Revision 96344048632acd7871b0a92ac903fc07575517f4 authored by TolisChal on 07 December 2020, 16:23:16 UTC, committed by TolisChal on 07 December 2020, 16:23:16 UTC
2 parent s eb525ca + 77c446f
Raw File
// VolEsti (volume computation and sampling library)

// Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Vissarion Fisikopoulos
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Apostolos Chalkis

// Licensed under GNU LGPL.3, see LICENCE file

// Edited by HZ on 11.06.2020 - mute doctest.h
#include "doctest.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "misc.h"
#include "random.hpp"
#include "random/uniform_int.hpp"
#include "random/normal_distribution.hpp"
#include "random/uniform_real_distribution.hpp"

#include "random_walks/random_walks.hpp"

#include "volume/volume_sequence_of_balls.hpp"
#include "volume/volume_cooling_gaussians.hpp"
#include "volume/volume_cooling_balls.hpp"
#include "known_polytope_generators.h"
#include "sampling/sampling.hpp"

#include "diagnostics/multivariate_psrf.hpp"
#include "diagnostics/geweke.hpp"
#include "diagnostics/raftery.hpp"

    typename MT,
    typename WalkType,
    typename Polytope
MT get_samples(Polytope &P)
    typedef typename Polytope::PointType Point;
    typedef typename Polytope::NT NT;

    typedef BoostRandomNumberGenerator<boost::mt19937, NT, 3> RNGType;
    unsigned int walkL = 10, numpoints = 10000, nburns = 0, d = P.dimension();
    RNGType rng(d);
    Point StartingPoint(d);
    std::list<Point> randPoints;

    uniform_sampling<WalkType>(randPoints, P, rng, walkL, numpoints,
                               StartingPoint, nburns);

    MT samples(d, numpoints);
    unsigned int jj = 0;

    for (typename std::list<Point>::iterator rpit = randPoints.begin(); rpit!=randPoints.end(); rpit++, jj++) 
        samples.col(jj) = (*rpit).getCoefficients();

    return samples;

template <typename NT>
void call_test_psrf(){
    typedef Cartesian<NT>    Kernel;
    typedef typename Kernel::Point    Point;
    typedef HPolytope<Point> Hpolytope;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MT;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,1> VT;
    Hpolytope P;
    unsigned int d = 10;

    std::cout << "--- Testing psrf on Billiard Walk and H-cube10" << std::endl;
    P = generate_cube<Hpolytope>(d, false);

    MT samples = get_samples<MT, AcceleratedBilliardWalk>(P);

    NT score = multivariate_psrf<NT, VT>(samples);

    std::cout<<"psrf = "<<score<<std::endl;
    CHECK(score < 1.1);

template <typename NT>
void call_test_geweke(){
    typedef Cartesian<NT>    Kernel;
    typedef typename Kernel::Point    Point;
    typedef HPolytope<Point> Hpolytope;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MT;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,1> VT;
    Hpolytope P;
    unsigned int d = 10;

    std::cout << "--- Testing psrf on Billiard Walk and H-cube10" << std::endl;
    P = generate_cube<Hpolytope>(d, false);

    MT samples = get_samples<MT, AcceleratedBilliardWalk>(P);

    NT frac_1 = 0.1, frac_2 = 0.5;
    bool score = perform_geweke<VT>(samples, frac_1, frac_2);

    std::cout<<"geweke = "<<score<<std::endl;
    CHECK(score == true);

template <typename NT>
void call_test_raftery(){
    typedef Cartesian<NT>    Kernel;
    typedef typename Kernel::Point    Point;
    typedef HPolytope<Point> Hpolytope;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MT;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,1> VT;
    Hpolytope P;
    unsigned int d = 10;

    std::cout << "--- Testing psrf on Billiard Walk and H-cube10" << std::endl;
    P = generate_cube<Hpolytope>(d, false);

    MT samples = get_samples<MT, AcceleratedBilliardWalk>(P);

    NT _q = 0.025;
    NT _r = 0.01;
    NT _s = 0.95;

    MT res = perform_raftery<VT>(samples, _q, _r, _s);

    std::cout<<"raftery walk length to get indepedent samples, 1st coordinate = "<<res(0,2)<<std::endl;
    CHECK(res(0,2) < 6);

TEST_CASE("psrf") {

TEST_CASE("geweke") {

TEST_CASE("raftery") {
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