Next, we want to add a custom build rule for each of the
     -- files that makes up the standard library. Those are
     -- always named `*.meta.slang`, so we can select for them
     -- using a `filter` and then use Premake's support for
     -- defining custom build commands:
     if executeBinary then
     filter { }
 if enableEmbedStdLib then
     standardProject("slangc-bootstrap", "source/slangc")
         uuid "6339BF31-AC99-4819-B719-679B63451EF0"
         kind "ConsoleApp"
         links { "core", "compiler-core", "miniz", "lz4" }
         -- We need to run all the generators to be able to build the main
         -- slang source in source/slang
         dependson { "run-generators" }
         defines {
             -- We are going statically link Slang compiler with the slangc command line
             -- This is the bootstrap to produce the embedded stdlib, so we disable to be able to bootstrap
         includedirs { "external/spirv-headers/include" }
         -- Add all of the slang source
         addSourceDir "source/slang"
         -- On some tests with MSBuild disabling these made build work.
         -- flags { "NoIncrementalLink", "NoPCH", "NoMinimalRebuild" }
         -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in
         -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella
         -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here.
         files { "slang.h" }
         files { "source/core/core.natvis" }
         -- We explicitly name the prelude file(s) that we need to
         -- compile for their embedded code, since they will not
         -- exist at the time projects/makefiles are generated,
         -- and thus a glob would not match anything.
         files {
 if enableEmbedStdLib then
     generatorProject("embed-stdlib-generator", nil, true)
         -- We include these, even though they are not really part of the dummy
         -- build, so that the filters below can pick up the appropriate locations.
             -- To build we need to have some source! It has to be a source file that
             -- does not depend on anything that is generated, so we take something
             -- from core that will compile without any generation.
         -- Only produce the embedded stdlib if that option is enabled
         local executableSuffix = getExecutableSuffix()
         -- We need slangc-bootstrap to build the embedded stdlib
         dependson { "slangc-bootstrap" }
         local absDirectory = path.getabsolute("source/slang")
         local absOutputPath = absDirectory .. "/slang-stdlib-generated.h"
         -- I don't know why I need a filter, but without it nothing works (!)
         -- Note! Has to be an absolute path else doesn't work(!)
         buildoutputs { absOutputPath }

             buildinputs { "%{cfg.targetdir}/slangc-bootstrap" .. executableSuffix }
             buildcommands { '"%{cfg.targetdir}/slangc-bootstrap" -archive-type riff-lz4 -save-stdlib-bin-source "%{}/slang-stdlib-generated.h"' }
 end -- not skipSourceGeneration
 -- TODO: Slang's current `Makefile` build does some careful incantations
 -- to make sure that the binaries it generates use a "relative `RPATH`"
 -- for loading shared libraries, so that Slang is not dependent on
 -- being installed to a fixed path on end-user machines. Before we
 -- can use Premake for the Linux build (or eventually MacOS) we would
 -- need to figure out how to replicate this incantation in premake.
 -- Now that we've gotten all the simple projects out of the way, it is time
 -- to get into the more serious build steps.
 -- First up is the `slang` dynamic library project:
 standardProject("slang", "source/slang")
     uuid "DB00DA62-0533-4AFD-B59F-A67D5B3A0808"
     kind "SharedLib"
     links { "core", "compiler-core", "miniz", "lz4"}
     warnings "Extra"
     pic "On"
     -- The way that we currently configure things through `slang.h`,
     -- we need to set a preprocessor definitions to ensure that
     -- we declare the Slang API functions for *export* and not *import*.
     defines { "SLANG_DYNAMIC_EXPORT" }
     if disableStdlibSource then
        defines { "SLANG_DISABLE_STDLIB_SOURCE" }

     if fullDebugValidation then
     if enableEmbedStdLib then
         -- We only have this dependency if we are embedding stdlib
         if not skipSourceGeneration then
            dependson { "embed-stdlib-generator" }
         -- Disable StdLib embedding
         defines { "SLANG_WITHOUT_EMBEDDED_STD_LIB" }
     includedirs { "external/spirv-headers/include" }
     -- On some tests with MSBuild disabling these made build work.
     -- flags { "NoIncrementalLink", "NoPCH", "NoMinimalRebuild" }
     -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in
     -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella
     -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here.
     files { "slang.h" }
     files { "source/core/core.natvis" }
     -- We explicitly name the prelude file(s) that we need to
     -- compile for their embedded code, since they will not
     -- exist at the time projects/makefiles are generated,
     -- and thus a glob would not match anything.
     files {
     -- The most challenging part of building `slang` is that we need
     -- to invoke generators such as slang-cpp-extractor and slang-generate
     -- to generate. We do this by executing the run-generators 'dummy' project
     -- which produces the appropriate source
     if not skipSourceGeneration then
        dependson { "run-generators" }

