Revision 956ba1fa7f45bd3b699b5e52fc6d96db33d5fe0b authored by Thomas Pfaff on 10 January 2014, 10:14:52 UTC, committed by Thomas Pfaff on 10 January 2014, 10:14:52 UTC
- fully interpret and return the header information
- read only the amount of data indicated by the header regardless of file size
- remove static truncation to 128 range bins
1 parent 0d5c87d
Raw File
# Name:        trafo
# Purpose:
# Authors:     Maik Heistermann, Stephan Jacobi and Thomas Pfaff
# Created:     26.10.2011
# Copyright:   (c) Maik Heistermann, Stephan Jacobi and Thomas Pfaff 2011
# Licence:     The MIT License
#!/usr/bin/env python
Data Transformation

Module <trafo> transforms data e.g. from RVP-units
to dBZ-values to Z-values and vice versa.

.. currentmodule:: wradlib.trafo

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


import numpy as np

def rvp2dBZ(x):
    """Calculates dBZ-values from DWD RVP6 values as given in DX-product

    x : a number or an array

    return x*0.5-32.5

def decibel(x):
    """Calculates the decibel representation of the input values
    dBZ = 10*log10(z)

    x : a number or an array (must not be <= 0.)

    return 10.*np.log10(x)

def idecibel(x):
    """Calculates the inverse of input decibel values

    x : a number or an array

    return 10.**(x/10.)

def r2depth(x, interval):
    Computes rainfall depth (mm) from rainfall intensity (mm/h)

    x : float or array of float
        rainfall intensity in mm/h
    interval : number
        time interval (s) the values of `x` represent

    output : float or array of float
        rainfall depth (mm)

    return x * interval / 3600.

def kdp2r(kdp, f, a=129., b=0.85):
    """Estimating rainfall intensity directly from specific differential phase.

    The general power law expression has been suggested by [Ryzhkov2005]_.

    The default parameters have been set according to [BringiChandrasekar2001]_.

    **Please note that this way, rainfall intensities can become negative.** This is
    an intended behaviour in order to account for noisy Kdp values.

    kdp : Kdp as array of floats

    f : radar frequency [GHz]

       Standard frequencies in X-band range between 8.0 and 12.0 GHz,

       Standard frequencies in C-band range between 4.0 and 8.0 GHz,

       Standard frequencies in S-band range between 2.0 and 4.0 GHz.

    a : linear coefficient of the power law

    b : exponent of the power law

    output : array of rainfall intensity

    .. [BringiChandrasekar2001] Bringi, V. N., and V. Chandrasekar, 2001:
       Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar. Cambridge University Press, 636 pp.

    .. [Ryzhkov2005] Ryzhkov, A. V., S. Giangrande, and T. J. Schuur, 2005: Rainfall
       estimation with a polarimetric prototype of WSR-88D. J. Appl. Meteor., 44, 502-515.

    return np.sign(kdp) * a * (np.abs(kdp) / f)**b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'wradlib: Calling module <trafo> as main...'
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