Revision 9670183fbd0d1c8965f0247898067f575a178fc2 authored by Dirk Roorda on 06 July 2021, 15:18:23 UTC, committed by Dirk Roorda on 06 July 2021, 15:18:23 UTC
1 parent d5251b0
Raw File
import os

from IPython.display import display, Markdown, HTML

from ..parameters import EXPRESS_BASE, GH_BASE, TEMP_DIR
from ..core.helpers import mdEsc, htmlEsc, unexpanduser, QUAD

RESULT = "result"
NB = "\u00a0"
EM = "*empty*"

SEQ_TYPES1 = {tuple, list}
SEQ_TYPES2 = {tuple, list, set, frozenset}

def dm(md):
    """Display markdown in a Jupyter notebook.

    md: string
        Raw markdown string.

        The formatted markdown is rendered in the output cell.


def dh(html):
    """Display HTML in a Jupyter notebook.

    html: string
        Raw html string.

        The formatted HTML is rendered in the output cell.



def getLocalDir(cfg, local, version):
    provenanceSpec = cfg.get("provenanceSpec", {})
    org = provenanceSpec.get("org", None)
    repo = provenanceSpec.get("repo", None)
    relative = provenanceSpec.get("relative", "tf")
    version = provenanceSpec.get("version", None) if version is None else version
    base = hasData(local, org, repo, version, relative)

    if not base:
        base = EXPRESS_BASE

    return os.path.expanduser(f"{base}/{org}/{repo}/{TEMP_DIR}")

def hasData(local, org, repo, version, relative):
    versionRep = f"/{version}" if version else ""
    if local == "clone":
        ghBase = os.path.expanduser(GH_BASE)
        ghTarget = f"{ghBase}/{org}/{repo}/{relative}{versionRep}"
        if os.path.exists(ghTarget):
            return ghBase

    expressBase = os.path.expanduser(EXPRESS_BASE)
    expressTarget = f"{expressBase}/{org}/{repo}/{relative}{versionRep}"
    if os.path.exists(expressTarget):
        return expressBase
    return False

def tupleEnum(tuples, start, end, limit, item):
    if start is None:
        start = 1
    i = -1
    if not hasattr(tuples, "__len__"):
        if end is None or end - start + 1 > limit:
            end = start - 1 + limit
        for tup in tuples:
            i += 1
            if i < start - 1:
            if i >= end:
            yield (i + 1, tup)
        if end is None or end > len(tuples):
            end = len(tuples)
        rest = 0
        if end - (start - 1) > limit:
            rest = end - (start - 1) - limit
            end = start - 1 + limit
        for i in range(start - 1, end):
            yield (i + 1, tuples[i])
        if rest:
                f"<b>{rest} more {item}s skipped</b> because we show a maximum of"
                f" {limit} {item}s at a time"

def parseFeatures(features):
    if (
        type(features) in SEQ_TYPES1
        and len(features) == 2
        and type(features[0]) in SEQ_TYPES2
        and type(features[1]) is dict
        return features

    bare = []
    indirect = {}
    feats = (
        if not features
        else features.split()
        if type(features) is str
        else tuple(features)
    for feat in feats:
        if not feat:
        parts = feat.split(":", 1)
        feat = parts[-1]
        if len(parts) > 1:
            indirect[feat] = parts[0]
    return (bare, indirect)

def transitiveClosure(relation, reflexiveExceptions):
    """Produce the reflexive transitive closure of a relation.

    The transitive closure of a relation R is the relation TR
    such that aTRb if and only if there is a chain of c1, c2, ..., cn
    such that ARc1, c1Rc2, ..., cnRb.

    If we allow the chain to have length zero, we effectively have that
    aTRa for all elements. That is the reflexive, transitive closure.

    This function builds the latter, but we allow for exceptions to the

    relation: dict
        The input relation, keyed by elements, valued by the set of
        elements that stand in relation to the key.
    reflexiveExceptions: set
        The set of elements that will not be reflexively closed.

        The transitive reflexive closure (with possible exceptions to
        the reflexivity) of the given relation.

    We use this function to build the closure of the childType relation
    between node types. We want to exclude the slot type from the
    reflexivity. The closure of the childType relation is the descendant type
    The display algorithm uses this to unravel nodes.