     -- If we have slang-llvm copy it
     local slangLLVMPath = deps:getProjectRelativePath("slang-llvm", "../../..")
     if slangLLVMPath and deployLLVM then
         filter { "system:linux or macosx or windows" }
             local sharedLibName = slangUtil.getSharedLibraryFileName(targetInfo, "slang-llvm")            
             postbuildcommands {
                 "{COPY} " .. slangLLVMPath .."/bin/" .. targetName .. "/release/" .. sharedLibName .. " %{cfg.targetdir}"
    local slangGlslangPath = deps:getProjectRelativePath("slang-glslang", "../../..")
     -- If we are not building glslang from source, then be
     -- sure to copy a binary copy over to the output directory
     if not buildGlslang and slangGlslangPath~=nil and deployGLSLang then
         filter { "system:linux or macosx or windows" }
             local sharedLibName = slangUtil.getSharedLibraryFileName(targetInfo, "slang-glslang")            
             postbuildcommands {
                 "{COPY} " .. slangGlslangPath .. "/bin/" .. targetName .. "/release/" .. sharedLibName .. " %{cfg.targetdir}"
     filter {"configurations:debug"}
         defines { "SLANG_ENABLE_IR_BREAK_ALLOC=1" }
     filter {}
 toolSharedLibrary "gfx-unit-test"
     uuid "092DAB9F-1DA5-4538-ADD7-1A8D1DBFD519"
     includedirs { "." }
     addSourceDir "tools/unit-test"
     links {  "core", "slang", "gfx", "gfx-util", "platform" }
 toolSharedLibrary "slang-unit-test"
     uuid "0162864E-7651-4B5E-9105-C571105276EA"
     includedirs { "." }
     addSourceDir "tools/unit-test"
     links { "lz4", "miniz", "core", "compiler-core",  "slang" }
     if not targetInfo.isWindows then
         links { "pthread" }
 if enableProfile then
     tool "slang-profile"
         uuid "375CC87D-F34A-4DF1-9607-C5C990FD6227"
         -- gprof needs symbols
         symbols "On"
         dependson { "slang" }
         includedirs { "external/spirv-headers/include" }
         defines { "SLANG_STATIC",
             -- Disable StdLib embedding
         -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in
         -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella
         -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here.
         files { "slang.h" }
         files { "source/core/core.natvis" }
         -- We explicitly name the prelude file(s) that we need to
         -- compile for their embedded code, since they will not
         -- exist at the time projects/makefiles are generated,
         -- and thus a glob would not match anything.
         files {
         -- Add the slang source
         addSourceDir "source/slang"
         includedirs { "." }
         links { "core", "compiler-core", "miniz", "lz4"}
         filter { "system:linux" }
             linkoptions{  "-pg" }
             buildoptions{ "-pg" }
 standardProject("miniz", nil)
     uuid "E76ACB11-4A12-4F0A-BE1E-CE0B8836EB7F"
     kind "StaticLib"
     pic "On"
     -- Add the files explicitly
     language "C"
     filter { "system:linux" }
         defines { "_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" }
     filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
         links { "dl"}
 standardProject("lz4", nil)
     uuid "E1EC8075-823E-46E5-BC38-C124CCCDF878"
     kind "StaticLib"
     pic "On"
     -- Add the files explicitly
     language "C"
     filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
         links { "dl"}
 if buildGlslang then
 standardProject("slang-spirv-tools", nil)
     uuid "C36F6185-49B3-467E-8388-D0E9BF5F7BB8"
     kind "StaticLib"
     pic "On"
     includedirs { "external/spirv-tools", "external/spirv-tools/include", "external/spirv-headers/include",  "external/spirv-tools-generated"}
     filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
         links { "dl"}
 -- The single most complicated part of our build is our custom version of glslang.
 -- Is not really set up to produce a shared library with a usable API, so we have
 -- our own custom shim API around it to invoke GLSL->SPIRV compilation.
 -- Glslang normally relies on a CMake-based build process, and its code is spread
 -- across multiple directories with implicit dependencies on certain command-line
 -- definitions.
 -- The following is a tailored build of glslang that pulls in the pieces we care
 -- about whle trying to leave out the rest:
 standardProject("slang-glslang", "source/slang-glslang")
     uuid "C495878A-832C-485B-B347-0998A90CC936"
     kind "SharedLib"
     pic "On"
     includedirs { "external/glslang", "external/spirv-tools", "external/spirv-tools/include", "external/spirv-headers/include",  "external/spirv-tools-generated", "external/glslang-generated" }
         -- `ENABLE_OPT` must be defined (to either zero or one) for glslang to compile at all
         -- We want to build a version of glslang that supports every feature possible,
         -- so we will enable all of the supported vendor-specific extensions so
         -- that they can be used in Slang-generated GLSL code when required.
     -- We will add source code from every directory that is required to get a
     -- minimal GLSL->SPIR-V compilation path working.
     -- Unfortunately, blindly adding files like that also pulled in a declaration
     -- of a main entry point that we do *not* want, so we will specifically
     -- exclude that file from our build.
     removefiles { "external/glslang/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp" }
     -- Glslang includes some platform-specific code around DLL setup/teardown
     -- and handling of thread-local storage for its multi-threaded mode. We
     -- don't really care about *any* of that, but we can't remove it from the
     -- build so we need to include the appropriate platform-specific sources.
     links { "slang-spirv-tools"}
     filter { "system:windows" }
         -- On Windows we need to add the platform-specific sources and then
         -- remove the `main.cpp` file since it tries to define a `DllMain`
         -- and we don't want the default glslang one.
         addSourceDir( "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Windows")
         removefiles { "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Windows/main.cpp" }
     filter { "system:linux or macosx" }
         addSourceDir( "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Unix")
         links { "dl", "pthread" }
 -- With glslang's build out of the way, we've now covered everything we have
 -- to build to get Slang and its tools/examples built.
 -- What is not included in this file yet is support for any custom `make`
 -- targets for:
 -- * Invoking the test runner
 -- * Packaging up binaries
 -- * "Installing" Slang on a user's machine

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