    See also
    tf.advanced.display: Display algorithm

    descendants = {parent: set(children) for (parent, children) in relation.items()}

    changed = True
    while changed:
        changed = False
        for (parent, children) in relation.items():
            for child in children:
                if child in descendants:
                    for grandChild in descendants[child]:
                        if grandChild not in descendants[parent]:
                            changed = True
    for parent in relation:
        if parent not in reflexiveExceptions:
    return descendants

def htmlSafe(text, isHtml):
    return text if isHtml else htmlEsc(text)

def getText(
    app, isPretty, n, nType, outer, first, last, level, passage, descend, options=None
    T = app.api.T
    sectionTypeSet = T.sectionTypeSet
    structureTypeSet = T.structureTypeSet

    aContext = app.context
    templates = aContext.labels if isPretty else aContext.templates

    fmt = None if options is None else options.fmt
    standardFeatures = True if options is None else options.standardFeatures
    isHtml = False if options is None else options.isHtml
    suppress = set() if options is None else options.suppress

    (tpl, feats) = templates[nType]

    tplFilled = (
                '<span class="tfsechead">'
                + (NB if passage else app.sectionStrFromNode(n))
                + "</span>"
            if nType in sectionTypeSet
            else f'<span class="structure">{app.structureStrFromNode(n)}</span>'
            if nType in structureTypeSet
            else htmlSafe(
        if tpl is True
        else (
                **{feat: getValue(app, n, nType, feat, suppress) for feat in feats}
            if standardFeatures
            else ""
    return tplFilled

def getValue(app, n, nType, feat, suppress):
    F = app.api.F
    Fs = app.api.Fs

    customMethods = app.customMethods
    transform = customMethods.transform
    if feat in suppress:
        val = ""
        featObj = Fs(feat) if hasattr(F, feat) else None
        val = htmlEsc(featObj.v(n)) if featObj else None
        modifier = transform.get(nType, {}).get(feat, None)
        if modifier:
            val = modifier(n, val)
    return f'<span title="{feat}">{val}</span>'


def isUniform(app, tuples):
    """Whether the members of tuples are uniform.

    An iterable of tuples of nodes is uniform, if each
    tuple has the same number of nodes,
    and if the type of a node at position *i* in the tuple
    is the same for all tuples.
    api = app.api
    F = api.F
    fOtype = F.otype.v

    uniform = True
    fixedLength = None
    fixedTypes = None

    for tup in tuples:
        thisLength = len(tup)
        theseTypes = tuple(fOtype(n) for n in tup)

        if fixedLength is None:
            fixedLength = thisLength
        if fixedTypes is None:
            fixedTypes = theseTypes

        if thisLength != fixedLength or theseTypes != fixedTypes:
            uniform = False

    return uniform

def getRowsX(app, tuples, features, condenseType, fmt=None):
    """Transform an iterable of nodes into a table with extra information.

    If the tuples are uniform (`isUniform`), the formatting will
    be richer then when the tuples are not uniform.

    return (
        getResultsX(app, tuples, features, condenseType, fmt=fmt)
        if isUniform(app, tuples)
        else getTuplesX(app, tuples, condenseType, fmt=fmt)

def getResultsX(app, results, features, condenseType, fmt=None):
    """Transform a uniform iterable of nodes into a table with extra information.

    results: iterable of tuple of int
        A uniform `isUniform` sequence of tuples of nodes
    features: key value pairs
        features per index position of the tuples.
        It specifies for some positions `i` which features for the nodes at that
        position should be looked up. For each `i` it should be an iterable
        or comma-separated list of feature names.
    condenseType: string
        A node type. Types smaller or equal than this type will have their text
        displayed in the result.
    fmt: string, optional `None`
        A text format. If text has to be displayed, this format is used.
        If not passed, a default is used.

    api = app.api
    F = api.F
    Fs = api.Fs
    T = api.T
    N = api.N
    fOtype = F.otype.v
    otypeRank = N.otypeRank
    sectionTypeSet = T.sectionTypeSet

    aContext = app.context
    noDescendTypes = aContext.noDescendTypes

    sectionDepth = len(sectionTypeSet)
    if len(results) == 0:
        return ()
    firstResult = results[0]
    nTuple = len(firstResult)
    refColumns = [
        i for (i, n) in enumerate(firstResult) if fOtype(n) not in sectionTypeSet
    refColumn = refColumns[0] if refColumns else nTuple - 1
    header = ["R"] + [f"S{i}" for i in range(1, sectionDepth + 1)]
    emptyA = []

    featureDict = {i: tuple(f.split()) if type(f) is str else f for (i, f) in features}

    def withText(nodeType):
        return (
            condenseType is None
            and nodeType not in sectionTypeSet
            or otypeRank[nodeType] <= otypeRank[condenseType]

    noDescendTypes = noDescendTypes

    for j in range(nTuple):
        i = j + 1
        n = firstResult[j]
        nType = fOtype(n)
        header.extend([f"NODE{i}", f"TYPE{i}"])
        if withText(nType):
        header.extend(f"{feature}{i}" for feature in featureDict.get(j, emptyA))
    rows = [tuple(header)]
    for (rm, r) in enumerate(results):
        rn = rm + 1
        row = [rn]
        refN = r[refColumn]
        sparts = T.sectionFromNode(refN)
        nParts = len(sparts)
        section = sparts + ((None,) * (sectionDepth - nParts))
        for j in range(nTuple):
            n = r[j]
            nType = fOtype(n)
            row.extend((n, nType))
            if withText(nType):
                text = T.text(n, fmt=fmt, descend=nType not in noDescendTypes)
            row.extend(Fs(feature).v(n) for feature in featureDict.get(j, emptyA))
    return tuple(rows)

def getTuplesX(app, results, condenseType, fmt=None):
    """Transform a non-uniform iterable of nodes into a table with extra information.

    results: iterable of tuple of int
        A uniform `isUniform` sequence of tuples of nodes
    condenseType: string
        A node type. Types smaller or equal than this type will have their text
        displayed in the result.
    fmt: string, optional `None`
        A text format. If text has to be displayed, this format is used.
        If not passed, a default is used.

    api = app.api
    F = api.F
    T = api.T
    N = api.N
    fOtype = F.otype.v
    otypeRank = N.otypeRank
    sectionTypeSet = T.sectionTypeSet

    aContext = app.context
    noDescendTypes = aContext.noDescendTypes

    sectionDepth = len(sectionTypeSet)
    if len(results) == 0:
        return ()

    def withText(nodeType):
        return (
            condenseType is None
            and nodeType not in sectionTypeSet
            or otypeRank[nodeType] <= otypeRank[condenseType]

    noDescendTypes = noDescendTypes

    rows = []

    for (tm, tup) in enumerate(results):
        tn = tm + 1
        row = [tn]
        for n in tup:
            sparts = T.sectionFromNode(n)
            nParts = len(sparts)
            section = sparts + ((None,) * (sectionDepth - nParts))
            nType = fOtype(n)
            row.extend((n, nType))
            if withText(nType):
                text = T.text(n, fmt=fmt, descend=nType not in noDescendTypes)
    return tuple(rows)

def eScalar(x, level):
    if type(x) is str and "\n" in x:
        indent = QUAD * level
        return (
            + f"\n{indent}".join(x.split("\n"))
            + f"\n{indent}```\n"
    return f"`{mdEsc(str(x))}`" if x else EM

def eEmpty(x):
    return EM if type(x) is str else str(x)

def eList(x, level):
    tpv = type(x)
    indent = QUAD * level
    md = "\n"
    for (i, v) in enumerate(sorted(x, key=lambda y: str(y)) if tpv is set else x):
        item = f"{i + 1}." if level == 0 else "*"
        md += f"{indent}{item:<4}{eData(v, level + 1)}"
    return md

def eDict(x, level):
    indent = QUAD * level
    md = "\n"
    for (k, v) in sorted(x.items(), key=lambda y: str(y)):
        item = "*"
        md += f"{indent}{item:<4}**{eScalar(k, level)}**:" f" {eData(v, level + 1)}"
    return md

def eRest(x, level):
    indent = QUAD * level
    return "\n" + indent + eScalar(x, level) + "\n"

def eData(x, level):
    if not x:
        return eEmpty(x) + "\n"
    tpv = type(x)
    if tpv is str or tpv is float or tpv is int or tpv is bool:
        return eScalar(x, level) + "\n"
    if tpv is list or tpv is tuple or tpv is set:
        return eList(x, level)
    if tpv is dict:
        return eDict(x, level)
    return eRest(x, level)

def showDict(title, data, *keys):
    """Shows selected keys of a dictionary in a pretty way.

    keys: iterable of string
        For each key passed to this function, the information for that key
        will be displayed. If no keys are passed, all keys will be displayed.

    displayed HTML
        An expandable list of the key-value pair for the requested keys.

    keys = set(keys)

    openRep1 = "open" if len(keys) else ""
    openRep2 = "open" if len(keys) == 1 else ""
    md = [f"<details {openRep1}>" f"<summary>{title}</summary>\n\n"]
    for (i, (k, v)) in enumerate(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda y: str(y))):
        if len(keys) and k not in keys:
            f"<details {openRep2}>"
            f"<summary>{i + 1}. {k}</summary>\n\n{eData(v, 0)}\n</details>\n"
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